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Public Sector Equality Duty

EDI and gender pay gap reports.

Like all public sector bodies, we are required under the Public Sector Equality Duty of the Equality Act 2010 to take steps to:

  • eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010
  • advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not share it
  • foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not share it

The Public Sector Equality Duty requires us to publish equality objectives at least every four years. As well as information demonstrating compliance with the duty.

Equality Objectives 2020-2024

We engaged in consultation with stakeholders and a strategic overview of all our existing and planned EDI work. We then developed the following Equality Objectives which cover the period from 2020-24. In line with the Public Sector Equality Duty, we have created these objectives to ensure we pay due regard to:

  • eliminating discrimination
  • harassment
  • victimisation
  • advancing equality of opportunity
  • fostering good relations

Equality objectives

  • Further develop an inclusive culture which does not tolerate hate crime, discrimination, victimisation or harassment
  • Increase representation of underrepresented protected characteristic groups among professional service and academic colleagues
  • Improve the progression of academic and professional service colleagues from protected characteristic groups into senior positions where underrepresentation has been identified
  • Improve graduate outcomes for students with a protected characteristic
  • Become a family-friendly organisation
  • Ensure all new and reviewed policies take into consideration EDI
  • Improve our EDI evidence base by enhancing systems and processes relating to EDI data capture, analysis, and reporting

We monitor and demonstrate progress against these Equality Objectives. We gather information from various colleague and student-focused EDI work and integrated into a single Annual EDI report. We present this report annually to UEB and Council.

Annual EDI Reports

Our Annual EDI Report provides information demonstrating our compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty. This includes:

  • equality monitoring data
  • an overview of governance structures and EDI resources
  • EDI work we are doing to meet our equality objectives

It also incorporates our Gender Pay Gap Report.

2023 Report

‌Gender Pay Gap Report

We have been publishing Gender Pay Gap reports since 2017 and since 2021, have integrated our report into our Annual EDI Report (see above).

Our report presents our data and progress on addressing the gender pay gap in the organisation, but also ethnicity and disability. We are not legally required to publish ethnicity or disability pay gaps. We choose to do so to enable us to be a transparent organisation that continuously improves.

In 2023, our mean (average) gender pay gap was 15.1%. Our mean ethnicity pay gap among non-clinical academics was 0.1%. Finally, our mean disability pay gap among all colleagues was 9.8%.

Our reports examine where colleagues are in our workforce, including their occupations and grades. This helps us to better understand what contributes to our pay gaps. This is enabling more targeted action to be taken.

We commit to continue to move forward at pace in our analysis and actions to support pay equality. We prioritise work that will increase representation of female colleagues and colleagues from minoritised ethnic backgrounds at senior levels and in leadership roles.

We also work to develop more complete data and understanding regarding barriers for our disabled colleagues. This links firmly into both our Institutional Athena Swan Action Plan (2019-23) and Full REC Application and Action Plan, as well as our Equality Objectives.

Previous reports