Staff Profile
Professor Ian Metcalfe
Professor of Chemical Engineering
- Address: Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials
School of Engineering
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Professor Ian Metcalfe is a Professor of Chemical Engineering for the School of Engineering at University of Newcastle.
- 1983-87 Princeton University, Ph.D., Chemical Engineering
- 1982-83 Princeton University, M.A., Chemical Engineering
- 1979-82 Imperial College, B.Sc.(Eng.), A.C.G.I., First Class Honours, Chemical Engineering
Previous Positions
- 2001-04 Professor of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, UMIST and then School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, University of Manchester
- 1997-01 Professor of Chemical Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering, University of Edinburgh
- 1996-97 Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College
- 1987-96 Lecturer, Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College
- 2012- Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, FRSC
- 2004- Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, FIChemE
- 1992-2012 Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry
- 1992- Chartered Chemist
- 1991-2004 Member of the Institution of Chemical Engineers
- 1991- Chartered Engineer
Honours and Awards
- 2012- Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, FREng
- 2005- Visiting Professor, University of Manchester
- 1996 Imperial College Award for Excellence in Teaching
- 1993 ICI Fellowship
- 1989 Esso Education Award
- 1982 Hinchley Medal (Institution of Chemical Engineers)
- 1979 Royal Scholarship (Imperial College)
Spanish (good), French (beginner's), German (beginner's), Japanese (beginner's)
Over the past thirty-five years I have built-up an externally funded research programme with a strong equipment base. This has been achieved through a balanced combination of individual and collaborative grants and contracts. The focus of my research is in applying chemical engineering to problems in the area of catalysis, high temperature membranes and dynamic reactions (or chemical looping). While the end goal is often to demonstrate a novel process a fundamental understanding of the problem and its underlying science always is necessary. I have published more than 170 refereed papers, supervised around 60 PhD students.
Much of my research involves working with inorganic membranes. In many cases solid oxide materials can exhibit very high ionic conductivities (e.g., oxygen-ion or proton conductivity). If, at the same time, the electronic conductivity of the material is very low the material can be employed as a solid electrolyte. If the electronic conductivity is high, the material can be used as a mixed-conducting membrane. My research involves the application of both solid electrolytes and mixed-conducting membrane systems for reaction and separation. More recently we have developed the area of dual-ion conduction membrane whereby one ion conducting solid phase hosts a molten salt which also conducts ions of a different nature. This has allowed us for instance to develop highly selective carbon dioxide permeable membranes. We have shown that by linking water permeation to carbon dioxide permeation we can drive carbon dioxide capture from air (direct air capture or DAC) by exploiting a humidity difference (Nature Energy (2024)
Chemical looping processes are dynamic processes where on can use, e.g., on oxygen store to facilitate a chemical reaction. In the case of methane combustion with air one would first oxidise the store of oxygen (the oxygen carrier material, OCM) in air producing oxygen-depleted air. One would then expose the OCM to methane, reducing the OCM and producing water and carbon dioxide whilst depleting the store of oxygen. Note that methane has been combusted in air but there is no difficult-to-perform nitrogen and carbon dioxide separation necessary if one wishes to capture the carbon dioxide. We are exploiting chemical looping processes using materials of variable oxygen stoichiometry to overcome equilibrium limitations in the water-gas shift reaction (Nature Chemistry 11 (2019) 638-643) in order to create novel hydrogen production technologies (for blue hydrogen).
Undergraduate Teaching
I have been an innovator in chemical engineering education since my appointment in 1987 as a lecturer at Imperial College. Recognition of this came through an Imperial College Award for Excellence in Teaching in 1996.
During my time teaching Chemical Reaction Engineering (Imperial College) and Kinetics and Catalysis (Edinburgh) I gradually modified my approach to include a strong interactive element in the lectures (this course in now delivered in Newcastle as Reactor Engineering). Generally, each lecture consists of a twenty minute introduction to a concept, followed by an example for the students to try. The examples are simple but designed to test understanding and should be completed by average students within twenty minutes. While the students work on the examples the opportunity is taken to talk with them to find and correct misunderstandings as they occur. Excellent results on teaching evaluation questionnaires have been consistently obtained. The course is complemented with a text book on the subject authored by myself as well as web material summarising what is covered in the lectures.
It is generally accepted to be very difficult to teach programming to students using traditional teaching techniques (e.g. lectures) and, consequently when teaching programming at UMIST, I developed web-based material for the delivery of the ‘IT and Applications’ course. The course included online tests (typically two per week) to monitor student progression through the material. This allowed increased flexibility with the opportunity for students to pace themselves. Chemical engineering problems were introduced into the course once the students knowledge and skill has reached the appropriate level.
- Martinez Martin A, Saini S, Neagu D, Hu W, Metcalfe IS, Kousi K. Tailoring the A and B site of Fe-based perovskites for high selectivity in the reverse water-gas shift reaction. Journal of CO2 Utilization 2024, 83, 102784.
- Metcalfe IS, Mutch GA, Papaioannou EI, Tsochataridou S, Neagu D, Brett DJL, Iacoviello F, Miller TS, Shearing PR, Hunt PA. Separation and concentration of CO2 from air using a humidity-driven molten-carbonate membrane. Nature Energy 2024, 9, 1074-1083.
- Haq A, Fanelli F, Bekris L, Martin AM, Lee S, Khalid H, Savaniu CD, Kousi K, Metcalfe IS, Irvine JTS, Maguire P, Papaioannou EI, Mariotti D. Dielectric Barrier Plasma Discharge Exsolution of Nanoparticles at Room Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure. Advanced Science 2024, 11(34), 2402235.
- Wang M, Papaioannou EI, Metcalfe IS, Naden A, Savaniu CD, Irvine JTS. The Exsolution of Cu Particles from Doped Barium Cerate Zirconate via Barium Cuprate Intermediate Phases. Advanced Functional Materials 2023, 2023, 2302102.
- Lee Pereira RJ, Metcalfe IS, Hu W. High-throughput screening of suitable nitrogen carriers for chemical looping ammonia synthesis. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science 2023, 16, 100226.
