Staff Profile
Dr Caspar Hewett
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 5950
- Personal Website:
- Address: School of Engineering
Room 3.09, Cassie Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Caspar Hewett is a lecturer in Computational Hydraulics, Degree Programme Director for the EuroAquae+ International MSc. programme in Hydroinformatics and Water Management in School of Engineering and Newcastle University lead for NERC Flood Centre for Doctoral Training. He has over thirty years of research, management and consultancy experience in academia, industry and the private sector and has taught and lectured a variety of subjects including mathematics, numerical methods, hydraulics, catchment management, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), market research techniques, engineering ethics, philosophy of science, environmental issues and English as a Foreign language.
Caspar has a You Tube Channel with videos of teaching materials covering Fluid Mechanics, Computational Hydraulics and related mathematics.
Caspar is Director and Chair of The Great Debate, a community organisation that has maintained a space for public debate in the North East since 1998 and provides adult education, documentary-making training for young people and debate workshops for schools. He was a founder member of the North East of England's United Nations Regional Centre of Expertise in Education for Sustainable Development (RCE North East), and was Director of NECTER (North East Centre for Transformative Education and Research), the co-ordinating body for RCE North East, 2011-2013.
Caspar is a member of the Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) Associate Peer Review College. He was a member of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Peer Review College July 2005 - 2008 and was a NESTA Crucible Awardee 2006. He has held a series of visiting fellowships at Newcastle University, at the Institute for Research on Environment and Sustainability (2006 - 2008) and Sir Joseph Swan Institute for Energy Research (2008-2010).
In the past few years he has received a number of invitations both nationally and internationally to speak and teach on interdisciplinary approaches to water resources research including: keynote speaker at Teesside University Engineering Away Day (2022), keynote speaker at International Workshop on Hydroinformatics and Water Management, Islamabad (2018); keynote speaker at Flood Disaster Management Conference: Building Resilience, Manchester (2018); invited speaker on the panel of discussions at the Battle of Ideas Festival, London (2005, 2008, 2012, 2013, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023); invited speaker at European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Congress (2017); keynote speaker at Consilium, Queensland, Australia, 2012; invited speaker at Cheltenham Science Festival (2009, 2010); one-month fellowship at the Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, Iowa University advising on the creation of a hydrological observatory for the Upper Mississippi River Basin (2007); invited representative of the Eden catchment at UNESCO HELP (Hydrology for the Environment, Life and Policy) conference in South Africa (2007); Catchment Management workshop, Turkey (2005); keynote speaker at OECD workshop "Improving the Balance Between Economic Agricultural Production and Environmental Quality through Enhanced Decision Making," Honolulu (2004).
He has presented his research at international conferences such as EGU General Congress, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting and Hydroinformatics and has convened five Great Debates at EGU General Congress (2010, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018), which has resulted in invitations to attend and chair at EGU’s expense. He is a member of EGU and AGU.
Google scholar: Click here.
Research Interests
Water Resources; Decision support, Computational Hydraulics; Numerical methods; Sediment transport; Sustainability; The notion of progress
Current Research
Interventions in the landscape to reduce flood risk, soil erosion, nutrient and pesticide export from farming.
Development of physically-based models of shallow water flow, in-stream leaky barriers, hillslope soil erosion.
Decision support tools such as the CAVERTI [Communicating and Visualizing Erosion-Associated Risks to Infrastructure] tool and FARM [Floods and Agriculture Risk Matrix] tool (
CEG8517: Computational Hydraulics (2015/16 - present) (Module Leader)
CEG8525: Hydrosystems Processes and Data Analysis (2020/21 - present) (Module Leader)
ENG1005: Thermofluid Mechanics (2020/21 - present)
CEG3503: Hydrosystems Engineering (2020-2022)
CEG1501: Fluid Mechanics (2015-2020) (Module Leader)
CEG8501: Quantitative Methods for Engineering (2015-2018) (Module Leader)
CEG3305: Computational Engineering Analysis (2015-2017)
CEG3001: Design of Sustainable Engineering Systems 1 (2015/16)
CEG3004: Design of Sustainable Engineering Systems 3 (2015/16)
CEG8506: Hydrosystems Modelling (2015/16)
CEG8523: Modelling and Forecasting of Floods (2015/16)
Geo3117: Sustainable Water Resource Management (2012-2017)
Geo3120: Putting a Social Science Degree into Practice (2012)
- Oyarmoi A, Birkinshaw S, Hewett CJM, Fowler HJ. The Effect of Papyrus Wetlands on Flow Regulation in a Tropical River Catchment. Land 2023, 12(12), 2158.
