Staff Profile
Professor Rene Koglbauer
Dean of Lifelong Learning and Professional Practice / Director of Educational Leadership Centre / Professor of Professional Learning and Leadership
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 8453
- Address: Lifelong Learning and Apprenticeship Hub / Educational Leadership Centre, ECLS
Room 3.17
King George VI Building
Newcastle upon Tyne
For appointments contact
René Koglbauer is Professor of Professional Learning and Leadership, whose scholarly work focuses national and international education policy, with a specific focus on language policy, leadership and professional learning.
In June 2019, René took up a university-wide leadership role as Dean of Lifelong Learning and Professional Practice. He leads the University’s lifelong learning strategy, including our growing apprenticeships and CPD provision as well as the University’s approach to addressing the skills challenge.
With the vision of developing coherent education and skills pathways, René has been leading on developing strategic skills partnerships with regional FE colleges and has brought together key stakeholders to bid for external skills funding, including the Institute of Electrification and Advanced Sustainable Manufacturing. He represents the university on a number of regional and national lifelong learning committees, including the Lifelong Education Commission and the Universities Association for Lifelong Learning.
Internally, René chairs the Lifelong Learning and Apprenticeship Sub-Committee, various related task and finish groups and is academic director of the newly established Lifelong Learning and Apprenticeship Hub and is a member of the University Education Committee.
Alongside his deanship, René continues to act as director of the Educational Leadership Centre (formerly North Leadership Centre). A centre that has been actively involved in shaping and delivering educational leadership courses since the first iteration of National Professional Qualifications twenty-five years ago and has developed a key-contributing unit to the CPD metrics of the Knowledge Exchange Framework. As director, René oversees the strategic direction of the centre and is the Newcastle University representative on several partnership (governance) boards, including NETSP, School-led Network, UCL Early Career Framework, etc. René was Co-Investigator on an Erasmus project: Entrepreneurial Competences for School Leadership Teams ( and has since been involved as an advisor or consultant in a number of other Erasmus projects. René also held a Visiting Professorship in Educational Leadership at the Taraz State Pedagogical University.
René joined Newcastle University in 2010 as a member of the initial teacher training team following a career in secondary schools as head of department, Head of Careers, as a lead practitioner (assessment for learning, languages) for a local authority in the South East of England. While teaching in secondary schools, René completed a MBA in educational leadership at Keele University. Since his appointment René has led various degree programmes at masters level and is currently the degree programme director for the PGCert in Educational Leadership.
René is an institution-wide advocate for parity of esteem between research and teaching as well as professional development of fellow colleagues across the institution. He has been one of the academic leads of the University's Faculty Futures programme.
For his work in higher education, he was made a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in 2017 (SFHEA). In addition, he has been made a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute (FCMI) and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA). In Summer 2022, he received a Certificate of Thanks for his commitment and contribution to international language policy from the Internationale German Teacher and Lecturer Association (IDV) at the University of Vienna (René's Alma Marta).
Externally, René is currently UK's first representative to the Internationale Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer Verband (IDV), a member of the British Academy Language Advisory Group, trustee and chair of the management board of the Association for Language Learning, of which he was president from 2014-2016). Furthermore, René is Vice-Chair of the Governing Board at Castle View Enterprise Academy.
Current roles within the university include:
- Dean of Lifelong Learning and Professional Practice
- Academic Director of the Lifelong Learning and Apprenticeship Hub
- Director of the Educational Leadership Centre
- Director of Network for Languages North East
- Chair of Board of Examiner (BA Education, DAppEdPsych)
- Member of Programme Approval Committee (for apprenticeship related programmes)
- Degree Programme Director: PGCert in Educational Leadership
- Admissions Tutor: employer-based PGCE
Previous roles within the university and externally included:
- Acting Head of School (2015-2016)
- Deputy Head of School and Director of Operations (2014-15)
- NETSP Programme Director (North East Teaching Schools Partnership)
- Degree Programme Director of Secondary PGCE, employer-based PGCE
- Degree Programme Director of MEd (fulltime)
- Degree Programme Director MEd Practitioner Enquiry (Leadership)
- Pathway Leader MEd (Pedagogy and Learning)
- Member of HaSS Faculty's Opportunities Group
- Member of university-wide PGT Task and Finish Group
- Member of the HaSS Faculty Promotion Committee (2016-2019)
- UCML: Executive Committee member, School Liaison (2016-2022)
Membership and Fellowships:
- Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Manufacturing and
- BELMAS (British Educational Leadership Management and Administration Society)
- Associate Member of the Chartered College for Teaching
- Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors
- Member of NCTL (National College for Teaching and Leadership)
- UCET: Member of the Executive Board (since 2015), Member of the CPD Committee (since 2020), Member of International Committee (2011-2013.
