Staff Profile
Dr Milene Oliveira
Lecturer in Applied Linguistics
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- Address: Room 3.06
School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences
King George VI Building
Newcastle University
Queen Victoria Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
I am from Ouro Preto, a beautiful town in southeastern Brazil. I hold a BA in English Language from the Federal University of Ouro Preto and an MA in Applied Linguistics from the Federal University of Minas Gerais.
I pursued my PhD studies at the University of Potsdam in Germany (2014–2018), where I also led the postdoctoral project “Digital Communities and Online Intercultural Competence” (2020–2024).
2018-2025: Habilitation, Potsdam, Germany
2018: PhD in Applied Linguistics, Potsdam, Germany (scholarship from CAPES)
2011-2013: MA in Applied Linguistics, Belo Horizonte, Brazil (scholarship from CAPES)
2002-2006: BA in English Language, Ouro Preto/Mariana, Brazil
Academic Employment:
01/2025 onwards: Lecturer in Applied Linguistics, Newcastle University
03/2024-09/2024: Guest Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication, European University Viadrina Frankfurt Oder, Germany
02/2023-09/2023: Visiting Research Fellow, King’s College London, United Kingdom
11/2020-03/2024: Principal Investigator in the project “Digital Communities and Online Intercultural Competence” funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Potsdam, Germany
01/2023-12/2024: Co-coordinator of the project “Multimodal coordination of The multimodal coordination of intercultural video-mediated interaction” funded by the German Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Brazilian Ministry of Education (CAPES), Potsdam, Germany
04/2014-12/2017: Adjunct lecturer, University of Potsdam, Germany
Esteem indicators:
2024: Awarded the Caroline von Humboldt Prize from the Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
My research interests include:
-Digital and intercultural practices,
-Digital cultures and digital communities
-Social media communication
-English as a lingua franca,
-Foreign language teaching and learning,
-Business communication
Past research projects:
ReDICo: Researching Digital Interculturality Co-operatively (2020-2024)
ReDICo was a consortium funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research. The group’s work centered on the research and analysis of intercultural practices and discourses within digital spaces and investigated diverse topics such as intercultural competence in internet settings, digital Europeanism, and online neo-nationalism.
My ReDICo study focused on an intercultural game played via Zoom. I was interested in practices that foster learning and inclusion in newly formed groups. I have several publications out of this project.
Babbel study: Learners’ perceptions of a virtual-classroom system (2019-2020)
In 2019, I collaborated with the language learning company Babbel. I conducted a study on their virtual classroom solution for business professionals, "Babbel Intensive." Students from the University of Potsdam participated in data collection and analysis and profited from close interaction with Babbel. The results of this project were published in the Computer Assisted Language Learning Journal.
Business negotiations between Brazilians and Germans: conceptualization and practice (PhD project), 2014-2018
In my PhD, I investigated conceptualizations of ‘business negotiations’ by Brazilian and German business people. More specifically, I investigated how the Brazilian and German businesspeople I interviewed defined “success, conflict, and respect” in business negotiations. My analysis comprised different types of cognitive associations described in the fields of cognitive and cultural linguistics – for instance, metaphors, metonymies, and image schemas. Through fine-grained semantic and cultural-linguistic analyses of interview excerpts, I identified group-level preferred conceptualizations by the Brazilian and German groups of interviewees. My PhD dissertation was published in the De Gruyter series “Applications of Cognitive Linguistics” under the title “Business negotiations in ELF from a cultural linguistic perspective.”
In Semester 2 2024-2025, I am the module leader for:
- ALC8009: English in the World
I am also contributing to:
- ALC8003: Research Portfolio
- Oliveira M, Stevanovic M. Interculturality and decision making: Pursuing jointness in online teams. Intercultural Pragmatics 2024, 21(1), 1-32.
- Oliveira MM. English as a Lingua Franca and interculturality: navigating structure- and process-oriented perspectives in intercultural interactions. Language and Intercultural Communication 2024, 24(2), 105-117.
- Oliveira M, Räisänen T, Oittinen T. “Our group was by far the coolest”: Multimodal team-building practices and English as a lingua franca in a virtual intercultural game. Pragmatics and Society 2024, Epub ahead of print.
