Staff Profile
Dr Jim Chan
Lecturer in TESOL
- Address: School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences
Room 1.35
King George VI Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Jim Y.H. Chan is Lecturer in the School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences at Newcastle University and Honorary Associate Professor at the University of Hong Kong. Before joining Newcastle University, he was previously Associate Professor at the University of Hong Kong, Senior Teaching Fellow and MA TESOL programme Director at Aston University, Birmingham, and Assistant Lecturer at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He began his career as a secondary English and Science teacher.
His research interests include English as a lingua franca, global Englishes, language use, attitudes and identities, ELT material design, phonology, bilingual education, language-in-education policy, and TESOL pedagogy and assessment. Some of his recent work has been published in TESOL Quarterly, Language Teaching Research, World Englishes, International Journal of Applied Linguistics, Language and Education, System, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, RELC Journal and Asian Englishes.
Research Interests
- English as a lingua franca
- Global Englishes
- Language use, attitudes and identities,
- Bilingual education & language-in-education policy (e.g., English Medium Education, Content and Integrated Learning)
- TESOL pedagogy, assessment and materials design
- British Council, Transnational Exploratory Grant (2025-2026) (£25,000) Joint postgraduate programme development between Turkey and the UK: removing barriers and sharing good practice (Co-Investigator)
- HaSS Education Development Fund (2023-2024) (£2,996.21) Student-teachers’ COIL experience in teacher education: Opportunities, challenges and the direction ahead (Principal investigator)
- Erasmus+, European Commission (2022-2023) (EUR 900,099) Foreign Language Teacher Training Capacity Development as a Way to Ukraine’s Multilingual Education and European Integration (MultiEd) (Project coordinator)
- General Research Fund (GRF), Research Grants Council (2020-2023), HKSAR (HK$ 819,712) Language attitudes in teaching English and Chinese as a lingua franca: The choice of pedagogical models. (Principal investigator)
- Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), Research and Development Projects, HKSAR (2018-2022) (HK$2,355,439.8) Developing an intelligibility-oriented approach to teaching and assessing English pronunciation in Hong Kong. (Principal investigator)
- Early Career Scheme (ECS), Research Grants Council (2016-2019) (HK$660,490) Developing a lingua franca approach for English language education in Hong Kong. (Principal investigator)
- Insight Development Grant, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada (2016-2019) (CAD$64,999) How states promote global English. (Collaborator, with Professor Peter Ives, Dr Jeff Bale and Dr Eve Haque)
- University Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research, The University of Hong Kong (2016-2018) (HK$149,891) English language Education in Hong Kong: Tracing the development of the changing ideologies and methodologies in curricula, assessments and textbooks. (Principal investigator)
- Faculty Teaching Development Fund, The University of Hong Kong (2016-2019) (HK$ 77,250). Internationalising the MEd(LAC) Programme – Developing a Blended-Learning Mode. (Principal investigator, with Professor Angel Lin and Dr Yuen Yi Lo)
- Dean’s Innovation Fund, The University of Hong Kong (2016-2018) (HK$245,118). Leading Asia via the MSc-CLIL (Master of Science in Content and Language Integrated Learning) Programme. (Co-investigator, with Professor Angel Lin and Dr Yuen Yi Lo)
Current Teaching
- ALC8025 English Language Teaching Methods (Core for MA ALT) (2023-2024)
- ALC8020 Research Methods for Applied Linguistics (Core for MA ALT) (2023-2024)
Previous teaching
- LEM119 Theory and practice in English language teaching (Core for MA TESOL) (2022-2023)
- LEM117 Language Awareness (Core for MA TESOL) (2021-2023)
- LEM115 English Teaching Practice (Core for MA TESOL) (2021-2023)
- LEM114 Research Topics in TESOL (Elective for MA TESOL) (2022-2023)
- EDUR7083 Discourse analysis in language education research (Elective for MPhil/PhD/EdD students) (2020-2021)
- EDUR8020 Sociocultural perspectives on English language education (Elective for MPhil/PhD/EdD students) (2020-2021)
- MAES7004 Sociolinguistics and English language education (core course for MA(TESOL) students) (2016-2021)
- MEDD6709 An introduction to sociolinguistics (core course for MEd students) (2015-2021)
- MEDD6701 Phonetics and phonology for English language teaching (core course for MEd students) (2015-2019)
- EDUR6011 Qualitative research methods II (core course for MEd students) (2018-2019)
- Research project/dissertation supervision (MEd, MA(TESOL))
- LE1100 English across time and space (core for BA Lang) (2022-2023)
- LE2118 Advanced topics in sociolinguistics (core for BA Lang) (2022-2023)
- BBED6782 Dissertation (elective for BA&BEd students) (2019-2021)
- EDUC4620 Pedagogical content knowledge (English) II (core course for BA&BEd students) (2015-2016)
- BBED4223 Pedagogy III Learning and teaching English in secondary school(Oracy)(core course for BA&BEd students) (2015-2016)
- Teaching practicum visits (primary and secondary) – English language education
- Dissertation supervision (BA&BEd)
- Chan JYH. Towards a feature-based approach to L2 pronunciation teaching: Variation in Hong Kong English and ELF intelligibility. Journal of English as a lingua franca 2025. Submitted.
