Dental School Strategy Team
Professor Justin Durham
Director, Health Innovation Neighbourhood. Professor of Orofacial Pain & Hon. Consultant Oral Surgeon.
- Personal Website:
- Address: School of Dental Sciences,
Newcastle University.
Framlington Place.
Oral Surgeon
Qualifications (in reverse chronological order):
- Postgraduate Cert. Pain Management, Edinburgh University.
- Postgraduate Cert. Health Economics, Aberdeen University.
- Diplomate of American Board of Orofacial Pain. USA Board examination for orofacial pain practice.
- Intercollegiate Fellowship in Dental Surgery RCS Edinburgh. FDS (OS) RCS.
- Doctor of Philosophy, Newcastle University - Ideologies and outcomes in Temporomandibular Disorders
- Postgraduate Cert. Academic Practice, Newcastle University with Distinction
- Membership of Faculty of Dental Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) of Edinburgh. MFDS RCS(Ed)
- Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Newcastle University. Distinction Paedodontics
- International Association of Dental Research
- International RDC/TMD Consortium Network
- Association of British Academic Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
- Fellow of Higher Education Academy
- British Pain Society
- European Academy of Orofacial Pain and Dysfunction elected member
Honours and Awards
See research
Roles and Responsibilities
- British Dental Association's Chief Scientific Advisor (2022 onwards)
- NIHR Academy's Associate Dean for Dental Integrated academic training (2017 onwards)
- Deputy Chair of NIHR's Development and skills enhancement fellowship panel (2022 onwards)
- Chair of NIHR Research for Patient Benefit Panel (Yorkshire and North-East, 2017-21)
- Deputy Dean of Clinical Medicine (2017-19)
- Faculty of Medical Sciences' Director of Externally Funded Clinical Fellowships (2015-19)
- Undergraduate clinical teaching lead for Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2014-19)
- Finals examination committee and standard setting for all OMFSci finals questions – 2007 onwards
- Training programme Director for Health Education North-East's Specialist training programme in Oral Surgery (2014-19)
- Member of British Pain Society's working groups on: Undergraduate Health Professional Pain Curriculum (2011-16); Epidemiology and clinical coding of chronic pain (2013 onwards).
- Chair of SAC working group for work based assessments for oral surgery core competency specialist training – 2010-12
- Chair of working party for Undergraduate Education (Association of British Academic Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons) 2007-13
Google scholar: Click here.
SCOPUS: Click here.
Google scholar: Click here.
SCOPUS: Click here.
Research Interests
Temporomandibular Disorders (TMDs)
Persistent (chronic) orofacial pain
Quality of life
Professional and Patients' experiences or perceptions of care
Current Work
I lead the orofacial pain research group at Newcastle. Our work is multifaceted and has been/is funded by most major funders including NIHR, Wellcome and MRC. The group seeks to examine the complexity of pain processing, including underlying mechanism of acute pain, for example instantaneous fast pain when you have a cold drink on a “sensitive tooth”, persistent pain that persists following treatment of the identified cause and the transition from acute to persistent pain.
Pain itself is multidimensional and involves not only perception of intensity, but also more wider reaching effects such as how it makes you feel or act and therefore our research program involves many different disciplines including: clinical dentistry such as oral surgery, endodontology; clinical medicine, clinical nutrition, and clinical psychology; health sciences such as health economics, medical sociology; biomedical sciences such as neurobiology, neuroscience and physiology. We address both translational gaps: at the first translational gap we are looking to identify the factors that may predict transition from acute to persistent pain and how to address these factors in order to help prevent persistent pain; at the second translational gap we are looking to improve care pathways in both acute and persistent pain and develop new evidence-based interventions to prevent and alleviate both types of pain. We actively seek to ensure any wider relevance of our findings is realised through collaborations with groups working in areas outside of the orofacial region.
Current active projects include the following areas: temporomandibular disorders and novel interventions; biological and stem cell models of acute and neuropathic pain; evidence based interventions to improve care and care pathways; factors influencing and or remediating the evolution of persistent pain from acute pain.
Research Roles and Postgraduate Supervision:
Previous supervisor of eight successful MSc theses (4 distinctions, 2 merits, 1 national prize), one succesful MPhil thesis and five successful PhD theses (3 with international prizes)
Esteem Indicators
2022 onwards British Dental Association's Chief Scientific Advisor
International network for orofacial pain and related disorders: President 2019-20; President-Elect 2016-19; Honorary Secretary & Treasurer 2013-16
2016 Awarded King James IV Professorship by Royal College of Surgeons' of Edinburgh
2012-2017 NIHR Clinician Scientist
International Prizes:
2010 - Educational Research Group Faculty Award. IADR, Barcelona, Spain.
