Staff Profile
Professor Adam Harvey
Professor of Process Intensification
- Telephone: +44 (0)191 208 7268
- Personal Website:
- Address: Merz Court
School of Engineering
Newcastle University
After a PhD and postdoc (1994-99) in heterogeneous catalysis at the University of Edinburgh, Department of Chemical Engineering, I returned to Cambridge in 1999 for a postdoc, with Prof Malcolm Mackley, investigating the applications of Oscillatory Baffled Reactors. This research diversified into activities in a range of areas including biofuels, combustion and PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry). I joined Newcastle in 2004 as a Lecturer, moving on to Senior Lecturer (2009), Reader (2011), Professor of Process Intensification (2012) and Head of the School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials (2014-2017)
Roles and Responsibilities
- Head of Process Intensification Group (PIG), since 2006
- Director of the Process Industries: Net Zero (PINZ) centre for Doctoral Training (2024 - )
- Manager of the international Process Intensification Network (PIN), since 2006
- Director of the BBTC (Biopharmaceutical and Bioprocessing Technology Centre), an EPSRC Engineering Doctorate Centre, 2015 - 2020
- Head of School, Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials (CEAM), 2014 - 2017
1990-1994: MEng Chemical Engineering (1st), University of Cambridge
1994-1998: PhD "Oxidative Storage and Reductive release of Sulphur Compounds on Catalytic Converters", University of Edinburgh
Honours and Awards
- 2011: Chair of European Process Intensification Conference (EPIC 3)
- 2008: IChemE Brennan Medal (for "Process Intensification" textbook)
- 2005 - 2008: Exxon Mobil Teaching Fellow
- 2002: IChemE Junior Moulton Medal
Google Scholar: Click here.
SCOPUS: Click here.
Prof Harvey's research lies broadly under the heading of Process Intensification, in particular:
1. Non-thermal plasma reactors
(i) Reactions of CO2: decomposition, dry reforming etc
(ii) Scale-up of plasma reactors: reactor design and evaluation
(iii) Degradation of VOCs
2. Flow Chemistry
(I) 3D Printed reactors
(ii) Oscillatory flow mesoreactors
(ii) Heat pipe reactors
3. Oscillatory Baffled Reactors ("OBRs"):
(i) Design and scale-up: mass transfer; RTDs; heat transfer; solids suspension
(ii) Applications: epoxidation; saponification; lubricants; sustainable chemicals
(iii) Flow chemistry/process development: various applications; dynamic, multivariable
(iv) OBRs as bioreactors: biobutanol; bioethanol; microalgae; anaerobic digestion
4. Biofuels:
(I) Mainly biodiesel: reactor engineering, conversion to continuous processing; production directly from oilseeds ("reactive extraction") for numerous feedstocks (jatropha; microalgae; pongamia); glycerol chemistry; in situ by-product conversion; heterogeneous catalyst development
(ii) Biobutanol: in situ product recovery; conversion to processing in OBRs
(iii) Bioethanol: simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of cellulose
(iv) Fuels from microalgae: cracking; in situ reactive extraction; foam floatation; ozonolysis
Research Projects:
- PI: EPSRC Centre for doctoral training in Process Industries: Net Zero (PINZ) 2024 - 2033 £12m
- SUSHEAT, EU, 2023 -
- Evaluation of the SABRE Reactor, Carbon Trust/BEIS, 2022 - 2025 £245k
- Plasma CO2 Chemistry, various awards, 2019 - 2023 £380k
- CASE Award, Flow Chemistry with Sterling Pharma Solutions 2020 - 2025 £120k
- Combustion Emission Reduction, Northern Accelerator, 2019 - 2020 - £50k
- Plasma Catalysis, Catalysis Research Hub Award, 2019 - 2020 - £75k
- Impact Acceleration Award "Combustion Particulate Mitigation Device", 2017-18 EPSRC: £75k
- Process Intensification in the Water industry, UKWIR, 2014 : £30k
- Sustainable Polymers, EPSRC, 2014 - 2019: £560k
- Supergen Bioenergy, EPSRC, 2013 - 2018: £290k
- RenewX, EU, 2013 - 2017 : £310k
- Cleaning Land for Wealth, EPSRC, 2013 - 2017 : £400k
- Optitherm: Optimisation Waste Heat Recovery, EPSRC, 2009 - 2013: £180k
- Designer Catalysts for Biodiesel Production, EPSRC, 2008 - 2012: £91k
- Direct Production of Biodiesel from Non-edible Oilseeds, UKIERI, 2009-2011: £105k
- Water-tolerant Extraction of Algal Biofuels, Carbon Trust, 2010-2011: £340k
- BBTC, EPSRC, 2009 - 2020, £5.6m
- Adaptive processing of Natural Feedstocks, EPSRC, 2008-2010: £229k
- Project Pulse, TSB, 2010: £37k
- ABC, DEFRA, 2009 - 2011: £75k
- Yoghurt Processing, FPKTN, 2009: £4k
- Evolvable Process Design, EPSRC, 2008-2011: £329k
- Bioproduction, EU, 2006-2011: £180k
Prof Harvey's profile can be viewed at Google Scholar
Current Research Students (as Principal Supervisor):
- Shenggeng Sun "Scale-up of Plasma Reactors" 2023 -
- Yupeng Bai "Non-thermal Plasmas for ODH reactions"" 2023 -
- Longhui Wang "CO2 alkane reactions in non-thermal plasmas" 2022 -
- Hadi Almusawa "DAC by Non-thermal Plasmas" 2023 -
- Richard McNeill "Innovative 3D-Printed Reactors for Rapid Scale-up of Pharmaceutical Production" 2020-
Completed (as Principal Supervisor):
- 2024 Prayoon Enmak "Development of Foam Columns for Microalgae Concentration" Thai Govt
- 2023 Zakaria Adejoh "A Plasma Device for Reduction of Combustion Particulates", TET Fund (Nigeria)
- 2022 Usman Dahiru "Plasma Treatment of VOCs", PTDF (Nigeria)
- 2022 Akmal Rahim "Development of a Continuous Epoxidation Process", Malaysian Rubber Board
- 2022 Ibrahim Mohammed "In Situ production of Polyglycerol in the Biodiesel Reaction", PTDF
- 2020 Faiz Resul "Intensification of Epoxidation of Naturally Occurring Alkenes", Malay. Govt,
- 2019 Luma Al-Saadi "Intensification of Bidiesel Production", Iraqi Govt
- 2019 Faisal Saleem "Plasma Treatment of Biomass Gasification Tars", Pakistan Govt.
