Staff Profile
Professor David Werner
Environmental Systems Modelling
- Personal Website:
- Address: School of Engineering
Room 1.12, Cassie Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
We work with global partners on the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goal 6, clean water and sanitation, and its numerous linkages with the other 16 UNSDGs. My CleanWaterResearch blog provides an up-to-date summary.
Education and Employment Experience
2004-2019 Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader in the Environmental Engineering group at Newcastle University
2013-2017 Degree Programme Director Environmental Engineering MSc
2002-2004 Postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University
1999-2002 PhD student at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
1998-1999 Environmental Consultant at Umwelt Consulting Wälti, Switzerland
Membership of Professional Bodies
Member of the Institute of Water and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Fellowship for experienced researchers from the German Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; Postdoctoral fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation; Prix Chorafas for the PhD thesis; Willy Studer award of ETHZ.
Services to the Scientific Community
Mentor with the African Academy of Sciences Mentorship Scheme (since 2019). Mentor for the British Council sponsored Leadership Training Water Initiative South Asia (2019). Panel member for the UKRI NERC Digital Environment call (2018), the US Department of Defense Strategic Environmental Research and Development call ER18-C4 (2017), the British Council and Department for Business Innovation and Skills call Global Innovation Initiative Round 2 UD3 (2015), the Research Council of Norway call Sino-Norwegian Research Coorperation on Climate and the Environment (2011).
Research Focus Areas
1) Field methods for water quality surveying, including portable next generation sequencing.
Our ambition is to develop a portable laboratory for comprehensive water quality analysis anywhere in the world.
2) Innovative use of sorbents for water treatment and environmental restoration.
I recently gave a seminar entitled "The DDT story: From savior to villain and how to deal with the legacy", which summarizes 15 years of transitioning research into practice for contaminated sediment restoration with activated carbon.
3) Minimize water wastage in the built environment.
I recently gave a seminar entitled "Sustainable water use in the built environment and implications for wastewater treatment" at IIT Gandhinagar.
Google Scholar Profile
You can access my SCOPUS profile here and Google Scholar profile here.
Research Impacts on Policy and Practice
My research papers and book chapters are cited in a 2019 WHO report on Microplastics in Drinking Water, a 2013 Directive of the US EPA's Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation, and a 2015 Focused Feasibility Study for the remediation of the United Heckathorn Superfund Site near Richmond, California. My sediment remediation model has been released to the public via the website of the US Department of Defence’s Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP).
Research Grants
- Royal Society, (Principal Investigator), Comprehensive water quality analysis where there is no laboratory.
- RCUK (Co-Investigator), GCRF Water Security and Sustainable Development Hub.
- EPSRC & Northumbrian Water, (Principal Investigator), Proactive management of dissolved organic carbon in catchments to mitigate climate change impacts on trihalomethanes formation in water treatment (WIRE studentship)
- EPSRC & UKWIR, (Principal Investigator), Catchments as the first stage of treatment (WIRE studentship).
- EPSRC & Northumbrian Water, (Co-Investigator), Engineering metaldehyde removal in water treatment through a deeper understanding of biological mechanisms (STREAM studentship).
- BBSRC (Principal Investigator), A framework for sustainable aquaculture within peri-urban green infrastructures protecting the Gulf of Thailand from eutrophication
- Fera Science Ltd, (Principal Investigator), Environmental fate assessments to protect agricultural crops and drinking water (IAFRI studentship)
- Fera Science Ltd, (Principal Investigator), Developing methodologies to understand the degradation and adsorption of macromolecule biopesticides in soil (IAFRI studentship).
- Newton-Fund/British Council, (Principal Investigator), Developing portable next generation sequencing as innovative technology for microbial water quality management in aquaculture without excessive use of antibiotics and disinfectants.
- RAEng, (Principal Investigator), Rapid identification and effective communication of waterborne hazards in emergencies.
- DST-UKIERI, (Principal Investigator), Vulnerability assessment and sustainable solutions for water quality management in the urban environment.
- Global Challenges Research Fund & EPSRC, (Principal Investigator), IMAGINE: Innovative technologies to rapidly survey, map and communicate waterborne hazards.
- BBSRC, (Principal Investigator), Valorisation of agricultural wastes in the Thai rural economy for bioenergy production, nutrient recycling and water pollution control in aquaculture.
- EPSRC & Severn Trent Water, (Co-Investigator), Roots and causes of chlorine resistance in coliform and other indicator organisms in water treatment systems (STREAM studentship).
- The Royal Society, (Principal Investigator), Collaboration with China, Enzymatic antibiotics pollution control.
- Newton Bhabha Fund, (Principal Investigator), Fate and transport of pharmaceuticals in wastewater treatment plants (PhD student placement).
- European Commission, FP7 (Co-Investigator), Initial Training Network, Microbial Resource Management and Engineering in the Urban Water Cycle.
- Newcastle University, (Principal Investigator), Digital technology to feedback data to consumers to influence their water use to change their behavior and monitor their response.
- British Council and Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, (Principal Investigator), Global Innovation Partnership to Investigate, Restore & Protect the Urban Water Environment.
- EPSRC & Scottish Water, (Principal Investigator), Optimized removal of trihalomethanes precursors in Scottish Water treatment plants.
