Staff Profile
I am an interdisciplinary social-ecological scientist with over 13 years of experience at the intersection of environment, development, and sustainability issues. Key areas of research interest include environmental policy and governance; agricultural and coastal ecosystem management; water-energy-food nexus; biodiversity and ecosystem services; livelihoods, urban development (informality, rural-urban linkages) and climate resilience (including nature-based solutions); and transformational systems change (e.g. SDG 2030 Agenda). I'm particularly interested in approaching these matters through the prism of environmental and ecological economics; sustainable development; nature-society interactions and value systems (political ecology); public policy evaluation; and complex adaptive systems thinking. I have skills in both qualitative, quantitative and hybrid methodologies and analysis including surveys, semi-structured interviews, meta-analysis, participatory scenario planning and systems mapping and network analysis.
I have worked in both Global North and Global South contexts. My work as both a postdoctoral researcher and independent consultant in the UK has been funded by ESRC, NERC, DEFRA, BEIS, and Environment Agency, whilst international research projects that I have participated in as a co-investigator and external advisor in East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Zanzibar), Southern Africa (Namibia, South Africa) and South Asia (Bangladesh and Nepal) have been funded through UKRI-GCRF, DFID, UKAID, UNCTAD, and ESPA.
Here at Newcastle, I am part of the Living Deltas Hub where my research focuses on multi-level governance and climate adaptation with respect to natural cultural heritage and livelihoods in the context of delta sustainability in Vietnam (Mekong Delta) and Bangladesh/India (Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta).
Roles and Responsibilities within the School
Research Associate representative on SAgE Faculty Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (Sept 2021 - )
Research Associate Network (Nov 2021 - )
Athena Swann SAT Member (Jan 2022 - )
SAgE Ethics Committee (Jan 2022 - )
Co-lead Citizens and Governance, Landscape NUCoRE (Sept 2022 - )
Previous position
Between 2016-2020 I was a postdoctoral research associate and member of the Centre for the Evaluation of Complexity Across the Nexus (CECAN) at both the University of York and University of Sheffield. As part of this ESRC-Large centre, I worked at the national and international science-policy and evaluation interface with practitioners, policy analysts and policymakers across government – utilizing transdisciplinary and participatory methodologies – to translate scientific knowledge into the policy and decision-making arenas in key water-energy-food domains.
Visiting positions
Visiting Research Associate (Jan 2020 - ) Department of Biology and Environment and Geography, University of York
Visiting Scientist (Jan 2020 - March 2020) African Climate and Development Institute, University of Cape Town
Visiting Postgraduate Researcher (June 2010 - September 2010) Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University
PhD (2015) Environmental Economics and Environmental Management - University of York (ESRC-NERC Studentship)
MRes (2010) Ecology and Environmental Management - University of York (NERC Scholarship)
MSc (2003) Bioscience - University of Oxford (BBRSC Scholarship)
BSc (2002) Biochemistry and Biology with Subsidiary Music History & Performance - Keele University
Societal Membership
British Ecological Society
Society for International Development
Affiliated Networks
Ecosystem Services Partnership
Interdisciplinary Global Development Centre (University of York)
York Environmental Sustainability Institute (University of York)
York Cross-Disciplinary Centre for Systems Analysis (University of York)
Centre for Evaluation of Complexity Across the Nexus (University of Surrey)
Blue Marble Evaluation
Professional Activities
Contributing Author - Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity ad Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Thematic Assessment on Social Values, Chapter 2: Value Concepts
Review Editor for Frontiers in Environmental Science - Environmental Economics and Management Section
Guest Editor - Special Issue "Environmental Policy Design and Implementation: Toward Sustainable Society" in Sustainability
Guest Editor - Special Issue "Environmental Policy and Sustainable Development: Securing the Future of Coastal Deltas in the Anthropocene" in Sustainability
Reviewer: Biology Letters; Conservation Biology; Ecological Economics; Ecology & Society; Ecosystem Services; Environmental Management; Environmental Policy; Frontiers in Environmental Science; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; Journal of Rural studies; Land; Land Use Policy; People and Nature; Sustainability; Sustainability Science; Trees, Forests and People; Tropical Conservation Science; World Development
Additional information can be found at the occasional blog:
Current Research
Policy Analysis of Sustainable Deltas (Jan 2021 - ) As a Research Associate on the UKRI GCRF Living Deltas Hub I am part of Work Package 6. Here I am co-developing a strand of work with colleagues in Vietnam, Bangladesh and India focused on utilising systems-based and transdisciplinary approaches to examine the policy and governance ecosystem of climate change adaptation in the Mekong and Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna deltas as a means to support future sustainable human and ecological prosperity. Alongside, a second arm of work is concerned with capturing and synthesizing cross-Hub narratives on climate change adaptation and their translation and dissemination into different forums to aid Hub research impact. Additional streams of work include the role of bees and their cultural value and motifs across the Hub deltas, and examining the role, importance and opportunities of nature-based solutions to support long-term sustainable transformation of deltas.