- 2019 Abdul Rehman "Intensification of Cyclic Carbonisation", Pakistan Govt
- 2018 Ahmed Al Hatrooshi "Marine Biorefinery", Omani Govt
- 2018 Safaa Ahmed "Development of Scale-up Rules for Various Designs of OBR" Iraq (Govt)
- 2018 Victoria Outram "In Situ Product Recovery of Butanol from the ABE Fermentation" EPSRC CASE
- 2018 Akeem Babatunde "In situ Transesterification of Rapeseed for Production of Biodiesel and Secondary Products" TET Fund (Nigeria)
- 2018 Auwal Aliyu "Thermal Cracking of Microalgaes" PTDF (Nigeria)
- 2017 Jonathan McDonough "Process Development using Oscillatory Baffled Mesoreactors"
- 2016 Ahmad Mustaffar "Foams and Phase Change Materials"
- 2016 Matthew Abbot "OBRs as Bioreactors" EPSRC
- 2016 Mark Crosby "Control of Detergent Properties in a Spray Dryer Process" EPSRC
- 2015 Kamoru Salam "Reactive Extraction of Algae" PTDF (Nigeria)
- 2014 Richard Law "Optimising Waste Heat Usage in the Chemical Industries"
- 2014 Fatimah Mohd Rasdi "Rapid Process Screening using Mesoscale OBRs"
- 2014 Valentine Eze, "Screening Heterogeneous Catalysts using Mesoscale OBRs" PTDF (Nigeria)
- 2013 Nasratun Masngut, "Intensification of Biobutanol production using OBRs"
- 2012 Tri Handayani, "Use of Organic Rankine Cycles with Low-grade Waste Heat" Indonesian Govt
- 2012 Joseph Ikwebe, "SSF Bioethanol Production using OBRs" PTDF (Nigeria)
- 2012 Farizul Kasim, Reactive Extraction of Biodiesel from Jatropha" Malaysian Govt
- 2012 Elizabeth Eterigho, "Development of Vegetable Oil Cracking Catalysts" PTDF (Nigeria)
- 2012 Hafizuddin Wan Yusof, "Ion Exchange Resins as Catalysts for Biodiesel Production" Malaysian Govt
- 2011 Claudia Troger, Bioreactions in OBRs, EU
- 2010 Rabitah Zakaria, "Reactive Extraction of Oilseeds" Malaysian Govt
- 2008 Clare MacLeod, "Metal Oxide Catalysts for Biodiesel Production"
- CME8107 Process Intensification (10 credits) Module Leader
- CME8128 MEng Research Project (55 credits) Module Leader
- CME8055 Energy Sources and Storage Contributor: biofuels content
4th Year Tutor: MEng Chemical Engineering
- Hmood HM, Gheni SA, Ahmed SMR, Ali MM, Saleh HY, Mohammed MH, Mohammed AE, Mahomood MA, Mohammed HR, Hassan AA, Harvey A. Kaoline-based catalyst for a high stability desulfurization of sour heavy naphtha in a three-phase oscillatory baffled reactor. Particuology 2024, 84, 249-260.
- Serrano-Blanco S, Zan R, Harvey AP, Velasquez-Orta SB. Intensified microalgae production and development of microbial communities on suspended carriers and municipal wastewater. Journal of Environmental Management 2024, 370, 122717.
- Saleem F, Rehman A, Hussain H, Saeed A, Farooq M, dahiru UH, Zhang K, Harvey A. Biomass gasification tar removal using dielectric barrier discharge reactor: Effect of reactor geometry and carrier gases. Journal of the Energy Institute 2024, 117, 101776.
- Aliyu A, Lee JGM, Harvey AP. Microalgae for biofuel: Isothermal pyrolysis of a fresh and a marine microalga with mass and energy assessment. Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 2023, 14, 100474.
- Fernandez AML, Rehman A, Saleem F, Resul MFMG, Abbas A, Ahmad S, Eze VC, Harvey AP. Environment-friendly epoxidation of limonene using tungsten-based polyoxometalate catalyst. Molecular Catalysis 2023, 547, 113345.
- Dou J, Funderburg J, Yang K, Liu J, Chacko D, Zhang K, Harvey AP, Haribal VP, Zhou SJ, Li F. CexZr1-xO2-Supported CrOx Catalysts for CO2-Assisted Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane – Probing the Active Sites and Strategies for Enhanced Stability. ACS Catalysis 2023, 13(1), 213-223.
- Al-Humairi ST, Lee JGM, Harvey AP, Salman AD, Juzsakova T, Van B, Le PC, La DD, Mungray AK, Show PL, Nguyen DD. A foam column system harvesting freshwater algae for biodiesel production: An experiment and process model evaluations. Science of the Total Environment 2023, 862, 160702.
- Al-Saadi LS, Eze VC, Harvey AP. Techno-economic analysis of processes for biodiesel production with integrated co-production of higher added value products from glycerol. Biofuels 2022, 13(4), 489-496.
- Dahiru UH, Saleem F, Al-sudani FT, Zhang K, Harvey AP. Oxidative removal of hexane from the gas stream by dielectric barrier discharge reactor and effect of gas environment. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification 2022, 178, 109035.
- Mohiuddin O, Harvey A, Tabraiz S, Ameen MT, Velasquez-Orta SB. Kinetic modelling of yeast growth and pollutant removal in secondary effluent. Journal of Water Process Engineering 2022, 50, 103244.
- Al-Humairi ST, Lee JGM, Harvey AP. Direct and rapid production of biodiesel from algae foamate using a homogeneous base catalyst as part of an intensified process. Energy Conversion and Management: X 2022, 16, 100284.
- Dahiru UH, Saleem F, Al-Sudani FT, Zhang K, Harvey AP. Decomposition of benzene vapour using non-thermal plasmas: The effect of moisture content on eliminating solid residue. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2022, 10(3), 107767.
- Saleem F, Abbas A, Rehman A, Khoja AH, Naqvi SR, Arshad MY, Zhang K, Harvey A. Decomposition of benzene as a biomass gasification tar in CH4 carrier gas using non-thermal plasma: Parametric and kinetic study. Journal of the Energy Institute 2022, 102, 190-195.
- Resul MFMG, Rehman A, Fernandez AML, Eze VC, Harvey AP. Continuous process for the epoxidation of terpenes using mesoscale oscillatory baffled reactors. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification 2022, 177, 108998.
- Hassan AA, Gheni SA, Ahmed SMR, Abdullah GH, Harvey A. Aromatic free Fenton process for rapid removal of phenol from refinery wastewater in an oscillatory baffled reactor. Arabian Journal of Chemistry 2022, 15(5), 103635.
- Rehman A, Russell E, Saleem F, Mahmood K, Abbas A, Eze VC, Harvey A. A Stereoselective Route to R-(+)-Limonene-Based Non-isocyanate Poly(hydroxyurethanes). Journal of Polymers and the Environment 2022, 30, 4452-4462.
- Hockaday J, Harvey A, Velasquez-Orta S. A comparative analysis of the adsorption kinetics of Cu2+ and Cd2+ by the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris and Schenedesmus obliquus. Algal Research 2022, 64, 102710.
- Rehman A, Russell E, Saleem F, Javed F, Ahmad S, Eze VC, Harveya A. Synthesis of trans-limonene bis-epoxide by stereoselective epoxidation of (R)-(+)-limonene. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2021, 9(1), 104680.
- Saleem F, Rehman A, Ahmad F, Khoja AH, Javed F, Zhang K, Harvey A. Removal of toluene as a toxic VOC from methane gas using a non-thermal plasma dielectric barrier discharge reactor. RSC Advances 2021, 11(44), 27583-27588.
- Dahiru UH, Saleem F, Zhang K, Harvey AP. Removal of cyclohexane as a toxic pollutant from air using a non-thermal plasma: Influence of different parameters. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2021, 9(1), 105023.
- Saleem F, Khoja AH, Umer J, Ahmad F, Abbas SZ, Zhang K, Harvey A. Removal of benzene as a tar model compound from a gas mixture using non-thermal plasma dielectric barrier discharge reactor. Journal of the Energy Institute 2021, 96, 97-105.
- Rehman A, Saleem F, Javed F, Ikhlaq A, Ahmad SW, Harvey A. Recent advances in the synthesis of cyclic carbonates via CO2 cycloaddition to epoxides. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2021, 9(2), 105113.
- Aliyu A, Lee JGM, Harvey AP. Microalgae for biofuels: A review of thermochemical conversion processes and associated opportunities and challenges. Bioresource Technology Reports 2021, 15, 100694.
- Aliyu A, Lee JGM, Harvey AP. Microalgae for biofuels via thermochemical conversion processes: A review of cultivation, harvesting and drying processes, and the associated opportunities for integrated production. Bioresource Technology Reports 2021, 15, 100694.
- Rehman A, Saleem F, Javed F, Qutab HG, Eze VC, Harvey A. Kinetic study for styrene carbonate synthesis via CO2 cycloaddition to styrene oxide using silica-supported pyrrolidinopyridinium iodide catalyst. Journal of CO2 Utilization 2021, 43, 101379.
- Humadi JI, Gheni SA, Ahmed SMR, Abdullah GH, Phan AN, Harvey AP. Fast, non-extractive, and ultradeep desulfurization of diesel in an oscillatory baffled reactor. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 2021, 152, 178-187.
- Mukhtar Gunam Resul MF, Rehman A, Lopez Fernandez AM, Eze VC, Harvey AP. Development of rapid and selective epoxidation of α-pinene using single-step addition of H2O2 in an organic solvent-free process. RSC Advances 2021, 11(52), 33027-33035.
- Zhang K, Harvey AP. CO2 decomposition to CO in the presence of up to 50% O2 using a non-thermal plasma at atmospheric temperature and pressure. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 405, 126625.
- Nava-Bravo I, Velásquez-Orta SB, Monje-Ramíreza I, Patricia-Güereca L, Harvey AP, Cuevas-García R, Yañez-Noguez I, Orta-Ledesma MT. Catalytic hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae cultivated in wastewater: Influence of ozone-air flotation on products, energy balance and carbon footprint. Energy Conversion and Management 2021, 249, 114806.
- González-Gálvez OD, Nava-Bravo I, Cuevas-García R, Velásquez-Orta SB, Harvey AP, Cedeño-Caero L, Orta Ledesma MT. Bio-oil production by catalytic solvent liquefaction from a wild microalgae consortium. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 2021, 11, 2627–2639.
- Saleem F, Rehman A, Abbas A, Hussain Khoja A, Ahmad F, Liu L, Zhang K, Harvey A. A comparison of the decomposition of biomass gasification tar compound in CO, CO2, H2 and N2 carrier gases using non-thermal plasma. Journal of the Energy Institute 2021, 97, 161-168.
- Al-Saadi LS, Eze VC, Harvey AP. Techno-economic analysis of glycerol valorization via catalytic applications of sulphonic acid-functionalized copolymer beads. Frontiers in Chemistry 2020, 7, 882.
- Al Hatrooshi AS, Eze VC, Harvey AP. Production of biodiesel from waste shark liver oil for biofuel applications. Renewable Energy 2020, 145, 99-105.