- Khalid H, Haq AU, Alessi B, Wu J, Savaniu CD, Kousi K, Metcalfe IS, Parker SC, Irvine JTS, Maguire P, Papaioannou EI, Mariotti D. Rapid Plasma Exsolution from an A-site Deficient Perovskite Oxide at Room Temperature. Advanced Energy Materials 2022, 12(45), 2201131.
- Lee Pereira RJ, Hu W, Metcalfe IS. Impact of Gas–Solid Reaction Thermodynamics on the Performance of a Chemical Looping Ammonia Synthesis Process. Energy & Fuels 2022, 36(17), 9757–9767.
- Tang C, Kousi K, Neagu D, Metcalfe IS. Trends and Prospects of Bimetallic Exsolution. Chemistry, A European Journal 2021, 27(22), 6666-6675.
- Zhang G, Neagu D, King PJ, Ramadan S, O'Neill A, Metcalfe IS. The effects of sulphur poisoning on the microstructure, composition andoxygen transport properties of perovskite membranes coated withnanoscale alumina layers. Journal of Membrane Science 2021, 618, 118736.
- de Leeuwe C, Hu W, Neagu D, Papaioannou EI, Pramana S, Ray B, Evans JSO, Metcalfe IS. Revisiting the thermal and chemical expansion and stability of La0.6Sr0.4FeO3−δ. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2021, 293, 121838.
- de Leeuwe C, Hu W, Evans J, von Stosch M, Metcalfe IS. Production of high purity H2 through chemical-looping water–gas shift at reforming temperatures – The importance of non-stoichiometric oxygen carriers. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 423, 130174.
- Grima L, Mutch GA, Oliete PB, Bucheli W, Merino RI, Papaioannou EI, Bailey JJ, Kok MD, Brett DJL, Shearing PR, Metcalfe IS, Sanjuan ML. High CO2 permeability in supported molten-salt membranes with highly dense and aligned pores produced by directional solidification. Journal of Membrane Science 2021, 630, 119057.
- Kazakli K, Mutch GA, Triantafyllou G, Gouveia Gil A, Li T, Wang B, Bailey JJ, Brett DJL, Shearing PR, Li K, Metcalfe I. Controlling molten carbonate distribution in dual-phase molten salt-ceramic membranes to increase carbon dioxide permeation rates. Journal of Membrane Science 2021, 617, 118640.
- Garcia-Garcia FR, Metcalfe IS. Chemical looping dry reforming of methane using mixed oxides of iron and cerium: Operation window. Catalysis Communications 2021, 160, 106356.
- Neagu D, Papaioannou E, Tjaden B, Lu X, Mak C, Gaultois MW, Ray B, Shearing P, Metcalfe I. Tracking the evolution of a single composite particle during redox cycling for application in H2 production. Scientific Reports 2020, 10, 5266.
- Tsochataridou S, Mutch GA, Neagu DN, Papaioannou EI, Sanjuan ML, Ray B, Merino RI, Orera VM, Metcalfe IS. Measuring Membrane Permeation Rates through the Optical Visualization of a Single Pore. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12(14), 16436-16441.
- Kousi K, Neagu D, Bekris L, Cali E, Kerherve G, Papaioannou EI, Payne DJ, Metcalfe IS. Low temperature methane conversion with perovskite-supported exo/endo-particles. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8(25), 12406-12417.
- Calì E, Kerherve G, Naufal F, Kousi K, Neagu D, Papaioannou EI, Thomas MP, Guiton BS, Metcalfe IS, Irvine JTS, Payne DJ. Exsolution of Catalytically Active Iridium Nanoparticles from Strontium Titanate. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2020, 12(33), 37444-37453.
- Kousi K, Neagu D, Bekris L, Papaioannou EI, Metcalfe IS. Endogenous Nanoparticles Strain Perovskite Host Lattice Providing Oxygen Capacity and Driving Oxygen Exchange and CH4 Conversion to Syngas. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 2020, 59(6), 2510-2519.
- McNeil LA, Mutch GA, Iacoviello F, Bailey JJ, Triantafyllou G, Neagu D, Miller TS, Papaioannou EI, Hu W, Brett DJL, Shearing PR, Metcalfe IS. Dendritic silver self-assembly in molten-carbonate membranes for efficient carbon dioxide capture. Energy & Environmental Science 2020, 13(6), 1766-1775.
- Kousi K, Neagu D, Metcalfe IS. Combining Exsolution and Infiltration for Redox, Low Temperature CH4 Conversion to Syngas. Catalysts 2020, 10(5), 468.
- Mahadi AH, Ye L, Fairclough SM, Qu J, Wu S, Chen W, Papaioannou EI, Ray B, Pennycook TJ, Haigh SJ, Young NP, Tedsree K, Metcalfe IS, Tsang SCE. Beyond surface redox and oxygen mobility at pd-polar ceria (100) interface: Underlying principle for strong metal-support interactions in green catalysis. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2020, 270, 118843.
- Kazakli M, Mutch GA, Qu L, Triantafyllou G, Metcalfe IS. Autonomous and intrinsic self-healing Al2O3 membrane employing highly-wetting and CO2-selective molten salts. Journal of Membrane Science 2020, 600, 117855.
- Tang C, Kousi K, Neagu D, Portoles J, Papaioannou EI, Metcalfe IS. Towards efficient use of noble metals via exsolution exemplified for CO oxidation. Nanoscale 2019, 11(36), 16935-16944.
- Kyriakou V, Neagu D, Zafeiropoulos G, Sharma RK, Tang C, Kousi K, Metcalfe I. Symmetrical Exsolution of Rh Nanoparticles in Solid Oxide Cells for Efficient Syngas Production from Greenhouse Gases. ACS Catalysis 2019, 100(2), 1278-1288.
- Mutch GA, Qu L, Triantafyllou G, Xing W, Fontaine M-L, Metcalfe IS. Supported molten-salt membranes for carbon dioxide permeation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019, 7(21), 12951-12973.
- Papaioannou EI, Neagu D, Ramli WKW, Irvine JTS, Metcalfe IS. Sulfur-Tolerant, Exsolved Fe–Ni Alloy Nanoparticles for CO Oxidation. Topics in Catalysis 2019, 62(17-20), 1149-1156.
