Staff Profile
Dr Rebecca Wassall
Senior Clinical Lecturer / Honorary Consultant in Special Care Dentistry
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 7862
- Address: Floor 5
School of Dental Sciences
Newcastle University
Framlington Place
Newcastle Upon Tyne
I am a practising Consultant in Special Care Dentistry. Qualified in 2000, I have worked across the NHS in hospital, GP and community NHS dentistry and in 2011, I completed a PhD. In 2016 I was awarded an NIHR post-doctoral fellowship and in 2019 I completed my clinical training in Special Care Dentistry.
Currently, as Senior Clinical Lecturer / Honorary Consultant in Special Care Dentistry, I provide clinical dentistry for adults with complex health and care needs, I teach on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and I undertake research into the organisation and delivery of dental services for older dependent people. My work seeks to celebrate and promote the humanistic aspects of dental care while also embracing the opportunities of technology to improve oral health and wellbeing.
I am the Director for Student Support and Progress in the School of Dental Sciences, leading a team of Personal and Senior Tutors to support students to maximise their clinical and academic potential and gain the most from their time at Newcastle Dental School.
I lead a range of co-design research projects to deliver interventions focussed on improving dental care for older people with complex health and care needs. Driven by my frustrations with proprietary software available in NHS community dentistry I organised NHS Hack Day in Newcastle and then led 'Odonto', an innovation project that co-designed, developed and implemented software as part of the wider Great North Care Record project. Odonto is used daily in an NHS community dentistry to effectively record clinical and financial data and then ensure robust integration of this data with the national software used by NHS Business Service Authority. This work is published under a creative commons licence here on GitHub and Figshare
I can also be found on
- Bachelor of Dental Surgery (Newcastle, 2000)
- Member of Faculty of Dental Surgery (Edinburgh, 2004)
- Postgraduate Diploma in Conscious Sedation (Newcastle, 2004)
- Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (Newcastle, 2008)
- Fellow of Higher Education Academy (2008)
- PhD (Newcastle, 2011)
- Membership in Special Care Dentistry (Edinburgh, 2019)
- Committee member - British Society of British Society of Gerodontology
- British Society of Disability and Oral Health
- Faculty of Dental Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh)
- Higher Education Academy
- International Association of Dental Research
My doctoral research played a pivotal role in a large interdisciplinary project working with local & regional collaborators in which I led a trial to investigate the clinical and cytokine response following periodontal intervention in patients with diabetes.
More recently, driven by my clinical work within community-based NHS dentistry the focus of my research has changed. I am now particularly concerned with addressing the challenges of improving the dental care for older people with complex health and care needs.
I have established and developed research collaboration within the Institute for health and Society and the Institute for Ageing. I am an active member of the Oral Healthcare and Epidemiology group within the School of Dental Sciences.
Research Supervision
Previous supervisor of three MSc, two MRes and two PhD students (all successfully completed).
I am currently supervising one PhD student and one MRes student.
I am keen to hear from prospective doctoral students in my areas of interest.
I have built up a strong teaching background within the School of Dental Sciences where I have been involved both in the clinical and administrative side of teaching. Within the school I am involved in teaching and learning activities for both the Dental Surgery BDS Honours programme and the Oral and Dental Health Sciences BSc Honours programme.
As Director for Student Progress and Support within the Dental School, I provide senior tutor input across both undergraduate courses and the postgraduate taught courses within the school.
More broadly I am involved in dental core training and I also deliver postgraduate courses to dentists and other dental care professionals through the Health Education North East Continued Professional development programme for dentistry.
I believe that excellent clinical teaching skills should be underpinned by sound theoretical knowledge and I have undertaken the Newcastle Certificate in Academic Practice and gained accreditation as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
- Brocklehurst P, Langley J, Wassall R, Daniyal S, Syed SS, Harvey M, Goulden N, Sherriff A, Heilmann A, Hoare Z, Smith C, Watt R, O'Neill C, Kee F, Cairns P, Lievesley N, McKenna G, Tsakos G. A Theoretically Informed Process Evaluation in Parallel to a Feasibility Study of a Complex Oral Health Intervention Using NICE Guidelines in a Care Home Setting. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 2025, 53(2), 152-159.
- BaHammam F, Durham J, Abdulmohsen B, Wassall R, McCracken GI. Implementation issues and barriers for assessing oral health in dependent adults after stroke: A qualitative study. Journal of Dentistry 2024, 143, 104896.
- BaHammam FA, Akhill J, Stewart M, Abdulmohsen B, Durham J, McCracken GI, Wassall R. Establishing an empirical conceptual model of oral health in dependent adults: Systematic Review. Special Care in Dentistry 2024, 44(1), 57-74.
- Geddis-Regan A, Abley C, Exley C, Wassall R. Dentists’ Approaches to Treatment Decision-Making for People with Dementia: A Qualitative Study. JDR Clinical and Translational Research 2024, 9(3), 221-230.
- Langley J, Wassall R, Geddis-Regan A, Watson S, Verey A, McKenna G, Brocklehurst P, Tsakos G. Putting guidelines into practice: Using co-design to develop a complex intervention based on NG48 to enable care staff to provide daily oral care to older people living in care homes. Gerodontology 2023, 40(1), 112-126.
- BaHammam F, Durham J, Abdulmohsen B, Wassall R, McCracken GI. Oral health decline in patients after stroke: A qualitative study. British Dental Journal 2023, 235, 881-885.
- Geddis-Regan A, Wassall RR, Abley C, Exley C. Exploring dental treatment decision-making experiences of people living with dementia and family carers. Gerodontology 2023, 41(1), 83-93.
- BaHammam FA, McCracken GI, Wassall B, Durham J, Abdulmohsen B. Measurement properties, interpretability and feasibility of instruments measuring oral health and orofacial pain in dependent adults: A systematic review. BMC Oral Health 2022, 22, 208.
