Staff Profile
Dr Spencer Hazel
Reader in Applied Linguistics & Communication
- Email:
- Telephone: 0191 2086374
- Address: Room 1.37 KGVI
School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences
King George VI Building
Newcastle University
Queen Victoria Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
I joined Newcastle in 2016, following a decade moving between the University of Luxembourg, Roskilde University (Denmark), the University of Southern Denmark, and the University of Nottingham. This mobility has characterised much of my life, starting in childhood and continuing through my adult years. I spent some 25 years living, studying and working in a range of inspiring places around the world, and trying (not always successfully) to navigate the linguistic and cultural labyrinths in which I would find myself. This has ultimately informed my wider interests in the world, with much of my research also seeking out international settings - multilingual workplaces, language classrooms, Higher Education, the Arts and the like – to explore how people from different walks of life come to make sense of one another.
With a rich international history that stretches back through the years, the North East is an ideal place to pursue these interests. Furthermore, Newcastle has become a very different, internationalised city from the one I left as a young boy many years ago, and therefore a great place to be carrying out this line of research. More recently, I have carried out research on communication involving people living with dementia, and conversational AI.
As well as an earlier career in theatre, I am also interested in the media, and in 2016 was a British Science Association Media Fellow. This gave me the opportunity to spend a month working as science writer for The Times.
I am Co-Editor of the scientific journal Social Interaction - Video-based Studies of Human Sociality
University roles and responsibilities
- RENKEI UK-Japan university partnership (British Council) Lead
- Pathway Leader MA CCC & International Management
- Member of School Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Committee
- Acting Director of Global (ECLS)
- Co-Chair of Board of Examiners
- Member of REF Internal Quality Audit committee, ECLS
- Member of the HaSS Faculty Ethics Committee
- Independent Chair for PhD vivas
- Academic Lead Athena Swan, ECLS, 2016-2021
- Director of EDI, ECLS, 2016-2021
Area of expertise
- Applied Linguistics
- Communication
- Social Interaction
- Dementia and communication
- Conversational AI
- Multimodality
- Multilingual Workplace
- Language Policy
- Creative Sector
Peer review and editorial work
Social Interaction - Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality (Editorial Board); Research on Language and Social Interaction (ROLSI); Applied Linguistics; Language & Communication; Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice; Applied Linguistics Review; Discourse Processes; Discourse Studies; Classroom Discourse; Qualitative Research Journal; Journal of Pragmatics; Pragmatics and Society; Text & Talk; Modern Language Journal; Aging and Mental Health; Qualitative Research in Psychology; Qualitative Research in Health; Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders; Qualitative Video Research Reports; Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education; Forum Qualitative Social Research; International Journal for the Semiotics of Law; Ampersand; Journal of Interaction Research and Communication Design (Advisory Board); Guest Editor work: Journal of Pragmatics (2014; 2018); Journal of Linguistic Anthropology (2017), and a number of edited collections.
Scientific committees: International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis (IIEMCA); American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL); Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP); Cultural and Linguistic Practices in the Internationalised University (CALPIU)
Google scholar: Click here.
SCOPUS: Click here.
My research interests are in workplace interaction, with recent research output dealing with such settings as service encounters, corporate business meetings, business workshop facilitation, guidance counselling in higher education, classroom interaction, healthcare, research-focused activities, theatre rehearsals, and forklift truck driving. More recently, my research has also explored healthy again, including communication involving people living with dementia, and conversational AI.
Most settings that I have investigated have been linguistically dynamic, and I am especially interested in exploring the ways through which people make use of the body and other resources from the surround to facilitate communication. I adopt an interaction analytic approach to do so, drawing on Ethnomethodological Conversation Analysis, micro-ethnography, and video analysis.
