Spatial Analytics Research
Understanding space, location, and place.
Spatial analytics research at Newcastle spans disciplines and substantive research areas. From geography and regional development to geospatial engineering to planning and archaeology.
What unifies spatial analytics is our focus on data, methods, and models related to space, location, and place.
The sort of questions we tackle are:
- How are accessibility and greenspace connected to mental wellbeing?
- How can we operationalise demographic coverage models for urban sensor networks?
- How can we produce user-friendly interactive tools? Tools that help decision-makers decide where to locate sensors within a city?
- What insights can spatial analytics research provide into historical human-environment interactions, especially where pastoral landscapes?
- How can we use real-time data to understand flooding vulnerability and resilience?
Our aim is to increase Newcastle University’s existing capacity for spatial research. We do this to answer pressing societal challenges such as ageing, spatial and social inequality, and climate change. We achieve this through community building and training. We design activity to increase collaboration, expertise, and visibility.