Staff Profile
Dr Charlotte Currie
Lecturer in Oral/Maxillofacial Pathology
- Telephone: +44 (0)191 2088247
- Address: School of Dental Sciences
Framlington Place
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Current Position
Clinical Lecturer and Honorary StR Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
Previous Positions
General Professional Trainee (Newcastle) 2013-2015
Clinical Fellow in Oral Surgery, 2015-2018
NIHR Doctoral Research Fellow, 2018-2022
NIHR ACF Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, 2022-2024
BDS (Hons) 2013
MRes Medical Sciences (Distinction) 2012
MFDS RCS (Edin) 2014
Newcastle Teaching Award 2017
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy 2017
Member of the Faculty of Dental Trainers 2017
PhD, 2023
Postgraduate Certificate in Cancer Studies, 2024
International Association for Dental Research
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
British Society for Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
International Association of Oral Pathologists
Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland
British Dental Association
BDA Prize, 2013
3M ESPE Award for Intercalated Studies, 2011
Kerr Co. Undergraduate Research Award, 2009
INSIGHTS Public Lecture Prize, 2023
Roles and Responsibilities
Health and Science Committee, British Dental Association
Group Programme Chair, Behavioural, Epidemiologic and Health Services Research Group, International Associations for Dental Research
Immediate Past President, Dental Anaesthesiology and Special Care Research Group, International Association for Dental Research
Undergraduate research working group
Undergraduate Personal Tutor
Admissions Panel Member
Orcid ID:
Twitter: @cccurrie88
Research Interests
Care pathways in emergency dental care and acute dental pain
Dental access
Behaviour change
NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship (DRF-2017-10-022)
Engage Faculty of Medical Sciences Tilly Hale Award, 2020
European Society of Endodontology Young Investigators Research Grant, 2015/2016
Previous funding from Septodont
Health and Science Committee, British Dental Association
GPC, International Association for Dental Research Behavioral, Epidemiologic and Health Services Research Group
3M ESPE Award for Intercalated Studies, 2011
Kerr. Co Undergraduate Research Award, 2009
Undergraduate Teaching Responsibilities
Stage 3 Human Diseases Exam
Stage 4 Human Diseases In Course Assessment and Exams
Intercalation Co-Lead
Personal tutor
- Currie CC, Leaning D, McCluggage WG, Spoor E. Human Papillomavirus-Associated Multiphenotypic Carcinoma: First Description of a Vulval Case. International Journal of Gynecological Pathology 2025, 44(1), 37-41.
- Edwards D, Rasaiah S, Ahmed S, Breckons M, Stone SJ, Currie CC, Durham J, Whitworth J. The financial and quality of life impact of urgent dental presentations: A cross-sectional study. International Endodontic Journal 2023, 56(6), 697-709.
- Sin M, Edwards D, Currie C, Corbett I. Prevalence of medical emergency events in primary dental care within the UK. British Dental Journal 2023, 235(9), 721-726.
- Currie CC, Palmer J, Stone SJ, Brocklehurst P, Aggarwal VR, Dorman PJ, Pearce MS, Durham J. Persistent Orofacial Pain Attendances at General Medical Practitioners. Journal of Dental Research 2023, 102(2), 164-169.
- Currie CC, Stone SJ, Brocklehurst P, Thompson W, Durham J, Pearce M. Dental Antibiotics and Referrals in General Medical Practice: Wales 1974-2017. Journal of Dentistry 2023, 130, 104446.
- Currie CC, Stone SJ, Pearce MS, Landes D, Durham J. Urgent Dental Care Use in the North-East and Cumbria: Predicting Repeat Attendance. British Dental Journal 2022, 232, 164-171.
- Currie CC, Stone SJ, Brocklehurst P, Slade G, Durham J, Pearce MS. Dental Attendances to General Medical Practitioners in Wales: a 44 Year Analysis. Journal of Dental Research 2022, 101(4), 407-413.
- Calladine H, Currie C, Penlington C. A survey of patients' concerns about visiting the dentist and how dentists can help. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2022, 49(4), 414-421.
- Currie CC, Araujo-Soares V, Stone SJ, Beyer F, Durham J. Promoting Regular Dental Attendance in Problem-Orientated Dental Attenders: A Systematic Review of Potential Interventions. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2021, 48(10), 1183-1191.