Awarded by International Association of Dental Research Educational Research Group
2008 Outstanding Post-doctoral abstract award. IADR, Toronto, Canada.
Awarded by International Association of Dental Research Behavioral, Epidemiology and Health Services Research Group
Local awards:
2009 - Inaugural Vice-Chancellor's award for excellence in teaching and learning
Awarded by Newcastle University
Personal fellowships:
I held a prestigious NIHR Clinician Scientist award from 2012 to 2017 which funded the DEEP study - Developing Effective and Efficient care pathways in persistent orofacial Pain. This longitudinal cohort and cost analysis study has begun to produce data on the direct and indirect costs of the care pathways for persistent orofacial pain establishing their magnitude and using them as a proxy in order to predict treatment need and thereby provided stratified care.
In 2010 to be awarded the prestigious Lasby Fellowship from the University of Minnesota. This was awarded to allow me to perform collaborative research on Atypical Odontalgia (Persistent Dentoalveolar Pain disorder [PDAP]) in order to develop a screening instrument for this difficult to diagnose and rare condition using a well described cohort of patients at the University's orofacial pain clinic.
Invited contributions to books:
- the Oral cavity anatomy chapter of the 40th edition of Gray's anatomy
- the Oral and maxillofacial surgery definitions of Harty's Dental Dictionary
- module on Pain pathways for NHS e-learning for healthcare
- the chapter on Temporomandibular disorders and chronic orofacial pain in Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- the chapter on Preparing the mouth for prostheses in Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- the chapter on Acute manifestations of non-odontogenic pain in The Dental Emergency clinic
- the chapter on Temporomandibular disorders in the BDJ Book on Oral surgery
- the chapter on Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma in the BDJ Book on Oral surgery
- the chapter on Antral Surgery in the BDJ Book on Oral surgery
- the chapter on Self-report assessment in IASP book on Orofacial Pain
- the chapter on Biopsychosocial aspects of orofacial pain in Springer book on Contemporary Oral Medicine
- American Academy of Orofacial Pain's guidelines for assessment, diagnosis and management. Chapter on Neuropathic pain
- USA's National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine's Temporomandibular Disorders: From research discoveries to clinical treatment. Chapter on Individual and Societal Burden of TMDs
Undergraduate Teaching
The areas of the dental undergraduate course that I provide, or have provided, teaching input to, are:
Stage 1
- Head and Neck Anatomy course – previously demonstrating and lecturing
- Introduction to Dentistry course – practical teaching in suturing demonstration
Stage 3
- Course lead for Clinical Introductory Course 2009-2014
- Oral surgery block clinical allocation
- Dentistry, the Dentist and Public Health lecture series
- Stage 3 OSCE examiner
- Stage 3 In-course examiner
- Stage 3 Human diseases examiner
Stage 4
- Stage 4 TMDs and Differential Diagnosis of Orofacial Pain lecture series
- Stage 4 Oral diseases lecture series
- Stage 4 Human diseases OSCE examiner
- Stage 4 Human diseases In-course examiner
- Oral surgery block clinical allocation - Minor oral surgery teaching
Stage 5
- Oral diseases lecture series
- Finals examination lead for Oral and Maxillofacial Sciences
- Pre-finals seminar program in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
I was also previously the clinical teaching lead for the Undergraduate clinical course in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2014-19.
Postgraduate Teaching:
- Examiner for Intercollegiate Fellowship in Oral Surgery (FDS[OS])
- Previous course tutor on Newcastle University’s postgraduate diploma in clinical implant dentistry
- Previous MFDS examiner for RCS (Edin)
- Previous examiner for Intercollegiate Membership in Oral Surgery
- Edwards D, Rasaiah S, Kirkevang L, Vaeth M, Stone S, Durham J, Whitworth J. The use of medicaments in the management of symptomatic irreversible pulpitis: a community-based cohort study. International Endodontic Journal 2024, 57(4), 416-430.
- Penlington C, Durham J, O'Brien N, Green R. Filling in the Gaps. Making sense of living with temporomandibular disorders: a reflexive thematic analysis. Journal of Dental Research Clinical and Transational Research 2024, 9(4), 312-398.
- Chuinsiri N, Siraboriphantakul N, Kendall L, Yarova P, Nile CJ, Song B, Obara I, Durham J, Telezhkin V. Calcium-sensing receptor regulates Kv7 channels via Gi/o protein signalling and modulates excitability of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived nociceptive-like neurons. British Journal of Pharmacology 2024, 181(15), 2676-2696.
