Staff Profile
Dr Hannah Bloomfield
NUAcT Fellow: Climate resilient energy systems
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- Address: School of Engineering
Room 3.04, Cassie Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Since completing my PhD in 2017 I have worked on five research projects investigating climate related risks to the energy, insurance, financial and rail sectors. In June 2023 I started an Academic track fellowship which draws much of this work together to study Climate resilient net-zero energy systems. A key goal of my work is to demonstrate how weather and climate information can be clearly communicated to end users including: industry professionals, other academics, policy makers, and the general public.
My research interests include:
- Characterising the impacts of climate variability and climate change on energy systems.
- Early warning systems for highly weather-dependent systems.
- Modelling and assessing highly renewable energy systems in developing regions.
- How can net-zero transitions also be just energy transitions?
- Open datasets for weather-dependent energy system modelling.
- Compound events research for weather-dependent sectors (e.g. energy, insurance, rail).
- How can the best climate science research be implemented in the insurance sector?
- Understanding sources of uncertainty in complex modelling chains.
Please see the research tab for some ongoing projects and get in touch if you're interested in collaborating!
Ongoing projects
- BRINES (PI) Building Risk-Informed Redundancy for Net-Zero Energy Systems
- Power-Kenya (Co-I, Newcastle Lead) Potential of sub-seasonal Operational Weather and climate information for building Energy Resilience in Kenya
- RESTORES (Co-I) Resilience Toolkit for Offshore Energy Systems
- USARIS (Co-I, Newcastle Lead) Uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis for resilient infrastructure systems
Completed Projects
- Climate Resilient Energy Systems, 5-year research fellowship (2023-2028)
- HYRDA (Res-CoI) Hydrometeorological extremes which exacerbate risk (2022-2023)
- The impact of future UK offshore wind farm distribution and climate change on generation performance and variabiltiy (Bristol, PI 2023)
- CGFI (Researcher) Centre for greening finance and investment, compound wind and flood risk (2021-2023)
- CLEARHEADS (Res-CoI) Climate-Energy Modelling for Assessing Resilience: Heat Decarbonisation and the Northwest European Supergrid (2020-2021)
- S2S4E (Research Scientist) Sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasts for the energy sector (2018-2020)
- WISC (Research Scientists) Wind Storm Information Service (2017-2018)
- The impacts of climate variability and climate change on the GB power system (PhD Project, 2013-2017)
Consultancy activities
- Reasonable worst case scenarios for the UK energy sector under climate change (Climate change committee, 2024)
- Scenario development for (in collaboration with TNEI and National Gas, 2023-2024)
- CS-NOW project adaptation to extreme heat, Newcastle scientific reviewer. (2024)
Community membership and professional activities
- OFGEM climate resilience expert elicitation group.
- Royal Meteorological society special interest group: energy
- Royal Meteorological society special interest group: Insurance
- UK Met Office compound events community of practice
I contribute towards:
- CEG8514 Climate Change: vulnerability, impacts and adaptation.
- I create Continued Professional Development (CPD) materials around climate change. Please contact for details of our next pilot!
I also supervise BEng, MEng, and MSc projects around the themes of climate resilience and climate change impacts.
Current PhD Students
- Matthew Calladine: The impacts of climate variabiltiy and climate change on the Indian Power system
- Dea Bestari: Renewable Energy potenitals over Indonensia from days to decades ahead.
- Kanzis Mattu (secondary supervisor): Characterising multi-variate cold-wet and cold-dry events in the UK.
- Dijkstra I, Bloomfield HC, Hunt KMR. Identifying weather patterns responsible for renewable energy droughts over India. Advances in Geosciences 2025, 65, 127–140.
- Grochowicz A, van Greevenbroak K, Bloomfield HC. Using power system modelling outputs to identify weather-induced extreme events in highly renewable systems. Environmental Research Letters 2024, 19(5), 054038.
- Kapica J, Jurasz J, Canales F, Bloomfield H, Guezgouz M, De Felice M, Zbigniew K. The potential impact of climate change on European renewable energy droughts. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2024, 189(Part A), 114011.
- Giddings, J, Bloomfield, HC, James, R, Blair, M. The impact of future UK offshore wind farm distribution and climate change on generation performance and variability. Environmental Research Letters 2024, 19, 064022.
- Bloomfield HC, Bates P, Shaffrey LC, Hillier J, Champion A, Cotterill D, Pope JO, Kumar D. Synoptic conditions conducive for compound wind-flood events in Great Britain in present and future climates. Environmental Research Letters 2024, 19(2), 024019.
- Hunt KMR, Bloomfield HC. Quantifying renewable energy potential and realized capacity in India: Opportunities and challenges. Meteorological Applications 2024, 31(3), e2196.
- Ruggles, TH, Virguez, E, Reich, N, Dowling, J, Bloomfield, HC, Antonini, EGA, Davis, SJ, Lewis, NS, Caldeira, K. Planning reliable wind- and solar-based electricity systems. Advances in Applied Energy 2024, 15, 100185.
