Staff Profile
Dr David Golightly
Lecturer in Human Systems Integration
- Personal Website:
- Address: Stephenson Building Rm 4.008
School of Engineering
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
I am a Chartered Member of the Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CErgHF) and a Chartered Psychologist (CPsychol), I work in the field of cognitive ergonomics, understanding the factors that make technology and systems fit for the intended user's needs and cognitive abilities. This is primarily in the transport sector, with specific expertise in rail, and covers transport innovation, transport operation and also work with passengers and public.
I have been at Newcastle University since October 2018. Previously, I was at the Human Factors Research Group, University of Nottingham from 2007-2018. Projects have been funded by EU, Innovate UK, Network Rail, Connected Places (formerly Transport Systems) Catapult, RSSB, RAIB and the transport supply chain.
Key research areas
- Fundamentals and methodology in human performance (situation awareness, workload, expertise)
- Decision-making and performance in control environments (transport control, maintenance, manufacturing)
- Design and deployment of future mobility (shared mobility, ICT for mobility, micromobility, underepresented user groups)
- Human performance with autonomy (robotics for maintenance, predictive maintenance, autonomous manufacturing)
- Safety and systems (accident and incident analysis, resillient performance, safety leadership)
Current and previous projects at Future Mobility group
- Network Rail Performance Predictability - Human performance modelling to enhance network predictability
- Freight site complexity - Analysing human aspects of freigh site complexity that can lead to freight incidents on the rail network
- Condition of Freight Vehicles on the Network - Supporting RSSB and National Freight Safety Group in analysis of human factors in rail freight vehicle incidents
- E-scooters - Sociotechnical analysis of factors for user-centred e-scooter service deployment
- Ride2Rail - EU Shift2Rail shared travel project
- DECIDe - RSSB-funded rail decarbonisation project
- Signaller Cognitive Task analysis - Support for Rail Accident Investigation Branch Class Investigation into signaller performance.
- MyCorridor - EU H2020 Mobility as a Service (MaaS) project
Full list of published work at Researchgate and Google Scholar
Esteem and responsibilities
- Deputy Head - Future Mobility Group
- Member of SAgE Ethics Committee
- CoChair EHF - Annual Conference of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors
- Programme Committee - International Rail Human Factors Conference
- Associate Editor - Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries
- CIEHF North East Regional Network Coordinator
- CIEHF Chartership Mentor
- External Examiner MSc in Ergonomics (Derby) - 2012 - 2015
- Internal and external PhD examination
Human-Systems Integration (MEC8028) (module lead)
Technologies for Future Mobility (CEG8431) (module lead)
Human-Systems Integration for Transport (CEG8437) (module lead)
Design of Sustainable Engineering Systems (CEG2004)
Intelligent Transport Systems (CEG8422)
Stage 3 Mechanical Engineering Projects (MEC3098)
MSc Mechanical Engineering Project (MEC8095)
MSc Project and Dissertation in Transport Engineering (CEG8496)
BEng and MEng Mechanical Engineering Senior Tutor
- Bhattacharyya A, Forshaw M, Golightly D, Merricks S, Palacin R, Pierce K, Da Silva PP. Using Time Signal at Red (Tsar) as a Tool for Analysing Rail Network Performance. Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management 2025, 33, 100505.
- Kurup s, Golightly D, Sharples S, Clarke D. Passenger information function preferences based on travel frequency and expertise. Ergonomics 2025. In Press.
- Golightly D, Altobelli E, Bassi N, Buchnicek P, Consonni C, Jurankova P, Mitropoulos L, Rizzi G, Rossi M, Scrocca M, Rutanen E, Kortsari A, Niavis H. Ride2Rail: integrating ridesharing to increase the attractiveness of rail travel. European Transport Research Review 2024, 16, 3.
- Golightly D, Lonergan J, Ethell D. Human Performance in the Rail Freight Yard. Ergonomics 2024, ePub ahead of Print.
- Richards J, Golightly D, Palacin R. Cognitive principles for Remote Condition Monitoring applied to a rail pantograph system. Applied Sciences 2024, 14(13), 5801.