Over the years, I have been involved in a range of projects on internationalised, multilingual settings. At the University of Luxembourg I was attached to the Codiscilea project (Competences for Organizing Discourse-in-Interaction and Science Learning), exploring the discourse of elementary school science classrooms. At Roskilde University, I carried out my PhD research as a member of the Research Centre for Cultural and Linguistic Practices in the Internationalised University (, and postdoctoral research in the project Language and Interaction in the Global Corporation ( The research project Transient Multilingual Communities ( built on this previous work, and I was involved in the Erasmus project Critical Skills for Life and Work (, developing toolkits for highly skilled refugees.
My research in these projects has focused first and foremost on resources such as talk, gaze, gesture, body posture and material objects that people make use of in their interactions. This line of work was carried through in the project Social Objects for Innovation and Learning (SOIL) at the University of Southern Denmark in Kolding.
Recently, with colleagues across Newcastle University, we have conducted research on social interaction involving people living with dementia. This project, Interaction, Dementia and Engagement in the Arts (IDEA) was funded from the British Academy, and provided the foundations for a follow-up project Interaction, Dementia and Engagement in the Arts for Lifelong Learning (IDEAL), supported by a grant from the UKRI Industrial Strategy Catalyst Fund. Both these projects are collaborations with colleagues from across Newcastle University, working in partnership with Equal Arts and Sunderland Culture.
I am currently also working on how to improve conversational AI, funded by an Innovate UK grant.
I am currently module leader for ALC8021 Understanding Multimodal Communication and ALC8003 Research Portfolio.I also contribute to HSS8004 Qualitative Methods and Critical Analysis in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
I am also currently supervising nine PhD students. I would be happy to hear from candidates looking to do a PhD in areas of research related to my own, specifically research from and interactionist perspective, including Conversation Analysis, Ethnomethodological Interaction Analysis, and Video Analysis.
Office hours: Monday 11-12
- Brandt A, Hazel S. Towards interculturally adaptive conversational AI. Applied Linguistics Review 2025, 16(2), 775-786.
- Stephenson M, Hazel S. Securing affiliation and managing disagreement: Epistemic primacy claims in group-based L2 oral assessments. Applied Linguistics 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Brandt A, Hazel S, McKinnon R, Sideridou K, Tindale J, Ventoura N. Educating Dora: Teaching a conversational agent to talk. Discourse & Communication 2024, 18(6), 905-916.
- Leyland C, Hazel S, Brandt A. Enabling people living with dementia to make choices during creative workshops: a conversation analysis study of co-creativity, choice-sequences, and the supportive actions of carers. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology 2023, 49(3), 114-136.
- Schneider J, Hazel S, Morgner C, Dening T. Facilitation of positive social interaction through visual art in dementia: A case study using video-analysis. Ageing and Society 2019, 39(8), 1731-1751.
- Morgner C, Hazel S, Schneider J, Tischler V. Conduct in Dementia: Video Analysis of Arts Interventions. Sociological Research Online 2019, 24(4), 514-540.
- Hazel S, Svennevig J. Multilingual workplaces – Interactional dynamics of the contemporary international workforce. Journal of Pragmatics 2018, 126, 1-9.
- Hazel S. Doing notes – coordinating collaborative ideas development using inscribed objects. Day, D. & Mortensen, K. (eds.) Special Issue: Inscribed Objects in Professional Interaction. Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice 2018. Submitted.
- Hazel S, Mortensen K. The classroom moral compass - participation, engagement and transgression in classroom interaction. Classroom Discourse 2017, 8(3), 214-234.
- Hazel S. Mapping the Langscape - Developing Multilingual Norms in a Transient Project Community. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 2017, 27(3), 308–325.
- Lønsmann D, Hazel S, Haberland H. Introduction to Special Issue on Transience: Emerging Norms of Language Use. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 2017, 27(3), 264-270.
- Hazel S. The paradox from within: research participants doing-being-observed. Qualitative Research 2016, 16(4), 446-467.
- Hazel S. In whose face?! (Angry young) theatre makers and the targets of their provocation. Coup de Theatre 2015, 29, 45-68.
- Hazel S. Identities at odds: embedded and implicit language policing in the internationalized workplace. Language and Intercultural Communication 2015, 15(1), 141-160.