Previous Research
Environmental Policy Evaluation (2016 to 2020). Department of Biology, University of York (Sept 2016 to Dec 2019) and Department of Animal and Plant Science, University of Sheffield (Jan 2020 to Dec 2020). As a postdoctoral research associate and member of the ESRC-Large Centre for the Evaluation of Complexity Across the Nexus (CECAN) my research focal areas were:
- Rural Development and the Future of Farming in the UK. Using participatory systems mapping and Choosing appropriate methods toolkit to explore the evaluation of Rural Development Programme for England and the design of the future agriculture, environment and rural policy space in a post-Brexit England. Policy brief outline of project (here) [Partners: UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Prof Sue E Hartley (University of York and University of Sheffield); Dr Frances Rowe, Dr Amy Proctor and Prof Jeremy Phillipson (Newcastle University); and Dr Alex Penn, Martha Bickett and Dr Barbara Befani (University of Surrey)]
- Public Natural Resource Management and Institutional Cultures for the management of complex nexus systems. Focused on examining the application of the ecosystem approach to the organisational modalities of Natural Resources Wales. [Partners: Dr Nick Kirsop-Taylor and Dr Karen Scott (Department of Politics, University of Exeter) and Natural Resources Wales]. Associated journal articles can be found under the Publications page.
- Pluralistic Evaluation Framework. Developing an explicit values framework to explore stakeholder valuing of complex policy situations beyond the confines of economics, for democratic policy design, appraisal and evaluation. [Partners: Dr Richard Gunton (University of Winchester); Prof Sue E Hartley (University of Sheffield); Ian Christie (University of Surrey); Prof Andrew Basden (University of Salford); Eline van Asperen (Newcastle University); David Hanson (Independent)]. Paper currently in review, additional materials available here
Peri Urban Resilient Ecosystems (PURE) (2019-2020) PURE, a GCRF project, focused on supporting just and representative climate resilient urban strategies in Namibia, Kenya and Tanzania, employing collaborative co-production processes with local stakeholders, CBOs and policy teams in municipal government. We also funded household surveys with CBOs in these regions to examine the impacts of COVID-19 on informal settlement community livelihoods, health, risk perception and disaster preparedness. In addition, in Namibia, through collaboration with the University of York's Chemistry Department, we investigated issues around water sanitation through water quality testing in urban settlements and northern rural regions along the Etosha Pan and Kuene river basins. [Partners: Dr Guillermo Delgado, Namibia University of Science and Technology (Integrated Land Management Institute); Prof John Mfune, University of Namibia (Department of Biology); Dr Anna Muller, Namibian Housing Action Group; Prof Sheona Shackleton, University of Cape Town (African Climate Development Initiative); Jess Kovanic, ICLEI Africa (Urban Natural Assets); Dr Richard Gunton, University of Winchester (Department of Accounting, Finance, Mathematics and Economics); Dr Catherine Masao and Dr Emma Liwenga, University of Dar es Salaam (Institute of Resource Assessment); Prof Eleuther Mwageni and Dr Nicholaus Mwageni, Ardhi University (School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences), and the University of York (Dr Steve Cinderby, SEI; Prof Robert Marchant and Dr Jessica Thorn, Environment and Geography; and Dr Olayinka Ajala, Politics)].
