Research Theme: Environmental Impacts
We focus on a wide range of environmental issues, from air quality and social deprivation to managing carbon footprints.
We work towards reducing the environmental impact of transport.
Transport is a significant contributor towards global carbon emissions and global warming. It depends heavily on ever-decreasing hydrocarbon resources. The resulting air pollution poses large risks to health, life expectancy and quality of life for many people.
Our research covers a wide range of environmental issues, including:
- traffic emissions and air quality
- links between air quality, health and social deprivation
- assessment of land use and transport policies
- investigating the carbon footprints of urban developments

Our expertise
We have extensive expertise in transport modelling and microsimulation. We have a deep understanding of the impacts of existing and planned transport developments and policies.
We developed PITHEM: Platform for Integrated Traffic, Health and Emission Modelling. This is a software suite that models and maps traffic emissions, noise and air quality. We are experts in using industry-standard transport and air pollution modelling applications, including:
- Cube
- Aimsun
- AirViro
- Paramics
Selected projects
- eHUBS: Smart Shared Green Mobility Hubs
- CADTIME: Clean Air for Delhi Through Interventions, Mitigation and Engagement
- LC TRANSFORMS: Low Carbon Transitions of Fleet Operations in Metropolitan Sites
- M4ShaleGas: Measuring, Monitoring, Mitigating and Managing the environmental impact of shale gas
- RAMSES: Reconciling Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development for citiES
- ReFINE: researching fracking