- Allison JR, Tiede S, Holliday R, Durham J, Jakubovics NS. Bioaerosols and Airborne Transmission in the Dental Clinic. International Dental Journal 2024, 74(2), S418-S428.
- Edwards D, Rasaiah S, Ahmed S, Breckons M, Stone SJ, Currie CC, Durham J, Whitworth J. The financial and quality of life impact of urgent dental presentations: A cross-sectional study. International Endodontic Journal 2023, 56(6), 697-709.
- Currie CC, Palmer J, Stone SJ, Brocklehurst P, Aggarwal VR, Dorman PJ, Pearce MS, Durham J. Persistent Orofacial Pain Attendances at General Medical Practitioners. Journal of Dental Research 2023, 102(2), 164-169.
- Penlington C, Durham J, Beecroft E. Paradigms matter: Why persistent pain is different and how dentists can help. British Dental Journal 2023, 236, 599-602.
- Allison JR, Offen E, Cowley T, Clare D, Bergman S, Ginsburg Feldman J, Schmidt LM, Kalinowski T, Türp JC, Manfredini D, Nixdorf DR, DePalma AMC, Durham J, International Network for Orofacial Pain and Related Disorders Methodology (INfORM). How dental teams can help patients with temporomandibular disorders receive general dental care: an international Delphi process. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2023, 50(6), 482-487.
- Ekberg E, Nilsson I-M, Michelotti A, Al-Khotani A, Alstergren P, RodriguesConti PC, Durham J, Goulet J-P, Hirsch C, Kalaykova S, Kapos FP, King CD, Komiyama O, Koutris M, List T, Lobbezoo F, Ohrbach R, Palermo TM, Peck CC, Penlington C, Restrepo C, Rodrigues MJ, Sharma S, Svensson P, Visscher CM, Wahlund K, Rongo R. Diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders—INfORM recommendations: Comprehensive and short-form adaptations for adolescents. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2023, 50(11), 1167-1180.
- Nilsson IM, Ekberg E, Michelotti A, Al-Khotani A, Alstergren P, Conti PCR, Durham J, Goulet JP, Hirsch C, Kalaykova S, Kapos FP, King CD, Komiyama O, Koutris M, List T, Lobbezoo F, Ohrback R, Palermo TM, Peck CC, Penlington C, Restrepo C, Rodrigues MJ, Sharma S, Svensson P, Visscher C, Wahlund K, Rongo R. Diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders - INFORM recommendations: Comprehensive and short-form adaptations for children. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2023, 50(2), 99-112.
- Currie CC, Stone SJ, Brocklehurst P, Thompson W, Durham J, Pearce M. Dental Antibiotics and Referrals in General Medical Practice: Wales 1974-2017. Journal of Dentistry 2023, 130, 104446.
- Durham J, Breckons M, Vale L, Shen J. DEEP Study: Modeling Outcomes and Costs of Persistent Orofacial Pain. Journal of Dental Research Clinical and translational research (JDR-CTR) 2023, 8(1), 16-26.
- Allison JR, Dowson C, Jakubovics NS, Nile C, Durham J, Holliday R. Waterline Disinfectants Reduce Dental Bioaerosols: A Multitracer Validation. Journal of Dental Research 2022, 101(10), 1198-1204.
- Currie CC, Stone SJ, Pearce MS, Landes D, Durham J. Urgent Dental Care Use in the North-East and Cumbria: Predicting Repeat Attendance. British Dental Journal 2022, 232, 164-171.
- Penlington C, Bowes C, Taylor G, Otemade AA, Waterhouse P, Durham J, Ohrbach R. Psychological therapies for temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2022, (8), CD013515.
- Allison JR, Dowson C, Pickering K, Cervinskyte G, Durham J, Jakubovics N, Holliday R. Local Exhaust Ventilation to Control Dental Aerosols and Droplets. Journal of Dental Research 2022, 101(4), 384-391.
- Rongo R, Ekberg E, Nilsson I-M, Al-Khotani A, Alstergren P, Rodrigues Conti PC, Durham J, Goulet J-P, Hirsch C, Kalaykova SI, Kapos FP, King CD, Komiyama O, Koutris M, List T, Lobbezoo F, Ohrbach R, Palermo TM, Peck CC, Penlington C, Restrepo C, Rodrigues MJ, Sharma S, Svensson P, Visscher CM, Wahlund K, Michelotti A. Diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders in children and adolescents: An international Delphi study-Part 2-Development of Axis II. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2022, 49(5), 541-552.
- Currie CC, Stone SJ, Brocklehurst P, Slade G, Durham J, Pearce MS. Dental Attendances to General Medical Practitioners in Wales: a 44 Year Analysis. Journal of Dental Research 2022, 101(4), 407-413.