- EPSRC & Scottish Water, (Principal Investigator), Water disinfection by-products - from formation pre-cursors to management strategies (STREAM studentship).
- EPSRC, (Principal Investigator), CONNECT: Connecting the UK Industrial Doctorate Centre for the Water Sector (STREAM) with the US Engineering Research Center (ERC) for Re-inventing the Nation’s Urban Water Infrastructure (ReNUWIt).
- NERC, (Co-Investigator), Inexpensive monitoring of groundwater pollution in urban African districts.
- Royal Academy of Engineering, (Principal Investigator), Collaboration with China, Environmental remediation applications of iron/carbon composite sorbent materials.
- EPSRC, (Co-Investigator), General and Unifying Concepts for Wastewater Treatment Plant Design.
- Humboldt Foundation, (Principal Investigator), Humboldt Fellowship for Senior Researchers
- Nufarm & Enviresearch, (Principal Investigator), Phenoxy herbicide sorption data review.
- The Royal Society, (Principal Investigator), Characterization of natural and anthropogenic black carbon materials in estuaries in Northeast England.
- OneNortheast & Enviresearch, (Principal Investigator), Modelling the pollutant fate in agricultural ditches for risk assessment and pollution control.
- The Leverhulme Trust, (Principal Investigator), Improved biogeochemical models of the pollutant fate in sediment.
- EPSRC, (Principal Investigator), Linking the fundamental concepts of sediment pollution remediation and ecotoxicity for improved engineering designs.
- EPSRC, (Principal Investigator), Remediation of polluted sediment assisted by tidal energy
- NERC, (Principal Investigator), Imaging micro-organisms and pollutants at the microscale.
- The Royal Society, (Principal Investigator), Bioremediation of polluted soil at the crossroad: Should the bioavailability of persistent residuals be enhanced?
BEng Modules: CEG2102 Environmental Systems and Quantification, CEG2004 Sustainable Design of an Engineering System
MSc/MEng Modules: CEG8101 Core Concepts in Environmental Engineering, CEG8405 Air Pollution, CEG8503 Hydrosystems: Processes and Management
Continuous Professional Development Provision
For the Hellenic Open University: Wastewater and Biosolids Management, Distance Education E-learning Summer School (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020); for the UK Environment Agency: Groundwater Hydrochemistry (2007, 2008, 2009), Groundwater Contaminant Fate and Transport (2008 and 2009); for Nicholas O'Dwyer Ltd.: Wastewater Treatment (2009)
Postgraduate Research Student Supervision
Mr Andre Frota, Ms Ana Amezaga-Kutija, Ms Xiaoqi Yu, Ms Joy Ginika-Osuorji, Mr Kasim Sani Musa
Dr Rixia Zan (graduated in 2023, now at Newcastle University), Dr Jidapa Plaimart (graduated in 2022 now at Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi), Dr Emmanuel Johnson (graduated in 2021, now at OGI Groundwater Specialists Ltd), Dr Jiaqian Wang (graduated in 2021, now at Jiangsu University), Dr Nathan Keighley (graduated in 2021, now at Ricardo), Dr Jian Zang (graduated in 2020, now at Chonqqing University), Dr Vincenzo Padricello (graduated in 2021, now at European Food Safety Authority), Dr Alero Arenyeka (graduated in 2018, now with the Environment Agency), Dr Maria Valdivia-Garcia (graduated in 2017, now at Imperial College London), Dr Onotasamiderhi Tarric Igun (graduated in 2017, now at YourEnvironment Ltd), Dr Badruddeen Sani (graduated in 2016, now at Ahmadu Bello University Zaria), Dr George Mangse (graduated in 2015, now at Nile University), Dr Khaled M Mossa-Bushnaf (graduated in 2013, now at El-mergab University), Dr Abdulmagid Ali (graduated in 2011, now at the Petroleum Training & Qualifying Institute), Dr Sarah Hale (graduated in 2009, now at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute), Dr Nayrah Khandani Ahranjani (graduated in 2007), Dr Ying Luo (graduated in 2007).
BiteSizeUni Summer School 2023, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016: Water quality assessment practical for Year 12 and First Year College students.
Degree Programme Directorship
I was the Degree Programme Director of the Environmental Engineering MSc course at Newcastle University from 2013-17 with overall responsibility for the management and enhancement of the standards and quality of the course.
- Haileselassie MM, Mohamed J, Haile AT, Hiruy AM, Acharya K, Werner D. Performance of four wastewater treatment plants serving Ethiopia's capital city, Addis Ababa. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 2025, 15(2), 127-138.
- Wang J, Manning DAC, Werner D. The limited potential of soil and vegetation in urban greenspace for nature-based offsetting of institutional carbon emissions. Soil Use and Management 2024, 40(2), e13081.
- Plaimart J, Acharya K, Blackburn A, Mrozik W, Davenport RJ, Werner D. Effective removal of iron, nutrients, micropollutants, and faecal bacteria in constructed wetlands cotreating mine water and sewage treatment plant effluent. Water Science & Technology 2024, 89(1), 116-131.
