Dual Panels with Breakout
This group of components features various 'panels' in a dual column layout. The panels are light grey with dark text, and have space for an optional foreground image that 'breaks out' of the box.
Dual column content combining a panel with a breakout image, heading and text, combined with another content option such as a second breakout image panel, a quote, image or video.
Images must be PNG files with transparent backgrounds.
Content types: [ZEP] Dual Panel Breakout (panel/panel), [ZEP] Dual Panel Breakout (panel/quote), [ZEP] Dual Panel Breakout (panel/image), [ZEP] Dual Panel Breakout (panel/video).
Header 1
Phasellus in ullamcorper ex. Nam vitae pretium diam. Fusce porttitor risus quis tempus facilisis. Pellentesque ultricies libero nec lorem finibus, a vulputate ipsum vehicula. Vestibulum lacinia vitae quam ut maximus.
Header 2
Phasellus in ullamcorper ex. Nam vitae pretium diam. Fusce porttitor risus quis tempus facilisis. Pellentesque ultricies libero nec lorem finibus, a vulputate ipsum vehicula. Vestibulum lacinia vitae quam ut maximus.
Header 1
Phasellus in ullamcorper ex. Nam vitae pretium diam. Fusce porttitor risus quis tempus facilisis. Pellentesque ultricies libero nec lorem finibus, a vulputate ipsum vehicula. Vestibulum lacinia vitae quam ut maximus.
Fair laughs the morn, and soft the zephyr blows, While proudly riding o'er the azure realm in gallant trim the gilded vessel goes.