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Noise tolerant design, vibration monitoring and control

Project leader

Dr Cheng Siong Chin

Professor Ehsan Mesbahi


April 2013 to September 2017


Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB)

SembCorp Marine


SembCorp Marine


Crew habitability in relation to drilling vessels has reached greater significance. This reflects tougher regulatory criteria. Also greater appreciation of the fatigue-inducing effect and long-term health issues. Health issues associated with protracted exposure to high levels of noise and vibration.

Shipbuilders are looking to limit noise and vibration on ship as much as possible. Particularly on accommodation quarters on the drilling platform.

Identification of potential problems should happen at the earliest stages of drilling platform design and building. Also in the initial stages of parts design and manufacture. But it is challenging to predict using today’s acoustics computer modelling software.

This project aims to develop a new practical and theoretical program. It is for narrow-band width prediction of the noise and vibration control.