- Harvey A, Abdul Rahim MA, Phan AN. Intensification of epoxidation of vegetable oils using a continuous mesoscale oscillatory baffled reactor. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing 2020, 2(3).
- Saleem F, Umer J, Rehman A, Zhang K, Harvey A. Effect of Methane as an Additive in the Product Gas toward the Formation of Lower Hydrocarbons during the Decomposition of a Tar Analogue. Energy and Fuels 2020, 34(2), 1744-1749.
- Al-Saadi LS, Eze VC, Harvey AP. A techno-economic analysis based upon a parametric study of alkali-catalysed biodiesel production from feedstocks with high free fatty acid and water contents. Biofuels 2020, 13(4), 401-413.
- McDonough JR, Ahmed SMR, Phan AN, Harvey AP. The development of helical vortex pairs in oscillatory flows – A numerical and experimental study. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification 2019, 143, 107588.
- Saleem F, Zhang K, Harvey A. Temperature dependence of non-thermal plasma assisted hydrocracking of toluene to lower hydrocarbons in a dielectric barrier discharge reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 356, 1062-1069.
- Ahmed SMR, Phan AN, Harvey AP. Scale-Up of Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer in Oscillatory Multiorifice Baffled Reactors (OMBRs). Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 2019, 58(15), 5929-5935.
- Durkin A, Taptygin I, Kong Q, Gunam Resul MFM, Rehman A, Fernandez AML, Harvey AP, Shah N, Guo M. Scale-up and Sustainability Evaluation of Biopolymer Production from Citrus Waste Offering Carbon Capture and Utilisation Pathway. ChemistryOpen 2019, 8(6), 668-688.
- Saleem F, Zhang K, Harvey A. Removal of Toluene as a Tar Analogue in a N2 Carrier Gas Using a Non-thermal Plasma Dielectric Barrier Discharge Reactor. Energy and Fuels 2019, 33(1), 389-396.
- Al-Saadi LS, Alegria A, Eze VC, Harvey AP. Rapid Screening of an Acid-Catalyzed Triglyceride Transesterification in a Mesoscale Reactor. Chemical Engineering and Technology 2019, 42(3), 539-548.
- Saleem F, Zhang K, Harvey A. Plasma-assisted decomposition of a biomass gasification tar analogue into lower hydrocarbons in a synthetic product gas using a dielectric barrier discharge reactor. Fuel 2019, 235, 1412-1419.
- Buchmaier J, Brunner C, Griesbacher U, Phan AN, Harvey AP, Krishna Gudiminchi R, Nidetzky B, Muster B. Oscillatory flow bioreactor (OFB) applied in enzymatic hydrolysis at high solid loadings. Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly 2019, 33(4), 459-470.
- Zhao Z, Qin S, Wang D, Pu Y, Wang J-X, Saczek J, Harvey A, Ling C, Wang S, Chen J-F. Multi-stimuli-responsive liquid marbles stabilized by superhydrophobic luminescent carbon dots for miniature reactors. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 391, 123478.
- McDonough JR, Oates MF, Law R, Harvey AP. Micromixing in oscillatory baffled flows. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 361, 508-518.
- Saleem F, Kennedy J, Dahiru UH, Zhang K, Harvey A. Methane conversion to H2 and higher hydrocarbons using non-thermal plasma dielectric barrier discharge reactor. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification 2019, 142, 107557.
- Saleem F, Harvey A, Zhang K. Low temperature conversion of toluene to methane using dielectric barrier discharge reactor. Fuel 2019, 248, 258-261.
- Rehman A, Eze VC, Gunam Resul MFM, Harvey A. Kinetics and mechanistic investigation of epoxide/CO2 cycloaddition by a synergistic catalytic effect of pyrrolidinopyridinium iodide and zinc halides. Journal of Energy Chemistry 2019, 37, 35-42.
- Rehman A, Lopez Fernandez AM, Gunam Resul MFM, Harvey A. Highly selective, sustainable synthesis of limonene cyclic carbonate from bio-based limonene oxide and CO2: A kinetic study. Journal of CO2 Utilization 2019, 29, 126-133.
- Saleem F, Zhang K, Harvey A. Direct Conversion of Benzene as a Tar Analogue to Methane Using Non-thermal Plasma. Energy and Fuels 2019, 33(3), 2598–2601.
- Saleem F, Zhang K, Harvey AP. Decomposition of benzene as a tar analogue in CO2 and H2 carrier gases, using a non-thermal plasma. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 360, 714-720.
- Laybourn A, Lopez-Fernandez AM, Thomas-Hillman I, Katrib J, Lewis W, Dodds C, Harvey AP, Kingman SW. Combining continuous flow oscillatory baffled reactors and microwave heating: Process intensification and accelerated synthesis of metal-organic frameworks. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 356, 170-177.
- McDonough JR, Armett J, Law R, Harvey AP. Coil-in-Coil Reactor: Augmenting Plug Flow Performance by Combining Different Geometric Features Using 3D Printing. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2019, 58(47), 21363-21371.
- Nava Bravo I, Velasquez-Orta SB, Cuevas-Garcia R, Monje-Ramirez I, Harvey A, Orta Ledesma MT. Bio-crude oil production using catalytic hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) from native microalgae harvested by ozone-flotation. Fuel 2019, 241, 255-263.
- Al-Saadi LS, Eze VC, Harvey AP. A reactive coupling process for co-production of solketal and biodiesel. Green Processing and Synthesis 2019, 8(1), 516-524.
- Rehman A, Gunam Resul MFM, Eze VC, Harvey A. A kinetic study of Zn halide/TBAB-catalysed fixation of CO2 with styrene oxide in propylene carbonate. Green Processing and Synthesis 2019, 8(1), 719-729.
- Ahmed SMR, Law R, Phan AN, Harvey AP. Thermal performance of meso-scale oscillatory baffled reactors. Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 2018, 132, 25-33.