- Chan, JYH. L2 learners’ perceptions of language variation, teaching and use in Hong Kong: A comparison between English and Chinese. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 2025. In Preparation.
- Chan, JYH, Zhang, WW, Tavares, NJ, Walsh, S. Get Ready for Teaching: Reflective Practice in Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Teacher Education. System 2025. In Preparation.
- Chan JYH, Walsh S. English learning and use in Hong Kong's bilingual education: Implications for L2 learners’ development of interactional competence. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 2024, 34(1), 183-205.
- Chan JYH. English and Putonghua varieties in Hong Kong: language attitudes and identity. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Chan JYH. The evolution of assessment in English pronunciation. The case of Hong Kong. Language Assessment Quarterly 2022, 19(1), 1-26.
- Chan JYH. Examining authenticity from an ELF perspective: the development of listening test papers in Hong Kong (1986–2018). Journal of English as a Lingua Franca 2021, 10(1), 141-165.
- Chan JYH. Bridging the gap between ELF and L2 student pragmatics: Rethinking assessment practices in teaching English as a global language. System 2021, 101, 102609.
- Chan, JYH. Towards English as an international language: The evolving English language curricula and textbooks in Hong Kong (1975-present). The International Journal of Applied Linguistics 2020, 30(2), 244-263.
- Chan JYH. Four decades of ELT development in Hong Kong: Impact of global theories on the changing curricula and textbooks. Language Teaching Research 2020, 25(5), 729-753.
- Chan, JYH. The choice of English pronunciation goals: different views, experiences and concerns of students, teachers and professionals. Asian Englishes 2019, 21(3), 264-284.
- Chan, JYH. Gender and attitudes towards English varieties: Implications for teaching English as a global language. System 2018, 76, 62-79.
- Chan, JYH. Contexts, problems and solutions in international communication: Insights for teaching English as a lingua franca. Journal of Asia TEFL 2018, 15(2), 257-275. In Preparation.
- Chan, JYH. Attitudes and identities in learning English and Chinese as a lingua franca: A bilingual learners’ perspective. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 2018, 39(9), 759-775.
- Chan, JYH. Stakeholders’ perceptions of language variation, English language teaching and language use: The case of Hong Kong. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 2017, 38(1), 2-18. Submitted.
- Chan, JYH. The Fine-tuning medium-of-instruction policy in Hong Kong: A case study of the changing school-based test papers in science subjects. Education Journal 2016, 44(1), 159-193.
- Chan, JYH. Contextualising a pedagogical model in English-language education: The case of Hong Kong. World Englishes 2016, 35(3), 372-395.
- Chan, JYH. A multi-perspective investigation of attitudes towards English accents in Hong Kong: Implications for pronunciation teaching. TESOL Quarterly 2016, 50(2), 285–313.
- Chan, JYH. Fine-tuning language policy in Hong Kong education: Stakeholders’ perceptions, practices and challenges. Language and Education 2014, 28(5), 459-476.
- Chan, JYH. Exposure to accents and pronunciation modelling: A case study of a secondary school in Hong Kong. The International Journal of Applied Linguistics 2014, 24(3), 390–415.
- Chan, JYH. An evaluation of the pronunciation target in Hong Kong’s ELT curriculum and materials: Influences from WE and ELF?. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca 2014, 3(1).
- Chan, JYH. Towards a lingua franca pedagogical model in the Hong Kong classroom: A sociolinguistic enquiry. Asian EFL Journal 2013, 15(3), (3), 183-216.
- Chan, JYH. The role of situational authenticity in English language textbooks. RELC Journal 2013, 44(3), 303-317.
- Chan, JYH. Contextual variation and Hong Kong English. World Englishes 2013, 32(1), 54-74.
- Chan, JYH. A week in the life of a ‘finely tuned’ secondary school in Hong Kong. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 2013, 34(5), 411-430.
- Chan, JYH, Evans, S. Choosing an appropriate pronunciation model for the ELT classroom: A Hong Kong perspective. Journal of Asia TEFL 2011, 8(4), 1-24.
