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Educational Leadership Centre Blog

Welcome to the Educational Leadership Centre Blog

The Educational Leadership Centre (NUELC) Blog is designed to share think pieces spanning a variety of educational topics and discussion areas. These are organised into collections, accessed via the panels below.

Our aim is to create multiple collections of accessible blog posts, that range across categories including theory, research, practice and reflection, whilst effectively utilising case studies and reports as a vehicle for modelling theory into practice. 

The blog posts are categorised as follows:

These posts reflect upon current observations and experiences about a particular topic area or focus. 


These posts aim to present theories and concepts relating to education and leadership that could be used to reflect on your own practice and context.

Case Study

These real case studies illustrate the effective application of specific educational and leadership behaviour, often linking to concepts and/or theory covered in other posts, outlining ways in which you can transfer the learning to your own context. 


These posts share live aspects of successful practice in an educational and leadership context. 


These posts share the evidence base of how aspects of particular educational and leadership concepts and theories work in practice. 


These posts will share information with regard to educational updates, policy change, or discussion of outcomes from regional or national events or publications.  

Blog Collections

Contact Us

Educational Leadership Centre,
School of Education,
King George VI Building, Floor 3, 
Newcastle University, NE1 7RU, United Kingdom

T:  0191 208 8455