- Desai R, Khobaragade B, McCracken G, Wassall R, Taylor JJ, Bissett SM, Pumerantz AS, Preshaw PM. Impact of diabetes and periodontal status on life quality. BDJ Open 2021, 7(1), 9.
- Geddis-Regan A, Errington L, Abley C, Wassall R, Exley C, Thomson R. Enhancing shared and surrogate decision making for people living with dementia: A systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions. Health Expectations 2021, 24(1), 19-32.
- Preshaw PM, Taylor JJ, Jaedicke KM, De Jager M, Bikker JW, Selten W, Bissett SM, Whall KM, van de Merwe R, Arebi A, Jitprasertwong P, Al-Shawani R, Weaver J, Taylor R, Wassall RR. Treatment of periodontitis reduces systemic inflammation in type 2 diabetes. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2020, 47(6), 737-746.
- Watson S, McMullan J, Brocklehurst P, Tsakos G, Watt RG, Wassall RR, Sherriff A, Ramsay SE, Karki AJ, Tada S, Lappin C, Donaldson M, McKenna G. Development of a core outcome set for oral health services research involving dependent older adults (DECADE): A study protocol. Trials 2020, 21(1), 599.
- Bowes C, Page G, Wassall R, Lloyd C. The need for further oral health research surrounding the provision of dental treatment for people with drug dependency. British Dental Journal 2019, 227, 58-60.
- Brocklehurst P, Williams L, Hoare Z, Goodwin T, McKenna G, Tsakos G, Chestnutt IG, Pretty I, Wassall R, Jerkovi-Osi K, Hayes M, Watt RG, Burton C. Strategies to prevent oral disease in dependent older people. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2019, 2019(5).
- Brocklehurst PR, Langley J, Baker SR, McKenna G, Smith C, Wassall R. Promoting co-production in the generation and use of research evidence to improve service provision in special care dentistry. British Dental Journal 2019, 227(1), 15-18.
- Geddis-Regan A, Asuni A, Walton G, Wassall R. Care pathways and provision in bariatric dental care: an exploration of patients' and dentists' experiences in the North East of England. British Dental Journal 2019, 227(1), 38-42.
- Geddis-Regan AR, Stewart M, Wassall RR. Orofacial pain assessment and management for patients with dementia: A meta-ethnography. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2018, 46(2), 189-199.
- Pumerantz AS, Bissett SM, Dong F, Ochoa C, Wassall RR, Davila H, Barbee M, Nguyen J, Vila P, Preshaw PM. Standardized screening for periodontitis as an integral part of multidisciplinary management of adults with type 2 diabetes: An observational cross-sectional study of cohorts in the USA and UK. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care 2017, 5(1), e000413.
- Wassall RR, Preshaw PM. Clinical and technical considerations in the analysis of gingival crevicular fluid. Periodontology 2000 2016, 7070(1), 65-79.
- Irani FC, Wassall RR, Preshaw PM. Impact of periodontal status on oral health-related quality of life in patients with and without type 2 diabetes. Journal of Dentistry 2015, 43(5), 506-511.
- Wassall RR, Preshaw PM. Type 2 diabetes mellitus as a risk factor for periodontal disease. Perio 2006, 3(4), 243-252.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Geddis-Regan A, Wassall R. Dentists' experiences of treatment and referral for patients with obesity. In: 24th International Association for Disability and Oral Health Congress. 2018, Dubai: Stephen Hancocks Ltd.
- Wassall RR, Exley C, Stewart M, Carroll C. Person-centred Co-ordinated Care for Older People. How is Dentistry Involved?. In: IADR. 2016, Seoul, Korea.
- Desai R, Taylor J, Wassall RR, McCracken G, Preshaw PM. Inflammatory Mechanisms Linking Type 1 Diabetes and Periodontitis. In: IADR General Session. 2016, Seoul, Korea.
- Lieversley M, Wassall RR. Designing across organisational boundaries - Community Dentistry Services. In: Third European Conference on Design4Health 2015. 2015.
- Wassall RR, Kingston A, Jagger C, Collerton J, Bond J, Kirkwood T, Steele J. Trajectories in Oral Health and Tooth Loss. In: 92 General Session & Exhibition of the IADR Africa/Middle East Regional Meeting. 2014, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Field J, Wassall R. Peer pressure? How styles of verbal interaction affect student satisfaction: a pilot study. In: 3 Rivers Educational Conference. 2013, Newcastle University.
- Jaedicke KM, Wassall RR, Taylor JJ, Preshaw PM. Periodontal disease is associated with increased levels of GCF adiponectin. In: IADR. 2010.
- Jaedicke KM, Wassall RR, Taylor JJ, Preshaw PM. Impact of diabetes on serum leptin concentrations in periodontitis patients. In: IADR. 2010.
- Wassall RR, Preshaw PM. Evaluation of methods for eluting GCF cytokines from Periopaper samples. In: IADR. 2010.
- Preshaw PM, Barskby HE, Fraser H, Taylor JJ, Weaver JJ, Taylor R, Wassall RR. Serum Cytokine Concentrations in Periodontal Patients with Type 1 Diabetes. . 2008.
- Wassall RR, Fraser H, Taylor JJ, Taylor R, Preshaw PM, Weaver JU. Relationship between periodontal diagnosis and parameters of type-1 diabetes management. In: IADR. 2008.
- Fraser H, Preshaw PM, Taylor R, Weaver JU, Wassall RR. Oral Hygiene and Periodontal Health in Type 1 Diabetes Patients. In: IADR 86th General Session. 2008, Toronto: International Association for Dental Research.
- Wassall R. Embracing complexity. British Dental Journal 2019, 227(1).