- Allison JR, Edwards DC, Bowes C, Pickering K, Dowson C, Stone SJ, Lumb J, Durham J, Jakubovics N, Holliday R. The effect of high-speed dental handpiece coolant delivery and design on aerosol and droplet production. Journal of Dentistry 2021, 112, 103746.
- Edwards D, Bowes C, Penlington C, Durham J. Temporomandibular Disorders and Dietary Changes: A Cross-sectional Survey. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2021, 48(8), 873-879.
- Currie CC, Araujo-Soares V, Stone SJ, Beyer F, Durham J. Promoting Regular Dental Attendance in Problem-Orientated Dental Attenders: A Systematic Review of Potential Interventions. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2021, 48(10), 1183-1191.
- Holliday R, Allison JR, Currie CC, Edwards DC, Bowes C, Pickering K, Reay S, Durham J, Lumb J, Rostami N, Coulter J, Nile CJ, Jakubovics N. Evaluating contaminated dental aerosol and splatter in an open plan clinic environment: Implications for the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Dentistry 2021, 105, 103565.
- Allison JR, Currie CC, Edwards DC, Bowes C, Coulter J, Pickering K, Kozhevnikova E, Durham J, Nile CJ, Jakubovics N, Rostami N, Holliday R. Evaluating aerosol and splatter following dental procedures: Addressing new challenges for oral health care and rehabilitation. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2021, 48(1), 61-72.
- Llandro H, Allison JR, Currie CC, Edwards DC, Bowes C, Durham J, Jakubovics N, Rostami N, Holliday R. Evaluating aerosol and splatter during orthodontic debonding: implications for the COVID-19 pandemic. British Dental Journal 2021, (ePub ahead of Print).
- Rongo R, Ekberg E, Nilsson I, Al-Khotani A, Alstergren P, Conti P, Durham J, Goulet J, Hirsch C, Kalaykova S, Kapos F, Komiyama O, Koutris M, List T, Lobbezoo F, Ohrbach R, Peck C, Restrepo C, Rodrigues M, Sharma S, Michelotti A. Diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders (DC/TMD) for children and adolescents: An international Delphi study-Part 1-Development of Axis I. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2021, 48(7), 836-845.
- Currie CC, Ohrbach R, DeLeeuw R, Forssell H, Imamura Y, Jääskeläinen SK, Koutris M, NasriHeir C, Tan H, Renton T, Svensson P, Durham J. Developing a Research Diagnostic Criteria for Burning Mouth Syndrome: Results from an International Delphi Process. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2021, 48(3), 308-331.
- Allison JR, Penlington C, Durham J. DEEP Study: Utility of the multidimensional pain inventory in persistent orofacial pain. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2021, 48(11), 1210-1218.
- Carter E, Currie C, Asuni A, Goldsmith R, Toon G, Horridge C, Simpson S, Donnell C, Greenwood M, Walton G, Cole B, Durham J, Holliday R. The first six weeks - setting up a UK urgent dental care centre during the COVID-19 pandemic. British Dental Journal 2020, 228, 842–848.
- Riley P, Glenny AM, Worthington H, Jacobsen E, Robertson C, Durham J, Davies S, Peterson H, Boyers D. Oral splints for patients with temporomandibular disorders or bruxism: a systematic review and economic evaluation. Health Technology Assessment 2020, 24(7).
- Häggman-Henrikson B, Liv P, Ilgunas A, Visscher CM, Lobbezoo F, Durham J, Lövgren A. Increasing gender differences in the prevalence and chronification of orofacial pain in the population. Pain 2020, 161(8), 1768-1775.
- Penlington C, Araujo-Soares V, Durham J. Predicting Persistent Orofacial Pain: The Role of Illness Perceptions, Anxiety, and Depression. JDR Clinical & Translational Research 2019, 5(1), 40-49.
- Parten NJ, Taylor GD, Currie CC, Durham J, Vernazza CR. Medical Emergency Department attendance of under-16-year-olds with dental problems. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2019, 46(5), 433-440.
- Durham J, Stone SJ, Robinson LJ, Ohrbach R, Nixdorf DR. Development and preliminary evaluation of a new screening instrument for atypical odontalgia and persistent dentoalveolar pain disorder. International Endodontic Journal 2019, 52(3), 279-287.
- Al-Baghdadi M, Green R, Durham J, Steele J, Araujo-Soares V. Decision-making in the management of TMJ disc displacement without reduction: A qualitative study. Journal of Dentistry 2019, 91, 103223.