Governing the water-energy-food nexus: challenges across borders (2018-2020). Project proposed to consider the wider issues that govern WEF nexuses, and in particular explore the interactions between the social, political and economic domains they impact on and the connections to environmental and biophysical factors. [Partners: Prof Lisa Emberson, University of York (Department of Environment and Geography); Prof Jean Grugel, University of York (Department of Politics and Interdisciplinary Global Development Centre); Dr Jessica Thorn, University of York (Department of Environment and Geography); Dr Brett Sallach, University of York (Department of Environment and Geography); Prof Sue Hartley, University of Sheffield; Dr Maria Eugenia Giraudo, Durham University (School of Government and International Affairs); Prof Steve Pueppke, Michigan State University.]
What does Brexit mean for the future of UK and EU Agri-environment and Fisheries (2017-2018). Focused on understanding the implications of the future political landscape in departing from the EU on UK agriculture and fisheries. Involved the coordinating, co-organisng and facilitating of expert and stakeholder workshops and meetings with academics, practitioners, sectoral actors, policymakers and politicians. Programme funded through the ESRC IAA Brexit/industrial Strategy Challenge Fund. [Partners: Dr Bryce Stewart, Prof Sue Hartley, Dr Bethan O Leary, Dr Fay Farstad, University of York (Environment and Geography Department); Dr Kevin Hicks, SEI-York; Dr Viviane Gravey, Queens University Belfast (Department of Politics) and Prof Charlie Burns, University of Sheffield (Department of Politics)]
Consultancy (Research and advisory roles)
Theory of Change Tool (2021). Develop a bespoke theory of change tool to enable DEFRA to design and delivery evaluations of its complex policies. [Partners: Technopolis Ltd and CECAN Ltd. Funded by Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.]
Global Assessment of a New Economics (GANE) (2020 - present) GANE is Undertaking scoping and systematic reviews of academic, policy and practice knowledge and positions in terms of new economics first principles, problem analysis, solutions and strategic change pathways in the context of recovering from the global COVID-9 pandemic. Led by Dr Jasper Kenter (Ecologos Ltd).
Complexity Evaluation Framework (2019-2020). Development of a tool to improve the commissioning and design of evaluations for Defra's complex policy domains.[Partners: UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Martha Bickett (CECAN, University of Surrey); Dr Frances Rowe (CECAN, Newcastle University); Prof Nigel Gilbert (CECAN, University of Surrey); Dr Dione Hills (The Tavistock Institute, CECAN) and Dr Helen Wilkinson (Risk Solutions, CECAN)]. Materials available here
Sustainable Manufacturing and Environmental Pollution (SMEP) - Scoping Report (2019-2020). Led by SEI York in conjunction with SEI Africa, SEI Asia and the Department of Biology and the Department of Environment and Geography at the University of York. The project examined the environmental impacts of emerging manufacturing industries in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia including textiles and clothing, leather, food processing, chemicals, rubber and plastics, with case studies based in Kenya, Zambia, Bangladesh and Nepal. The work was commissioned by UNCTAD and DFID, for the purpose of providing strategic direction for a £20 million fiver-year programme of research.
Coastal Ecosystem Services in East Africa (2013-2016). Understanding the linkages between governance, natural resource use and ecosystem health to identify ways to enable local stakeholders to maintain their coastal resources whilst overcoming poverty through the prioritising of protecting mangrove and seagrass ecosystems in Kenya and Zanzibar. Partners: Prof Mark Huxham (Edinburgh Napier University); Prof Fiona Nunan (Birmingham University); Prof Caroline Upton (University of Leicester); Prof Hilary Kennedy and Dr Martin Skov (Bangor University); Dr Mwita Mangora, Dr Narriman Jiddawi (University of Dar es Salaam); Dr James Kairo (Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute). Funded by the Ecosystem Service Poverty Alleviation fund (DFID, NERC, and ESRC)]
- Thorn JPR, Nangolo P, Biancardi-Aleu R, Shackleton S, Marchant RA, Ajala O, Delgado G, Mfune JKE, Cinderby S, Hejnowicz AP. Exploring the benefits and dis-benefits of climate migration as an adaptive strategy along the rural-peri urban continuum in Namibia. Regional Environmental Change 2023, 23, 10.
- Gunton R, Hejnowicz AP, Basden A, van Asperen E, Christie I, Hanson D, Hartley SE. Valuing nature beyond economics: A pluralistic evaluation framework for environmental policymaking. Ecological Economics 2022, 196, 107420.