- McDonough JR, Phan AN, Harvey AP. The mesoscale oscillatory baffled reactor facilitates intensified kinetics screening when the solvent is removed. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification 2018, 129, 51-62.
- Mustaffar AF, Reay D, Harvey AP. The melting of salt hydrate phase change material in an irregular metal foam for the application of traction transient cooling. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 2018, 5, 454-465.
- Saleem F, Zhang K, Harvey A. Role of CO2 in the Conversion of Toluene as a Tar Surrogate in a Nonthermal Plasma Dielectric Barrier Discharge Reactor. Energy and Fuels 2018, 32(4), 5164-5170.
- McDonough JR, Murta S, Law R, Harvey AP. Oscillatory fluid motion unlocks plug flow operation in helical tube reactors at lower Reynolds numbers (Re ≤ 10). Chemical Engineering Journal 2018, 358, 643-657.
- Ahmed SMR, Phan AN, Harvey AP. Mass transfer enhancement as a function of oscillatory baffled reactor design. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification 2018, 130, 229-239.
- Eze VC, Phan AN, Harvey AP. Intensified one-step biodiesel production from high water and free fatty acid waste cooking oils. Fuel 2018, 220, 567-574.
- Horie T, Shiota S, Akagi T, Ohmura N, Wang S, Eze V, Harvey A, Hirata Y. Intensification of hollow fiber membrane cross-flow filtration by the combination of helical baffle and oscillatory flow. Journal of Membrane Science 2018, 554, 134-139.
- Eze VC, Harvey AP. Extractive recovery and valorisation of arsenic from contaminated soil through phytoremediation using Pteris cretica. Chemosphere 2018, 208, 484-492.
- Al-Saadi LS, Eze VC, Harvey AP. Experimental determination of optimal conditions for reactive coupling of biodiesel production with in situ glycerol carbonate formation in a triglyceride transesterification process. Frontiers in Chemistry 2018, 6, 625.
- Resul MFMG, Lopez Fernandez AM, Rehman A, Harvey AP. Development of a selective, solvent-free epoxidation of limonene using hydrogen peroxide and a tungsten-based catalyst. Reaction Chemistry and Engineering 2018, 3(5), 747-756.
- Law R, Ahmed S, Tang N, Phan AN, Harvey A. Development of a more robust correlation for predicting heat transfer performance in oscillatory baffled reactors . Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 2018, 125, 133-138.
- Eze VC, Harvey AP. Continuous reactive coupling of glycerol and acetone – A strategy for triglyceride transesterification and in-situ valorisation of glycerol by-product. Chemical Engineering Journal 2018, 347, 41-51.
- Gonzalez-Juarez D, Solano JP, Herrero-Martin R, Harvey AP. Residence time distribution in multiorifice baffled tubes: A numerical study. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 2017, 118, 259-269.
- Eze VC, Fisher JC, Phan AN, Harvey AP. Intensification of Carboxylic Acid Esterification using a Solid Catalyst in a Mesoscale Oscillatory Baffled Reactor Platform. Chemical Engineering Journal 2017, 322, 205-214.
- Salam K, Velasquez-Orta S, Harvey AP. Effect of Soaking Pre-Treatment on Reactive Extraction/in situ Transesterification of Nannochloropsis occulata for Biodiesel Production. Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems 2017, 7(4).
- McDonough JR, Law R, Kraemer J, Harvey AP. Effect of geometrical parameters on flow-switching frequencies in 3D printed fluidic oscillators containing different liquids. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 2017, 117, 228-239.
- Outram V, Lalander C-A, Lee JGM, Davies ET, Harvey AP. Applied in situ product recovery in ABE fermentation. Biotechnology Progress 2017, 33(3), 563-579.
- McDonough JR, Ahmed SMR, Phan AN, Harvey AP. A study of the flow structures generated by oscillating flows in a helical baffled tube. Chemical Engineering Science 2017, 171, 160-178.
- Salam K, Velasquez-Orta SB, Harvey AP. Surfactant-assisted direct biodiesel production from wet Nannochloropsis occulata by in situ transesterification/reactive extraction. Biofuel Research Journal 2016, 3(1), 366-371.
- McDonough JR, Phan AN, Reay DA, Harvey AP. Passive isothermalisation of an exothermic reaction in flow using a novel "Heat Pipe Oscillatory Baffled Reactor (HPOBR)". Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 2016, 110, 201-213.
- Salam K, Velasquez-Orta SB, Harvey AP. Kinetics of fast alkali reactive extraction/in situ transesterification of Chlorella vulgaris that identifies process conditions for a significant enhanced rate and water tolerance. Fuel Processing Technology 2016, 144, 212–219.
- Law R, Harvey A, Reay D. A knowledge-based system for low-grade waste heat recovery in the process industries. Applied Thermal Engineering 2016, 94, 590-599.
- Outram V, Lalander C-A, Lee JGM, Davis ET, Harvey AP. A comparison of the energy use of in situ product recovery techniques for the Acetone Butanol Ethanol fermentation. Bioresource Technology 2016, 220, 590–600.
- Salam KA, Velasquez-Orta SB, Harvey AP. In Situ Transesterification of Wet Marine and Fresh Water Microalgae for Biodiesel Production and Its Effect on the Algal Residue. Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems 2016, 6(2), 17-30.
- Mustaffar A, Harvey A, Reay D. Melting of phase change material assisted by expanded metal mesh. Applied Thermal Engineering 2015, 90, 1052-1060.
- Ikwebe J, Harvey AP. Enzymatic saccharification of cellulose: a study of mixing and agitation in an oscillatory baffled reactor and a stirred tank reactor. Biofuels 2015, 6(3-4), 203-208.
- Eze VC, Harvey AP, Phan AN. Determination of the kinetics of biodiesel saponification in alcoholic hydroxide solutions. Fuel 2015, 140, 724-730.