- Jiang S, Cox HJ, Papaioannou EI, Tang C, Liu H, Murdoch BJ, Gibson EK, Metcalfe IS, Evans JSO, Beaumont SK. Shape-persistent porous organic cage supported palladium nanoparticles as heterogeneous catalytic materials. Nanoscale 2019, 11(31), 14929-14936.
- Huang J, Liu W, Hu W, Metcalfe I, Yang Y, Liu B. Phase interactions in Ni-Cu-Al2O3 mixed oxide oxygen carriers for chemical looping applications. Applied Energy 2019, 236, 635-647.
- Metcalfe IS, Ray B, Dejoie C, Hu W, de Leeuwe C, Dueso C, García-García F, Mak C, Papaioannou E, Thompson CR, Evans JSO. Overcoming chemical equilibrium limitations using a thermodynamically-reversible chemical reactor. Nature Chemistry 2019, 11(7), 638-643.
- Otto S, Kousi K, Neagu D, Bekris L, Janek J, Metcalfe I. Exsolved Nickel Nanoparticles Acting as Oxygen Storage Reservoirs and Active Sites for Redox CH4 Conversion. Applied Energy Materials 2019, 10(2), 7288-7298.
- Kyriakou V, Neagu D, Papaioannou EI, Metcalfe IS, van de Sanden MCM, Tsampas MN. Co-electrolysis of H2O and CO2 on exsolved Ni nanoparticles for efficient syngas generation at controllable H2/CO ratios. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2019, 258, 117950.
- Neagu D, Kyriakou V, Roiban I-L, Aouine M, Tang C, Caravaca A, Kousi K, Schreur-Piet I, Metcalfe IS, Vernoux P, Van De Sanden MCM, Tsampas MN. In Situ Observation of Nanoparticle Exsolution from Perovskite Oxides: From Atomic Scale Mechanistic Insight to Nanostructure Tailoring. ACS Nano 2019, 13(11), 12996-13005.
- Bui M, Adjiman CS, Bardow A, Anthony EJ, Boston A, Brown B, Fennell PS, Fuss S, Galindo A, Hackett LA, Hallett JP, Herzog HJ, Jackson G, Kemper J, Krevor S, Maitland GC, Matuszewski M, Metcalfe IS, Petit C, Puxty G, Reimer J, Reiner DM, Rubin ES, Scott SA, Shah N, Smit B, Trusler JPM, Webley P, Wilcox J, MacDowell N. Carbon capture and storage (CCS): The way forward. Energy and Environmental Science 2018, 11(5), 1062-1176.
- Johnston SRW, Ray B, Hu W, Metcalfe IS. An investigation into the stability and use of non-stoichiometric YBaCo4O7+δ for oxygen enrichment processes. Solid State Ionics 2018, 320, 292-296.
- Low Z-X, Chua YT, Ray B, Mattia D, Metcalfe I, Patterson DA. Perspective on 3D printing of separation membranes and comparison to related unconventional fabrication techniques. Journal of Membrane Science 2017, 523, 596-613.
- Neagu D, Papaioannou E, Ramli W, Miller D, Murdoch B, Menard H, Umar A, Barlow A, Cumpson P, Irvine J, Metcalfe I. Demonstration of chemistry at a point through restructuring and catalytic activation at anchored nanoparticles. Nature Communications 2017, 8, 1855.
- Patrício SG, Papaioannou EI, Ray BM, Metcalfe IS, Marques FMB. Composite CO2 separation membranes: Insights on kinetics and stability. Journal of Membrane Science 2017, 541, 253-261.
- Papaioannou EI, Bachmann C, Neumeier JJ, Frankel D, Over H, Janek J, Metcalfe IS. The role of the three-phase boundary of the platinum-support interface in catalysis: A model catalyst kinetic study. ACS Catalysis 2016, 6, 5865-5872.
- Papaioannou EI, Qi H, Metcalfe IS. 'Uphill' Permeation of Carbon Dioxide Across A Composite Molten Salt-Ceramic Membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2015, 485, 87-93.
- Zhang G, Papaioannou EI, Metcalfe IS. Selective, high-temperature permeation of nitrogen oxides using a supported molten salt membrane. Energy and Environmental Science 2015, 8(4), 1220-1223.
- Dueso C, Thompson C, Metcalfe IS. High-stability, high-capacity oxygen carriers: iron oxide-perovskite composite materials for hydrogen production by chemical looping. Applied Energy 2015, 157, 382-390.
- Stockford C, Brandon N, Irvine J, Mays T, Metcalfe I, Book D, Ekins E, Kucernak A, Molkov V, Steinberger-Wilckens R, Shah N, Dodds P, Dueso C, Samsatli S, Thompson C. H2FC SUPERGEN: An overview of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell research across the UK. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2015, 40(15), 5534-5543.
- Marrero-Jerez J, Murugan A, Metcalfe IS, Núñez P. TPR-TPD-TPO studies on CGO/NiO and CGO/CuO ceramics obtained from freeze-dried precursors. Ceramics International 2014, 40(9), 15175-15182.
- Alqaheem Y, Thursfield A, Zhang GR, Metcalfe IS. The impact of sulfur contamination on the performance of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3 (-) δ oxygen transport membranes. Solid State Ionics 2014, 262, 262-265.
- Patrício SG, Papaioannou E, Zhang G, Metcalfe IS, Marques FMB. High performance composite CO2 separation membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2014, 471, 211–218.
- Droushiotis N, Dal Grande F, Othman MHD, Kanawka K, Doraswami U, Metcalfe IS, Li K, Kelsall G. Comparison Between Anode-Supported and Electrolyte-Supported Ni-CGO-LSCF Micro-tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. Fuel Cells 2014, 14(2), 200-211.
- Ibrahim N, Poulidi D, Metcalfe IS. The role of sodium surface species on electrochemical promotion of catalysis in a Pt/YSZ system: The case of ethylene oxidation. Journal of Catalysis 2013, 303, 100-109.
- Tabacaru C, Aguadero A, Sanz J, Chinelatto AL, Thursfield A, Perez-Coll D, Metcalfe IS, Fernandez-Diaz MT, Mather GC. Protonic and electronic defects in the 12R-type hexagonal perovskite Sr3LaNb3O12. Solid State Ionics 2013, 253, 239-246.
