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We research and develop new approaches to the treatment of disease, assess the performance of medical devices, and work to understand how natural materials can be used in engineering applications.

Our research areas

Our main research areas are:

  • medical devices
  • biomaterials
  • biological materials
  • Biomedical robots

We work with our Medical School, the NHS, leading medical charities and industry in order to ensure that our research can be applied in practice.

Bioengineering machinery close up
Recent research project titles


Our Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate programmes give students a path to become professional engineers, addressing major global challenges. Our Mechanical Engineering Postgraduate Taught (MSc) Programmes equip students with the advanced skills and expertise to help shape the world.

In addition, group members collaborate with the Medical School to offer the one-year Masters by Research (MRes) degree in Biofabrication and Bioprinting.

Contact us

Group Head - Kenny Dalgarno