- Chan J, Golightly D, Norman R, Pazouki K. Perception of Autonomy and the Role of Experience within the Maritime Industry. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2023, 11(2), 258.
- Mitropoulos L, Kortsari A, Fotiou A, Ayfantopoulou G, Golightly D. An Evaluation and Prioritization Framework for Pilot First-and Last-Mile Ridesharing Services. Sustainability 2023, 16(1), 143.
- Golightly D, Young MS. Local knowledge in rail signalling and balancing trade-offs. Applied Ergonomics 2022, 102, 103714.
- Golightly D, Chan-Pensley J, Dadashi N, Jundi S, Ryan B, Hall A. Human, organisational and societal factors in robotic rail infra-structure maintenance. Sustainability 2022, 14(4), 2123.
- Chan J, Norman R, Pazouki K, Golightly D. Autonomous Maritime Operations and the Influence of Situational Awareness Within Maritime Navigation. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs 2022, 21, 121-140.
- Golightly D, Pierce K, Palacin R, Gamble C. A feasibility assessment of multi-modelling approaches for rail decarbonisation systems simulation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit 2022, 236(6), 715-732.
- Shalaka K, Golightly D, Clarke D, Sharples S. Passenger information provision: Perspectives from rail industry stakeholders in Great Britain. Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management 2021, 19, 100264.
- Dadashi N, Golightly D, Sharples S. Modelling decision making within rail maintenance control rooms. Cognition, Technology and Work 2021, 23, 255-271.
- Stiles S, Golightly D, Ryan B. Impact of COVID-19 on Health and Safety in the Construction Sector. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries 2021, 31(4), 425-437.
- Ryan B, Golightly D, Pickup L, Reinhartz S, Atkinson S, Dadashi N. Human Functions in Safety - Developing a framework of goals, human functions and safety relevant activities for railway socio-technical systems. Safety Science 2021, 140, 105279.
- Harvey J, Smith A, Golightly D, Goulding J, Gallage HPS. Prosocial Exchange Systems: Nonreciprocal giving, lending, and skill-sharing. Computers in Human Behavior 2020, 107, 106268.
- Casadó RC, Golightly D, Laing K, Palacin R, Todd L. Children, Young people and Mobility as a Service: Opportunities and barriers for future mobility. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 2020, 4, 100107.
- Golightly D, Gamble C, Palacin R, Pierce K. Applying ergonomics within the multi-modelling paradigm with an example from multiple UAV control. Ergonomics 2020, 63(8), 1027-1043.
- Golightly D, Gamble C, Palacin R, Pierce K. Multi-modelling for decarbonisation in urban rail systems. Urban Rail Transit 2019, 5, 254-266.
- Martindale S, Golightly D, Pinchin J, Shaw D, Blakey J, Perez I, Sharples S. An interview analysis of coordination behaviours in Out–of–Hours secondary care. Applied Ergonomics 2019, 81, 102861.
- Kefalidou G, Golightly D, Sharples S. Identifying rail asset maintenance processes: a human-centric and sensemaking approach. Cognition, Technology and Work 2018, 20(1), 73-92.
- Stiles S, Ryan B, Golightly D. Evaluating attitudes to safety leadership within rail construction projects. Safety Science 2018, 110(Part B), 134-144.
- Golightly D, Kefalidou G, Sharples S. A cross-sector analysis of human and organisational factors in the deployment of data-driven predictive maintenance. Information Systems and e-Business Management 2018, 16(3), 627-648.
- Large DR, Golightly D, Taylor E. Train-driving simulator studies: Can novice drivers deliver the goods?. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit 2017, 231(10), 1186-1194.
- Golightly D, Dadashi N. The characteristics of railway service disruption: implications for disruption management. Ergonomics 2017, 60(3), 307-320.
- Dadashi N, Golightly D, Sharples S. Seeing the woods for the trees: the problem of information inefficiency and information overload on operator performance. Cognition, Technology and Work 2017, 19(4), 561-570.