- Quinn PF, Hewett CJM, Wilkinson ME, Adams R. The Role of Runoff Attenuation Features (RAFs) in Natural Flood Management. Water 2022, 14(23), 3807.
- Leakey S, Glenis V, Hewett CJMH. Artificial Compressibility with Riemann Solvers: Convergence of Limiters on Unstructured Meshes. OpenFOAM Journal 2022, 2, 31-47.
- Leakey S, Glenis V, Hewett CJM. A novel Godunov-type scheme for free-surface flows with artificial compressibility. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2022, 393, 114763.
- Leakey S, Hewett CJM, Glenis V, Quinn PF. Modelling the Impact of Leaky Barriers with a 1D Godunov-Type Scheme for the Shallow Water Equations. Water 2020, 12(2), 371.
- Hewett CJM, Wilkinson ME, Jonczyk J, Quinn PF. Catchment Systems Engineering: An Holistic Approach to Catchment Management. WIREs Water 2020, 7(3), e1417.
- Kitchener BGB, Dixon SD, Howarth KO, Parsons AJ, Wainwright J, Bateman MD, Cooper JR, Hargrave GK, Long EJ, Hewett CJM. A low-cost bench-top research device for turbidity measurement by radially distributed illumination intensity sensing at multiple wavelengths. HardwareX 2019, 5, e00052.
- Hewett CJM, Simpson C, Wainwright J, Hudson S. Communicating risks to infrastructure due to soil erosion: A bottom-up approach. Land Degradation and Development 2018, 29(4), 1282-1294.
- Hewett CJM, Quinn PF, Wilkinson ME. The Decision Support Matrix (DSM) Approach to Reducing Environmental Risk in Farmed Landscapes. Agricultural Water Management 2016, 172, 74-82.
- Long EJ, Hargrave GK, Cooper JR, Kitchener BGB, Parsons AJ, Hewett CJM, Wainwright J. Experimental investigation of a liquid droplet onto a granular bed using 3D, time-resolved, particle tracking. Physical Review E 2014, 89, 032201.
- Wilkinson ME, Quinn PF, Hewett CJM. The Floods and Agriculture Risk Matrix: a decision support tool for effectively communicating flood risk from farmed landscapes. International Journal of River Basin Management 2013, 11(3), 237-252.
- Quinn PF, Hewett CJM, Muste M, Popescu I. Towards new types of water-centric collaboration. Proceedings of the ICE - Water Management 2010, 163(1), 39-51.
- Hewett CJM, Doyle A, Quinn PF. Towards a hydroinformatics framework to aid decision-making for catchment management. Journal of Hydroinformatics 2010, 12(2), 119-139.
- Hewett CJM, Quinn PF, Heathwaite AL, Doyle A, Burke S, Whitehead PG, Lerner DN. A multi-scale framework for strategic management of diffuse pollution. Environmental Modelling & Software 2009, 24(1), 74-85.
- Quinn PF, Hewett CJM, Dayawansa NDK. TOPCAT-NP: A minimum information requirement model for simulation of flow and nutrient transport from agricultural systems. Hydrological Processes 2008, 22(14), 2565-2580.
- Posthumus H, Hewett CJM, Morris J, Quinn PF. Agricultural land use and flood risk management: Engaging with stakeholders in North Yorkshire. Agricultural Water Management 2008, 95(7), 787-798.