- Metcalfe IS, North M, Villuendas P. Influence of reactor design on cyclic carbonate synthesis catalysed by a bimetallic aluminium(salen) complex. Journal of CO2 Utilization 2013, 2, 24-28.
- Kasyutich VL, Poulidi D, Jalil M, Metcalfe IS, Martin PA. Application of a cw quantum cascade laser CO2 analyser to catalytic oxidation reaction monitoring. Applied Physics B 2013, 110(2), 263-269.
- Ibrahim N, Poulidi D, Rivas ME, Baikie ID, Metcalfe IS. The role of sodium surface species on oxygen charge transfer in the Pt/YSZ system. Electrochimica Acta 2012, 76, 112-119.
- Franca RV, Thursfield A, Metcalfe IS. La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3−δ microtubular membranes for hydrogen production from water splitting. Journal of Membrane Science 2012, 389, 173-181.
- Wu Z, Thursfield A, Metcalfe I, Li K. Effects of separation layer thickness on oxygen permeation and mechanical strength of DL-HFMR-ScSZ. Journal of Membrane Science 2012, 415-416, 229-236.
- Poulidi D, Rivas ME, Metcalfe IS. Controlled spillover in a single catalyst pellet: Rate modification, mechanism and relationship with electrochemical promotion. Journal of Catalysis 2011, 281(1), 188-197.
- Wang B, Zydorczak B, Poulidi D, Metcalfe IS, Li K. A further investigation of the kinetic demixing/decomposition of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-delta oxygen separation membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2011, 369(1-2), 526-535.
- Murugan A, Thursfield A, Metcalfe IS. A chemical looping process for hydrogen production using iron-containing perovskites. Energy & Environmental Science 2011, 4(11), 4639-4649.
- Kanawka K, Dal Grande F, Wu ZT, Thursfield A, Ivey D, Metcalfe I, Kelsall G, Li K. Microstructure and Performance Investigation of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Based on Highly Asymmetric YSZ Microtubular Electrolytes. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2010, 49(13), 6062-6068.
- Poulidi D, Metcalfe I. In situ catalyst activity control in a novel membrane reactor-Reaction driven wireless electrochemical promotion of catalysis. Chemical Engineering Science 2010, 65(1), 446-450.
- Mather GC, Poulidi D, Thursfield A, Pascual MJ, Jurado JR, Metcalfe IS. Hydrogen-permeation characteristics of a SrCeO3-based ceramic separation membrane: Thermal, ageing and surface-modification effects. Solid State Ionics 2010, 181(3-4), 230-235.
- Hatcher J, Pascual MJ, Poulidi D, Metcalfe IS. Development and testing of an intermediate temperature glass sealant for use in mixed ionic and electronic conducting membrane reactors. Solid State Ionics 2010, 181(15-16), 767-774.
- Metcalfe IS, North M, Pasquale R, Thursfield A. An integrated approach to energy and chemicals production. Energy & Environmental Science 2010, 3(2), 212-215.
- Gomez-Sainero LM, Baker RT, Vizcaino AJ, Francis SM, Calles JA, Metcalfe IS, Rodriguez JJ. Steam Reforming of Methanol with Sm2O3-CeO2-Supported Palladium Catalysts: Influence of the Thermal Treatments of Catalyst and Support. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2009, 48(18), 8364-8372.
- Baker RT, Gomez-Sainero LM, Metcalfe IS. Pretreatment-Induced Nanostructural Evolution in CeO2-, Sm2O3-, and CeO2/Sm2O3-Supported Pd Catalysts for Intermediate-Temperature Methanol Fuel Cells. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2009, 113(28), 12465-12475.
- Grande F, Thursfield A, Kanawka K, Droushiotis N, Doraswami U, Li K, Kelsall G, Metcalfe I. Microstructure and performance of novel Ni anode for hollow fibre solid oxide fuel cells. Solid State Ionics 2009, 180(11-13), 800-804.
- Baker RT, Salar R, Potter AR, Metcalfe IS, Sahibzada M. Influence of morphology on the behaviour of electrodes in a proton-conducting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell. Journal of Power Sources 2009, 191(2), 448-455.
- Poulidi D, Mather GC, Tabacaru CN, Thursfield A, Metcalfe IS. Electrochemical promotion of a platinum catalyst supported on the high-temperature proton conductor La0.99Sr0.01NbO4−δ. Catalysis Today 2009, 146(3-4), 279-284.
- Suarez-Ojeda ME, Metcalfe IS, Font J, Carrera J. Calibration of a kinetic model for wet air oxidation (WAO) of substituted phenols: Influence of experimental data on model prediction and practical identifiability. Chemical Engineering Journal 2009, 150(2-3), 328-336.
- Tan XY, Thursfield A, Metcalfe IS, Li K. Analysis of a perovskite ceramic hollow fibre membrane reactor for the partial oxidation of methane to syngas. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering 2009, 4(3), 251-258.
- Suarez-Ojeda ME, Carrera J, Metcalfe IS, Font J. Wet air oxidation (WAO) as a precursor to biological treatment of substituted phenols: Refractory nature of the WAO intermediates. Chemical Engineering Journal 2008, 144(2), 205-212.
- Poulidi D, Anderson C, Metcalfe IS. Remote control of the activity of a Pt catalyst supported on a mixed ionic electronic conducting membrane. Solid State Ionics 2008, 179(27-32), 1347-1350.
- Tan X, Li K, Thursfield A, Metcalfe IS. Oxyfuel combustion using a catalytic ceramic membrane reactor. Catalysis Today 2008, 131(1-4), 292-304.
- Dal Grande F, Thursfield A, Metcalfe IS. Morphological control of electroless plated Ni anodes: Influence on fuel cell performance. Solid State Ionics 2008, 179(35-36), 2042-2046.
- Kharton VV, Tsipis EV, Naumovich EN, Thursfield A, Patrakeev MV, Kolotygin VA, Waerenborgh JC, Metcalfe IS. Mixed conductivity, oxygen permeability and redox behavior of K2NiF4-type La2Ni0.9Fe0.1O4+δ. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2008, 181(6), 1425-1433.
- Poulidi D, Metcalfe IS. Comparative studies between classic and wireless electrochemical promotion of a Pt catalyst for ethylene oxidation. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 2008, 38(8), 1121-1126.
- Poulidi D, Mather GC, Metcalfe IS. Wireless electrochemical modification of catalytic activity on a mixed protonic-electronic conductor. Solid State Ionics 2007, 178(7-10), 675-680.
- Kim JK, Martinez F, Metcalfe IS. The beneficial role of use of ultrasound in heterogeneous Fenton-like system over supported copper catalysts for degradation of p-chlorophenol. Catalysis Today 2007, 124(3-4), 224-231.
- Suksamai W, Metcalfe IS. Measurement of proton and oxide ion fluxes in a working Y-doped BaCeO3 SOFC. Solid State Ionics 2007, 178(7-10), 627-634.
- Kim JK, Metcalfe IS. Investigation of the generation of hydroxyl radicals and their oxidative role in the presence of heterogeneous copper catalysts. Chemosphere 2007, 69(5), 689-696.
- Poulidi D, Thursfield A, Metcalfe IS. Electrochemical promotion of catalysis controlled by chemical potential difference across a mixed ionic-electronic conducting ceramic membrane - An example of wireless NEMCA. Topics in Catalysis 2007, 44(3), 435-449.
- Suarez-Ojeda ME, Kim J, Carrera J, Metcalfe IS, Font J. Catalytic and non-catalytic wet air oxidation of sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate: Kinetics and biodegradability enhancement. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2007, 144(3), 655-662.
- Thursfield A, Metcalfe IS. Air separation using a catalytically modified mixed conducting ceramic hollow fibre membrane module. Journal of Membrane Science 2007, 288(1-2), 175-187.
- Thursfield A, Metcalfe IS. Methane oxidation in a mixed ionic-electronic conducting ceramic hollow fibre reactor module. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 2006, 10(8), 604-616.
- Abu-Hassan MA, Kim JK, Metcalfe IS, Mantzavinos D. Kinetics of low frequency sonodegradation of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate solutions. Chemosphere 2006, 62(5), 749-755.
- Cresswell DL, Metcalfe IS. Energy integration strategies for solid oxide fuel cell systems. Solid State Ionics 2006, 177(19-25), 1905-1910.
- Poulidi D, Metcalfe IS. Electrochemical promotion of a metal catalyst supported on a mixed-ionic conductor. Solid State Ionics 2006, 177(26-32), 2211-2215.
- Metcalfe IS. Comment on ‘Work function changes of polarized electrodes on solid electrolytes’. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2006, 153(8), L15-L16.
- Abu-Hassan MA, Mantzavinos D, Metcalfe IS. Wet air oxidation and ultrasound for the removal of linear alkylbenzene sulfonates from wastewater: the beneficial role of catalysis. Topics in Catalysis 2005, 33(1-4), 141-148.
- Gomez-Sainero LM, Baker RT, Metcalfe IS, Sahibzada M, Concepcion P, Lopez-Nieto JM. Investigation of Sm2O3-CeO2-supported palladium catalysts for the reforming of methanol: The role of the support. Applied Catalysis A: General 2005, 294(2), 177-187.
- Thursfield A, Metcalfe IS. The use of dense mixed ionic and electronic conducting membranes for chemical production. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2004, 14(16), 2475-2485.
- Papadaki M, Emery RJ, Abu-Hassan MA, Diaz-Bustos A, Metcalfe IS, Mantzavinos D. Sonocatalytic oxidation processes for the removal of contaminants containing aromatic rings from aqueous effluents. Separation and Purification Technology 2004, 34(1-3), 35-42.
- Metcalfe IS. Fuel cells, advanced reactors and smart catalysis: The exploitation of ceramic ion-conducting membranes. Chemical Engineering & Technology 2003, 26(8), 857-862.
- Oliviero L, Wahyu H, Barbier J, Duprez D, Ponton JW, Metcalfe IS, Mantzavinos D. Experimental and predictive approach for determining wet air oxidation reaction pathways in synthetic wastewaters. Chemical Engineering Research & Design 2003, 81(3), 384-392.
- Scott SP, Mantzavinos D, Hartley A, Sahibzada M, Metcalfe IS. Reactivity of LSCF perovskites. Solid State Ionics 2002, 152, 777-781.
- Metcalfe IS. Electrochemical promotion of catalysis: the use of transition state theory for the prediction of reaction rate modification. Solid State Ionics 2002, 152, 669-674.
- Patterson DA, Metcalfe IS, Xiong F, Livingston AG. Biodegradability of linear alkylbenzene sulfonates subjected to wet air oxidation. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 2002, 77(9), 1039-1049.
- Patterson DA, Metcalfe IS, Xiong F, Livingston AG. Wet air oxidation of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate 2. Effect of pH. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2001, 40(23), 5517-5525.
- Patterson DA, Metcalfe IS, Xiong F, Livingston AG. Wet air oxidation of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate 1. Effect of temperature and pressure. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2001, 40(23), 5507-5516.
- Oliviero L, Barbier J, Duprez D, Wahyu H, Ponton JW, Metcalfe IS, Mantzavinos D. Wet air oxidation of aqueous solutions of maleic acid over Ru/CeO2 catalysts. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2001, 35(1), 1-12.
- Metcalfe IS. Electrochemical Promotion of Catalysis II: The Role of a Stable Spillover Species and Prediction of Reaction Rate Modification. Journal of Catalysis 2001, 199(2), 259-272.
- Metcalfe IS. Electrochemical Promotion of Catalysis I: Thermodynamic Considerations. Journal of Catalysis 2001, 199(2), 247-258.
- Mantzavinos D, Burrows DMP, Willey R, Biundo GLo, Zhang SF, Livingston AG, Metcalfe IS. Chemical treatment of an anionic surfactant wastewater: electrospray-ms studies of intermediates and effect on aerobic biodegradability. Water Research 2001, 35(14), 3337-3344.
- Mantzavinos D, Burrows DMP, Willey R, Biundo GLo, Zhang SF, Livingston AG, Metcalfe IS. Wet air oxidation of aqueous solutions of linear alkylbenzene sulfonates. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2000, 39(10), 3659-3665.
- Barth D, Sahibzada M, Mantzavinos D, Metcalfe IS. Solid electrolyte sensor for studying the behaviour of a partial oxidation catalyst. Solid State Ionics 2000, 136, 621-627.
