Staff Profile
Dr Navaporn Snodin
Lecturer in Cross-Cultural Communication
- Address: School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences,
Room G.12, King George VI Building, Newcastle University
Queen Victoria Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
Navaporn Snodin is a Lecturer in Cross-Cultural Communication at Newcastle University, UK, where she teaches English in the World and Language and Intercultural Communication modules. She also contributes to Research Methods modules on designing mixed-methods research, collecting interview data, and thematic analysis. She is the lead Degree Programme Director (DPD) for the MA Cross-Cultural Communication (MA CCC+) suite of programmes.
She has published in various books and journals, including World Englishes, Asian Englishes, System, RELC, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Lingua, Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia, the Oxford Handbook of Southeast Asian Englishes, Critical Intercultural and English Language Issues in the Internationalization of Higher Education and the Routledge Handbook of English Language Teacher Education. She has spoken to audiences worldwide such as in the US, UK, Austria, Russia, Greece, Dubai, Japan, and Thailand, primarily on the topics of the globalisation of the English language, Internationalisation of higher education, and academic migration.
Before taking up her role at Newcastle, she was an Assistant Professor in English and Applied Linguistics at Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand. In 2018, she participated in a staff exchange programme, funded by the ASEA-UNINET, at the Department of English and American Studies, the University of Vienna, Austria.
Due to her previous work on academic migration, she was invited to join the Steering Committee for the Academic Mobilities and Immobilities International Network (AMIIN). The network is an international, inter-university collaboration, with co-chairs based in Switzerland (Lausanne) and the UK (Warwick and Dundee). She is also a coordinator for the ELINET -- Education, Language, and Internationalisation network ( whose members come from all corners of the world. The network aims to raise awareness of the globalisation of the English language and its impact on education. Two key subject areas which are Global Englishes (GE) and English Medium Instruction (EMI) and the internationalisation of higher education are the main foci of the network.
From 2017-2020, she was the founder and sole operator of the website, an internet portal encouraging the inbound mobility of international students and academics into Thai universities. She engaged the policymakers at the national level, for example, the Bureau of International Cooperation Strategy, and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation of Thailand, to achieve impact.
She was a reviewer for the British Academy's Youth Futures Programme and for Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, Computers & Education, Sojourn, Thoughts, Kasetsart Journal, and the Cambridge Handbook of Multilingual Education.
Google Scholar: Click Here
Scopus: Click Here
ORCID: Click Here
ALC8009 English in the world
ALC3011 Working in Intercultural Settings
ALC2011 Language and Cross-Cultural Communication
ALC8002 Sociolinguistics (for the Academic Year 2020-21)
ALC8007 Professional Communication (for the Academic Years 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22)
I am also contributing to the ALC8003 Research Portfolio and ALC8020 Research Methods in Applied Linguistics on the topics of designing mixed-methods research, collecting interview data, and thematic analysis
Navaporn Snodin was PI (Principal Investigator) for three Newton Fund-funded projects and has been involved in numerous collaborative research, receiving funding from the British Academy, the British Council, and the Thailand Research Fund. Her current projects concern (1) the politics of the English language and inequality within Higher Education (2) the experience of culturally diverse faculty in academic environments (3) Measuring Thai doctors' and medical educators' readiness for English Medium Instruction (EMI) as a part of a collaborative research and partnerships project on 'Internationalisation and Englishisation of Medical Education in Thailand, with Chulalongkorn University and (4) Language teachers' burnout across Mainland China, Thailand, and Vietnam. She is also interested in initiating/ establishing partnerships and research collaborations with Thailand and other countries in ASEAN.
Postgraduate Supervision
As of September 2024, she has supervised 56 successful MA dissertation projects (known as 'Research Portfolio') on the MA CCC (Cross-Cultural Communication) Programmes.
Previous Funding
- 2020: Erasmus+ Mobility Grant, 1,075 Euros
“Internationalisation at Home: creating change at your university,” The Hague University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands. [the training was cancelled due to the pandemic.)
- 2016-2019: PI on a £65,920 British Academy - Newton Advanced Fellowship
“Enhancing the Quality of International Student and Staff Mobility Experience: Narratives from International Students and Academics across Different Regions in Thailand” with Dr Tony Young, Newcastle University, as a co-applicant.
- PI on Two Newton Fund Workshop Grants under British Council’s the Researcher Links programme.
· Internationalisation of Higher Education: Developing values-based inter-cultural research approaches, £31,000, with Newcastle University.
