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DCREF Travel and Conference Funding

Information for Applicants for Travel and Conference Funding

Funding overview

As a registered Doctoral or MPhil student, you are encouraged to apply for funding to undertake a wide range of personal development activities that might not normally be available in an Academic Unit.  This fund provides support so that you can take advantage of opportunities afforded by participation in UK and International events and conferences throughout the year.  

This funding is not designed to replace funding that you receive from your Academic Unit and you will need to investigate alternative sources of funding prior to making your application.

This funding will:-

  • Make available up to £1650 to participate in a conference or event that will enhance your research and experience
  • Allow you to book travel, accommodation etc in advance via your academic unit without incurring costs directly


Applications must be made at the appropriate call prior to the event date.   We are unable to accept retrospective applications for funding and we can only accept one application for travel and conference funding from a student at each call.

We would recommend that applications are made at least 2 months prior to the start date of the event to enable you to take advantage of early bird deals and competitive prices.  If a visa is required pleae ensure there is sufficient time to arrange this and your overseas travel.  All international travel must be organised via Selective travel. Please note third party websites (such as Trainline) must not be used and LNER ( is the University preferred provider. for rail travel.  Failure to do this may mean that any outlay incurred organising travel through another route cannot be reclaimed.  We would recommend that you read the travel guidance for PGR students and the University travel and expenses policy before arranging any travel.

You will need to demonstrate that this opportunity has the potential to enhance your research and experience.  Please state fully within your application how you will be participating in the event, such as giving a presentation or leading a workshop.  You will need to show how this will add value or impact to your research and demonstrate the outcomes and outputs that will be a result of this activity.

You must attach quotations giving realistic costings for the proposed activity and demonstrate value for money.  If quotations are not yet available due to the date of travel please give the best estimate you can and then send quotations once available. 


Selection Criteria

The DCREF has been extremely popular, and we endeavour to give priority to those most in need and to ensure that as many PGR Students as possible have access to funding support. 

Please note: 

  • It may not be possible to support all applications.   
  • Priority will be given for funding to Self-Funding Postgraduate Research Students, with no visible means of support for travel and conference participation.  
  • A maximum limit on each application to the DCREF Travel and Conference Fund will normally be set to a maximum of £1650. Costs in excess of this will be subject to further scrutiny and will be considered on a case by case basis.  We fund travel, accommodation, conference costs and related fees and can fund subsistence costs (such as meals) up to the sum awarded by the review panel.
  • Please ensure you have considered the Travel Guidance for PGR Students and completed a risk assessment if required.
  • Impact of the proposed activity, value for money, personal safety and environmental impact are all considerations that will be made when evaluating each PGR Student Proposal.  Please ensure you have read the Travel and Expenses Policy including 5.2, and are making the most appropriate travel arrangements based on your circumstances.
  • Please ensure you read the DCREF funding criteria (100.1 kB) before completing your application.
Funding arrangements

You will be informed of the outcome of your application in the week stated in the call information and if you are successful:-

  • You will be sent a ‘you have been successful’ email from the Doctoral College that will set out how your travel and conference costs will be covered for you.  
  • You have the option of these costs being paid for you in advance of your travel and will be directed to go to your relevant School/Unit/Institute which will have a nominated contact point for you.  You should have already obtained a quotation for travel which must be via Selective if international, but you may need to update this to ensure you are receiving best value for money.
  • You must take a copy of the Successful Decision Email from the Doctoral College with you to your Academic Unit.  
  • The Academic Unit will arrange booking and payment of your travel, accommodation, and conference costs. Travel will be arranged for you through the University approved Travel Agents – Selective Travel Services.  
  • Academic Units will follow the University Travel and Expenses Policy (found here for reference)
    • Please note that international travel MUST be arranged via the University's Travel Management Company (TMC) Selective.  See section 5.1 of the travel policy for details.  Please note third party websites (such as Trainline) must not be used and LNER ( is the University preferred provider fro rail travel.
    • If you are currently studying outside the UK please let Selective know so they can make the most suitable arrangements for your travel.
    • Please ensure a full and appropriate risk assessment is completed - see section 5.3 of the travel policy.
  • Alternatively, you may prefer to pay for the costs associated with travel, and the option remains available to you to claim expenditure back in arrears (with accompanying receipts) via expenses.  We can refund subsistence costs (such as meals) and travel costs such as taxi fares if these are necessary, but only up to the sum awarded in funding by the review panel which will be a maximum of £1650.  Please note that this will not be possible for international travel which needs to be arranged via Selective.  

 If you have any queries at all about how to arrange for your travel please contact the

Student feedback

"Thanks to funding from the Doctoral College, I was able to attend the full Butterfly Conservation Symposium 2023....this was an invaluable experience, and from what I learned, the ideas I had, and the connections I made, I will be benefitting for years to come. "

"the conference was a fantastic experience which has already been beneficial to both my research and professional network.....and I am deeply grateful to the DCEF Travel Bursary for making this trip possible." 

"I am very grateful for the DCEF in allowing me to attend a large, international conference to present work and foster connections that I hope will continue to support my research career after completion of my PhD and beginning my career as a clinical academic."

Further Information:

Additional Guidance can be found here:  

Guidance for Students (here)

Guidance for Academic Units (here) 

Process Information for Professional Support Colleagues (here)

If you have any queries please contact us at