- Sahibzada M, Mantzavinos D, Hartley A, Morton W, Metcalfe IS. Solid Electrolyte Coulometric Studies of Oxide State and Kinetics. Chemical Engineering Research & Design 2000, 78(7), 965-970.
- Metcalfe IS. Oxygen-ion conductivity and catalysis. Solid State Ionics 2000, 134(1-2), 51-58.
- Mantzavinos D, Hartley A, Metcalfe IS, Sahibzada M. Oxygen stoichiometries in La1-xSrxCo1-yFeyO3-delta perovskites at reduced oxygen partial pressures. Solid State Ionics 2000, 134(1-2), 103-109.
- Hartley A, Sahibzada M, Weston M, Metcalfe IS, Mantzavinos D. La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3 as the anode and cathode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells. Catalysis Today 2000, 55(1-2), 197-204.
- Sahibzada M, Steele BCH, Hellgardt K, Barth D, Effendi A, Mantzavinos D, Metcalfe IS. Intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells operated with methanol fuels. Chemical Engineering Science 2000, 55(16), 3077-3083.
- Mantzavinos D, Hellenbrand R, Livingston AG, Metcalfe IS. Beneficial combination of wet oxidation, membrane separation and biodegradation processes for treatment of polymer processing wastewaters. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 2000, 78(2), 418-422.
- Mantzavinos D, Lauer E, Sahibzada M, Livingston AG, Metcalfe IS. Assessment of partial treatment of polyethylene glycol wastewaters by wet air oxidation. Water Research 2000, 34(5), 1620-1628.
- Hartley A, Mantzavinos D, Sahibzada M, Metcalfe IS. An integrated approach for determining oxygen stoichiometries in oxides. Solid State Ionics 2000, 136-137, 127-131.
- Sahibzada M, Morton W, Hartley A, Mantzavinos D, Metcalfe IS. A simple method for the determination of surface exchange and ionic transport kinetics in oxides. Solid State Ionics 2000, 136-137, 991-996.
- Mantzavinos D, Sahibzada M, Livingston AG, Metcalfe IS, Hellgardt K. Wastewater treatment: wet air oxidation as a precursor to biological treatment. Catalysis Today 1999, 53(1), 93-106.
- Sahibzada M, Steele BCH, Barth D, Rudkin RA, Metcalfe IS. Operation of solid oxide fuel cells at reduced temperatures. Fuel 1999, 78(6), 639-643.
- Emery DA, Middleton PH, Metcalfe IS. Electrochemical enhancement of carbon monoxide oxidation over yttria-stabilized zirconia supported platinum catalysts II. Effect of catalyst morphology on catalyst work function. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 1999, 146(6), 2194-2198.
- Emery DA, Luke RJC, Middleton PH, Metcalfe IS. Electrochemical enhancement of carbon monoxide oxidation over yttria-stabilized zirconia supported platinum catalysts I. Effect of catalyst morphology on kinetic behavior. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 1999, 146(6), 2188-2193.
- Sun JT, Metcalfe IS, Sahibzada M. Deactivation of Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 methanol synthesis catalyst by sintering. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 1999, 38(10), 3868-3872.
- D. A. Emery,P. H. Middleton,I. S. Metcalfe. The effect of electrochemical current pumping on the work function of solid electrolyte supported catalysts. Surface Science 1998, 405(2-3), 308-315.
- M. Sahibzada,I. S. Metcalfe,D. Chadwick. Methanol synthesis from CO/CO2/H-2 over Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 at differential and finite conversions. Journal of Catalysis 1998, 174(2), 111-118.
- M. Weston,I. S. Metcalfe. La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3 as an anode for direct methane activation in SOFCS. Solid State Ionics 1998, 115, 247-251.
- D. Mantzavinos,E. Lauer,R. Hellenbrand,A. G. Livingston,I. S. Metcalfe. Wet oxidation as a pretreatment method for wastewaters contaminated by bioresistant organics. Water Science and Technology 1997, 36(2-3), 109-116.
- D. Mantzavinos,R. Hellenbrand,A. G. Livingston,I. S. Metcalfe. Reaction mechanisms and kinetics of chemical pretreatment of bioresistant organic molecules by wet air oxidation. Water Science and Technology 1997, 35(4), 119-127.
- J. T. Sun,I. S. Metcalfe. Methanol synthesis from CO2, CO, and H2 over Cu/ZnO/Al2O3. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1997, 214, 26-FUEL.
- D. Mantzavinos,R. Hellenbrand,A. G. Livingston,I. S. Metcalfe. Kinetics of wet oxidation of p-coumaric acid over a CuO.ZnO- Al2O3 catalyst. Chemical Engineering Research & Design 1997, 75(A1), 87-91.
- R. Hellenbrand,D. Mantzavinos,I. S. Metcalfe,A. G. Livingston. Integration of wet oxidation and nanofiltration for treatment of recalcitrant organics in wastewater. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 1997, 36(12), 5054-5062.
- E. Otal,D. Mantzavinos,M. V. Delgado,R. Hellenbrand,J. Lebrato,I. S. Metcalfe,A. G. Livingston. Integrated wet air oxidation and biological treatment of polyethylene glycol-containing wastewaters. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 1997, 70(2), 147-156.
- M. Sahibzada,B. C. H. Steele,K. Zheng,R. A. Rudkin,I. S. Metcalfe. Development of solid oxide fuel cells based on a Ce(Gd)O2-x electrolyte film for intermediate temperature operation. Catalysis Today 1997, 38(4), 459-466.
- D. Mantzavinos,A. G. Livingston,R. Hellenbrand,I. S. Metcalfe. Wet air oxidation of polyethylene glycols; Mechanisms, intermediates and implications for integrated chemical- biological wastewater treatment. Chemical Engineering Science 1996, 51(18), 4219-&.
- I. S. Metcalfe,R. T. Baker. Temperature programmed investigation of La(Ca)CrO3 anode for the oxidation of methane in solid oxide fuel cells. Catalysis Today 1996, 27(1-2), 285-288.
- K. Zheng,B. C. H. Steele,M. Sahibzada,I. S. Metcalfe. Solid oxide fuel cells based on Ce(Gd)O-2-x electrolytes. Solid State Ionics 1996, 86-8, 1241-1244.
- D. Mantzavinos,R. Hellenbrand,I. S. Metcalfe,A. G. Livingston. Partial wet oxidation of p-coumaric acid: Oxidation intermediates, reaction pathways and implications for wastewater treatment. Water Research 1996, 30(12), 2969-2976.
- M. Sahibzada,D. Chadwick,I. S. Metcalfe. Hydrogenation of carbon dioxide to methanol over palladium- promoted Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalysts. Catalysis Today 1996, 29(1-4), 367-372.
- D. Mantzavinos,R. Hellenbrand,A. G. Livingston,I. S. Metcalfe. Catalytic wet oxidation of p-coumaric acid: Partial oxidation intermediates, reaction pathways and catalyst leaching. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 1996, 7(3-4), 379-396.
- D. Mantzavinos,R. Hellenbrand,A. G. Livingston,I. S. Metcalfe. Catalytic wet air oxidation of polyethylene glycol. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 1996, 11(1), 99-119.
- R. T. Baker,I. S. Metcalfe,P. H. Middleton. Use of a Novel Temperature-Programmable Electrochemical-Cell to Investigate Electrochemically Generated Surface Oxygen Species. Journal of Catalysis 1995, 155(1), 21-31.
- R. T. Baker,I. S. Metcalfe. Study of the Activity and Deactivation of Ni-Ysz Cermet in Dry Ch4 Using Temperature-Programmed Techniques. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 1995, 34(5), 1558-1565.
- P. D. Petrolekas,I. S. Metcalfe. Solid-Electrolyte Potentiometric Study of La(Sr)Mno3 Catalyst During Carbon-Monoxide Oxidation. Journal of Catalysis 1995, 152(1), 147-163.
- P. D. Petrolekas,I. S. Metcalfe. Redox Kinetics of Co Oxidation over a Perovskite Oxide Catalyst. Chemical Engineering Research & Design 1995, 73(A2), 122-129.
- P. D. Petrolekas,I. S. Metcalfe. Potentiometric Sensor for Monitoring the State of Oxide Catalysts. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 1995, 142(3), 952-957.
- P. D. Petrolekas,I. S. Metcalfe. Ionic redox behaviour of La(Sr)MnO3 catalyst during transient CO oxidation. Journal of Catalysis 1995, 157(2), 545-549.
- R. T. Baker,I. S. Metcalfe. Activity and Deactivation of La0.8ca0.2cro3 in Dry Methane Using Temperature-Programmed Techniques. Applied Catalysis a-General 1995, 126(2), 297-317.
- R. T. Baker,I. S. Metcalfe. Activity and Deactivation of La(0.8)Ca(0.2)Cr(0.9)X(0.1)O(3) (X=Ni, Co) in Dry Methane Using Temperature-Programmed Techniques. Applied Catalysis a-General 1995, 126(2), 319-332.
- I. S. Metcalfe. Stabilized-Zirconia Solid-Electrolyte Membranes in Catalysis. Catalysis Today 1994, 20(2), 283-294.
- I. Boz,M. Sahibzada,I. S. Metcalfe. Kinetics of the Higher Alcohol Synthesis over a K-Promoted Cuo/Zno/Al2o3 Catalyst. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 1994, 33(9), 2021-2028.
- R. T. Baker,I. S. Metcalfe,P. H. Middleton,B. C. H. Steele. Evaluation of Perovskite Anodes for the Complete Oxidation of Dry Methane in Solid Oxide Fuel-Cells. Solid State Ionics 1994, 72, 328-333.
- M. Iwamoto,N. Mizuno,H. Yahiro,K. C. Taylor,J. Blanco,I. S. Nam,C. H. Bartholomew,I. S. Metcalfe,E. Iglesia,M. Sinev,D. Duprez,J. Armor,M. Misono. Selective Catalytic Reduction of No by Hydrocarbon in Oxidizing Atmosphere. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 1993, 75, 1285-1298.
- I. Boz,D. Chadwick,I. S. Metcalfe,K. Zheng. Potassium Promotion of Cu-Zno-Al2o3 Catalysts for Higher Alcohol Synthesis. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 1993, 75, 2785-2788.
- C. Yu,W. Li,W. Feng,A. Qi,Y. Chen,C. Cameron,K. Aika,K. Dooley,F. Solymosi,R. G. Menon,I. S. Metcalfe,C. G. Vayenas,J. B. Moffat. Correlations between P-Type Semiconductivity and C2 Selectivity for Oxidative Coupling of Methane (Ocm) over Acceptor-Doped Srtio3. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 1993, 75, 1119-1130.
- R. T. Baker,I. S. Metcalfe,P. H. Middleton,P. Petrolekas,B. C. H. Steele. Catalytic Behavior of Lifeo2 Anode for Solid Oxide Fuel-Cells. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 1993, 75, 2127-2130.
- I. S. Metcalfe,P. H. Middleton,P. Petrolekas,B. C. H. Steele. Hydrocarbon Activation in Solid-State Electrochemical-Cells. Solid State Ionics 1992, 57(3-4), 259-264.
- I. S. Metcalfe. Insitu Study of Interfacial Oxygen-Transfer in a Supported Platinum Catalyst. Catalysis Today 1991, 9(1-2), 145-152.
- I. S. Metcalfe,S. Sundaresan. Oxygen-Transfer between Rhodium and an Oxygen-Ion Conducting Support. Aiche Journal 1988, 34(6), 1048-1050.
- I. S. Metcalfe,S. Sundaresan. Oxygen-Transfer between Metals and Oxygen-Ion Conducting Supports. Aiche Journal 1988, 34(2), 195-208.
- I. S. Metcalfe,S. Sundaresan. Oxygen Storage in Automobile Exhaust Catalyst. Chemical Engineering Science 1986, 41(4), 1109-1115.
Book Chapters
- Thursfield A, Metcalfe IS, Kruth A, Irvine JTS. Defect chemistry and transport in metal oxides. In: Fierro JLG, ed. Metal oxides: chemistry and applications. Hoboken: CRC Press, 2006, pp.55-86.