Authored Book
- Chan JYH, Lo MM. An Intelligibility-Oriented Approach to Pronunciation Teaching: Hong Kong English. Multilingual Matters, 2025. Submitted.
Book Chapters
- Chan JYH, Tavaras N, Li Y. Internationalising teacher education through Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL): Opportunities, challenges and direction ahead. In: Tavares, V; Melo-Pfeifer, S, ed. The Palgrave Handbook of Internationalization of Language Education. Palgrave Macmillan, 2025. In Press.
- Choi, N, Chan, JYH. Debilitating Discourses of Diversity: English Language Education Disguised as Multilingual Education in Hong Kong. In: Tavares, V, ed. Critical Perspectives on Diversity in English Language Education and Research. Palgrave Macmillan, 2025. In Preparation.
- Chan JYH, Chan WS. Exploring L2 learners’ use of communicative strategies: Implications for designing communicative tasks from a (B)ELF perspective. In: Chan M, ed. Perspectives on Teaching Workplace English in the 21st Century. London: Taylor & Francis, 2023, pp.89-114.
- Chan WS, Chan JYH. A corpus-based study of discourse markers in secondary student talk. In: Lin, KL; Mwinlaaru, IN; Tay, D, ed. Aspects of Specialized Genres: Research and Applications. Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge, 2021, pp.137-152.
- Chan, JYH. Contextualising teaching English as a local/global language: A bottom-up sociolinguistic investigation. In: Fang, F; Widodo, HP, ed. Critical Perspectives of Global Englishes in Asia: Language Policy and Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Assessment. Multilingual Matters, 2019.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Tavares NJ, Chan JYH. Promoting Student-teachers’ Multicultural Awareness through Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) in teacher education– Lessons Learnt. In: 59th RELC International Conference: Learning and Teaching English in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts. 2025, Singapore: SEAMEO RELC. In Press.
- Chan JYH. Towards an intelligibility-oriented approach to L2 pronunciation teaching: The case of Hong Kong English and its variation. In: ELF 14 (14th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca). 2024, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Chan JYH. The COIL Teacher Education programme. In: Invited Knowledge exchange seminar. 2024, Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University.
- Chan JYH. Teaching English and Chinese as a ‘lingua franca’ or ‘foreign language’? A comparison between attitudes towards the world’s two big languages in Hong Kong. In: The 21st AILA World Congress. 2024, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Aila 2024.
- Tavares N, Chan JYH. Structuring a COIL course: From start to finish experiences, reflections and insights. In: Invited HKU TALIC COIL Seminar Series. 2024, Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong.
- Chan JYH. Mixed-methods design in applied linguistics. In: Invited Departmental Seminar. 2024, Taipei: English Department, National Taipei University of Technology.
- Chan JYH, Tavares NJ. Internationalising teacher education in TESOL: Insights from student-teachers Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) experience. In: Advanced HE Teaching and Learning Conference 2024. 2024, Nottingham: Advance HE.
- Tavares NJ, Chan JYH. MA(TESOL) student-teachers' COIL experience: Opportunities, challenges and the direction ahead in teacher education. In: 21st AsiaTEFL Conference. 2023, Korea: AsiaTEFL.
- Chan JYH. Designing mixed-methods research in language education (Invited Seminar). In: Departmental Seminar. 2023, Taiwan: English Department, National Taipei University of Technology.
- Chan JYH. An intelligibility-oriented approach to teaching English as an International Language pronunciation. In: 57th RELC International Conference. 2023, Singapore.
- Chan JYH. Teaching English and Chinese (Putonghua) as a ‘lingua franca’ or ‘foreign language’? Stakeholders’ attitudes towards English and Chinese varieties in Hong Kong (Invited Seminar). In: Departmental Research Seminar, Aston University. 2022, Birmingham, UK.
- Chan JYH. Language Attitudes in Teaching English and Chinese as a Lingua Franca: The Choice of Pedagogical Models. In: The AsiaTEFL-TEFLIN-iNELTAL Conference 2022. 2022, Malang, Indonesia.
- Chan JYH. Different EMI arrangements and practices in Hong Kong: Challenges and opportunities. In: 13rd International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca. 2022, Taiwan.
- Chan, JYH. Designing Research Projects (Invited Seminar). In: Departmental Seminar, English Department, Fu Jen Catholic University. 2022, Taiwan.
- Chan, JYH. Exploring pronunciation variation in Hong Kong English: The acrolect-basilect continuum. In: Sociolinguistics Symposium 23. 2021, Hong Kong.
- Chan JYH. Developing an intelligibility-oriented approach to L2 pronunciation teaching: The case of Hong Kong English. In: The World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA 2021). 2021, Virtual: International Association of Applied Linguistics.