- Association for Language Learning (ALL) Chair of Board of Trustees (since 2016), President (2014-2016), President Elect (2014), Trustee and Honorary Finance Officer (2011-2014); ALL's Initial Teacher Education SIG (since 2013)
- IDV e.V. (International German Teacher Association): founding Member and UK representative
- Core Member of CfLAT (Centre for learning and Teaching)
Academic/Scientific Advisory Boards:
- Editorial Board Member (Editor), Language Learning Journal (published by Taylor&Francis, Routledge Group)
- Editorial Board Member, Educational Leader (Pemimpin Pendidikan) Journal, University of Malaya, Malaysia (2018 - )
- Member of academic advisory board for the "Sprachen lehren - Sprachen lernen" series, published by Frank &Timme (2017 - )
- Member of the resolution committee "Freiburger Resolution zur Sprachenpolitik" (2016-2017)
Judging Panels:
- DAAD German Translation competition (since 2014)
- European Day of Languages Competition (since 2012)
- Language Teacher of the Year Award / Routes into Languages Ambassador Award (2015, 2016)
- European Language Label (2011, 2012)
Current projects:
- Institute of Electrification and Advanced Manufacturing (IESAM) - UKRI / Innovate UK-funded project
- National Consortium of Language Education
- National Professional Qualifications for aspiring school leaders
- Lifelong Learning Entitlement
- Language Policy - An international language policy resolution for German.
- Language Policy - with a particular focus on the diverse nature of the UK.
Completed projects, include:
- Strategic Development Fund Bid focusing on Green Transport and Green Energy skills development programmes
- Literature in the new A-level languages curriculum: OUP A-level study guide publication project (Der Besuch der Alten Dame, Der Vorleser)
- Erasmus: EC4SLT - Entrepreneurial Competences for School Leadership Teams (2014-2016)
- DfE / Association for Language Learning: ALL Connect
- Tyneside Cinema Language Days
- Video-conferencing and language learning (partner school: Stokesley School)
- "Auf Deutsch" - German GCSE website: project led by Goethe Institute London:
- Various publishing projects
- Target Culture in the Language Classroom
- German GCSE/A-level days in partnership with the Goethe Institute CfBT Project: German Grammar Teaching
- European funded project in cooperation with the Goethe Institut, London.
- Doppelgänger-project with the Goethe Institut London
Invited Keynotes, panels, workshops (in selection):
- IDT 2022, Vienna Aug. 2022: invited panellist; topic: "Internationale Sprachenpolitik: Wirtschaftsfaktor versus Empowerment".
- NEBA Conference, Northumbria University, May 2022: Regional Image for Skills Challenge - Joining the dots.
- Lifelong Education Commission Conference, London March 2022: invited panellist
- InnoConf online Sept. 2020: Keynote: "Transition in languages in trying times - challenges and opportunities".
- Prince's Teaching Institute: MFL Residential (Oxford, UK): invited panellist (language policy, recruitment, assessment)
- University of Vienna, Department of English (Vienna, A): "Assessment for Learning - a key aspect for the English language classroom" (workshop)
- University of Vienna, Zentrum für LehrerInnenbildung (Vienna, A: "Assessment for Learning – the answer to all problems in assessing learning?" (Keynote)
- Inside Government, MFL Forum (London, UK): The Future of Modern Foreign Languages in Primary and Secondary Education.
- ALL London: "Practical solutions for all - in language teaching" (Keynote)
- Goethe Institute, London; annual German Day: Opening Keynote
PHD/EdD/iPhD supervision:
Successful completions:
- Afayori, Robert (2019, EdD): The Impact of Tutors' Perceptions of the Transformational Leadership Practices of their College Principals on their Self-Efficacy Beliefs. Co-supervised with Profs James Tooley, Simon Gibbs.
- Armstrong, Janet (2022, EdD): Policy, Practice and Effectiveness within the Secondary Schools of a Single System: Applying and extending a multilevel model. Co-supervised with Dr Pam Woolner.
- Baktir, Ibrahim (2022, PhD): Academy Schools of England and Project Schools of Turkey: Freedom for Schools, Innovation and Accountability. Co-supervised with Prof Pauline Dixon.
- Albalwi, Abdullah (2023, PhD): Investigating the influence of learning-centred leadership on authentic instruction and the contribution to enhancing the learning culture: A case study of four Saudi Arabian primary schools. Co-supervised with Dr Sam Shields and Dr Pam Woolner. Abdullah received the BELMAS Thesis Award 2024 for his work.