- M. Sahibzada,I. S. Metcalfe,D. Chadwick. Methanol synthesis from CO2/H-2 over Pd promoted Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalysts. In: Advances in Chemical Conversions for Mitigating Carbon Dioxide. 1998, pp.351-356.
- K. Zheng,B. C. H. Steele,I. S. Metcalfe. SOFC based on supported thick-film Ce(Gd)O2-x electrolytes. In: Natural Gas Conversion Iv. 1997, pp.127-132.
- M. Sahibzada,D. Chadwick,I. S. Metcalfe. Methanol synthesis from CO2/H-2 over Pd-promoted Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalysts: Kinetics and deactivation. In: Natural Gas Conversion Iv. 1997, pp.29-34.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Wan Ramli WK, Papaioannou E, Naegu D, Metcalfe IS. Exsolution of nickel alloys anchored nanoparticles on perovskite oxides for CO oxidation. In: 26th Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering (RSCE 2019). 2020, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Institute of Physics Publishing.
- Metcalfe IS. Ceramic membranes for carbon dioxide capture. In: 245th ACS National Meeting and Exposition. 2013, New Orleans, Louisiana: American Chemical Society.
- Ibrahim N, Jalil MR, Poulidi D, Metcalfe IS. The role of low coverage sodium surface species on electrochemical promotion in a Pt/YSZ system. In: 18th International Conference on Solid State Ionics (SSI). 2012, Warsaw, Poland: Elsevier BV.
- Jalil MR, Ibrahim N, Poulidi D, Metcalfe IS. Influence of impurities and catalyst surface characteristics on the oxygen charge transfer reaction in the Pt/YSZ system. In: 18th International Conference on Solid State Ionics (SSI). 2012, Warsaw, Poland: Elsevier BV.
- Poulidi D, Rivas ME, Zydorczak B, Wu ZT, Li K, Metcalfe IS. Electrochemical promotion of a Pt catalyst supported on La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-delta hollow fibre membranes. In: 18th International Conference on Solid State Ionics (SSI). 2012, Warsaw, Poland: Elsevier BV.
- Thursfield A, Rossiny JCH, Fearn S, Kilner JA, Metcalfe IS. A combinatorial approach to synthesis of the La0.8Sr0.2Co1-yMnyO3 (+/-) (delta) family of perovskite-type mixed conducting metal oxides and characterisation of the surface, oxygen mobility. In: 18th International Conference on Solid State Ionics (SSI). 2012, Warsaw, Poland: Elsevier BV.
- Rubalcaba A, Suarez-Ojeda ME, Stuber F, Fortuny A, Bengoa C, Metcalfe I, Font J, Carrera J, Fabregat A. Phenol wastewater remediation: Advanced oxidation processes coupled to a biological treatment. In: Water Science and Technology: Oxidation Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment IV, Selected papers of the 4th International Conference on Oxidation Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment. 2007, Goslar, Germany: IWA Publishing.
- Baker RT, Sainero LMG, Metcalfe IS, Sahibzada M. High resolution TEM investigation of CeO2/SM2O3 - supported Pd catalysts for methanol reforming in intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells. In: Electron Microscopy and Analysis 2003. 2004, Oxford, UK: Taylor & Francis.
- Poulidi D, Castillo-del-Rio MA, Salar R, Thursfield A, Metcalfe IS. Electrochemical promotion of catalysis using solid-state proton-conducting membranes. In: Solid State Ionics: Eleventh International Conference on Solid State Protonic Conductors. 2003, Guildford, UK: Elsevier BV.
- Barth D, Sahibzada M, Metcalfe IS. Novel sensor for studying the transient behaviour of an iron antimonate partial oxidation catalyst. In: Reaction Kinetics and the Development of Catalytic Processes. 1999, Brugge, Belgium: Elsevier.
- Dal Grande F, Thursfield A, Kanawka K, Droushiotis N, Doraswami U, Li K, Kelsall G, Metcalfe IS. Corrigendum to “Microstructure and performance of novel Ni anode for hollow fibre solid oxide fuel cells” [Solid State Ionics 180/11-13 (2009) 800-804]. Solid State Ionics 2009, 180(20-22), 1231-1231.
- Metcalfe IS. Comment on "work function changes of polarized electrodes on solid electrolytes" [J. Electrochem. Soc. 152, E138 (2005)]. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2006, 153(8), L15-L16.
- Cali E, Saini S, Kerherve G, Skinner WS, Metcalfe IS, Payne DJ, Kousi K. Enhanced Stability of Iridium Nanocatalysts via Exsolution for the CO2 Reforming of Methane. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2024, 7(16), 18398-18409.
- Neagu D, Irvine JTS, Wang J, Yildiz B, Opitz AK, Fleig J, Wang Y, Liu J, Shen L, Ciucci F, Rosen BA, Xiao Y, Xie K, Yang G, Shao Z, Zhang Y, Reinke J, Schmauss TA, Barnett SA, Maring R, Kyriakou V, Mushtaq U, Tsampas MN, Kim Y, Hayre RO, Carrillo AJ, Ruh T, Lindenthal L, Schrenk F, Rameshan C, Papaioannou EI, Kousi K, Metcalfe IS, Xu X, Liu G. Roadmap on exsolution for energy applications. Journal of Physics: Energy 2023, 5(3), 031501.
- Irvine J, Rupp JLM, Liu G, Xu X, Haile S, Qian X, Snyder A, Freer R, Ekren D, Skinner S, Celikbilek O, Chen S, Tao S, Shin TH, O'Hayre R, Huang J, Duan C, Papac M, Li S, Celorrio V, Russell A, Hayden B, Nolan H, Huang X, Wang G, Metcalfe I, Neagu D, Martin SG. Roadmap on inorganic perovskites for energy applications. Journal of Physics: Energy 2021, 3(3), 031502.
- Kousi K, Tang C, Metcalfe IS, Neagu D. Emergence and Future of Exsolved Materials. Small 2021, 17(21), 2006479.
- Thursfield A, Metcalfe IS. High temperature gas separation through dual ion-conducting membranes. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 2013, 2(2), 217-222.
- Thursfield A, Murugan A, Franca R, Metcalfe IS. Chemical looping and oxygen permeable ceramic membranes for hydrogen production-a review. Energy & Environmental Science 2012, 5(6), 7421-7459.