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As a Stonewall Global Diversity Champion, we are finding even more ways to ensure Newcastle is LGBTQ+ and non-binary inclusive.

Stonewall Diversity Champions programme

The Stonewall Diversity Champions programme is a leading best-practice employers' forum. It includes organisations committed to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ+) inclusion.

We are an international organisation with campuses in Malaysia and Singapore. We joined the Global Diversity Champion Programme in 2016 to ensure this commitment extends to all our colleagues across the world.

Stonewall membership provides us access to a vast bank of information, experience and knowledge. This helps us to ensure that all LGBTQ+ colleagues are accepted without exception in the workplace.

As a Diversity Champion we will:

  • develop and share good practice by discussing what works and what doesn’t
  • communicate commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusion and that all who work or study here will be fully supported
  • recognise the benefits of diversity for employees, customers and service users in competitive markets
  • promote the University as an employer of choice for LGBTQ+ people
  • provide leadership on LGBTQ+ inclusion and wider equality, diversity and inclusion issues

The Rainbow Network

Members of the University community established The Rainbow Network. This is for members of the University community with the purpose of:

  • supporting LGBTQ+ colleagues and students
  • challenging heteronormativity
  • promoting inclusion of people of diverse genders, sexualities, and relationships

We aim to do so through engagement in actions which produce and embed transformational change for individuals and groups. We work upwards and outwards through the community and University to support individuals. We also change structures and systems that do not support them.

Open to all colleagues and PGR students

Rainbow is open to colleagues and PGR students of all genders and sexualities, and across all grades and roles including:

  • admin
  • technical
  • research
  • academic
  • support

We engage in and provide advocacy, education, celebration and promotion of diversity and inclusion.

We do this by developing, maintaining and enhancing a presence at the University through events. We influence University policy on all matters relevant to LGBTQ+ inclusion.

Networks of support

We offer networks of support by working with other EDI groups at Newcastle and LGBTQ+ networks at other universities, including:

  • being a contact point for people experiencing bi/homo/transphobia
  • signposting to existing University and community support
  • developing guidelines for staff and students on dealing with bi/homo/transphobia
  • embedding LGBTQ+ in University practice
  • We seek to challenge and transform University practice so that LGBT+ issues embed in planning and we consider them when:
  • launching new initiatives
  • reviewing existing policy and practice
  • acting as an institutional critical friend

In turn, this works towards transforming culture and perceptions to reduce and eliminate everyday bi/homo/transphobia. 

Rights-based approach

Rainbow is a collaborative, inclusive and safe space in which all members can feel valued and equal. It adopts a rights-based approach informed by evidence, community needs and practice. This is to develop ideas, initiatives and respond to requests for advice, support and in its advocacy.

We are open to a variety of ways of working as appropriate. These include:

  • responding to suggestions from beyond the network
  • working consensually wherever possible
  • operating through focused working groups