- Hillier, J, Champion, A, Perkins, T, Garry, F, Bloomfield, HC. GC Insights: Open-access R code for translating the co-occurrence of natural hazards into impact on joint financial risk. Geoscience Communication 2024, 7, 195--200.
- Anel JA, Perez-Souto C, Bayo-Besteiro S, Prieto-Godino L, Bloomfield HC, Troccoli A, de la Torre L. Extreme weather events and the energy sector in 2021. Weather Climate and Society 2024, 16, 353–368.
- Guezgouz M, Jurasz J, Campana PE, Kuriqi A, Bloomfield HC, Hingray B, Canales FA, Hunt JD, Sterl S, Elkadeem MR. Complementarity of wind and solar power in North Africa: Potential for alleviating energy droughts and impacts of the North Atlantic Oscillation. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2024, 191, 114011.
- Macholl JD, Roberts H, Steptoe H, Sun S, Angus M, Davenport C, Luscombe W, Rolker HB, Pope J, Dawkins LC, Munday G, Giles D, Lam T, Deutloff J, Champion AJ, Bloomfield HC, Mendes J, Speight L, Bradshaw CD, Wyatt F. A collaborative hackathon to investigate climate change and extreme weather impacts in justice and insurance settings. Weather 2024, 79(6), 196-203.
- Tedesco P, Lenkoski A, Bloomfield HC, Sillmann J. Gaussian copula modeling of extreme cold and weak-wind events over Europe conditioned on winter weather regimes. Environmental Research Letters 2023, 18(3), 034008.
- Bloomfield HC, Hillier J, Griffin A, KAy AL, Shaffrey LC, Pianosi F, James R, Kumar D, Champion A, Bates PD. Co-occurring wintertime flooding and extreme wind over Europe, from daily to seasonal timescales. Weather and Climate Extremes 2023, 39, 100550.
- Fallon JC, Bloomfield HC, Brayshaw DJ, Sparrow SN, Wallom DCH, Woollings T, Brown K, Dawkins L, Palin E, Houben N, Huppmann D, Schyska B. Understanding Climate Risk in Future Energy Systems: An Energy–Climate Data Hackathon. BAMS 2022, 103(5), E1321-E1329.
- Mattu KL, Bloomfield HC, Thomas S, Martinez-Alvarado O, Rodriguez-Hernandez O. The impact of tropical cyclones on potential offshore wind farms. Energy for Sustainable Development 2022, 68, 29-39.
- Schuhen N, Schaller N, Bloomfield HC, Brayshaw DJ, Lledo L, Cionni I, Sillmann J. Predictive Skill of Teleconnection Patterns in Twentieth Century Seasonal Hindcasts and Their Relationship to Extreme Winter Temperatures in Europe. Geophysical Research Letters 2022, 49(11), e2020GL092360.
- Craig MT, Wohland J, Stoop LP, Kies A, Pickering B, Bloomfield HC, Browell J, De Felice M, Dent CJ, Deroubaix A, Frischmuth F, Gonzalez PLM, Grochowicz A, Gruber K, Hartel P, Kittel M, Kotzue L, Labuhn I, Lundquist JK, Pflugradt N, van der Wiel K, Zeyringer M, Brayshaw DJ. Overcoming the disconnect between energy system and climate modeling. Joule 2022, 6(7), 1405-1417.
- Thomas J, Stone EJ, Mitchell DM, Seviour W, Barnes C, Bloomfield HC, Crook J, Jones H, Macleod C. Organising a collaborative online hackathon for cutting-edge climate research. Weather 2022, 77(6), 221-226.
- Bloomfield HC, Brayshaw DJ, Deakin M, Greenwood D. Hourly historical and near-future weather and climate variables for energy system modelling. Earth System Science Data 2022, 14(6), 2749-2766.
- Bloomfield HC, Wainwright CM, Mitchell N. Characterizing the variability and meteorological drivers of wind power and solar power generation over Africa. Meteorological Applications 2022, 29(5), e2093.
- Otero N, Martius O, Allen S, Bloomfield HC, Schaefli B. Characterizing renewable energy compound events across Europe using a logistic regression-based approach. Meteorological Applications 2022, 29(5), e2089.
- Domeisen DIV, White CJ, Afargan-Gertsman H, Munoz AG, Janiga MA, Vitart F, Wulff CO, Antoine S, Ardilouze C, Batte L, Bloomfield HC, Brayshaw DJ, Camargo SJ, Chartlon-Perez A, Collins D, Cowan T, del Mar Chaves M, Ferranti L, Gomez R, Gonzalez PLM, Gonzalez Romero C, Infanti JM, Karozis S, Kim H, Kolstad EW, LaJoie E, Lledo L, Magnusson L, Malguzzi P, Manrique-Sunen A, Mastrangelo D, Materia S, Medina H, Palma L, Pineda LE, Sfetsos A, Sun SW, Soret A, Strazzo S, Tian D. Advances in the Subseasonal Prediction of Extreme Events: Relevant Case Studies across the Globe. Bulletin of the American Meterological Society 2022, 103(6), E1473-E1501.