- Oliveira M, Sporn Z, Kliemann L, Borschke A, Meyering M. Online language learning and workplace communication: A study on Babbel’s virtual-classroom solution. Computer Assisted Language Learning 2023, 36(8), 1501–1527.
- Conti L, Oliveira M, Nietzel B. A genuine ‘Miteinander’: on becoming a team in an international virtual simulation game. Interculture Journal 2022, 36.
- Schröder U, Oliveira M, Wolf H-G. Intercultural Pragmatics and Cultural Linguistics. International Journal of Language and Culture 2020, 7(1).
- Oliveira, M. Face and cultural conceptualizations in German-Brazilian business exchanges. International Journal of Language and Culture 2025, 7(1). In Preparation.
- Oliveira M. Cultural conceptualizations of business negotiations in the Expanding Circle. World Englishes 2018, 37(4).
- Oliveira, M. Sociopragmatic failure revisited: the case of intercultural communication between Brazilians and Americans. Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada 2017, 17(2).
- Oliveira M. Conceptualizations of respect in business negotiations: A research note. International Journal of Language and Culture 2017, 4(2).
Authored Book
- Oliveira M. Business negotiations in ELF from a cultural linguistic perspective. 2020.
Book Chapters
- Oliveira M. Business Englishes. In: Kingsley Bolton, ed. The Wiley Encyclopedia of World Englishes. Wiley Blackwell, 2025. In Press.
- Bartelheim J, Oliveira M. Assessing the Intercultural Game Megacities and its Learning Outcomes: A Transnational and Cosmopolitan Virtual Exchange Project?. In: F. Lenehan; R. Lietz, ed. Reimagining Digital Cosmopolitanism: Perspectives from a Postmigrant and Postdigital World. Transcript, 2025.
- Oliveira M, Lietz R. Introduction: Language and Interculturality in the Digital World. In: Lietz R; Mendes de Oliveira M; Conti L; Lenehan F, ed. Language and interculturality in the digital world. Lausanne: Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik e.V, 2024, pp.21-31.
- Oliveira M, Tuccillo M. Intercultural learning as an interactional achievement in a digital space. In: Conti L; Lenehan F, ed. Lifewide learning in Postdigital societies: Shedding Light on Emerging Culturalities. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2024, pp.57-78.
- Oliveira M, Conti L. Displaying and negotiating power through entitlement claims in newly-established online groups. In: Lietz R; Mendes de Oliveira M; Conti L; Lenehan F, ed. Language and interculturality in the digital world. Lausanne: Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik e.V, 2024, pp.35-66.
- Oliveira, M. Business English(es) in Brazilian-German email exchanges: A research-based consultancy project. In: A. Busch & K. Luttermann, ed. Professionskommunikation. Universitätsverlag Hildesheim, 2024.
- Oliveira, M, Barbosa Fernandes, A. Multimodal positioning of (future) multilingual teachers of EFL. In: Ulrike Schröder; Jennifer Dailey-O’Cain; Elisabetta Adami, ed. Multimodal Communication in Intercultural Interactions. Routledge, 2023.
- Oliveira M. Failure in Intercultural Communication. In: Adriana Mica; Mikołaj Pawlak; Anna Horolets and Paweł Kubicki, ed. Routledge International Handbook of Failure: Perspectives from Sociology and other Social Sciences. Routledge, 2023.
- Schröder U, Oliveira M, Nascimento T. The ‘Olympic Spirit’ from a cross-cultural perspective: a cognitive-pragmatic analysis. In: U Schröder; M Oliveira; A Tenuta, ed. Metaphorical conceptualizations: (inter)cultural perspectives. 2022.
- Schröder U, Oliveira M, Tenuta A. Introduction. In: U Schröder; M Oliveira; A Tenuta, ed. Metaphorical conceptualizations: (inter)cultural perspectives. 2022.
- Oliveira, M, Wolf, H-G. Linguística cultural e comunicação intercultural: Uma síntese de discussões e pesquisas recentes na Universidade de Potsdam. In: U. Schröder; M. Carneiro Mendes, ed. Comunicação (inter)cultural em interação. Editora UFMG, 2019.
- Oliveira, M. John Gumperz's Discourse Strategies. Interculture Journal 2023, 38.
- Oliveira M. Doing culture through contextualization cues: John Gumperz's contributions to the study of intercultural communication. 2023.