- Saleh, Aram (2024, integrated PhD, part-time): Stakeholders’ Perception on the Impact of Private Schools on the Educational Process in Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Co-supervised with Dr Steve Humble.
Current supervision focus at doctorate level:
- any aspects of educational leadership/management, with a particular focus on governance
- any aspect of education and higher education policy, with a particular focus on leading change
- any aspects of language policy, language learning, teaching and assessment
Current EdD supervision: Walker, Stuart; Sanderson, Phillip;
External examining of PhDs/EdDs:
- Manian, Uma (2019): The impact of externally-driven change on middle leadership in a Malaysian Higher Education Institution. University of Leeds.
- Higgins, John Brendan (2019): Social Justice Development and Practice in School Leaders in Nepal. University of Leeds.
- Cass-Zubiria, Maria Magdalena (2020): Exploring Professional Identity Development of Foreign Language Student-teachers in PROMETE as a Community of Practice. University of Southampton.
MEd/MA Supervision
Dissertations in the following areas were supervised:
- Educational Leadership / Management
- Testing, Assessment, Assessment for Learning
- Educational Policy (UK and international)
- Thinking Skills, Thinking Maps
- Coaching and Mentoring
- Secondary Subjects: Subject Pedagogy
- Primary and Secondary School Pedagogy
- Language Teaching, Learning and Pedagogy
- Curriculum Design: Curriculum as Written, Taught and Experienced
- Practitioner Enquiry research projects
Recent MEd/MA/MRes dissertations supervised include (in selection):
- Chapman, E. (2020): The impact of Distributed Leadership on school culture and the infinite pursuit of High Performance - A Case Study. This dissertation was awarded the 2019-20 Marie Butterworth Prize for Excellence in Practitioner Enquiry.
- Clark, L. (2019): Becoming a Head: An exploration of the skills required to succeed in the position of headteacher.
- Frost, C. (2019): Education policy in Wales: language preservation and revitalisation at national and local level.
- Everitt, W. (2018): Non-Peruvian teacher attrition in Lima's international school sector: power, agency and identity. This dissertation was awarded the 2017-18 Marie Butterworth Prize for Excellence in Practitioner Enquiry.
- Saleh, A. (2017): The impact of private schools on educational process in Iraqi Kurdistan.
- Godde, L. (2016): The influence of gender on leadership in athletics.
- McShane, J. (2016): What were the drivers behind the movement of Initial Teacher Education from University training towards a school-led system? A Case Study.
- Peters, L.(2016): What feasible techniques and activities can modern foreign languages (MFL) teachers integrate into their lessons and implement as part of their curriculum that encourage pupils to speak spontaneously in the second language (L2)? (co-supervised with Cheryl Mackay)
- Prochazkova, K. (2016): The Implementation of Fundamental British Values Policy in the North-East: Perceptions of the School Leaders.
- Myers, R. (2015): Maximising the effectiveness of Teaching Assistants through strategic leadership.
- Robinson, K. (2015): After-school provision: Entrepreneurial Projects - How do they impact on student learning?
- Tu, Q. (2015): Which factors make educational leaders in Training Schools in China be perceived as having stronger leadership ability?
- Dempster, K. (2014): The Australian Director of Studies: doing the work that matters in the ELT business.
- Nickols, S. (2014): Do students, and members of the wider society in Finland appreciate education more than students, and members of the wider society in England?
- Wu, Y. (2014): Women's perspectives on female educational leadership in China: a case study of one university in China.
- Burlinson, C. (2014): Initial Teacher Training. A critical reflection on my journey towards Twiselton's concept builder.
- Depew, S. (2013): Teacher evaluation enhances professional development.
- Ferguson, K. (2013): What does an ideal sixth form curriculum look like for a student with autism?
- Moktal, R. (2013): Case study of a Bruneian primary school headteacher: theory and practice.
- Robson, M. (2013): A school based case study into the impact and perceptions of collaborative practice on teaching and learning, considering pedagogical links to coaching, management and leadership.
- Sirett, A. (2013): What is the role of students in the improvement process of teaching and learning?
- Sutherland, S. (2012): An investigation into independent learning in ICT post-16 level.
- Stottart, E. (2012): How can thinking maps be used to improve essay writing in KS5 Modern Languages?
