North Sea Ballast Water Opportunity
Regional cohesion, innovation and future strategies in ballast water policies and management.
Project leader
Professor Ehsan Mesbahi (PI)
January 2009 to December 2013
Project staff
Mr Hossein Enshaei (project manager)
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Bundesamt für Seeschifffarht und Hydrographie, Germany; IMO World Maritime University, Sweden; CaTO Marine Ecosystems, Netherlands; GoConsult, Germany; DHIGroup, Denmark; Wageningen Imares, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ)
Ballast Water Opportunity is a project for regional cohesion, innovation and future strategies. These strategies are for ballast water policies and management.
The project focuses on:
- Coherence and harmonisation for implementation, monitoring and enforcement.
- Innovation based on scientific knowledge for implementation, enforcement and development of management systems.
- Development of future strategies to reduce ship-borne biological invasions.
The School of Engineering contributed to two work packages. Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) coordinated the project. It includes Research institute, Classification Societies, Manufacturers, Administrations and Port Authorities.
Newcastle University has a 10+ year track record in this area. Working on several international, EU, national, Regulatory and Consultancy projects.
The School participated in engagement of this project. It considered the following:
- Current and emerging technologies
- Identification and prioritisation of future R&D needs
- Developments in the areas of Ballast Water Treatment, Biological issues, Legal issues and Training