- Mohammadi S, Harvey A, Boodhoo KVK. Synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles in a spinning disc reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal 2014, 258, 171–184.
- Abbott MSR, Perez GV, Harvey AP, Theodorou MK. Reduced power consumption compared to a traditional stirred tank reactor (STR) for enzymatic saccharification of alpha-cellulose using oscillatory baffled reactor (OBR) technology. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 2014, 92(10), 1969-1975.
- Abbott MSR, Harvey AP, Morrison MI. Rapid Determination of the Residence Time Distribution (RTD) Function in an Oscillatory Baffled Reactor (OBR) Using a Design of Experiments (DoE) Approach. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 2014, 12(1), 575-586.
- Velasquez-Orta SB, Garcia-Estrada R, Monje-Ramirez I, Harvey A, Orta Ledesma MT. Microalgae harvesting using ozoflotation: Effect on lipid and FAME recoveries. Biomass and Bioenergy 2014, 70, 356-363.
- Zakaria R, Harvey AP. Kinetics of reactive extraction/in situ transesterification of rapeseed oil. Fuel Processing Technology 2014, 125, 34-40.
- Al-Abduly A, Christensen P, Harvey A, Zahng K. Characterization and optimization of an oscillatory baffled reactor (OBR) for ozone-water mass transfer. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 2014, 84, 82-89.
- Oladapo K, Velasquez Orta SB, Monje-Ramirez I, Yáñez Noguez I, Harvey AP, Orta Ledesma MT. Biodiesel production from indigenous microalgae grown in wastewater. Bioresource Technology 2014, 154, 297-304.
- Eze VC, Phan AN, Harvey AP. A more robust model of the biodiesel reaction, allowing identification of process conditions for significantly enhanced rate and water tolerance. Bioresource Technology 2014, 156, 222-231.
- Reay D, Harvey A. The role of heat pipes in intensified unit operations. Applied Thermal Engineering 2013, 57(1-2), 147-153.
- Rasdi FRM, Phan AN, Harvey AP. Rapid determination of reaction order and rate constants of an imine synthesis reaction using a mesoscale oscillatory baffled reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal 2013, 222, 282-291.
- Law R, Harvey A, Reay D. Opportunities for low-grade heat recovery in the UK food processing industry. Applied Thermal Engineering 2013, 53(2), 188-196.
- Wu DW, Yu HD, Harvey A, Roskilly AP. Micro distributed energy system driven with preheated Croton megalocarpus oil – A performance and particulate emission study. Applied Energy 2013, 112, 1383-1392.
- Eze VC, Phan AN, Pirez C, Harvey AP, Lee AF, Wilson K. Heterogeneous catalysis in an oscillatory baffled flow reactor. Catalysis Science and Technology 2013, 3(9), 2373-2379.
- Velasquez-Orta SB, Lee JGM, Harvey A. Evaluation of FAME production from wet marine and freshwater microalgae by in situ transesterification. Biochemical Engineering Journal 2013, 76, 83-89.
- Rattanaphra D, Harvey AP, Thanapimmetha A, Srinophakun P. Simultaneous transesterification and esterification for biodiesel production with and without a sulphated zirconia catalyst. Fuel 2012, 97, 467-475.
- Porwal J, Bangwal D, Garg MO, Kaul S, Harvey AP, Lee JGM, Kasim FH, Eterigho EJ. Reactive-extraction of pongamia seeds for biodiesel production. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 2012, 71(12), 822-828.
- Phan AN, Harvey AP, Eze V. Rapid Production of Biodiesel in Mesoscale Oscillatory Baffled Reactors. Chemical Engineering & Technology 2012, 35(7), 1214-1220.
- Zakaria R, Harvey AP. Direct production of biodiesel from rapeseed by reactive extraction/in situ transesterification. Fuel Processing Technology 2012, 102, 53-60.
- Phan AN, Harvey AP. Characterisation of mesoscale oscillatory helical baffled reactor-Experimental approach. Chemical Engineering Journal 2012, 180(2012), 229-236.
- Velasquez Orta SB, Lee JGM, Harvey A. Alkaline in situ transesterification of Chlorella vulgaris. Fuel 2012, 94, 544-550.
- Eterigho EJ, Lee JGM, Harvey AP. Triglyceride cracking for biofuel production using a directly synthesised sulphated zirconia catalyst. Bioresource Technology 2011, 102(10), 6313-6316.
- Rattanaphra D, Harvey AP, Thanapimmetha A, Srinophakun P. Kinetic of myristic acid esterification with methanol in the presence of triglycerides over sulfated zirconia. Renewable Energy 2011, 36(10), 2679-2686.
- Kasim FH, Harvey AP. Influence of various parameters on reactive extraction of Jatropha curcas L. for biodiesel production. Chemical Engineering Journal 2011, 171(3), 1373-1378.
- Phan AN, Harvey AP. Effect of geometrical parameters on fluid mixing in novel mesoscale oscillatory helical baffled designs. Chemical Engineering Journal 2011, 169(1-3), 339-347.
- Phan AN, Harvey AP, Rawcliffe M. Continuous screening of base-catalysed biodiesel production using New designs of mesoscale oscillatory baffled reactors. Fuel Processing Technology 2011, 92(8), 1560-1567.
- Phan AN, Harvey A, Lavender J. Characterisation of fluid mixing in novel designs of mesoscale oscillatory baffled reactors operating at low flow rates (0.3-0.6 ml/min). Chemical Engineering and Processing 2011, 50(3), 254-263.
- Harvey AP, Rattanaphra D, Srinophakun P. Simultaneous Conversion of Triglyceride/Free Fatty Acid Mixtures into Biodiesel using Sulfated Zirconia. Topics in Catalysis 2010, 53(11-12), 773-782.
- Harvey AP, Masngut N, Ikwebe J. Potential uses of Oscillatory Baffled Reactors for Biofuel Production. Biofuels 2010, 1(4), 605-619.
