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Newcastle University Masters Credits


The School-Led Network and NIoT is partnering with Newcastle University to provide the option for participants to acquire academic credits for the work done to achieve their NPQ.  

If participants pass the assessment for the NPQ they will be eligible for 20 credits which can be used towards a PGCert qualification.  

Credits are valid for 5 years after completion of your NPQ.  

The discounted cost of converting your NPQ qualification into Masters credits is £200, and if this is used towards a Newcastle University qualification then the cost of the full qualification will also be discounted. See table at the bottom of this page*.


Possible progression paths:  

PGCert in Educational Leadership  

  • The Educational Leadership PGCert is for practising educators in any educational sector. You will develop both 'know how' and 'know why' in relation to educational leadership.
  • This qualification is comprised of 60 credits, so participants will need to complement their existing credits with 2 additional 20 credit modules
  • Full information on the programme and additional modules can be found on our website here


MEd in Practitioner Enquiry (Leadership)  (Please note this programme is currently suspended)

  • Practitioner enquiry works with school improvement, teachers' professional development and educational innovation. In each module, you'll explore the links between practice, theory, and research.
  • This qualification is comprised of 120 credits, so participants will need to complement their existing credits with additional modules.
  • Full information on the programme and additional modules can be found on our website here


You may also be able to transfer your masters’ credits to another UK university, contact the university where you are interested in studying for confirmation.  


How to register for Masters Credits

You need only inform us if you wish to be registered for the credits. Newcastle University will complete the registration process for you. You need to complete the form at Masters credits application form to confirm that you wish to be awarded the 20 masters credits on successful completion of your NPQ programme. You will need to confirm on the form how you intend to pay for these credits. The charge for the credits is £200, and if this is used towards a Newcastle University qualification then the cost of the full qualification will also be discounted as per the table below. Therefore, the total you would pay would be £1660 + £200 (£1860). 


Discounted price *  

PGCert in Educational Leadership  

1 year programme: £1660* (full price £3,735 (25-26))  

If you have any queries about the masters credits, please contact us at  

Contact Us

Educational Leadership Centre,
School of Education,
King George VI Building, Floor 3, 
Newcastle University, NE1 7RU, United Kingdom

T:  0191 208 8455

