Research Theme: Rail Systems
Research from a railway systems engineering point of view.
Research from a railway systems engineering point of view.
We carry out innovative research from a railway systems engineering point of view. We develop tools and techniques for the integrated management of transport systems, services and energy use.
Our research expertise includes:
- energy
- capacity
- mass reduction
- passenger needs
- condition monitoring
- interoperability of European railways

Selected projects
- MERLIN: Sustainable and intelligent management of energy for smarter railway systems in Europe
- Mobility as a Service in a multimodal European cross-border corridor (MyCorridor)
- OPEUS: Modelling and strategies for the assessment and OPtimisation of Energy USage aspects of rail innovation
- SafeCap+: tools and framework for multiple mixed traffic operation scenarios
- TRA VISIONS 2018: Transport Research Awards
- Viajeo PLUS: greening urban mobility
- Z_LIM DEMO: Zero Wheel Slip Linear Induction Motor
- Ride2Rail
- Human role in safety and performance of rail systems