- Vuong QC, Allison JR, Finkelmeyer A, Newton J, Durham J. Brain Responses in CFS and TMD to Autonomic Challenges: An Exploratory fMRI Study. JDR Clinical & Translational Research 2019, 5(3), 224-232.
- Breckons M, Shen J, Vale L, Durham J. DEEP Study: Indirect and out-of-pocket costs of Persistent Orofacial Pain. Journal of Dental Research 2018, 97(11), 1200-1206.
- Alonso BF, Nixdorf DR, Shueb SS, John MT, Law AS, Durham J. Examining the Sensitivity and Specificity of two screening instruments: odontogenic or temporomandibular disorder pain?. Journal of Endodontics 2017, 43(1), 36-45.
- Al-Musawi M, Durham J, Whitworth JM, Stone SJ, Nixdorf DR, Valentine RA. Effect of topical neuromodulatory medications on oral and skin keratinocytes. Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine 2017, 46(2), 134-141.
- Currie CC, Stone SJ, Connolly J, Durham J. Dental Pain in the Medical Emergency Department: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2017, 44(2), 105-111.
- Breckons M, Bissett S, Exley C, Araujo-Soares V, Durham J. Care Pathways in Persistent Orofacial Pain: Qualitative Evidence from the DEEP Study. Journal of Dental Research Clinical and Translational Research 2017, 2(1), 48-57.
- Durham J, Al-Baghdadi M, Baad-Hansen L, Breckons M, Goulet JP, Lobbezoo F, List T, Michelotti A, Nixdorf DR, Peck CC, Raphael K, Schiffman E, Steele JG, Story W, Ohrbach R. Self-management programmes in TMD: results from an international Delphi process. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2016, 43(12), 929-936.
- Yule PL, Durham J, Wassell RW. Pain Part 6: Temporomandibular disorders. Dental Update 2016, 43(1), 39-48.
- Herrero-Babiloni A, Nixdorf DR, Law AS, Moana-Filho EJ, Shueb SS, Nguyen RH, Durham J. Initial Accuracy Assessment of the Modified S-LANSS for the Detection of Neuropathic Orofacial Pain Conditions. Quintessence International 2016, 48(5), 419-429.
- Durham J, Shen J, Breckons M, Steele JG, Araujo-Soares V, Exley C, Vale L. Healthcare Cost and Impact of Persistent Orofacial Pain: The DEEP Study Cohort. Journal of Dental Research 2016, 95(10), 1147-1154.
- Robinson LJ, Durham J, Newton JL. A systematic review of the comorbidity between Temporomandibular Disorders and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2016, 43(4), 306-316.
- Macluskey M, Shepherd S, Carter E, Bulsara Y, Durham JA, Bell A, Dargue A, Emanuel C, Freeman C, Jones J, Khawaja N, Leeson R, Marley J, Andiappan M, Millsopp L, Nayyer N, Renton T, Taylor K, Thomson P, Toedtling V. A national follow-up survey of UK graduates opinion of undergraduate oral surgery teaching. European Journal of Dental Education 2016, 20(3), 174-179.
- Shueb SS, Nixdorf DR, John MT, Alonso BF, Durham J. What is the impact of acute and chronic orofacial pain on quality of life?. Journal of Dentistry 2015, 43(10), 1203-1210.
- Parsons CF, Breckons M, Durham J. Twitter: a viable medium for daily pain diaries in chronic orofacial pain?. British Dental Journal 2015, 219(2), 75-78.
- Durham J. Summary of Royal College of Surgeons' (England) clinical guidelines on management of temporomandibular disorders in primary care. British Dental Journal 2015, 218(6), 355-356.
- Reissmann DR, Poulopoulos G, Durham J. Patient perceived burden of implant placement compared to surgical tooth removal and apicectomy. Journal of Dentistry 2015, 43(12), 1456-1461.
- Durham J, McDonald C, Hutchinson L, Newton JL. Painful Temporomandibular Disorders Are Common in Patients with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome and Impact Significantly upon Quality of Life. Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache 2015, 29(2), 152-157.
- Currie CC, Stone SJ, Durham J. Pain and problems: a prospective cross-sectional study of the impact of dental emergencies. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2015, 42(12), 883-889.
- Yule PL, Durham J, Playford H, Moufti MA, Steele J, Steen N, Wassell RW, Ohrbach R. OHIP-TMDs: a patient-reported outcome measure for temporomandibular disorders. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 2015, 43(5), 461-470.
- Alhamdani F, Durham J, Greenwood M, Corbett I. Diplopia and ocular motility in orbital blow-out fractures: 10-year retrospective study. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 2015, 43(7), 1010-1016.