- Pugh J, Hewett C, Chandler D. Debating (de)territorial governance. Area 2007, 39(1), 107-109.
- Heathwaite AL, Quinn PF, Hewett CJM. Modelling and managing critical source areas of diffuse pollution from agricultural land using flow connectivity simulation. Journal of Hydrology 2005, 304(1-4), 446-461.
- Hewett CJM, Quinn PF, Whitehead PG, Heathwaite AL, Flynn NJ. Towards a nutrient export risk matrix approach to managing agricultural pollution at source. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 2004, 8(4), 834-845.
- Erduran KS, Kutija V, Hewett CJM. Performance of finite volume solutions to the shallow water equations with shock-capturing schemes. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 2002, 40(10), 1237-1273.
- Kutija V, Hewett CJM. Modelling of supercritical flow conditions revisited" NewC Scheme. Journal of Hydraulic Research 2002, 40(2), 145-152.
Book Chapters
- Leakey S, Hewett CJM, Glenis V, Quinn PF. Investigating the Behaviour of Leaky Barriers with Flume Experiments and 3D Modelling. In: Philippe Gourbesville and Guy Caignaert, ed. Advances in Hydroinformatics: Models for Complex and Global Water Issues - Practices and Expectations. Singapore: Springer, 2022, pp.965-978.
- Quinn PF, Hewett CJM, Doyle A. Integrating Hydrology into Farmer's Decisions. In: Hatfield, JL, ed. The Farmer's Decision: Balancing Economic Agriculture Production with Environmental Quality. Iowa, USA: Soil & Water Conservation Society, 2005, pp.173-204.
- Quinn PF, Hewett CJM, Doyle A. Scale appropriate modelling: from mechanisms to management. In: Tchiguirinskaia I; Bonell M; Hubert P, ed. Scales in hydrology and water management. Wallingford: International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 2004, pp.17-38.
- Quinn PF, Hewett CJM, Doyle A. Integrated Water Management: A Multi-Scale Framework for Decision Support. In: OECD. 2004.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Hewett CJM, Quinn PF. Hydroinformatics Tools to Aid Decision Making for Nutrient Remediation at Source. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Hydroinformatics. 2004, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company.
- Hewett CJM, Quinn PF. TopManage: A High Resolution GIS Digital Terrain Analysis Tool to Study the Management of Flow on Farms. In: 7th International Specialised Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Basin Management. 2003, Dublin, Ireland.
- Quinn PF, Hewett CJM. An Earth Systems Engineering Approach to the Direct Management of Runoff Flow Paths and Nutrient Remediation at Source. In: 7th International Specialised Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Basin Management. 2003, Dublin, Ireland.
- Hewett CJM, Kutija V. Unconditionally Stable Explicit Finite Difference (USED) Schemes for Four Problems in Hydraulics. In: Fifth International Conference on Hydroinformatics 2002. 2002, Cardiff: IWA Publishing.
- Erduran KS, Kutija V, Hewett CJM. Finite Volume Solution For Flow in a Channel with a Step on its Bottom. In: Fifth International Conference on Hydroinformatics 2002. 2002, Cardiff: IWA Publishing.
- Hewett CJM, Hope R. A Multi-disciplinary Approach to Assessing the Effects of Water and Land Use Policy on Livelihoods. In: Fifth International Conference on Hydroinformatics. 2002, Cardiff: IWA Publishing.
- Kutija V, Hewett CMJ, Erduran KS. Breaking the taboos - stability of finite difference methods for the solution of flow problems. In: 4th International Conference Hydroinformatics 2000. 2000, Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research.
- Erduran KS, Kutija V, Hewett CJM. An Investigation of a Straight Channel Assumption for Meandering Channels. In: Hydroinformatics 2000. 2000, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research.
Online Publications
- Hewett CJM. The Great Sustainable Energy Debate 2008. 2009. Available at:
- Hewett CJM. Sketch of Condorcet's Sketch for an Historical Picture of the Progress of the Human Mind., 2008. Available at: