Dental School Blog
An informal look at the School of Dental Sciences at Newcastle University.
Our Latest Blogs
My role as a NUSU Activities Assistant...
Dental student Aimee Robbins works as an activity assistant supporting home and international students to give activities a go!
My Dental Elective in Ireland...
Dental student Leonie Watson took part in a paediatric dentistry elective in Ireland, she went on to win the British Society of Paediatric Dentistry Elective Prize! Find out more about her experiences...
My Dental Elective in Uganda...
BDS dental student Jess Ivin joined SmileStar on their programme to Uganda for her dental elective, find out more here…
Speakeasy Panel ‘Who can really afford to go to the dentist?’
At the recent British Society of Oral and Dental Research Conference a speakeasy event took place where a panel of experts answered questions from academics and the public on the state of NHS dentistry in the UK.
Indiana-Newcastle Exchange
In June we had the pleasure of hosting a group of dental students from Indiana School of Dentistry, USA. The Indiana students spent a week experiencing life as Newcastle dental students. BDS student Emma McAlister shares her experience of hosting the Indiana students here in Newcastle.
Wellbeing Cafe
Our new Wellbeing Cafe offers a relaxing space for students to enjoy tea, connect with others, and focus on their emotional well-being.
British Society of Oral and Dental Research Conference 2024
Newcastle University School of Dental Sciences hosts the 71st British Society of Oral and Dental Research Conference.
Your exam period and how to manage it...
The exam period can be a daunting and stressful time. We have put together a collection of resources designed to support you through your exam period.
Meet our Equality Diversity and Inclusion Director...
Dr Hawa Fathi talks about her role as EDI Director within the Dental School, the impact of EDI and how to get more involved.
A career in paediatric dentistry...
Considering a career in paediatric dentistry…Professor Paula Waterhouse shares her experiences in the field and insights into her inspiring career.
My Dental Elective in Nepal
What to expect from a dental elective? Hari Patel embarked on a trip to Nepal earlier this year, read about his experiences on elective.
Meet Some of our Student Volunteers!
Giving thanks to some of our student volunteers and the wonderful work they do, for National Volunteers' Week 2022.
Early Career Researchers’ Study Day
British Society for Oral and Dental Research (BSODR) Early Career Researchers’ (ECR) study day
Committees: Why get involved?
The impact being in a comittee can have, both personally and professionally.
A multidisciplinary adventure
Combining research in oral health, computational science and engineering explained through animation
Extractions, emotions and me!
Life as a Clinical Fellow in Newcastle School of Dental Sciences
Pain in the face!
Pain in the face, and especially around the jaw can be a big problem.
Life as an international PhD student
Moving to a new country can be a leap into the unknown. Read Nontawat's account of his move to Newcastle
My first IADR - Greta Cervinskyte
Research conferences can be daunting to the uninitiated