Staff Profile
Dr Lydia Wysocki
Research Associate
- PhD in Education (Newcastle University 2024)
- Master's in Education (MEd, Newcastle University 2010)
- Postgraduate Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA, 2007)
- BA in History (University of York, 2003), which included an exchange year at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Current memberships and affiliations:
- British Educational Research Association (member)
- World Educational Research Association (member)
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UKPSF D3)
- Newcastle University's Research Centre for Learning and Teaching (core member)
- Founder of Applied Comics Etc, a small organisation for comics and research projects.
Completed projects
- VOICES project - Children and young people living in poverty: Covid-10 needs and policy implications (Co-I, working with PI Liz Todd and team; ESRC Covid-19 Rapid Response)
- Accelerating collaborations between comics creators and researchers (PI; ESRC IAA ABC)
- Research and comics seminar series (PI, working with Jorge Catala-Carrasco and Mel Gibson; NU Institute of Social Science)
- Patient information comics with the Great North Children's Hospital (Co-I with Janice McLaughlin, working with clinical teams at GNCH; GNCH Foundation)
- Freedom City Comics (Overall project lead: Matthew Grenby).
- work with Children North East to extend the evaluation of their work Poverty Proofing the School Day (PI: Liz Todd, with Laura Mazzoli-Smith)
- InHarmony evaluation with Sage Gateshead (PI: Karen Laing)
- ROMtels Erasmus project (PI: Heather Smith).
Teaching experience
- EDU3002 (contributor to BA Education module since 2017)
- 2020/21 - HSS8007 team-taught module as part of Faculty PGR provision
- Supervision of M-level students in Education
- Professional Standards Advisor for academic staff applying for UKPSF D1-D3 (2015-2022)
- 2013 Deputy course leader, CASAP course for visiting academics from Kazakhstan, at Newcastle University
- 2011-2015 Contributing teacher for CASAP Certificate of Advanced Studies in Academic Practice, Newcastle University
- 2008-2009 Module Leader for undergraduate English majors at Southeast University, Nanjing, PR China
- 2007 English language summer school teacher, Greenwich, London
- Smith HJ, Robertson LH, Auger N, Wysocki L. Translanguaging as a political act with Roma: carving a path between pluralism and collectivism for transformation. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies 2020, 18(1), 98-135.
- Smith HJ, Wysocki L. Roma Translanguaging Enquiry Learning Space (ROMtels). EAL Journal 2020, Autumn 2020, 41-44.
- Wysocki L, Jackson M, Miers J, Webster J, Coxon B. Making the invisible visible: hyperlinked webcomics as alternative points of entry to the digitised Gertrude Bell archive. International Journal of Heritage Studies 2020, 26(5), 480-497.
- Wysocki L. Linking research and practice: qualitative social science data collection at a UK comics convention. Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 2019, 10(5-6), 505-524.
- Wysocki L, Leat D. Collaborative comic as Boundary Object: the creation, reading, and uses of Freedom City Comics Cómic colaborativo como Objeto de Frontera: la creación, lectura y usos de Freedom City Comics. Tebeosfera 2019, 3(10).
- Wysocki L. Farting Jellyfish and Synergistic Opportunities: The Story and Evaluation of Newcastle Science Comic. The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship 2018, 8(1), 6.
Book Chapters
- Wysocki L. Strike comics: representing the inequities and absurdities of academic precarity. In: Porrás Sanchez M; Vilches G, ed. Precariousness in Contemporary Graphic Narratives : Young Lives in Crisis. London: Routledge, 2022, pp.240-256.
- Wysocki L, McLaughlin J. Risk in Healthcare Collaboration: Applied Interdisciplinary Social Science in Clinical Settings. In: Otrel-Cass, K., Laing, K.J.C., Wolf, J, ed. Partnerships in Education. Transdisciplinary Perspectives in Educational Research. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2022, pp.337-358.
- Wysocki L. Keyword definitions (Applied Comics, Culture Industry, Reading, Reception, Reproduction). In: Erin La Cour, Simon Grennan, Rik Spanjers, ed. Key Terms in Comics Studies. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.
- Wysocki L. Hate, Marginalization, and Tramp-bashing: A Raceclass and Critical Realist Approach to Researching British National Identity through Comics. In: Thom Giddens, ed. Critical Directions in Comics Studies. Mississippi: University Press of Mississippi, 2020, pp.332.
- McNicol S, Wysocki L. Comics in Qualitative Research. In: Paul A. Atkinson, Sara Delamont, Alexandru Cernat, and Richard Williams, ed. SAGE Research Methods Foundations. Sage Publications Ltd, 2019.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- McLaughlin J, Wysocki L. Drawing the MRI: Qualitatively evaluating a comic form information guide to having an MRI and reflecting on the collaborative process. In: Great North Children's Research Community Conference: Child Health Research Across Organisational Boundaries. 2019, International Centre for Life, Newcastle upon Tyne.
- Wysocki L. Comics as a method throughout an empirical research process. In: National Centre for Research Methods Research Methods Festival 2018. 2018, University of Bath, UK.
- Wysocki L, Thompson M. EPIC THEMES IN AWESOME WAYS: How we made Asteroid Belter: The Newcastle Science Comic, and why it matters. In: Comics Forum. 2014, Leeds, UK.
Digital or Visual Media
- Wysocki L, Coxon B. Freedom City Comics. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Lydia Wysocki, 2017. Anthology of comics.
- Wysocki L, Coxon B, (eds.). Spineless: The Newcastle Science Comic. Newcastle: Lydia Wysocki, 2015.
- Wysocki L, Thompson P, (eds.). Asteroid Belter: The Newcastle Science Comic. Newcastle: Lydia Wysocki, 2013. Comic.
- Bramhall L, Butler S, Dalziel G, Gathercole C, Tiplady L, Todd L, Wysocki L. Voices: Young peoples’ lives in and through covid-19. Short Report. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2022.
- Bramhall L, Butler S, Dalziel G, Gathercole C, Tiplady L, Todd L, Wysocki L. VOICES. Young peoples’ lives in and through Covid-19. What children said, drew and wrote and what actions we took.Full report on findings. October 2022. Newcastle: Newcastle University. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2022.
- Mazzoli Smith L, Tiplady L, Todd L, Wysocki L. Fighting against poverty: case studies of school action. Poverty Proofing the School Day evaluation update 2019/20. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2020.