· English as an ASEAN Lingua Franca: Implications for language and education policy and practice, £32,700, with the University of Southampton.
I wrote the proposals with the teams for both projects and bid for the funding. The Researcher Links Workshops intend to bring together early-career researchers from the UK and one of the selected partner countries to allow them to make international connections that could improve the quality of their research.
- 2018: ASEA-UNINET Staff Exchange, One Month Scholarship, 2,850 Euros.
I received funding from the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education & Research (OeAD-GmbH) and Office of Higher Education Commission, Thailand, under the scheme of ASEA-UNINET Staff Exchange to do a one-month research placement at the Department of English and American Studies, the University of Vienna, Austria. The purpose of the visit was collaborative research and knowledge exchange in the area of English Language Education and English as a Lingua Franca.
- Schartner A, Young TJ, Snodin N. Intercultural adjustment of internationally mobile academics working in Thailand. Higher Education 2023, 85, 483-502.
- Baker W, Boonsuk Y, Ra J, Sangiamchit C, Snodin N. Thai study abroad students as intercultural citizens: developing intercultural citizenship through English medium education and ELT. Asia Pacific Journal of Education 2025, 45(1), 194-209.
- Snodin NS, Young TJ, Thongnuan T, Bumrungsalee I, Nattheeraphong A. The Migration of International Academics to Thailand and their Experiences of Thai Higher Education. Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia 2021, 36(2), 225-257.
- McKenzie R, Huang M, Ong TT, Snodin N. Socio-psychological salience and categorisation accuracy of speaker place of origin. Lingua 2019, 228.
- Snodin N. Mobility experiences of international students in Thai higher education. International Journal of Educational Management 2019, 33(7), 1653-1669.
- Snodin N, Higgins J, Yoovathaworn S. How Thai businesses utilize English in their product names. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences 2017, 38, 123-128.
- Snodin NS. Rethinking culture teaching in English language programmes in Thailand. RELC Journal 2016, 47(3), 387-398.
- Snodin N, Young TJ. 'Native-speaker’ varieties of English: Thai perceptions and attitudes. Asian Englishes 2015, 17(3), 248-260.
- Snodin NS. English naming and code-mixing in Thai mass media. World Englishes 2014, 33(1), 100-111.
- Snodin NS. The effects of blended learning with a CMS on the development of autonomous learning: a case study of different degrees of autonomy achieved by individual learners. Computers & Education 2013, 61, 209-216.
- Sanprasert N. The application of a course management system to enhance autonomy in learning English as a foreign language. System 2010, 38, 109-123.
Book Chapters
- Snodin N, Savski K, Sameephet B. English in Thailand. In: Moody A, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Southeast Asian Englishes. Abingdon Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024, pp.311-326. In Press.
- Snodin N, Resnik P. WE, ELF, EIL and their Implications for English Language Teacher Education. In: Steve Walsh and Steve Mann, ed. The Routledge Handbook of English Language Teacher Education. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2019.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Snodin N. The Migration of International Academics and Students to Thailand and Their Experience in Thai Higher Education. In: The European Conference of Social Sciences. 2019, Brighton, UK.
- Young TJ, Snodin NS. The ‘International Student and Staff Experience’ in Higher Education: A Multiregional Narrative Enquiry from Thailand. In: Global Conference on Education and Research. 2018, University of Nevada: Association of North America Higher Education International (ANAHEI).
- Snodin N. Mobility Experience of International Students and Academics in Thai Higher Education. In: IUNC Eurasia 2018: International Universities Networking Conference. 2018, Moscow, Russia.
- Snodin N. "I Thought People Should Know That This is Not a Tourist Country Only": International Student Mobility Experience in Thailand. In: The IAFOR International Conference on Education (IICEDUBAI2018). 2018, Dubai, UAE.
- Snodin N. A Narrative Inquiry of International Student and Staff Mobility Experience in Thailand. In: The Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2017 (ACEID2017). 2017, Kobe, Japan: The International Academic Forum (IAFOR).
- Snodin N. Rethinking Culture Teaching in English Language Classroom in Thailand. In: The MATSDA-University of Liverpool 2016 Conference: Authenticity and L2 Materials Development. 2016, Liverpool, UK.
- Snodin N. Thai Perceptions of Inner Circle Varieties of English and Their Target Varieties. In: 7th international conference of English as a lingua franca (ELF). 2014, Athens, Greece.
- Snodin N. English Naming and Code-Mixing in Thai Mass Media. In: ELF7: the 7th international conference of English as a lingua franca. 2014, Athens, Greece: ELF.