- Durham J, Steele JG, Breckons M, Story W, Vale L. DEEP Study: does EQ-5D-5L measure the impacts of persistent oro-facial pain?. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2015, 42(9), 643-650.
- Robinson LJ, Durham J, MacLachlan L, Newton JL. Autonomic Function in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome With and Without Painful Temporomandibular Disorder. Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behaviour 2015, 3(4), 205-219.
- Al-Bagdadi MKS, Durham J, Araujo-Soares V, Robalino S, Errington L, Steele J. TMJ disc displacement without reduction management: a systematic review. Journal of Dental Research 2014, 93(7), 37S-51S.
- Manfredini D, Al-Baghdadi M, Durham J, Araujo-Soares V, Robalino S, Errington L, Steele J. No significant differences between conservative interventions and surgical interventions for TMJ disc displacement without reduction. Evidence-Based Dentistry 2014, 153(3), 90-91.
- Edwards JP, Peterson EJ, Durham J, Nixdorf DR. Methotrexate pharmacotherapy for implant-related temporomandibular joint pain: a case report. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology 2014, 118(2), e44-e47.
- Durham J, Nixdorf DR. Healthcare pathway and biopsychosocial impact of persistent dentoalveolar pain disorder: a qualitative study. International Endodontic Journal 2014, 47(12), 1151-1159.
- Desai R, Durham J, Wassell RW, Preshaw PM. Does the mode of administration of the Oral Health Impact Profile-49 affect the outcome score?. Journal of Dentistry 2014, 42(1), 84-89.
- Durham J, Breckons M, Araujo-Soares V, Exley C, Steele J, Vale L. Developing Effective and Efficient care pathways in chronic Pain: DEEP study protocol. BMC Oral Health 2014, 14, 6.
- Stanford ND, Ip TB, Durham J. Adult orthodontic patients' views regarding dentofacial normality: A qualitative study. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 2014, 145(3), 287-295.
- Beecroft EV, Durham J, Thomson P. Summary of: Retrospective examination of the healthcare ‘journey’ of chronic orofacial pain patients referred to oral and maxillofacial surgery. British Dental Journal 2013, 214(5), 236-237.
- Beecroft EV, Durham J, Thomson P. Retrospective examination of the healthcare 'journey' of chronic orofacial pain patients referred to oral and maxillofacial surgery. British Dental Journal 2013, 214(5), E12.
- Durham J, Exley CE, John MT, Nixdorf DR. Persistent Dentoalveolar Pain: The Patient’s Experience. Journal of Orofacial Pain 2013, 27(1), 6-13.
- Durham J. Oral surgery: part 3. Temporomandibular disorders. British Dental Journal 2013, 215(7), 331-337.
- Durham J, Fraser HM, McCracken GI, Stone KM, John MT, Preshaw PM. Impact of periodontitis on oral health-related quality of life. Journal of Dentistry 2013, 41(4), 370-376.
- Greenwood M, Beattie A, Green R, Durham J. Aspects of training in clinical medical sciences in dentistry (human disease): recent graduates’ perspectives from a UK dental school. European Journal of Dental Education 2013, 17(2), 114-121.
- Edwards JP, Durham J, Moore U, Goodson M, Thomson P. In-patient operating exposure for dental undergraduates: a valuable experience?. British Dental Journal 2012, 212(3), 135-139.
- Beattie A, Durham J, Harvey J, Steele J, McHanwell S. Does empathy change in first year dental students? European Journal of Dental Education. European Journal of Dental Education 2012, 16(1), E111- E116.
- Beattie A, Durham J, Harvey J, Steele J, McHanwell S. Does empathy change in first year dental students?. European Journal of Dental Education 2012, 16(1), e111-e116.
- Macluskey M, Durham J, Bell A, Cowpe J, Crean S, Dargue A, Dawson L, Freeman C, Jones J, McDouagh A, McHanwell S, Marley J, Myrddin L, Millsopp L, Oliver R, Renton T, Taylor K, Thomson P. A national survey of UK final year students' opinion of undergraduate oral surgery teaching. European Journal of Dental Education 2012, 16(1), E205-E212.
- Sierwald I, John MT, Durham J, Mirzakhanian C, Reissmann DR. Validation of the response format of the Oral Health Impact Profile. European Journal of Oral Sciences 2011, 119(6), 489-496.
- Durham J, Steele J, Moufti MA, Wassell R, Robinson P, Exley C. Temporomandibular disorder patients' journey through care. Community Dentistry Oral Epidemiology 2011, 39(6), 532-541.
- Moore U, Durham J. Invited commentary: issues with assessing competence in undergraduate dental education. European Journal of Dental Education 2011, 15(1), 53-57.
