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Current Research Students

Seize every opportunity to learn, grow and shape your future career.

Make the most of your doctorate

As a research student at Newcastle, you’re part of something special. Collectively, our researchers are pushing the boundaries of knowledge into new realms. It’s your passion, curiosity and hard work that makes this possible.

The Doctoral College exists to support you, and help you feel connected to your research community. Our aim is for you to have the best possible experience and reach your full potential.

Discover how we can:

  • support your academic success
  • help you gain the skills and confidence to increase your impact
  • enhance your career prospects
  • enable your personal growth
  • connect you to a network of research students, academics and potential employers

Find out more by browsing the pages below.

New policy and options for postgraduate students who teach

We are committed to providing opportunities to acquire transferable skills that will enhance your preparation for a variety of careers. For some of you, experience of teaching is one of those valuable skills.

We are also committed to giving all of our students the best possible educational experience and outcomes, and we recognise the important contribution that postgraduates who teach play in providing that experience and as members of the university community.

With all this in mind - and in light of recent debate in the sector about employment of postgraduate students, as well as recent Newcastle survey and audit results highlighting inconsistencies in practice - in April 2022 we committed to undertaking a review of the existing policy for ‘Students Who Teach’.  

The revised policy, which was approved by Senate on 1st March 2023, seeks greater clarity and consistency for postgraduate students, supervisors, Academic Units, and students in receipt of teaching. It lays out the mutual responsibilities of Academic Units and postgraduate teachers. It also defines the contractual options available for employment/remuneration for those of you who wish to apply to undertake teaching.

Doctoral College Research Enhancement Funds

The Doctoral College Enhancement Funds support a range of research-orientated activities, the funding is there to provide opportunities for Doctoral and MPhil students to enhance their experience, develop their academic profile by presenting at key conferences in their field, enhance their networking skills and to develop their career prospects.   

This funding is not intended to replicate school-level funding or be used to support your research project.

There are Doctoral College Funds to support activity in the following areas:

  • Travel and Conference Fund
  • Additional Training Fund
  • Internship Bursary
  • Knowledge Exchange Bursary
  • Career Development Post Submission Bursary

You may also be interested in applying for an ESRC Impact Transition Award bursary which is a new opportunity this academic year.

Calls for Applications:

In order that potential applicants are provided with an opportunity to apply for support throughout the whole of the academic year, there is a published timetable of Calls for Applications.

A new call is open now.  If you wish to attend a conference or event over the summer period you should apply to this call as such applications will be considered ahead of the call deadline of 2pm on the 30th June 2024.


Doctoral College Thesis Prize

The Doctoral College launched the Doctoral College Thesis Prize in March 2024.

This new award recognises the outstanding contributions that our research students make to our global research presence and profile and the Prize recognises outstanding academic research achievement and excellence, as well as outstanding contribution to a research area/discipline.

The prize (in the form of an engraved medal) can be awarded for a doctoral degree by thesis or a doctoral submission by published work.

Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES)

The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) is now closed and the findings will be published here later this year.


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