- Richardson M, Maspero M, Golightly D, Sheffield D, Staples V, Lumber R. Nature: a new paradigm for well-being and ergonomics. Ergonomics 2017, 60(2), 292-305.
- Harvey J, Smith A, Golightly D. Giving and sharing in the computer-mediated economy. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 2017, 16(4), 363-371.
- Harvey J, Smith A, Golightly D. Critical realism and economic anthropology. Journal of Critical Realism 2017, 16(5), 431-450.
- Houghton RJ, White C, Golightly D, Wilson JR. Span of control in supervision of rail track work. Cognition, Technology and Work 2016, 18(2), 361-378.
- Golightly D, Sharples S, Patel H, Ratchev S. Manufacturing in the cloud: A human factors perspective. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 2016, 55, 12-21.
- Palacin R, Golightly D, Ramdas V, Dadashi N. Evaluating the impact of rail research: Principles to maximise innovation uptake. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit 2016, 230(7), 1673-1686.
- Madigan R, Golightly D, Madders R. Application of Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) to UK rail safety of the line incidents. Accident Analysis and Prevention 2016, 97, 122-131.
- Dadashi N, Wilson JR, Golightly D, Sharples S. Alarm handling for health monitoring: Operator strategies used in an electrical control room of a rail network. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit 2016, 230(5), 1415-1428.
- Dadashi N, Wilson JR, Golightly D, Sharples S. A framework to support human factors of automation in railway intelligent infrastructure. Ergonomics 2014, 57(3), 387-402.
Authored Book
- Dadashi N, Golightly D, Sharples S, Bye R. Intelligent Infrastructure: User-centred Remote Condition Monitoring. CRC Press, 2023.
Book Chapters
- Balfe N, Golightly D, Charles R. Simulators in rail signalling. In: Young MS; Lenné MG, ed. Simulators for Transportation Human Factors: Research and Practice. London: CRC Press, 2017, pp.151-172.
- Luna CLH, Golightly D. Business models within mobile gaming experience. In: Garcia-Ruiz MA, ed. Games User Research: A Case Study Approach. New York: CRC Press, 2016, pp.189-208.
- Cranwell J, Sun X, Golightly D, Kefalidou G, Bedwell B, Sharples S. Emerging issues in mobile data capture methods across multiple domains: Learning from the user experience. In: Emerging Perspectives on the Design, Use, and Evaluation of Mobile and Handheld Devices. IGI Global, 2015, pp.176-217.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Pierce K, Bhattacharyya A, Golightly D, Pinto da Silva P, Merricks S, Palacin R, Guo Z. Using Co-Simulation and Time Signal at Red (TSAR) to Determine Impact of Driver Behavior on Rail Network Performance. In: Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM’24). 2024, Washington, DC, USA: Society for Modeling & Simulation International (SCS).
- Golightly D, Ethell J, Lonergan J. Tool for Estimating Rail Freight Yard Complexity and impact on human performance. In: Ergonomics and Human Factors 2024. 2024, Kenilworth, UK: Chartered Institute of Ergonomics & Human Factors.
- Golightly D, Lonergan J, Ethell D. Human performance in the rail freight yard. In: Ergonomics and Human Factors 2023: Annual Conference of the CIEHF. 2023, Kenilworth, UK.
- Stiles S, Golightly D. Safety Culture within Multi-stakeholder Environments: Maturity Assessment Tool Trial. In: Ergonomics and Human Factors 2022: Annual Conference of the CIEHF. 2022, Online & Birmingham, United Kingdom: CIEHF.
- Golightly D, Comerio M, Consonni C, Vaghi C, Pistilli G, Rizzi G, DiPasquale G, Palacin R, Boratto L, Scrocca M. Ride2Rail: Integrating ridesharing for attractive multimodal rail journeys. In: World Congress on Railway Research 2022. 2022, Birmingham, UK.
- Golightly D, Mills A, Hill D, Palacin R. Lessons learned in collaborative working to address rail freight safety risks. In: Ergonomics and Human Factors 2022: Annual Conference of the CIEHF. 2022, Online & Birmingham, United Kingdom: CIEHF.