Undergraduate Teaching
- EDU1003 - British and Comparative Education (20 credits, stage 1)
- EDU 2001 - Pedagogies (20 credits, stage 2) session focusing on language pedagogy
- SML4003 - Communicating and Teaching Languages for Language Ambassadors (20 credits, stage 4)
Postgraduate Teaching
- EDU8172 – Leadership and Strategic Management (20 credits, semester 1)
- EDU8130 – NPQH Accreditation (60 credits, all year)
- EDU – NPQSL Accreditation (40 credits, all year)
- EDU – NPQML Accreditation (20 credits, all year)
- Employer-based PGCE modules
- EDU8599 – Research Dissertation/Research-based Portfolio (60 credits, semesters 2 and 3), supervision
- Contribution to the secondary PGCE and employer-based PGCE programme.
- Subject Leadership for Aspiring Leaders (end of PGCE programme focus day)
Current roles in Teaching and Learning
- Strategic Lead in collaboration with heads of sections, DELT and DPDs
- Chair of Board of Examiners: BA, Education, PGT, PGR, Educational Psychologist programmes
- Senior Tutor
- DPD PG Cert in Educational Leadership
- DPD employer-based PGCE
Previously taught modules / programmes
- EDU8033 – Investigating Educational Leadership (40 credits, semester 2)
- EDU8031 – Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment as Foundations of Teaching and Learning (20 credits, semester 1)
- Secondary PGCE - MFL: Curriculum Sessions, German Subject Specific Sessions, Professional Learning in Context seminars, various lectures QTS standards assessments, Ofsted preparation;
- Out-posted MEd Leadership & Action Research modules
Previous roles in Teaching and Learning
- Deputy DPD PGCE Secondary programme
- DPD PGCE Secondary programme
- DPD MA Education: International Perspectives
- DPD MEd Practitioner Enquiry (Leadership)
- Pathway Leader MA Education: International Perspectives (Leadership and Management)
- Module leader of EDU8172, EDU8033, SML4003
In December 2013, René was interviewed by Rosie Goldsmith for the Goethe Institut London on education in the UK, Germany and Austria as well as language learning. For more details see here:
- Koglbauer R. The Last Word: Valuing our Independence. Languages Today 2023, Summer 2023(44), 30-30.
- Koglbauer R. Ofsted’s Curriculum research review for languages - what does this mean for language teachers, department leaders, curriculum design and professional development?. The Language Learning Journal 2022, 50(2), 262-267.
- Koglbauer R. Language Learners' Lifelong Skills. Languages Today 2022, Winter 2022(40), 23.
- Reid A, Koglbauer R. ‘I see what you mean’: Using visual data collection methods to explore leadership curriculum planning. Management in Education 2018, 32(1), 19-25.
- Koglbauer R. European Day of Languages Competition goes national. Languages Today 2016, 23(Summer), 5.
- Koglbauer R. ALL President's Blog. ALL President René Koglbauer ponders the assessment dilemma. Languages Today 2016, Summer 2016(23), 23.
- Koglbauer R. ALL President's Blog. Languages Today 2016, Spring 2016, 22, 25.
- Koglbauer R. ALL President's Blog. Languages Today 2015, Autumn 2015(21), 21.
- Koglbauer R. ALL President's Blog. Languages Today 2015, Spring 2015(19), 21.
- Koglbauer R. ALL President's blog. Languages Today 2015, Summer 2015(20), 21.
- Koglbauer R. Technology a Revelation for Language Learning Pedagogy?. Sanako Platform - The Newsletter of Sanako UK 2014.
- Koglbauer R. ALL President's blog. Languages Today 2014, (18), 21-21.
- Koglbauer R. Social Networks In the Classroom. Learning and Teaching Update 2013, 51. In Press.
- Koglbauer R, Black L. Innovationen im Deutschunterricht: Neue Medien und ein pädagogischer Denkansatz. Deutsch: Lehren und Lernen 2013, (47).
- Koglbauer R. Developing leadership qualities in children and young people. Learning and Teaching Update 2012, (59), 10-11.
- Koglbauer R. Brief eines österreichischen Bären über das englische Schulsystem. Ausblicke 32. Zeitschrift für österreichische Kultur und Sprache 2011, 32, 14-15.
- Koglbauer R. Deutschland, Deutschland, nichts als Deutschland oder doch DACHL?. ÖDaF-Mitteilungen 2007, 2, 26-36.
Authored Books
- Koglbauer R, Turner J. Der Vorleser. Bernhard Schlink. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.
- Koglbauer R, Turner J. Der Besuch der alten Dame. Friedrich Durrenmatt. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2018.
Book Chapters
- Koglbauer R, Haines J, Seedhouse P. Video Enhanced Observation. Enhancing Reflection, Pedagogy and Students' Learning. In: Thomson, K, ed. Classroom Discourse Competence. Current Issues in Language Teaching and Teacher Education. Tübingen, Germany: Narr Francke Attempto, 2022, pp.161-174.