- Hazel S. Acting, interacting, enacting. Representing medical practice in theatre performance. Akademisk Kvarter/Academic Quarter 2015, 12(Fall 2015), 44-64.
- Mortensen K, Hazel S. Moving into interaction—Social practices for initiating encounters at a help desk. Journal of Pragmatics 2014, 62, 46-67.
- Hazel S, Mortensen K, Rasmussen G. Introduction: A body of resources – CA studies of social conduct. Journal of Pragmatics 2014, 65, 1-9.
- Hazel S, Mortensen K. Embodying the institution—Object manipulation in developing interaction in study counselling meetings. Journal of Pragmatics 2014, 65, 10-29.
- Mortensen K, Hazel S. Initiating round robins in the L2 classroom – preliminary observations. Novitas-ROYAL (Research on Youth and Language) 2011, 5(1), 55-70.
Authored Books
- Hazel S. Social Interaction and Dramatic Performance : Staging Conversation. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2025. In Press.
- Hazel S. Interactional competence in the institutional setting of the international university – talk and embodied action as multimodal aggregates in institutional interaction. Roskilde, Denmark: Roskilde University, 2012.
Book Chapters
- Hazel S, Lønsmann D. Norms, accountability and socialisation in a refugee language classroom. In: Mortensen J; Kraft K, ed. Norms and the Study of Language in Social Life. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 2022, pp.43-67.
- Hazel S, Mortensen K. Designedly Incomplete Objects - materially constituted elicitation tools in language classroom interaction. In: Day, D; Wagner, J, ed. Objects, Bodies and Professional Practice. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters, 2019, pp.216-249.
- Hazel S. Discovering Interactional Authenticity: Tracking Theatre Practitioners Across Rehearsals. In: Doehler SP; González-Martínez E; Wagner J, ed. Longitudinal Studies on the Organization of Social Interaction. Basingstoke: Springer, 2018, pp.255-283.
- Mortensen J, Hazel S. At arbejde med videodata: Praktiske og tekniske aspekter. In: Davidsen J; Kjær M, ed. Videoanalyse af social interaktion. Copenhagen: Samfundslitteratur, 2018, pp.61-86.
- Mortensen K, Hazel S. Navigating the moral maze - order and transgression in language classroom participation. In: Schwab, G; Hoffmann, S; Schön, A, ed. Interaktion im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Beiträge aus der empirischen Forschung. Münster: LIT Verlag, 2017, pp.113-132.
- Mortensen J, Hazel S. Lending bureaucracy voice: negotiating English in institutional encounters. In: Filppula, M; Klemola, J; Mauranen, A; Vetchinnikova, S, ed. Changing English: Global and Local Perspectives. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter Mouton, 2017, pp.255–276.
- Hazel S. Identities at odds : embedded and implicit language policing in the internationalized workplace. In: Ledgaard, HJ; Jenks, CJ, ed. Language and Intercultural Communication in the Workplace: Critical approaches to theory and practice. Routledge, 2017.
- Hazel S, Wagner J. L2 and L3 Integrated Learning: Lingua Franca Use in Learning an Additional Language in the Classroom. In: Jenks CJ; Seedhouse P, ed. International Perspectives on the ELT classroom interaction. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave MacMillan, 2015, pp.149-167.
- Hazel S. Institutional identity negotiation in multilingual workplace settings. In: Grujicic-Alatriste, L, ed. Linking Discourse Studies to Professional Practice. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters, 2015.
- Hazel S. Cultivating objects in interaction: Visual motifs as meaning making practices. In: Nevile M; Haddington P; Heinemann T; Rauniomaa M, ed. Interacting with Objects: Language, materiality, and social activity. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2014, pp.169-194.
- Hazel S, Mortensen J. Kitchen talk – Exploring linguistic practices in liminal institutional interactions in a multilingual university setting. In: Haberland, H; Lønsmann; D; Preisler, B, ed. Language alternation, language choice and language encounter in international education. Dordrecht: Springer, 2013, pp.3-30.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Brandt A, Hazel S, Mckinnon R, Sideridou K, Tindale J, Ventoura N. From Writing Dialogue to Designing Conversation: Considering the potential of Conversation Analysis for Voice User Interfaces. In: CUI '23: ACM conference on Conversational User Interfaces. 2023, Eindhoven, The Netherlands: Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, United States.
- Hazel S, Brandt A. Enhancing the Natural Conversation Experience Through Conversation Analysis – A Design Method. In: 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2023. 2023, Copenhagen: Springer.
- Brandt A, Hazel S, Leyland C. Interaction, Dementia and Engagement in the Arts: Resources and Challenges in Participation. In: Atypical Interaction Conference 2019. 2019, University of Helsinki, Finland.
- Leyland C, Hazel S. Facilitating Participation in Creative Arts Interventions for People with Dementia. In: Creativity and Dementia II: 3rd Annual SoPraCon Symposium. 2019, University of Southern Denmark.
- Hazel S. Revisiting interaction - reciprocal stimulation in co-present contact. 2018, Centre for Advanced Studies in Language and Communication, University of York, York.
- Hazel S, Lønsmann D. Norms and accountability in a refugee classroom. In: Sociolinguistics Symposium 22. 2018, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Hazel S, Kappa K, Kraft K. Language policing in international organisations – explicit and embedded orientations to language repertoires and their impact on professional identity. In: Multilingualism in International Organizations and International Co-operation. 2018, United Nations, New York: The Study Group on Language at the United Nations.
- Hazel S. ELF as destination, or point of departure. In: 11th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF11). 2018, King's College, London.
- Hazel S. Tracking change in transient project communities: The case of an international theatre ensemble in Denmark. In: British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) 2017. 2017, Leeds, UK: BAAL.
- Hazel S. Shaping History – interaction and its re-enactment. In: ECLS Seminar Series. 2017, Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences, Newcastle University.
- Hazel S. Reading one another – intersubjectivity and the constraints of orthodoxy. In: Helsinki Lectures on Intersubjectivity. 2017, Helsinki, Finland: Finnish Centre of Excellence in Intersubjectivity in Interaction.
- Hazel S. Interactional Competence as Embodied Action. In: Interactional Competences and Practices in a Second Language (ICOP-L2). 2017, Neuchatel, Switzerland.
- Hazel S, Mortensen J, Haberland H. Transcription linking software: integrating the ephemeral and the fixed in interaction research. In: Challenges and New Directions in the Micro-Analysis of Social Interaction. 2012, Osaka, Japan: Kansai University, Osaka, Japan.
- Mortensen J, Hazel S. The data cycle. In: Challenges and New Directions in the Micro-Analysis of Social Interaction. 2012, Osaka, Japan: Kansai University, Osaka, Japan.
Edited Books
- Svennevig J, Hazel S, ed. Special Issue: Multilingual workplaces – Interactional dynamics of the contemporary international workforce. Journal of Pragmatics, vol. 126. Elsevier, 2018.
- Rasmussen G, Hazel S, Mortensen K, ed. A body of resources - CA studies of social conduct [Special Issue of Journal of Pragmatics]. Amsterdam: Elsevier BV, 2014.
- Brandt A, Hazel S, Leyland C. Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders special issues: Atypical Interaction Conference 2022. Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders 2023, 14(2), 189-194.
- Hazel S. Den institutionelle krop i den international verden. Roskilde, Denmark: Roskilde University, 2013. Årsberetning 2013.
- Zhu H, Dai DW, Brandt A, Chen G, Ferri G, Hazel S, Jenks C, Jones R, O'Regan J, Suzuki S. Exploring AI for intercultural communication: Open conversation. Applied Linguistics Review 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Mortensen K, Hazel S. Charles Goodwin, Co-Operative Action [Book review]. Pragmatics & Society 2020, 11(1), 167-172.
Working Paper
- Hazel S, Haberland H. Negotiated exclusion – on the constitution of ‘otherness’ in a multilingual workplace setting. 2013.