- Vernazza C, Durham J, Ellis J, Teasdale D, Cotterill S, Scott L, Thomason M, Drummond P, Moss J. Introduction of an e-portfolio in clinical dentistry: Staff and student views. European Journal of Dental Education 2011, 15(1), 36-41.
- Macluskey M, Durham J, Balmer C, Bell A, Cowpe J, Dawson L, Freeman C, Hanson C, McDonagh A, Jones J, Millsopp L, Oliver R. Dental student suturing skills: a multicentre trial of a checklist-based assessment. European Journal of Dental Education 2011, 15(4), 244-249.
- Durham J, Steele JG, Wassell RW, Exley C, Meechan JG, Allen PF, Moufti AM. Creating a patient based condition-specific outcome measure for Temporomandibular Disorders (TMDs): Oral Health Impact Profile for TMDs (OHIP-TMDs). Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2011, 38(12), 871-883.
- Stancliffe H, Little R, Keith D, Durham J. An evaluation of senior house officer training in oral and maxillofacial surgery. British Dental Journal 2011, 211(2), 75-80.
- O'Dowd LK, Durham J, McCracken GI, Preshaw PM. Patients' experiences of the impact of periodontal disease. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2010, 37(4), 334-339.
- Durham J, Ohrbach R. Oral rehabilitation, disability and dentistry. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2010, 37(6), 490-494.
- Durham J, Steele JG, Wassell RW, Exley C. Living with Uncertainty: Temporomandibular Disorders. Journal of Dental Research 2010, 89(8), 827-830.
- Durham J, Balmer C, Bell A, Cowan G, Cowpe J, Crean StJ, Dawson L, Evans A, Freeman C, Jones J, Macluskey M, McDonagh A, McHanwell S, Millsopp L, Myrddin L, Oliver R, Renton T, Sivarajasingam V, Still D, Taylor K, Thomson PJ. A generic consensus assessment of undergraduate competence in forceps exodontia in the United Kingdom. European Journal of Dental Education 2010, 14(4), 210-214.
- Moore UJ, Durham JA, Corbett IP, Thomson PJ. The influence of staffing and timetabing on achieving competence in surgical extractions. European Journal of Dental Education 2009, 13, 15-19.
- Macluskey M, Durham JA. Oral Surgery Undergraduate Teaching and Experience in the United Kingdom: A National Survey. European Journal of Dental Education 2009, 13(1), 52-57.
- Durham JA, Brettell S, Summerside C, McHanwell S. Evaluation of a virtual anatomy course for clinical undergraduates. European Journal of Dental Education 2009, 13(2), 100-109.
- Hasanain F, Durham J, Moufti A, Steen IN, Wassell RW. Adapting the diagnostic definitions of the RDC/TMD to routine clinical practice: A feasibility study. Journal of Dentistry 2009, 37(12), 955-962.
- Macluskey M, Durham J, Cowan G, Cowpe J, Evans A, Freeman C, Jephcott A, Jones J, Millsop L, Oliver R, Renton T, Ryan D, Sivarajasingham V, Still D, Taylor K, Thomson PJ. UK national curriculum for undergraduate oral surgery subgroup for teaching of the Association of British Academic Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. European Journal of Dental Education 2008, 12(1), 48-58.
- Anziani H, Durham JA, Moore UJ. The relationship between formative and summative assessment of undergraduates in oral surgery. European Journal of Dental Education 2008, 12(4), 233-238.
- Durham JA, Exley C, Wassell R, Steele JG. 'Management is a black art' - professional ideologies with respect to temporomandibular disorders. British Dental Journal 2007, 202(11), -.
- Sharpe G, Durham JA, Preshaw PM. Attitudes regarding specialist referrals in periodontics. British Dental Journal 2007, 202(4), E11-.
- Durham JA, Moore UJ, Corbett IP, Thomson PJ. Assessing competency in dentoalveolar surgery: a 3 year study of cumulative experience in the undergraduate curriculum. European Journal of Dental Education 2007, 11(4), 200-207.
- Durham JA, Paterson AW, Pierse D, Adams JR, Clark M, Hierons R, Edwards K. Postoperative radiographs after open reduction and internal fixation of the mandible: Are they useful?. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2006, 44(4), 279-282.
- Keith DJ, Durham J. Senior house officer training in oral and maxillofacial surgery: a national survey. British Dental Journal 2003, 195(1s), 23-28.
Book Chapter
- Durham J, Nohl F. Preparation of the mouth for prostheses. In: Moore, U.J, ed. Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, pp.175-200.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Lilo A, Moynihan P, Durham J, Stone S, Green R. Temporomandibular Disorders, Diet And Nutrition: A Mixed-Methods Exploration. In: 2018 IADR/PER General Session. 2018, London: IADR.