- Kenter JO, Buckton S, Martino S, Agarwal B, Costanza R, Anger-Kraavi A, Hejnowicz AP, Jones P, Kabubo-Mariara J, Lafayette JO, Mukherjee N, Pickett KE, Riedy C, Waddell S, Waddock S. Ten principles for a new economics in a time of global crises. Nature Sustainability 2022. Submitted.
- Dencer-Brown AM, Shilland R, Friess D, Herr D, Benson L, Berry NJ, Cifuentes-Jara M, Colas P, Damayanti E, López García E, Gavaldão M, Grimsditch G, Hejnowicz A, Howard J, Islam ST, Kennedy H, Kivugo RR, Lang'at J, Lovelock C, Malleson R, Macreadie P, Andrade-Medina R, Mohamed A, Pidgeon E, Ramos J, Rosette M, Mwafrica M, Schoof E, Talukder B, Thomas T, Vanderklift M, Huxham M. Integrating Blue: How do we make Nationally Determined Contributions work for both blue carbon and local coastal communities?. Ambio 2022, 51(9), 1978–1993.
- Hejnowicz AP, Ofir Z, Page G. Evaluation for transformation: Pathways to mobilize transformative change for sustainability transitions. Environmental Science & Policy 2022. Submitted.
- Kirsop-Taylor N, Hejnowicz AP. Designing public agencies for 21st century water-energy-food nexus complexity: the case of Natural Resources Wales. Public Policy and Administration 2022, 37(4), 410-430.
- Hejnowicz AP, Thorn JPR, Giraudo ME, Sallach JB, Hartley SE, Grugel J, Pueppke SG, Emberson L. Appraising the Water-Energy-Food Nexus from a Sustainable Development Perspective: A Maturing Paradigm?. Earth's Future 2022, 10(12), e2021EF002622.
- Chaplowe S, Hejnowicz AP. Evaluating Outside the Box: Evaluation’s Transformational Potential. Social Innovations Journal 2021, 5, 704.
- Hejnowicz AP, Chaplowe SG. Catching the wave: Harnessing data science to support evaluation’s capacity for making a transformational contribution to sustainable development. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation 2021, 36(2), 162-186.
- Kirsop-Taylor N, Hejnowicz AP, Scott K. Four cultural narratives for managing social-ecological complexity in Public Natural Resource Management. Environmental Management 2020, 66(3), 419-434.
- Christie I, Gunton RM, Hejnowicz AP. Sustainability and the common good: Catholic Social Teaching and ‘Integral Ecology’ as contributions to a framework of social values for sustainability transitions. Sustainability Science 2019, 14(5), 1343–1354.
- Stewart BD, Burns C, Hejnowicz AP, Gravey V, O'Leary BC, Hicks K, Farstad FM, Hartley SE. Making Brexit work for the environment and livelihoods: Delivering a stakeholder informed vision for agriculture andfisheries. People and Nature 2019, 1(4), 442-456.
- Kenter JO, Raymond CM, van Riper CJ, Azzopardi E, Brear MR, Calcagni F, Christie I, Christie M, Fordham A, Gould RK, Ives CD, Hejnowicz AP, Gunton R, Horcea-Milcu AI, Kendal D, Kronenberg J, Massenberg JR, O'Connor S, Ravenscroft N, Rawluk A, Raymond IJ, Rodriguez-Morales J, Thankappan S. Loving the mess: navigating diversity and conflict in social values for sustainability. Sustainability Science 2019, 14, 1439–1461.
- Hejnowicz AP, Rudd MA, White PCL. A survey exploring private farm advisor perspectives of agri-environment schemes: The case of England’s Environmental Stewardship programme. Land Use Policy 2016, 55, 240-256.
- Hejnowicz AP, Kennedy H, Rudd MA, Huxham MR. Harnessing the climate mitigation, conservation and poverty alleviation potential of seagrasses: prospects for developing blue carbon initiatives and payment for ecosystem service programmes. Frontiers in Marine Science 2015, 2, 32.
- Reyers B, Biggs R, Cumming GS, Elmqvist T, Hejnowicz AP, Polasky S. Getting the measure of ecosystem services: a social–ecological approach. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2013, 11(5), 268-273.