- Phan AN, Harvey A. Development and evaluation of novel designs of continuous mesoscale oscillatory baffled reactors. Chemical Engineering Journal 2010, 159(1-3), 212-219.
- Harvey AP, Ren Y, Zakaria R. Biorefining Based on Biodiesel Production: Chemical and Physical Characterisation of Reactively Extracted Rapeseed. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 2010, 4(1), 79 - 86.
- Harvey AP, Kasim FH, Zakaria R. Biodiesel production by in situ transesterification – a review. Biofuels 2010, 1(2), 355-365.
- Harvey AP, Troeger CN. The Production of Polyhydroxyalkanoates using an Oscillatory Baffled Bioreactor. Chemical Product and Process Modeling 2009, 4(5), article 5.
- Reis N, Harvey AP, Mackley MR, Vicente AA, Teixeira JA. Fluid mechanics and design aspects of a novel oscillatory flow screening mesoreactor. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 2005, 83(4 A), 357-371.
- Harvey AP, Skelton RL. What’s in your tank?. The Chemical Engineer 2004, (May).
- Harvey AP, Mackley MR, Seliger T. Process intensification of biodiesel production using a continuous oscillatory flow reactor. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 2003, 78(2-3), 338-341.
- Ni X, Mackley MR, Harvey AP, Stonestreet P, Baird MHI, Rao NVR. Mixing through oscillations and pulsations - A guide to achieving process enhancements in the chemical and process industries. Chemical Engineering Research & Design 2003, 81(A3), 373-383.
- Stonestreet P, Harvey AP. A mixing-based design methodology for continuous oscillatory flow reactors. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 2002, 80(1), 31-44.
- Harvey AP, Stonestreet P. Oscillatory Flow: a Technology Ready to Deliver. The Chemical Engineer 2001, 720, 41.
- Harvey AP, Mackley MR, Stonestreet P. Operation and Optimization of an Oscillatory Flow Continuous Reactor. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2001, 40(23), 5371-5377.
Authored Books
- Boodhoo K, Harvey A. Process Intensification for Green Chemistry: Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Chemical Processing. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2013.
- Reay DA, Ramshaw C, Harvey AP. Process intensification: engineering for efficiency, sustainability and flexibility. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2008.
Book Chapters
- Velasquez-Orta SB, Mohiuddin O, Orta-Ledesma MT, Harvey AP. Process intensification of microalgal biofuel production. In: Eduardo Jacob-Lopes, Leila Queiroz Zepka, Ihana Aguiar Severo, Mariana Manzoni Maroneze, ed. 3rd Generation Biofuels. Woodhead Publishing, 2022, pp.269-290.
- Boodhoo KVK, Harvey AP. Process Intensification: An Overview of Principles and Practice. In: KVK Boodhoo; AP Harvey, ed. Process Intensification for Green Chemistry: Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Chemical Processing. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, 2013, pp.3-30.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- McNeil R, Russo Abegão F, McDonough J, Sobolewska A, Harvey A. 3D Printed flow reactors for the rapid scale-up of pharmaceutical production. In: 8th European Process Intensification Conference. 2023, Warsaw, Poland.
- Wildish-Jones K, Russo Abegão F, Carruthers A, Harvey A. Using optical trapping in combination with in situ Raman spectroscopy to quantify chemical concentrations in reactions. In: Annual Aerosol Science Conference 2021. 2021, Online.
- Ahmed SMR, Law R, Phan AN, Harvey AP. Thermo-performance evaluation of meso oscillatory baffled reactors. In: ChemEngDay 2018. 2018, Leeds, UK.
- McDonough JR, Oates MF, Law R, Harvey AP. Micro-mixing performance of mesoscale oscillatory baffled reactors. In: 6th Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF). 2018, Atlanta, USA: MNF.
- Law R, Ahmed SMR, Harvey AP. Heat transfer enhancement by oscillatory baffled flows. In: 6th Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF). 2018, Atlanta, USA: MNF.
- McDonough JR, Law R, Harvey AP. Intensification of Transport Phenomena using 3D Printed Fluidic Oscillators [Keynote Lecture]. In: 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering. 2017, Barcelona, Spain.
- Eze VC, Russo Abegão FJ, Harvey AP, Carroll M. Heterogeneous Catalytic Processes for Valorisation of Crude Glycerol from Biodiesel Productions. In: 2nd International Conference on Green Chemistry and Sustainable Engineering. 2016, Rome, Italy.
- Eze V, Russo Abegão FJ, Carroll M, Harvey A, Wilson K. Development of Heterogeneous Catalysts for Valorisation of CO2 and Crude Glycerol. In: Process Intensification Network 24. 2016, Newcastle, United Kingdom.
- Mohammadi S, Harvey A, Boodhoo KVK. Population Balance Modelling of TiO2 precipitation in the Spinning Disc Reactor. In: 5th European Process Intensification Conference (EPIC). 2015, Nice, France.
- Velasquez-Orta SB, Lee JGM, Harvey AP. Catalytic cracking using ZSM-5 or Zeolite-Y and pyrolysis of Chlorella vulgaris. In: 5th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts. 2015, San Diego, USA.
- Eze VC, Phan AN, Harvey AP. Two-stage catalytic conversions of triglycerides into methyl esters and solketal: A novel biodiesel process. In: 21st International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2014 and 17th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, PRES 2014. 2014, Prague: Czech Society of Chemical Engineering.
- Mohammadi S, Harvey A, Boodhoo KVK. Process Intensification: Synthesis of TiO2 Nanoparticle in a Spinning Disc Reactor. In: 4th International Congress on Green Process Engineering (GPE 2014). 2014, Seville, Spain.
- Salam K, Velasquez-Orta SB, Harvey AP. Intensification of Algal Biodiesel by in situ transesterification. In: 4th International conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts. 2014, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
- Mohammadi S, Boodhoo KVK, Harvey AP. Process Intensification: Spinning Disc Reactor Technology for TiO2 Nanoparticles Production. In: 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting. 2013, San Francisco.