- Al-Musawi M, Sayeed Z, Colley H, Murdoch C, Whitworth J, Stone S, Nixdorf D, Durham J, Valentine R. In Vitro Effects of Topical Neuromodulatory Medication on Orofacial Tissue. In: IADR/PER General Session. 2018, London, England: IADR.
- Nixdorf DR, Stone SJ, Robinson L, Durham J. Initial assessment of the persistent dentoalveolar pain disorder screening instrument. In: IADR/APR 94th General Session & Exhibition 2016. 2016, Seoul, South Korea.
- Al-baghdadi M, Durham J, Green R, Steele J, Araujo-soares V. Understanding Clinicians’ Decisions in Managing Disc Displacement Without Reduction. In: 2015 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session. 2015, Boston, Massachusetts: International Association for Dental Research.
- Al-Musawi MJ, Durham J, Whitworth JM, Stone SJ, Valentine RA. In Vitro Effects of Topical Neuromodulatory Medication on Orofacial Tissue. In: IADR/AADR/CADR 93rd General Session and Exhibition 2015. 2015, Boston, MA, USA.
- Peters S, Aggarwal V, Goldthorpe J, McElroy C, Elizabeth K, Durham J, Tickle M. Managing chronic oro-facial pain: A qualitative study of the experiences of patients, doctors and dentists. In: International Journal of Behavioral Medicine: 11th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine. 2010, Washington, DC, USA: Springer.
- Polzer I, Durham J, Exley C, Mundt T, Biffar R, Jepson N. The Exercise of Choice in Prosthodontic Care. In: Pan European Federation of the International Association for Dental Research. 2008, London, UK: Journal of Dental Research: Sage.
- Steele JG, Moufti MA, Wassell RW, Durham JA, Meechan JG. Does TMD affect quality of life in unexpected ways?. In: Journal of Dental Research (Special Issue C): Pan European Federation. 2006, London, UK: Sage Publications, Inc.
- McHanwell S, Durham JA, Brettell S. A quantitative evaluation of a virtual learning package in anatomy for final year dental students. In: Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 2006, Cardiff: Journal of Anatomy.
- Durham J, McHanwell S, Brettell S. “I Don’t Like Computers” – Evaluation of Virtual Learning in Anatomy. In: British Society for Dental Research (BSDR) Annual Scientific Meeting. 2005, Dundee, Scotland: International Association for Dental Research.
Edited Book
- Moore U, ed. Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
- Durham J, Touger-Decker R, Nixdorf DR, Rigassio-Radler D, Moynihan P. Oro-facial pain and nutrition: a forgotten relationship?. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2015, 42(1), 75-80.
- Currie CC, Ohrbach R, De Leeuw R, Forssell H, Imamura Y, Jaaskelainen S, Koutris M, Nasri-Heir C, Huann T, Renton T, Svensson P, Durham J. Renaming burning mouth syndrome: implications and use for the Research Diagnostic Criteria for burning mouth syndrome. Pain 2021, 163(5), e691-e692.
- Patel N, Docherty C, Allison JR, Walton G, Cole B, Durham J, Jakubovics N, Holliday R. Ventilation is key, open a window. OSF Preprints 2020.
- Chuinsiri N, Edwards D, Telezhkin V, Nile CJ, Van der Cruyssen F, Durham J. Exploring the roles of neuropeptides in trigeminal neuropathic pain: A systematic review and narrative synthesis of animal studies. Archives of Oral Biology 2021, 130, 105247.
- Clark MV, Donnell CC, Durham JA, Balasubramaniam R. Pharmacological management of orofacial pain – a clinician’s guide. Oral Surgery 2020, 13(4), 422-449.
- Story WP, Durham J, Al-Baghdadi M, Steele J, Araujo-Soares V. Self-management in temporomandibular disorders: a systematic review of behavioural components. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2016, 43(10), 759-770.
- Durham J, Newton-John TRO, Zakrzewska JM. Temporomandibular disorders. BMJ 2015, 350(7999), h1154.
- Ceusters W, Michelotti A, Raphael KG, Durham J, Ohrbach R. Perspectives on next steps in classification of oro-facial pain - part 1: role of ontology. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2015, 42(12), 926-941.
- Al-Baghdadi M, Durham J, Steele J. Timing interventions in relation to temporomandibular joint closed lock duration: a systematic review of 'locking duration'. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2014, 41(1), 24-58.
- Renton T, Durham J, Aggarwal VR. The classification and differential diagnosis of orofacial pain. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics 2012, 12(5), 569-576.