Book Chapters
- Chaplowe SG, Hejnowicz AP, Laeubli-Loud M. Evaluation as a Pathway to Transformation, Lessons from Sustainable Development. In: Nicolaides A; Eschenbacher S; Buergelt P; Gilpin-Jackson Y; Welch M; Misawa M, ed. Palgrave Handbook of Learning for Transformation. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, pp.785-808.
- Macmillan T, Bagherli L, McLeod F, Jones M, Gilbert N, Hejnowicz A. Chapter 9. Developing a Bespoke Theory of Change: Drawing on Complexity Scienceto Implement the Public Value Framework in Defra. In: Luca Simeone, David Drabble, Nicola Morelli, Amalia de Götzen, ed. An Introduction to Theory of Change: A Framework to Support Strategic Thinking in Design, Development, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial projects. Edward Elgar, 2022. In Preparation.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Hejnowicz AP, Raffaelli DG, Rudd MA, White PCL. The role of stewardship advisors in producing stewardship scheme agreements that deliver environmental performance and functioning incentive programmes. In: SAC-SEPA Conference Proceedings 2014: Agriculture and the Environment X, Delivering Multiple Benefits from our Land: Sustainable Development in Practice. 2014, Edinburgh. In Preparation.
- Hejnowicz AP, Raffaelli DG, Rudd MA, White PCL. A systems approach to ecosystem service valuation and delivery: Meaning in complexity. In: SAC-SEPA Conference Proceedings 2012: Agriculture and the Environment IX, Valuing Ecosystems: Policy, Economic and Management Interactions. 2012, Edinburgh.
Edited Books
- Hejnowicz AP, Thorn JPR, ed. Environmental Policy Design and Implementation: Toward Sustainable Society. Switzerland: MDPI AG, 2022.
- Thorn JPR, Gueye A, Hejnowicz AP, ed. Innovations and Interdisciplinary Solutions for Underserved Areas: 4th EAI International Conference, InterSol2020 Nairobi, Kenya, March 8–9, 2020 Proceedings. Springer, 2020.
- Hejnowicz AP, Thorn JPR. Environmental Policy Design and Implementation: Toward a Sustainable Society. Sustainability 2022, 14, 3199.
- Hejnowicz AP, Harley SE, Gilbert N. Building rapport for better policymaking. Nature 2018, 556, 174-174.
Online Publication
- Rowe F, Hejnowicz A, Penn A, Martin J, Rios-Wilks A. Evaluating complex policy for rural development at a time of dynamic change. Guildford: CECAN, 2018. Available at:
- Thorn JPR, Hejnowicz AP, Kavonic J, Marchant R, Shackleton S, Delgado G, Ajala O, Mueller A, Cinderby S. Socially inclusive and innovative policy making for climate resilient urban strategies for informal settlements in dryland Africa. Cape Town, South Africa: ICLEI Africa, 2021.
- Thorn JPR, Hejnowicz AP, Marchant R, Ajala OA, Delgado G, Shackleton S, Kavonic J, Cinderby S. Dryland nature based solutions for informal settlement upgrading schemes in Africa. Cape Town: ICLEI Africa, 2021.
- Emberson L, O'Neill C, Alozie A, Cinderby S, Cambridge H, Hejnowicz A, Hodson ME, Boxall A, Nikam J, Archer D, Mbandi AM, Njoroge G, Apondo W, Ogeya M, Otieno O, Osano P, Marshall J. Manufacturing Pollution in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia: Implications for the environment, health and future work. York: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development; Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office, 2020. Sustainable Manufacturing and Environmental Pollution (SMEP) Programme.
- Bickett M, Hejnowicz AP, Wilkinson H, Hills D, Rowe F, Shaw B, Penn A, Gilbert N. Complexity Evaluation Framework Recognising Complexity & Key Considerations for Complexity-Appropriate Evaluation in the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) Version 2.0. London: Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs, 2020.
- Hejnowicz AP, Rudd MA. The Value Landscape in Ecosystem Services: Value, Value Wherefore Art Thou Value?. Sustainability 2017, 9(5), 850.
- Hejnowicz AP, Raffaeilli DG, Rudd MA, White PCL. Evaluating the outcomes of payments for ecosystem services programmes using a capital asset framework. Ecosystem Services 2014, 9, 83-97.