- Dessie BK, Aschale M, Polaine X, Melaku S, Alamirew T, Walsh CL, Werner D, Zeleke G. An integrated approach for water quality assessment in African catchments based on physico-chemical and biological indicators. Science of the Total Environment 2024, 908, 168326.
- Zan R, Stirling R, Blackburn A, Walsh C, Werner D. Activated carbon amendment of sand in the base of a permeable pavement reduces total nitrogen and nitrate leaching. Science of the Total Environment 2024, 931, 172831.
- Dessie BK, Mehari B, Gari SR, Mihret A, Desta AF, Melaku S, Alamirew T, Walsh CL, Werner D, Zeleke G. Trace Element Levels in Nails of Residents of Addis Ababa Are Shaped by Social Factors and Geography. Biological Trace Element Research 2023, 201, 577-591.
- Yu X, He J, Yan C, Chu Y, Hu J, Jia W, Lv H, Zhang H, Wang P, Werner D, Wang X. Synthesis of a novel fibrous material for effective Au(III) recovery with superior selectivity and one-step reduction. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2023, 11(1), 109176.
- Thongsamer T, Vinitnantharat S, Pinisakul A, Werner D. Fixed-bed biofilter for polluted surface water treatment using chitosan impregnated-coconut husk biochar. Environmental Pollution 2023, 334, 122137.
- Zan R, Blackburn A, Plaimart J, Acharya K, Walsh C, Stirling R, Kilsby C, Werner D. Environmental DNA clarifies impacts of combined sewer overflows on the bacteriology of an urban river and resulting risks to public health. Science of The Total Environment 2023, 889, 164282.
- Babiso WZ, Ayano KK, Haile AT, Keche DD, Acharya K, Werner D. Citizen Science for Water Quality Monitoring in the Meki River, Ethiopia: Quality Assurance and Comparison with Conventional Methods. Water (Switzerland) 2023, 15(2), 238.
- Portmann AC, LeFevre GH, Hankawa R, Werner D, Higgins CP. The regenerative role of biofilm in the removal of pesticides from stormwater in biochar-amended biofilters. Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology 2022, 8(5), 1092-1110.
- Hiruy AM, Mohammed J, Haileselassie MM, Acharya K, Butte G, Haile AT, Walsh C, Werner D. Spatiotemporal variation in urban wastewater pollution impacts on river microbiomes and associated hazards in the Akaki catchment, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 826, 153912.
- Zang J, Royapoor M, Acharya K, Jonczyk J, Werner D. Performance gaps of sustainability features in green award-winning university buildings. Building and Environment 2022, 207(Part A), 108417.
- Cai D, Kong S, Shao Y, Liu J, Liu R, Wei X, Bai B, Werner D, Gao X, Li C. Mobilization of arsenic from As-containing iron minerals under irrigation: Effects of exogenous substances, redox condition, and intermittent flow. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 440, 129736.
- Batista AMM, Siqueira JC, Meynet P, Werner D, Garcia GPP, Davenport RJ, Pereira AD, Siniscalchi LAB, Araujo JC, Mota Filho CR. Diversity and dynamics of bacterial communities in the drinking water distribution network of a mid-sized city in Brazil. Journal of Water and Health 2022, 20(12), 1733-1747.
- Thongsamer T, Vinitnantharat S, Pinisakul A, Werner D. Chitosan impregnation of coconut husk biochar pellets improves their nutrient removal from eutrophic surface water. Sustainable Environment Research 2022, 32(1), 39.
- Wang J, Manning DAC, Stirling R, Lopez-Capel E, Werner D. Biochar benefits carbon off-setting in blue-green infrastructure soils - A lysimeter study. Journal of Environmental Management 2022, 325(Part B), 116639.
- Halla FF, Massawa SM, Joseph EK, Acharya K, Sabai SM, Mgana SM, Werner D. Attenuation of bacterial hazard indicators in the subsurface of an informal settlement and their application in quantitative microbial risk assessment. Environment International 2022, 167, 107429.
- Zan R, Acharya K, Blackburn A, Kilsby CG, Werner D. A Mobile Laboratory Enables Fecal Pollution Source Tracking in Catchments Using Onsite qPCR Assays. Water 2022, 14(8), 1224.
- Wang J, Werner D, Manning DAC. A framework for integrating the terrestrial carbon stock of estates in institutional carbon management plans. Soil Use and Management 2022, 38(2), 1172-1188.
- Mrozik W, Minofar B, Thongsamer T, Wiriyaphong N, Khawkomol S, Plaimart J, Vakros J, Karapanagioti H, Vinitnantharat S, Werner D. Valorisation of agricultural waste derived biochars in aquaculture to remove organic micropollutants from water – experimental study and molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Environmental Management 2021, 300, 113717.
- Khawkomol S, Neamchan R, Thongsamer T, Vinitnantharat S, Panpradit B, Sohsalam P, Werner D, Mrozik W. Potential of biochar derived from agricultural residues for sustainable management. Sustainability 2021, 13(15), 8147.
- Ho JY, Jong M-C, Acharya K, Xian SLS, Smith DR, Noor ZZ, Goodson ML, Werner D, Graham DW, Eswaran J. Multidrug-resistant bacteria and microbial communities in a river estuary with fragmented suburban waste management. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 405, 124687.
