e4Future V2G
Working with industrial and academic partners to improve take-up of BEVs.
Project leader
October 2018 to September 2021
Project staff
Roberto Metere, Dr Charles Morisset
Innovate UK
Nissan (Lead), UK Power Networks (UKPN), National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO), Northern Powergrid, E.ON UK, Imperial College London
The chargers will allow bi-directional power flows between the cars and the electricity network. They will be controlled by an innovative aggregator platform. Charge control by the aggregator platform will lower operation costs and support a more efficient electricity system. The demonstrator is across several distinct geographical locations in the UK and focuses on fleet vehicles.
The project will bring together car companies and power system stakeholders in a unique collaboration. It will encourage significant take-up of BEVs in the coming decade. It will lower the cost of ownership of BEVs by providing services to the power system.
The three work packages are:
- Collection and analysis of customer data from the demonstrator.
- Technical analysis of the impacts and benefits of V2G systems on electricity distribution networks.
- Cyber-security assessment of V2G systems.
Find out more
- Watch the video for more about Newcastle University's research into how electric vehicles can help to power your home.
- Join the Vehicle to Grid Webinar Series.
Dr Myriam Neaimeh is a Turing Research Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute, and Data-Centric Engineering Group Leader on Vehicle Grid Integration.