Leading the way in high definition modelling
The Water Group has been at the forefront of modelling and simulation for more than 30 years. We are leading the way in high definition hydrological and hydraulic computational modelling.
The flow of water and pollutants through surface and subsurface processes is complex. Models are important tools in understanding these processes. They can also predict the consequences to water quantity and quality.
Our group has developed pioneering software-based approaches for hydrological and hydraulic modelling. We have designed cutting-edge tools focused on management practices, sediment movement and pollution.
Recently, we have been using network and agent-based models. These have provided better assessment of flood and climate impacts on infrastructure and society.
These are important research tools. They have been, and are being, used to shape government strategy.
Thousands use our rainfall simulators and climate downscaling methods to design adaptation strategies for climate change. Our systems perspective led to the first national scale flood risk maps, and now helps us to:
- understand infrastructure inter-dependencies
- mitigate cascading failures
- improve our management of the water, energy and food nexus
Our communication approaches and technologies allow non-specialists to engage with our research. The tools and frameworks we use help stakeholders and policymakers make better decisions.
We pioneer the use of nature-based solutions as part of a holistic approach to make our catchments, coasts and cities more sustainable.