- Keighley N, Ramwell C, Sinclair C, Werner D. Highly variable soil dissipation of metaldehyde can explain its environmental persistence and mobility. Chemosphere 2021, 283, 131165.
- Pantha K, Acharya K, Mohapatra S, Khanal S, Amatya N, Ospina-Betancourth C, Butte G, Shrestha SD, Rajbhandari P, Werner D. Faecal pollution source tracking in the holy Bagmati River by portable 16S rRNA gene sequencing. npj Clean Water 2021, 4, 12.
- Thongsamer T, Neamchan R, Blackburn A, Acharya K, Sutheeworapong S, Tirachulee B, Pattanachan P, Vinitnantharat S, Zhou XY, Su JQ, Zhu YG, Graham DW, Werner D. Environmental antimicrobial resistance is associated with faecal pollution in Central Thailand’s coastal aquaculture region. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 416, 125718.
- Keighley N, Ramwell C, Werner D, Sinclair C. Analytical method development and validation for the quantification of metaldehyde in soil. MethodsX 2021, 8, 101482.
- Aldana GO, Hazlerigg C, Lopez-Capel E, Werner D. Agrochemical leaching reduction in biochar‐amended tropical soils of Belize. European Journal of Soil Science 2021, 72(3), 1243-1255.
- Leng Y, Bao J, Xiao H, Song D, Du J, Mohapatra S, Werner D, Wang J. Transformation mechanisms of tetracycline by horseradish peroxidase with/without redox mediator ABTS for variable water chemistry. Chemosphere 2020, 258, 127306.
- Xin X, Liu Q, Werner D, Lu H, Qin J. Start‐up Strategy and Bacterial Community Analysis of SNAD Process for Treating Anaerobic Digester Liquor of Swine Wastewater (ADLSW) in a Continuous‐Flow Biofilm Reactor. Water and Environment Journal 2020, 34(S1), 661-671.
- Zang J, Kumar M, Werner D. Real-world sustainability analysis of an innovative decentralized water system with rainwater harvesting and wastewater reclamation. Journal of Environmental Management 2020, 111639.
- Mangse G, Werner D, Meynet P, Ogbaga C. Microbial community responses to different volatile petroleum hydrocarbon class mixtures in an aerobic sandy soil. Environmental Pollution 2020, 264, 114738.
- Acharya K, Blackburn A, Mohammed J, Haile AT, Hiruy AM, Werner D. Metagenomic water quality monitoring with a portable laboratory. Water Research 2020, 184, 116112.
- Plaimart J, Acharya K, Mrozik W, Davenport RJ, Vinitnantharat S, Werner D. Coconut husk biochar amendment enhances nutrient retention by suppressing nitrification in agricultural soil following anaerobic digestate application. Environmental Pollution 2020, 268(Part A), 115684.
- Acharya K, Halla F, Massawa S, Mgana S, Komar T, Davenport R, Werner D. Chlorination effects on DNA based characterization of water microbiomes and implications for the interpretation of data from disinfected systems. Journal of Environmental Management 2020, 276, 111319.
- Wua F, You Y, Werner D, Jiao S, Hu J, Zhang X, Wan Y, Liu J, Wang B, Wang X. Carbon nanomaterials affect carbon cycle-related functions of the soil microbial community and the coupling of nutrient cycles. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020, 390, 122144.
- Mangse G, Werner D. Carbon mass balance model to investigate biochar and activated carbon amendment effects on the biodegradation of stable-isotope labeled toluene in gravelly sand. Environmental Advances 2020, 2, 100016.
- Mrozik W, Vinitnantharat S, Thongsamer T, Pansuk N, Pattanachan P, Thayanukul P, Acharya K, Baluja MQ, Hazlerigg C, Robson AF, Davenport RJ, Werner D. The food-water quality nexus in periurban aquacultures downstream of Bangkok, Thailand. Science of The Total Environment 2019, 695, 133923.
- Acharya K, Werner D, Dolfing J, Meynet P, Tabraiz S, Baluja M, Petropoulos E, Mrozik W, Davenport R. The experimental determination of reliable biodegradation rates for mono-aromatics towards evaluating QSBR models. Water Research 2019, 160, 278-287.
- Trinh BS, Le PTK, Werner D, Phuong NH, Luu TL. Rice Husk Biochars Modified with Magnetized Iron Oxides and Nano Zero Valent Iron for Decolorization of Dyeing Wastewater. Processes 2019, 7(10), 660.
- Liu CJ, Werner D, Bellona C. Removal of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) from contaminated groundwater using granular activated carbon: a pilot-scale study with breakthrough modeling. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 2019, 5(11), 1844-1853.
- Valdivia-Garcia M, Weir P, Graham DW, Werner D. Predicted Impact of Climate Change on Trihalomethanes Formation in Drinking Water Treatment. Scientific Reports 2019, 9, 1-10.
- Igun OT, Meynet P, Davenport RJ, Werner D. Impacts of activated carbon amendments, added from the start or after five months, on the microbiology and outcomes of crude oil bioremediation in soil. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 2019, 142, 1-10.