- Mohammadi S, Boodhoo KVK, Harvey AP. Process intensification: Spinning disc reactor technology for TiO2 nanoparticles production. In: Process Development Division 2013 - Core Programming Area at the 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting: Global Challenges for Engineering a Sustainable Future. 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA: AIChE.
- Abernethy RA, Phan AN, Harvey AP. L-glutamic acid crystallization in a mesoscale oscillatory baffled crystallizer. In: Process Development Division 2013 - Core Programming Area at the 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting: Global Challenges for Engineering a Sustainable Future. 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA: AIChE.
- Salam KA, Velasquez-Orta SB, Harvey AP. Algal FAME production with a NOVEL surfactant based catalyst in a reactive extraction. In: 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting. 2013, San Francisco, CA: AIChE.
- Solano JP, Herrero R, Espin S, Phan AN, Harvey AP. Numerical study of the flow pattern and heat transfer enhancement in oscillatory baffled reactors with helical coil inserts. In: 3rd European Process Intensification Conference (EPIC). 2012, Manchester, UK: Elsevier Ltd.
- Phan AN, Harvey AP. Novel mesoscale oscillatory baffled reactors- Development and characterisation. In: European Process Intensification Conference (EPIC). 2011, Manchester, UK.
- Herrero R, Solano JP, Harvey AP, Phan AN. Flow field and heat transfer characteristics in oscillatory flow reactors with helical coil inserts. In: European Process Intensification Conference (EPIC). 2011, Manchester, UK.
- Velasquez-Orta SB, Harvey AP, Lee J. Biodiesel production from nannochloropsis occulata by in situ transesterification. In: European Process Intensification Conference. 2011, Manchester, UK: AIChE.
- MacLeod CS, Harvey AP, Lee AF, Wilson K. Evaluation of the activity and stability of alkali-doped metal oxide catalysts for application to an intensified method of biodiesel production. In: Process Intensification and Innovation Process (PI)2 Conference II—Cleaner, Sustainable, Efficient Technologies for the Future. 2008, Christchurch, New Zealand: Elsevier BV.
- Harvey AP, Lee JGM, Khurana R. Reactive Extraction of Jatropha. In: 4th International Biofuels Conference. 2007, Delhi, India.
- Harvey AP, Lee JGM, Azizan MT, Ryder M. Reactive Extraction of Biodiesel. In: Process Intensification and Innovation (PI2). 2006, Christchurch, New Zealand: Process Intensification Network.
- Hult J, Meier U, Meier W, Harvey AP, Kaminski CF. Experimental Analysis of Local Flame Extinction in a Turbulent Jet Diffusion Flame by High Repetition 2D Laser Techniques and Multi-Scalar Measurements. In: International Combustion Symposium. 2004, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
- Bangert U, Gutierrez-Sosa A, Harvey A, Jones R, Fall CJ, Blumenau A, Briddon R. Electron energy loss spectroscopy of extended defects. In: Institute of Physics Conference Series: Proceedings of the Institute of Physics Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference. 2004, Oxford, UK: Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd.
- Harvey AP, Stonestreet P. A Case Study of the Process Intensification of a Batch Saponification Plant. In: Proceedings of the 6th World Congress of Chemical Engineers. 2001, Melbourne, Australia.
Edited Book
- Boodhoo KVK, Harvey A, ed. Process Intensification Technologies for Green Chemistry: Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Chemical Processing. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
- Larimi A, Harvey AP, Phan AN, Beshtar M, Wilson K, Lee AF. Aspects of Reaction Engineering for Biodiesel Production. Catalysts 2024, 14(10), 701.
- Usman M, Rehman A, Saleem F, Abbas A, Eze VC, Harvey A. Synthesis of cyclic carbonates from CO2 cycloaddition to bio-based epoxides and glycerol: an overview of recent development. RSC Advances 2023, 13(33), 22717-22743.
- Mukhtar Gunam Resul MF, Rehman A, Saleem F, Usman M, Lopez Fernandez AM, Eze VC, Harvey AP. Recent advances in catalytic and non-catalytic epoxidation of terpenes: a pathway to bio-based polymers from waste biomass. RSC Advances 2023, 13(47), 32940-32971.
- Harvey AP, Mohammed IA, Dahiru U, Zhang K. Opportunities for process intensification using non-thermal plasmas. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 2023, 41, 100930.
- Saleem F, Harris J, Zhang K, Harvey A. Non-thermal plasma as a promising route for the removal of tar from the product gas of biomass gasification – A critical review. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 382, 122761.
- Coward T, Tribe H, Harvey AP. Opportunities for process intensification in the UK water industry: A review. Journal of Water Process Engineering 2018, 21, 116-126.
- Salam KA, Velasquez-Orta SB, Harvey AP. A sustainable integrated in situ transesterification of microalgae for biodiesel production and associated co-product - a review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2016, 65, 1179-1198.
- Lim MT, Phan A, Roddy D, Harvey A. Technologies for measurement and mitigation of particulate emissions from domestic combustion of biomass: A review. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 2015, 49, 574-584.
- McDonough JR, Phan AN, Harvey AP. Rapid process development using oscillatory baffled mesoreactors - A state-of-the-art review. Chemical Engineering Journal 2015, 265, 110-121.
- Abbott MSR, Brain CM, Harvey AP, Morrison MI, Perez GV. Liquid culture of microalgae in a photobioreactor (PBR) based on oscillatory baffled reactor (OBR) technology - A feasibility study. Chemical Engineering Science 2015, 138, 315-323.
- Ullah K, Ahmad M, Sofia, Sharma VK, Lu PM, Harvey A, Zafar M, Sultana S. Assessing the potential of algal biomass opportunities for bioenergy industry: A review. Fuel 2015, 143, 414-423.
- Abbott MSR, Harvey AP, Perez GV, Theodorou MK. Biological processing in oscillatory baffled reactors: operation, advantages and potential. Interface Focus 2013, 3(1), 20120036.