Digital Design



You can add tables to a page using the Content Blocks content type '01. General Purpose Content'.

Tables should only be used to present data, not for formatting text. All tables are full width on desktop. The mobile behaviour differs depending on the style of table.

If you want to add a title to your table use a heading.

Tables can include a header row which highlights the content in the top row. You don't also need to make the text bold.

Simple table

Select the class table-simple for tables with a maximum of three columns. The text in each cell wraps on mobile so that the full table fits on the screen.

  Sector RankingRussell Group Ranking
Measure of Quality  26 20
Measure of Power  16 16

Pivot table

Select the class table-pivot for multi-column tables. The header row pivots to become the fixed left hand column on mobile. Users can scroll left and right to see the full table.  Try resizing your browser to see how this works.

For pivot tables the header row has a limit of 20 characters per column.

QS World Ranking 127 126 129 127  -
Leiden Ranking 167 172 133 121 104
THE / Thomson Reuters 146 180 198 202  -
THE International Outlook 48 52 52 61  -
University Ranking by Academic Performance 149 155 161 159  -

Complex table

Select the class table-complex for more complex data and merged cells. Text in the cells wraps on mobile and users can scroll left and right to see the full table.

Try resizing your browser to see how this works.

Unit of AssessmentQuality level (% of research activity)
Clinical Medicine UoA1 38 46 14 2 0
Public Health, Health Services & Primary Care UoA2 25 49 24 2 0
Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing & Pharmacy UoA3  41 49 10 0 0
Psychology, Psychiatry & Neuroscience UoA4 51 36 12 1 0
Biological Sciences UoA5 50 42 33 1 0
Agriculture, Food & Veterinary Science UoA6 19 47 33 1 0