- Zhang M, Shen X, Zhang H, Werner D, Wang B, Yang Y, Tao S, Wang X. Humic Acid can Enhance the Mineralization of Phenanthrene Sorbed on Biochars. Environmental Science & Technology 2019, 52(22), 13201-13208.
- Wu F, You Y, Zhang X, Zhang H, Chen W, Yang Y, Werner D, Tao S, Wang X. Effects of Various Carbon Nanotubes on Soil Bacterial Community Composition and Structure. Environmental Science and Technology 2019, 53(10), 5707-5716.
- Acharya K, Werner D, Dolfing J, Barycki M, Meynet P, Mrozik W, Komolafe O, Puzyn T, Davenport RJ. A quantitative structure-biodegradation relationship (QSBR) approach to predict biodegradation rates of aromatic chemicals. Water Research 2019, 157, 181-190.
- Acharya K, Khanal S, Pantha K, Amatya N, Davenport RJ, Werner D. A comparative assessment of conventional and molecular methods, including MinION nanopore sequencing, for surveying water quality. Scientific Reports 2019, 9, 15726.
- Batista AMM, Meynet P, Garcia PPG, Costa SAV, Araujo JC, Davenport RJ, Werner D, Mota Filho CR. Microbiological safety of a small water distribution system: evaluating potentially pathogenic bacteria using advanced sequencing techniques. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 2018, 18(2), 391-398.
- Vignola M, Werner D, Hammes F, King LC, Davenport RJ. Flow-cytometric quantification of microbial cells on sand from water biofilters. Water Research 2018, 143, 66-76.
- de Almeida Fernandes L, Pereira AD, Leal CD, Davenport R, Werner D, Mota Filho CR, Bressani-Ribeiro T, Augusto de Lemos Chernicharo C, Calabria de Araújo J. Effect of temperature on microbial diversity and nitrogen removal performance of an anammox reactor treating anaerobically pretreated municipal wastewater. Bioresource Technology 2018, 258, 208-219.
- Lin D, Cho YM, Tommerdahl JP, Werner D, Luthy RG. Bioturbation Facilitates DDT Sequestration by Activated Carbon against Recontamination by Sediment Deposition. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2018, 37(7), 2013-2021.
- de Castro LV, Brandt EMF, Campos ACV, de Aquino SF, Werner D, Afonso RJCF, Mota Filho CR. Behavior of Micropollutants in Polishing Units that Combine Sorption and Biodegradation Mechanisms to Improve the Quality of Activated Sludge Effluent. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 2018, 229(6), 189.
- Chen Y, Gao Q, Chen W, Wu F, Yang Y, Werner D, Tao S, Wang X. A mechanistic study of stable dispersion of titanium oxide nanoparticles by humic acid. Water Research 2018, 135, 85-94.
- Ulrich BA, Vignola M, Edgehouse K, Werner D, Higgins CP. Organic Carbon Amendments for Enhanced Biological Attenuation of Trace Organic Contaminants in Biochar-Amended Stormwater Biofilters. Environmental Science and Technology 2017, 51(16), 9184-9193.
- Velasquez-Orta SB, Werner D, Varia J, Mgana S. Microbial fuel cells for inexpensive continuous in-situ monitoring of groundwater quality. Water Research 2017, 117, 9-17.
- Vignola M, Werner D, Wade MJ, Meynet P, Davenport RJ. Medium shapes the microbial community of water filters with implications for effluent quality. Water Research 2017, 129, 499-508.
- Bushnaf KM, Mangse G, Meynet P, Davenport RJ, Cirpka OA, Werner D. Mechanisms of Distinct Activated Carbon and Biochar Amendment Effects on Petroleum Vapour Biofiltration in Soil. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 2017, 19(10), 1260-1269.
- Han Z, Abel S, Akkanen J, Werner D. Evaluation of Strategies to Minimize Ecotoxic Side-Effects of Sorbent-Based Sediment Remediation. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 2017, 92(8), 1938-1942.
- Zhang W, Zhang F, Han Z, Lu X, Lin D, Werner D. Effect of Clay Minerals on Transport of Surfactants Dispersed Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes in Porous Media. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 2017, 91(1), 135–144.
- Huang H, Tang J, Gao K, He R, Zhao H, Werner D. Characterization of KOH modified biochars from different pyrolysis temperatures and enhanced adsorption of antibiotics. RSC Advances 2017, 7(24), 14640-14648.
- Chen W, Wang H, Qian G, Chen Y, Li S, Yang Y, Werner D, Tao S, Wang X. Association of 16 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with humic acid and humin fractions in a peat soil and implications for their long-term retention. Environmental Pollution 2017, 230, 882–890.
- Trinh BS, Werner D, Reid B. Application of a full-scale wood gasification biochar as a soil improver to reduce organic pollutant leaching risks. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 2017, 92(8), 1928-1937.
- Werner D, Valdivia-Garcia M, Weir P, Haffey M. Trihalomethanes (THMs) Formation in Point of Use Surface Water Disinfection with Chlorine or Chlorine Dioxide Tablets. Water and Environment Journal 2016, 30(3-4), 271-277.
- Gao Q, Chen W, Chen Y, Werner D, Cornelissen G, Xing B, Tao S, Wang X. Surfactant removal with multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Water Research 2016, 106, 531-538.
