Integrated Modular Energy Systems and Local Flexibility Trading
MERLON introduces an Integrated Modular Local Energy Management Framework.
Project leader
January 2019 to December 2021
Project staff
European Commission
Hypertech, Atos Spain, Imperial College London, Cobra Spain, Suite5, Gussing Renewable Energy, Sorea France, European Centre for Renewable Energy, Merit Consulting House Brussels, XOROTEXNIKI SA, University of Peloponnese, India Smart Grid Forum
Decentralising electricity generation requires decentralised and affordable solutions to:
- integrate more renewable energy sources (RES)
- increase the security of supply
- decarbonise the EU’s energy future
MERLON introduces an Integrated Modular Local Energy Management Framework. The framework provides Holistic Operational Optimisation of Local Energy Systems. These systems include high shares of volatile distributed RES.
Optimisation applies to many levels. It includes optimal coordination of local generation, with demand and storage flexibility. It caters for the flexibility offered by electric vehicles and Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Plants. It facilitates maximum RES integration, avoidance of curtailment and balancing ancillary grid needs.
MERLON is sponsored by the European Commission. It is in response to the Horizon 2020 call 'Building a Low-Carbon, Climate Resilient Future: Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy'.