- Chan, JYH, Chan, WS. Exploring L2 learners’ use of communicative strategies in the Corpus of Hong Kong Spoken English: Implications for teaching English as a lingua franca. In: The 5th Asia-Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference (APCLC2020). 2020, Korea. In Preparation.
- Chan, JYH. Towards English as an international language: The evolving English language curricula, examination papers and textbooks in Hong Kong (1975-2016) (Invited Seminar). In: Departmental Research Seminar, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 2019, Hong Kong.
- Chan, JYH. Four decades of ELT development in Hong Kong: Impact of global theories on the changing curricula, assessments and textbooks. LML Research Seminar (Invited Seminar). In: The Education University of Hong Kong. 2019, Hong Kong.
- Chan, JYH. Forty years of world Englishes research and its impact on English language education in Hong Kong. In: The 24th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes (IAWE). 2019, Ireland.
- Chan, JYH, Chan, WS. An intelligibility-oriented approach to teaching Hong Kong English pronunciation. In: The Fifth International Conference on Linguistics and Language Studies. 2019, Hong Kong.
- Chan, JYH. Four decades of English language education in Hong Kong: the evolving teaching methods and designs in curricula, textbooks and assessments. In: The 16th Asia TEFL International Conference. 2018, Macau.
- Chan, JYH. English as a lingua franca (ELF) and research into language attitudes (Plenary speech). In: The 3rd Doctoral KCL-HKU Summer School in Sociolinguistics. 2018, London.
- Chan, JYH. Bridging the gap between L2 learners’ use of communicative strategies and ELF: a pedagogical framework. In: The 11th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca. 2018, London.
- Chan, JYH. Bridging the gap between ELF and L2 student pragmatics: Rethinking assessment practices in teaching English as a global language (Invited Seminar). In: Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics (HAAL) Seminar. 2018, Hong Kong.
- Chan, WS, Chan, JYH. A corpus-based study of discourse markers in secondary student talk. In: The 2018 International Conference on English Teaching and Learning. 2018, Taiwan.
- Chan, JYH. Native-speaker ideology in English and Chinese language learning: What do L2 learners say about their ultimate pronunciation goal? (Featured Speech). In: The 26th Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA) International Conference. 2017, Malaysia.
- Chan, JYH, Chan, WS. Exploring L2 learners’ use of communicative strategies: An English as a lingua franca (ELF) perspective. In: . Presentation at theThe 1st International Conference on Corpus Analysis in Academic Discourse. 2017, Spain.
- Chan, JYH. A native-speaker or localised English pronunciation goal? Different views, experiences and concerns by students, teachers and professionals in Hong Kong. In: The 2017 IAWE Conference. 2017, The United States.
- Chan, JYH. Perceptions and experiences of ELF among students, teachers and professionals in Hong Kong: Implications for English language teaching. In: The Ninth International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca. 2016, Spain.
- Chan, JYH. Contextualising a pedagogical model in English-language education: The case of Hong Kong (Invited Seminar). In: Faculty Research Seminar, Faculty of Education, the University of Hong Kong. 2015, Hong Kong.
- Chan, JYH. (2Sounding like a native speaker of English in international communication – does it matter? The implications of accent variation for careers. (Invited public lecture). In: Public Lecture, The University of Science and Technology. 2015, Hong Kong.
- Chan, JYH. How is authenticity constructed in localised secondary ELT textbooks?. In: The Fourth PolySystemic Language & Educational Symposium. 2013, Hong Kong.
- Chan, JYH. Henry Widdowson’s Doctoral Workshop (Invited conference paper). In: The Sixth International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca. 2013, Italy.
- Chan, JYH. Contextual variation and Hong Kong English (Invited Seminar). In: The Hong Kong Association of Applied Linguistics (HAAL) Awardees’ Night, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 2013, Hong Kong.
- Chan, JYH. An evaluation of the globalised ELT curriculum and materials in Hong Kong. In: The 19th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes (IAWE). 2013, The United States.
- Chan, JYH. Accent acceptability in Hong Kong: Implications for designing ELF language awareness activities. In: The Sixth International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca. 2013, Italy.
- Chan, JYH. Which pronunciation model in the local secondary classroom? An ethnographic case study of the fine-tuning MOI policy in Hong Kong. In: The 18th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes (IAWE). 2012, Hong Kong & Guangzhou, China.
- Wong, C, Chan, JYH. How ‘fine’ is fine-tuning of Medium of Instruction (MOI) policy in local schools? (Invited conference paper). In: Paper at the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong - Annual Research Forum (LSHK-ARF). 2012, Hong Kong.
- Chan, JYH, Lo, MM. An intelligibility-oriented approach to pronunciation teaching: Guidelines for teaching English as an international language. Hong Kong, 2020.