- Du J, Bao J, Lu C, Werner D. Reductive sequestration of chromate by hierarchical FeS@Fe0 particles. Water Research 2016, 102, 73-81.
- Choi Y, Cho YM, Luthy RG, Werner D. Predicted effectiveness of in-situ activated carbon amendment for field sediment sites with variable site-and compound-specific characteristics. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2016, 301, 424-432.
- Choi Y, Wu Y, Sani B, Luthy RG, Werner D, Kim E. Performance of retrievable activated carbons to treat sediment contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2016, 320, 359–367.
- Choi Y, Cho YM, Gala WR, Hoelen TP, Werner D, Luthy RG. Decision-making framework for the application of in-situ activated carbon amendment to sediment. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2016, 306, 184-192.
- Valdivia-Garcia M, Weir P, Frogbrook Z, Graham DW, Werner D. Climatic, geographic and operational determinants of trihalomethanes (THMs) in drinking water systems. Scientific Reports 2016, 6, 35027.
- Eleanor M, Banwart SA, Noellemeyer E, Abson DJ, Ballabio C, Bampa F, Bationo A, Batjes NH, Bernoux M, Bhattacharyya T, Black H, Buschiazzo DE, Cai Z, Cerri CE, Cheng K, Compagnone C, Conant R, Coutinho HLC, deBrogniez D, deCarvalhoBalieiro F, Duffy C, Feller C, Fidalgo E, daSilva CF, Funk R, Gaudig G, Gicheru PT, Goldhaber M, Gottschalk P, Goulet F, Goverse T, Grathwohl P, Joosten H, Kamoni PT, Kihara J, Krawczynski R, LaScala N, Lemanceau P, Li L, Li Z, Maron PA, Martius C, Melillo J, Montanarella L, Nikolaidis N, Nziguheba G, Pan G, Pascual G, Paustian K, Piñeiro G, Powlson D, Quiroga A, Richter D, Sigwalt A, Six J, Smith J, Smith P, Stocking M, Tanneberger F, Termansen M, vanNoordwijk M, vanWesemael B, Vargas R, Luizvictoria R, Waswa B, Werner D, Wichmann S, Wichtmann W, Zhang X, Zhao Y, Zheng J, Zheng J. Soil carbon, multiple benefits. Environmental Development 2015, 13, 33-38.
- Ambituuni A, Amezaga JM, Werner D. Risk management framework for safe transportation of petroleum products in Nigeria: Learning from past accidents and good practices. Risk Management 2015, 17(4), 329-351.
- Ambituuni A, Amezaga JM, Werner D. Risk assessment of petroleum product transportation by road: A framework for regulatory improvement. Safety Science 2015, 79, 324-335.
- Meynet P, Head IM, Werner D, Davenport RJ. Re-evaluation of dioxygenase gene phylogeny for the development and validation of a quantitative assay for environmental aromatic hydrocarbon degraders. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 2015, 91(6), fiv049.
- Han Z, Sani B, Mrozik W, Obst M, Beckingham B, Karapanagioti HK, Werner D. Magnetite Impregnation Effects on the Sorbent Properties of Activated Carbons and Biochars. Water Research 2015, 70(1), 394-403.
- Nybom I, Waissi-Leinonen G, Mäenpää K, Leppänen MT, Kukkonen JWK, Werner D, Akkanen J. Effects of activated carbon ageing in three PCB contaminated sediments: Sorption efficiency and secondary effects on Lumbriculus variegatus. Water Research 2015, 85, 413-421.
- Ulrich BA, Im EA, Werner D, Higgins CP. Biochar and Activated Carbon for Enhanced Trace Organic Contaminant Retention in Stormwater Infiltration Systems. Environmental Science and Technology 2015, 49(10), 6222-6230.
- Han Z, Sani B, Akkanen J, Abel S, Nybom I, Karapanagioti H, Werner D. A Critical Evaluation of Magnetic Activated Carbon’s Potential for the Remediation of Sediment Impacted by Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2015, 286, 41-47.
- Meynet P, Moliterni E, Davenport RJ, Sloan WT, Camacho JV, Werner D. Predicting the effects of biochar on volatile petroleum hydrocarbon biodegradation and emanation from soil: A bacterial community finger-print analysis inferred modelling approach. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2014, 68, 20-30.
- Choi Y, Cho Y, Werner D, Luthy RG. In Situ Sequestration of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants in Sediments under Stagnant Contact with Activated Carbon. 2. Mass Transfer Modeling. Environmental Science and Technology 2014, 48(3), 1843-1850.
- Lin D, Cho YM, Werner D, Luthy RG. Bioturbation Delays Attenuation of DDT by Clean Sediment Cap but Promotes Sequestration by Thin-Layered Activated Carbon. Environmental Science and Technology 2014, 48(2), 1175-1183.
- Werner D, Garratt JA, Pigott G. Sorption of 2,4-D and other phenoxy herbicides to soil, organic matter, and minerals. Journal of Soils and Sediments 2013, 13(1), 129-139.