- Otero N, Martius O, Allen S, Bloomfield HC, Schaefli B. A copula-based assessment of renewable energy droughts across Europe. Renewable Energy 2022, 201(1), 667-677.
- Bloomfield HC, Gonzalez PLM, Lundquist JK, Stoop LP, Browell J, Dargaville R, De Felice M, Gruber K, Hilbers A, Kies A, Panteli M, Thornton HE, Wohland J, Zeyringer M, Brayshaw DJ. The Importance of Weather and Climate to Energy Systems: A Workshop on Next Generation Challenges in Energy–Climate Modeling. Bulletin of the American Meterological Society 2021, 102(1), E159-E167.
- Bloomfield HC, Brayshaw DJ, Gonzalez P, Charlton-Perez A. Sub-seasonal forecasts of demand and wind power and solar power generation for 28 European countries. Earth System Science Data 2021, 13, 2259-2274.
- Bloomfield HC, Brayshaw DJ, Troccoli A, Goodess CM, De Felice M, Dubus L, Bett PE, Saint-Drenan YM. Quantifying the sensitivity of european power systems to energy scenarios and climate change projections. Renewable Energy 2021, 164, 1062-1075.
- Bloomfield HC, Brayshaw DJ, Gonzalez PLM, Charlton-Perez A. Pattern-based conditioning enhances sub-seasonal prediction skill of European national energy variables. Meteorological Applications 2021, 28(4), e2018.
- Deakin M, Bloomfield HC, Greenwood D, Sheehy S, Walker S, Taylor PC. Impacts of Heat Decarbonization on System Adequacy Considering Increased Meteorological Sensitivity. Applied Energy 2021, 298, 117261.
- Thomas SR, Nicolau S, Martinez-Alvarado O, Drew DJ, Bloomfield HC. How well do atmospheric reanalyses reproduce observed winds in coastal regions of Mexico?. Meteorological Applications 2021, 28(5), e2023.
- Thomas SR, Martinez-Alvarado O, Drew DR, Bloomfield HC. Drivers of extreme wind events in Mexico for windpower applications. International Journal of Climatology 2021, 41(S1), E2321-E2340.
- Guezgouz M, Jurasz J, Chouai M, Bloomfield HC, Bekkouche B. Assessment of solar and wind energy complementarity in Algeria. Energy Conversion and Management 2021, 238, 114710.
- Bloomfield HC, Suitters C, Drew DR. Meteorological Drivers of European Power System Stress. Journal of Renewable Energy 2020, 2020.
- Coker PJ, Bloomfield HC, Drew DR, Brayshaw DJ. Interannual weather variability and the challenges for Great Britain’s electricity market design. Renewable Energy 2020, 150, 509-522.
- Wohland J, Brayshaw DJ, Bloomfield HC, Wild M. European multidecadal solar variability badly captured in all centennial reanalyses except CERA20C. Environmental Research Letters 2020, 15, 104021.
- Bloomfield HC, Brayshaw DJ, Charlton-Perez AJ. Characterizing the winter meteorological drivers of the European electricity system using targeted circulation types. Meteorological Applications 2020, 27(1), e1858.
- van der Wiel, K, Bloomfield, HC, Lee, RW, Stoop, LP, Blackport, R, Screen, JA, Selten, FM. The influence of weather regimes on European renewable energy production and demand. Environmental Research Letters 2019, 14, 094010.
- Drew, DR, Coker, PJ, Bloomfield, HC, Brayshaw, DJ, Barlow, JF, Richards, A. Sunny Windy Sundays. Renewable Energy 2019, 138, 870-875.
- Bloomfield HC, Brayshaw DJ, Shraffey LC, Coker PJ, Thornton HE. The changing sensitivity of power systems to meteorological drivers: a case study of Great Britain. Environmental Research Letters 2018, 13(5), 054028.
- Bloomfield HC, Shaffrey LC, Hodges KI, Vidale PL. A critical assessment of the long term changes in the wintertime surface Arctic Oscillation and Northern Hemisphere storminess in the ERA20C reanalysis. Environmental Research Letters 2018, 13.
- Bloomfield HC, Brayshaw DJ, Shaffrey LC, Coker PJ, Thornton HE. Quantifying the increasing sensitivity of power systems to climate variability. Environmental Research Letters 2016, 11, 124025.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
- Greenwood DM, Deakin M, Sarantakos I, Brayshaw D, Bloomfield H. Capacity Value of Interconnectors for Resource Adequacy Assessment in Multi-Region Systems. In: 17th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS 2022). 2022, Manchester, UK: IEEE.