- Stiles S, Golightly D. COVID: The impact of safety leadership interventions within rail infrastructure projects. In: International Railway Safety Council (IRSC 2022). 2022, Seville, Spain: International Railway Safety Council.
- Stiles S, Golightly D. Assessing Safety Culture Maturity within Multi-stakeholder Rail Infrastructure Projects. In: RISSB 2022 Rail Safety Conference. 2022, Collins Square, Melbourne: RISSB.
- Golightly D, Lonergan J, Ethell D, Gibson H, Hill D. A structured incident analysis of human performance in freight train preparation. In: International Rail Safety Council. 2022, Seville, Spain.
- Golightly D, Young M. Local knowledge in signaller performance. In: 7th International Rail Human Factors Conference. 2021, Virtual conference, online: RSSB.
- Golightly D, Palacin R. Human Factors contribution to rail decarbonisation. In: 7th International Rail Human Factors Conference. 2021, Virtual Event: RSSB, Network Rail and the University of Nottingham.
- Hotzel Escardo T, Pierce K, Golightly D, Palacin R. Modelling Train Driver Behaviour in Railway Co-simulations. In: Software Engineering and Formal Methods: SEFM 2020 Collocated Workshops. 2020, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Springer.
- Pierce K, Gamble C, Golightly D, Palacin R. Exploring Human Behaviour in Cyber-Physical Systems with Multi-modelling and Co-simulation. In: FM 2019: Formal Methods. FM 2019 International Workshops. 2019, Porto, Portugal: Springer.
- Delamare L, Golightly D, Goswell G, Treble P. Quantification of rail signaller demand through simulation. In: H-WORKLOAD 2017 : International Symposium on Human Mental Workload: Models and Applications. 2017, Dublin, Ireland: Springer Verlag.
- Kurup S, Golightly D, Wilson N. Understanding rail travel through the curation of personal data. In: UbiComp 2016 Adjunct - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. 2016, Heidelberg, Germany: Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
- Dadashi N, Golightly D, Sharples S. Seeing the woods for the trees: The problem of information inefficiency and information overload on operator performance. In: 13th IFAC Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems HMS 2016. 2016, Kyoto, Japan: Elsevier B.V.
- Golightly D, Dadashi N. How do principles for human-centred automation apply to disruption management decision support?. In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Rail Transportation, ICIRT 2016. 2016, Birmingham, UK: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Delamare L, Lumby A, Treble P, Golightly D. D-MOD Dynamic Modelling of Operator Demand: A new simulator module for the evaluation of signaler's demand. In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Rail Transportation, ICIRT 2016. 2016, Birmingham, UK: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Golightly D, Sanderson D, Holmes P, Ratchev S, Sharples S. Design requirements for effective hybrid decision making with evolvable assembly systems. In: ECCE '16 Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics. 2016, Nottingham: Association for Computing Machinery.
- Madigan R, Golightly D, Madders R. Rail industry requirements around non-technical skills. In: Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2015. 2015, Daventry, Northamptonshire: CRC Press.
- Golightly D, Wagner H, Sharples S. A comparison of user requirements and expectations for cloud manufacturing. In: Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2015. 2015, Daventry, Northamptonshire: CRC Press.
- Harvey J, Golightly D, Smith A. HCI as a means to prosociality in the economy. In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '14). 2014, Toronto, Ontario, Canada: ACM.
Edited Books
- Golightly D, Balfe N, Charles R, ed. Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2023. Wootton Wawen: Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors, 2023.
- Golightly D, Balfe N, ed. Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors 2022: Proceedings for the Annual Conference of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors. Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors, 2022.
- Golightly D, Gibson H, Ryan B, Young MS. Safety and performance on the railways: Selected papers from the 7th International Rail Human Factors Conference. Applied Ergonomics 2023, 109, 103978.
- Baber C, Golightly D, Waterson P. Editorial: The cybernetic return in Human Factors and Ergonomics. Applied Ergonomics 2019, 79, 86-90.