- Siavalas G, Werner D, Karapanagioti HK, Bowler BFJ, Manning DAC, Christanis K. Comparison of methods for the characterization and quantification of carbon forms in estuarine and marine sediments from coal mining regions. Organic Geochemistry 2013, 59, 61-74.
- Elazhari-Ali A, Singh AK, Davenport RJ, Head IM, Werner D. Biofuel components change the ecology of bacterial volatile petroleum hydrocarbon degradation in aerobic sandy soil. Environmental Pollution 2013, 173, 125-132.
- Knapp CW, Lima L, Olivares-Rieumont S, Bowen E, Werner D, Graham DW. Seasonal variations in antibiotic resistance gene transport in the Almendares River, Havana, Cuba. Frontiers in Microbiology 2012, 3, 396.
- Nybom I, Werner D, Leppanen MT, Siavalas G, Christanis K, Karapanagioti HK, Kukkonen JVK, Akkanen J. Responses of Lumbriculus variegatus to Activated Carbon Amendments in Uncontaminated Sediments. Environmental Science & Technology 2012, 46(23), 12895-12903.
- Cho YM, Werner D, Choi YJ, Luthy RG. Long-term monitoring and modeling of the mass transfer of polychlorinated biphenyls in sediment following pilot-scale in-situ amendment with activated carbon. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 2012, 129, 25-37.
- Meynet P, Hale SE, Davenport RJ, Cornelissen G, Breedveld GD, Werner D. Effect of Activated Carbon Amendment on Bacterial Community Structure and Functions in a PAH Impacted Urban Soil. Environmental Science and Technology 2012, 46(9), 5057-5066.
- Werner D, Karapanagioti HK, Sabatini DA. Assessing the effect of grain-scale sorption rate limitations on the fate of hydrophobic organic groundwater pollutants. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 2012, 129, 70-79.
- Hale SE, Elmquist M, Brandli R, Hartnik T, Jakob L, Henriksen T, Werner D, Cornelissen G. Activated carbon amendment to sequester PAHs in contaminated soil: A lysimeter field trial. Chemosphere 2012, 87(2), 177-184.
- Ghosh U, Luthy RG, Cornelissen G, Werner D, Menzie CA. In-situ Sorbent Amendments: A New Direction in Contaminated Sediment Management. Environmental Science & Technology 2011, 45(4), 1163-1168.
- Bushnaf KM, Puricelli S, Saponaro S, Werner D. Effect of biochar on the fate of volatile petroleum hydrocarbons in an aerobic sandy soil. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 2011, 126(3-4), 208-215.
- Graham DW, Olivares-Rieumont S, Knapp CW, Lima L, Werner D, Bowen E. Antibiotic resistance gene abundances associated with waste discharges to the Almendares River near Havana, Cuba. Environmental Science & Technology 2011, 45(2), 418-424.
- Werner D, Hale SE, Ghosh U, Luthy RG. Polychlorinated Biphenyl Sorption and Availability in Field-Contaminated Sediments. Environmental Science & Technology 2010, 44(8), 2809-2815.
- Hale SE, Martin TJ, Goss KU, Arp HPH, Werner D. Partitioning of organochlorine pesticides from water to polyethylene passive samplers. Environmental Pollution 2010, 158(7), 2511-2517.
- Hale SE, Werner D. Modeling the Mass Transfer of Hydrophobic Organic Pollutants in Briefly and Continuously Mixed Sediment after Amendment with Activated Carbon. Environmental Science & Technology 2010, 44(9), 3381-3387.
- Hale SE, Meynet P, Davenport RJ, Jones DM, Werner D. Changes in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon availability in River Tyne sediment following bioremediation treatments or activated carbon amendment. Water Research 2010, 44(15), 4529-4536.
- Cho YM, Werner D, Moffett KB, Luthy RG. Assessment of Advective Porewater Movement Affecting Mass Transfer of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants in Marine Intertidal Sediment. Environmental Science & Technology 2010, 44(15), 5842-5848.
- Hale SE, Tomaszewski JE, Luthy RG, Werner D. Sorption of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its metabolites by activated carbon in clean water and sediment slurries. Water Research 2009, 43(17), 4336-4346.
- Sun XL, Werner D, Ghosh U. Modeling PCB mass transfer and bioaccumulation in a freshwater oligochaete before and after amendment of sediment with activated carbon. Environmental Science and Technology 2009, 43(4), 1115-1121.
- Werner D, Karapanagioti HK, Höhener P. Diffusive partitioning tracer test for the quantification of nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) in the vadose zone: Performance evaluation for heterogeneous NAPL distribution. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 2009, 108(1-2), 54-63.
- Ahn S, Werner D, Luthy RG. Modeling PAH mass transfer in a slurry of contaminated soil or sediment amended with organic sorbents. Water Research 2008, 42(12), 2931-2942.
- Tomaszewski JE, Werner D, Luthy RG. Activated carbon amendment as a treatment for residual DDT in sediment from a superfund site in San Francisco Bay, Richmond, California, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2007, 26(10), 2143-2150.
- Werner D, Ghosh U, Luthy RG. Modeling polychlorinated biphenyl mass transfer after amendment of contaminated sediment with activated carbon. Environmental Science and Technology 2006, 40(13), 4211-4218.