- Koglbauer R. Transition in languages in trying times - challenges and opportunities. In: Salin, Sandra; Hampton, Cathy, ed. Innovative language teaching and learning at university: facilitating transition from and to higher education., 2022, pp.23-34.
- Koglbauer R, Jarzabek AD. Sprachenpolitisches Handeln von Verbänden. In: Vosicki B; Gick C; Studer T, ed. IDT 2017. Band 3: Sprachenpolitik: Expertenberichte und Freiburger Resolution. Berlin: Erich Schmidt, 2019, pp.30-50.
- Koglbauer R. Multilinguale Sprachenpolitik im Vereinigten Königreich - ihre Auswirkungen auf Schulen, SchülerInnen und die Zukunft des Landes. In: Hepp, M; Nied Curcio, M, ed. Educazione plurilingue: Ricerca, didattica e politiche linguistiche. Bildung zur Mehrsprachigkeit: Forschung, Didaktik und Sprachenpolitik. Plurilingual Education: Research, Teaching and Language Policies. Rome, Italy: Insituto Italiano di Studi Germanici, 2018, pp.93-104.
- Koglbauer R. Language Teacher Supply: The Vicious Cycle, the Effects of the EU Referendum and Attempts to Solve Supply Shortage. In: Kelly M, ed. Languages after Brexit. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp.219-227.
- Koglbauer R, Andersen E, Stewart S. Communicating and teaching languages: a module for life. In: Corradini, E; Borthwick, K; Gallagher-Brett, A, ed. Employability for languages: a handbook. Dublin, Ireland:, 2016, pp.103-111.
- Koglbauer R. Die Wand (2012). Study Guide. 2014.
- Koglbauer R. Wer Wenn Nicht Wir? Study Guide. 2013. Newcastle, UK: Tyneside Cinema; Routes into Languages.
- Koglbauer R. Das Wunder von Bern. Study Guide. 2013. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Tyneside Cinema.
Digital or Visual Media
- Koglbauer R, Goldsmith R. Doppelgänger Three: The Great Education Debate. London, UK: Goethe Institute, 2013.
- Koglbauer R. German e-learning KS4: 100 grammar slides. Oxford: Boardwoarks, 2008. CD Rom.
Edited Book
- Grundy V, Rollin N, Vennebusch E, Warren H, Wehmeier S, ed. Oxford Learner's German Dictionary. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2009.
- Koglbauer R. Languages - vitally important for our future generation and the future of our country. NACE insight 2017, Spring 2017(101), 1.
- Koglbauer R. Getting English Education Right. Teaching, Learning & Pastoral Hub 2013.
- Koglbauer R. As 21st century educators, we must develop greater synergy between knowledge, pedagogy and technology. Learning and Teaching Update 2013, 64.
Online Publications
- Koglbauer R. Lifelong learning and apprenticeships: skills for life. A call for a longer-term, sustainable and collaborative approach to the country's skill development agenda. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2024. Available at:
- Hepp M, Janicka M, Schäfer A, Camu A, Cothrun K, Horvatic Bilic I, Indrawidjaja E, Koglbauer R, Ndao M. Handreichung. Sprachenpolitische Oeffentlichkeitsarbeit der Verbaende. Leipzig, Munich: Der Internationale Deutschlehrerinnen- und Deutschlehrerverband e.V, 2021. Available at:
- Claro J, Gordon AL, Koglbauer R, Pellon M, Shanks D. The Head of Languages Handbook. Leicester, UK: Association for Language Learning, 2017.
- Koglbauer R. Die Freiburger Resolution. Goethe Institut, 2017. Available at:
- Koglbauer R. BREXIT - initial thoughts on effects on our schools. London: British Educational Research Association, 2016. Available at:
- Koglbauer R, Butterfield H, Reid C. Webinar on Routes into Language Teaching. Routes into Language, 2015. Available at:
- Koglbauer R. The challenges and realities of implementing compulsory language learning in schools. NISR, 2015. Available at:
- Hennebry M, Koglbauer R. Ten Minute Guide to M-level CPD in North East HEI. University of Southampton: Links into Languages, 2011. Available at:
- Koglbauer R. Learning Walks: Sharing of good practice. London: Optimus Education, 2011. Available at:
- Hepp M, Jarzabek AD, Koglbauer R. Sprachpolitisches Handeln von Verbänden. International German Teacher Association, IDT Organisation Team, 2017.
- Koglbauer R, Schroth S. Das Leben der Anderen. Study Guide. Newcastle upon Tyne: Tyneside Cinema, 2012.