- Holliday R, Allison JR, Currie CC, Edwards DC, Bowes C, Pickering K, Reay S, Durham J, Lumb J, Rostami N, Coulter J, Nile CJ, Jakubovics N. Evaluating contaminated dental aerosol and splatter in an open plan clinic environment: Implications for the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Dentistry 2021, 105, 103565.
- Allison JR, Currie CC, Edwards DC, Bowes C, Coulter J, Pickering K, Kozhevnikova E, Durham J, Nile CJ, Jakubovics N, Rostami N, Holliday R. Evaluating aerosol and splatter following dental procedures: Addressing new challenges for oral health care and rehabilitation. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2021, 48(1), 61-72.
- Llandro H, Allison JR, Currie CC, Edwards DC, Bowes C, Durham J, Jakubovics N, Rostami N, Holliday R. Evaluating aerosol and splatter during orthodontic debonding: implications for the COVID-19 pandemic. British Dental Journal 2021, (ePub ahead of Print).
- Currie CC, Ohrbach R, DeLeeuw R, Forssell H, Imamura Y, Jääskeläinen SK, Koutris M, NasriHeir C, Tan H, Renton T, Svensson P, Durham J. Developing a Research Diagnostic Criteria for Burning Mouth Syndrome: Results from an International Delphi Process. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2021, 48(3), 308-331.
- Carter E, Currie C, Asuni A, Goldsmith R, Toon G, Horridge C, Simpson S, Donnell C, Greenwood M, Walton G, Cole B, Durham J, Holliday R. The first six weeks - setting up a UK urgent dental care centre during the COVID-19 pandemic. British Dental Journal 2020, 228, 842–848.
- Allison JR, Currie C, Trainor J, Corson M, Durham J. Patient satisfaction with a postal service for occlusal splints. Oral Surgery 2019, 12(3), 224-229.
- Parten NJ, Taylor GD, Currie CC, Durham J, Vernazza CR. Medical Emergency Department attendance of under-16-year-olds with dental problems. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2019, 46(5), 433-440.
- Currie CC, Stone SJ, Connolly J, Durham J. Dental Pain in the Medical Emergency Department: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2017, 44(2), 105-111.
- Currie C, Meechan JG, Whitworth JG, Carr A, Corbett IP. Determination of the mental foramen position in dental radiographs in 18-30 year olds. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 2016, 45(1).
- Currie CC, Stone SJ, Durham J. Pain and problems: a prospective cross-sectional study of the impact of dental emergencies. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2015, 42(12), 883-889.
- Currie CC, Meechan JG, Whitworth JM, Corbett IP. Is Mandibular Molar Buccal Infiltration a Mental and Incisive Nerve Block? A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Endodontics 2013, 39(4), 439-443.
Book Chapter
- Currie CC, Walburn J, Hackett K, McCabe R, Sniehotta F, O'Keeffe S, Beerlage-de Jong N, Araujo-Soares V. Intervention Development for Health Behaviour Change: Integrating Evidence and the Perspectives of Users and Stakeholders. In: Geert Crombez, ed. Comprehensive Clinical Psychology. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2022, pp.118-148.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Currie CC, Meechan JG, Whitworth JM, Carr A, Corbett IP. Using Panoramic Radiographs to Aid Mental and Incisive Nerve Blocks. In: IADR/AADR/CADR General Session and Exhibition 2013. 2013, Seattle, WA, USA.
- Currie CC, Meechan JG, Whitworth JM, Corbett IP. Is Mandibular Molar Infiltration a Mental and Incisive Nerve Block?. In: PER/IADR Congress 2012. 2012, Helsinki.
- Currie CC, Ohrbach R, De Leeuw R, Forssell H, Imamura Y, Jaaskelainen S, Koutris M, Nasri-Heir C, Huann T, Renton T, Svensson P, Durham J. Renaming burning mouth syndrome: implications and use for the Research Diagnostic Criteria for burning mouth syndrome. Pain 2021, 163(5), e691-e692.
- Currie CC, Corbett IP. Why take the risk?. British Dental Journal 2019, 226, 541.
- Currie CC, Jääskeläinen SK. Burning Mouth Syndrome: a review. Oral Surgery 2020, 13(4), 379-388.