- Werner D, Higgins CP, Luthy RG. The sequestration of PCBs in Lake Hartwell sediment with activated carbon. Water Research 2005, 39(10), 2105-2113.
- Werner D, Broholm M, Hohener P. Simultaneous estimation of diffusive Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) fluxes and Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) saturation in the vadose zone. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 2005, 25(2), 59-67.
- Ahn S, Werner D, Luthy RG. Physicochemical characterization of coke-plant soil for the assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon availability and the feasibility of phytoremediation. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2005, 24(9), 2185-2195.
- Ahn S, Werner D, Karapanagioti HK, McGlothlin DR, Zare RN, Luthy RG. Phenanthrene and pyrene sorption and intraparticle diffusion in polyoxymethylene, coke, and activated carbon. Environmental Science and Technology 2005, 39(17), 6516-6526.
- Zimmerman JR, Werner D, Ghosh U, Millward RN, Bridges TS, Luthy RG. Effects of dose and particle size on activated carbon treatment to sequester polychlorinated biphenyls and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in marine sediments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2005, 24(7), 1594-1601.
- Werner D, Grathwohl P, Hohener P. Review of Field Methods for the Determination of the Tortuosity and Effective Gas-Phase Diffusivity in the Vadose Zone. Vadose Zone Journal 2004, 3(4), 1240-1248.
- Dakhel N, Pasteris G, Werner D, Höhener P. Small-Volume Releases of Gasoline in the Vadose Zone: Impact of the Additives MTBE and Ethanol on Groundwater Quality. Environmental Science & Technology 2003, 37(10), 2127-2133.
- Werner D, Höhener P. In Situ Method To Measure Effective and Sorption-Affected Gas-Phase Diffusion Coefficients in Soils. Environmental Science & Technology 2003, 37(11), 2502-2510.
- Pasteris G, Werner D, Kaufmann K, Hoehener P. Vapor Phase Transport and Biodegradation of Volatile Fuel Compounds in the Unsaturated Zone: A Large Scale Lysimeter Experiment. Environmental Science & Technology 2002, 36(1), 30-39.
- Werner D, Höhener P. Diffusive Partitioning Tracer Test for Nonaqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) Detection in the Vadose Zone. Environmental Science & Technology 2002, 36(7), 1592-1599.
Book Chapters
- Karapanagioti HK, Werner D. Sorption of Hydrophobic Organic Compounds to Plastics in the Marine Environment: Sorption and Desorption Kinetics. In: Hideshige Takada and Hrissi K. Karapanagioti, ed. Hazardous Chemicals Associated with Plastics in the Marine Environment. Cham: Springer, 2019, pp.205-219.
- Werner D, Grathwohl P. Water supply and quality. In: Banwart,SA;Noellemeyer,E;Milne,E, ed. Soil carbon: science, management and policy for multiple benefits. Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK: CABI, 2015, pp.154-160.
- Hale SE, Cornelissen G, Werner D. Sorption and Remediation of Organic Compounds in Soils and Sediments by (Activated) Biochar. In: Lehmann, J; Joseph, S, ed. Biochar for Environmental Management: Science, Technology and Implementation. Milton Park, UK: Routledge, 2015, pp.944.
- Ambituuni A, Hopkins P, Amezaga JM, Werner D, Wood JM. Risk Assessment Of A Petroleum Product Pipeline In Nigeria: The Realities Of Managing Problems Of Theft/sabotage. In: C.A. Brebbia, F. Garzia and D. Poljak, ed. Safety and Security Engineering VI. Ashurst, Southampton: WIT Press, 2015.
- Cho YM, Werner D, Janssen EML, Luthy RG. In Situ Treatment for Control of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants Using Sorbent Amendment: Theoretical Assessments. In: Reible, DD, ed. Processes, Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments. New York, USA: Springer, 2014, pp.305-323.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
- Werner D, Höhener P. The influence of water table fluctuations on the volatilization of contaminants from groundwater. In: Groundwater Quality: Natural and Enhanced Restoration of Groundwater Pollution. 2002, Sheffield, UK: IAHS Publications.
- Manariotis ID, Karapanagioti HK, Werner D. In Focus: Novel Sorbents for Environmental Remediation. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 2017, 92(8), 1861-1861.
- Karapanagioti HK, Werner D, Werth CJ. Special Issue on Sorption and Transport Processes Affecting the Fate of Environmental Pollutants in the Subsurface. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 2012, 129, 1-1.
- Werner D, Karapanagioti HK. Comment on "modeling maximum adsorption capacities of soot and soot-like materials for PAHs and PCBs". Environmental Science & Technology 2005, 39(1), 381-382.
- Werner D. Gaseous tracer diffusion from a point source as a site investigation method [PhD Thesis]. Lausanne: EPFL, 2002.
- Werner D, Acharya K, Blackburn A, Zan R, Plaimart J, Allen B, Mgana SM, Sabai SM, Halla FF, Massawa SM, Haile AT, Hiruy AM, Mohammed J, Vinitnantharat S, Thongsamer T, Pantha K, Mota Filho CR, Lopes BC. MinION Nanopore Sequencing Accelerates Progress towards Ubiquitous Genetics in Water Research. Water 2022, 14(16), 2491.