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Audit Checklist

Recommendations from relatives of people with aphasia for information, support & training: an audit checklist.


  1. Background
  2. Audit Checklist

Who is this checklist for?

  • For clinicians interested in a user perspective on relatives’ needs
  • For clinicians who wish to monitor their interventions for relatives and carers of people with aphasia.
  • For researchers interested in quality of care
  • For clinicians and researchers exploring methods for using qualitative data to measure outcome

Why do we need to monitor intervention?

  • Modern services are expected to incorporate service users’ feedback into planning and monitoring provision
  • There is evidence of a gap between perceived needs and current service provision for this population.
  • Service providers can use this to measure the quality of their care.
  • Routine measurement of the effectiveness of intervention validates best use of resources.

How will I use it to monitor my practice?

The checklist provides a flexible, evidence-based tool to inform clinicians of the quality of their care for relatives of people with aphasia. The format can be used;

  • To facilitate in-depth exploration of a relative’s experience
  • To examine a specific aspect of intervention, e.g. information giving, for a service
  • To explore a particular phase of the care pathway e.g. acute or rehabilitation
  • To track a cohort’s experience longitudinally, over a whole care pathway

How will individual differences be captured?

The tool is both reflective and dynamic in being able to monitor expected intervention needs, and add to the evidence base by embracing novel recommendations from participants. Novel perspectives can be incorporated into the checklist and added to the qualitative evidence base.

What other benefits does this checklist offer?

  1. Supporting clinicians’ professional development. This checklist provides relevant guidelines, in an accessible format, that clinicians can use to support their understanding of relatives’ needs, allowing them to provide an evidence based service. It includes a referenced resource for clinicians and researchers. Detail from the checklist can guide reflection on practice and enable clinicians to develop their experience and confidence in this field.
  2. The framework of data has research applications as the basis for tools to explore need and quality of care in this field.
  3. The methodology from which the checklist is derived, is transferable to other conditions and spheres of care where quantifying the quality of care is desirable.

How has the checklist been validated?

At this stage there has been an initial pilot study which indicates that the audit tool could provide a framework for evaluation of information, support and training received by relatives of people with aphasia. A full description of the pilot study and its outcome is included in the background document.

How will the checklist be updated?

A revision is planned to be uploaded by June 2014.

What can I access?

The Audit Checklist and Background‌, including details of the pilot study and references, are contained in two down-loadable PDF files. The materials can be copied for use and disseminated. We ask that the origin of the resource and the authors be acknowledged in publications.