Blue-Green Cities and Resilient Infrastructure
Helping planners, policy-makers, utility owners and communities develop blue-green cities.
What are blue-green cities?
Cities concentrate people and business. Cities rely on water, goods and other services provided by infrastructure networks. These networks are within, and extend far beyond, city limits.
Blue-green cities recreate the natural water cycle. They bring water management and green infrastructure together. They combine and protect the values of the urban landscape. They provide resilient and adaptive measures to deal with flood events.
Blue-green cities generate a multitude of environmental, ecological, socio-cultural and economic benefits.

The changing face of our cities
Climate change is increasing the frequency of extreme and disruptive events. Population growth is increasing the demand for water and its associated energy use.
Urbanisation can have negative effects, such as:
- modifying natural landscapes
- increasing pollution
- raising local air temperature
- altering hydrological processes
Making our cities fit for everyone
Cities and infrastructure must be liveable and economically productive places. They must also:
- be resilient to climate extremes
- emit minimal quantities of greenhouse gases
- make sustainable use of resources.
Balancing and realising these aims is a major research focus.
We are challenging the status quo. Working with planners, policy-makers, utility owners and communities, we envision blue-green cities. These cities will work with water. They will provide innovative, cost effective ways of delivering infrastructure services.
- Blue-Green Cities
Project Leader(s): Prof Chris Kilsby
Project Dates: 2013-2016 - COLBE: The creation of localised current and future weather for the built environment
Project Leader(s): Chris Kilsby (Newcastle PI)
Project Dates: September 2015 - August 2018 - Future Storms
Project Leader(s): Prof Hayley Fowler - Future Urban Flood Risk Management
Project Leader(s): Chris Kilsby (Newcastle PI)
Project Dates: October 2016 - September 2019 - MISTRAL: Multi-scale Infrastructure Systems Analytics
Project Leader(s): Chris Kilsby (Newcastle PI) - RAMSES: Reconciling Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development for citiES
Project Leader(s): Prof Richard Dawson - Towards Resilience to Pluvial Flood Events
Project Leader(s): Claire Walsh
Project Dates: November 2018 - October 2020 - UKCRIC - CORONA: City Observatory Research platfOrm for iNnovation and Analytics
Project Leader(s): Phil James (PI)
Project Dates: May 2018 - April 2021 - Urban Green DAMS (Design And Modelling of SuDS)
Project Leader(s): Richard Dawson (PI)
Project Dates: January 2019 - December 2021