Digital Design



This is a teaser. On desktop it overlays the image. On mobile it sits above the image.

Image cropped for use as a masthead

Mastheads are visual elements used to introduce a section. They can be added using the Headers and Mastheads content type '02. Masthead and Intro'. They include the page title, an image and a teaser.

The title overrides the default page title. It should be less than 20 characters and fit on two lines on desktop.

The teaser summarises the topic of the page (it's just like an introduction). Keep it under 100 characters.

Don't add an introduction or tabs on a masthead page.

Image requirements

Mastheads require a large, high quality image. The required image size is 1790x700. Because the title and teaser overlays the image, make sure the focus of the picture is on the right. Further information on masthead images can be found in our guide to cropping images.

If you can't source new imagery for your site immediately, you can use existing banner images under the page title and introduction to create a similar effect. Here's an example of a page with a banner image used instead of a masthead.