Research Theme: Geo-Energy
We are developing low carbon renewable energy sources. We are helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and helping society transition to a low carbon economy.
Increasing energy demand
There is an ever increasing demand for the development of low carbon renewable energy sources. Wind, biomass and geothermal systems are the most promising low or zero carbon technologies. They are able to provide a significant proportion of our heating and cooling need.
We are developing a new generation of tools for examining the technology, sustainability and risk of renewable energy. These tools will allow a step change in the use of many geo-energy systems. They will assist in reliable provision of renewable energy at domestic and national scales, for heating and cooling of buildings, for cities and for infrastructure.

- PLEXUS - Priming Laboratory EXperiments on infrastructure and Urban Systems - harvesting energy from buried infrastructure systems (EP/R013535/1) January 2018 – June 2020; £1,013,092
- Experimental investigation of thermal conductivity of soils and borehole grouting materials
- Fragility analysis of offshore wind foundations