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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Newcastle is an inclusive community where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

We value individual differences and the diversity that this brings. We want to ensure that no-one is at a disadvantage because of who they are.

We create a positive, supportive culture for everyone to reach their potential. We achieve this through:

  • our institutional EDI Strategy
  • equality objectives
  • annual EDI report
  • dedicated working groups
  • events
  • projects

Our commitment to diversity extends beyond our duties under the Equality Act and Public Sector Equality Duty.

Newcastle University has now published its Annual EDI Report 2023. It incorporates our progress against our Equality Objectives, our equality monitoring data and our Gender Pay Gap Report.

Access our Equality Objectives, Annual EDI Reports, and Gender Paygap Reports on our Public Sector Equality Duty page: