Staff Profile
Professor D John Mangan
Professor of Marine Transport and Logistics
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 6719
- Address: School of Engineering
Armstrong Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
John joined Newcastle University in 2008 as Professor of Marine Transport and Logistics. Since then, in addition to his teaching and research activities, he has also held various leadership roles and currently serves as both Deputy Director of Discipline for Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology and as Degree Programme Director for the MSc in Shipping and Logistics. His main area of interest is Global Logistics, how product moves around the world, and his textbook (Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 4th edition published by Wiley in 2021) has become one of the standard textbooks in the field. Before moving to Newcastle in 2008 John held the Peter Thompson Chair in Logistics at the University of Hull. Prior to this he held academic posts at University College Dublin and at the Irish Management Institute. A native of Cork in Ireland, John first worked as a freight clerk with Aer Lingus, as an analyst with the Irish airports authority, as a graduate trainee in the Irish Civil Service (in both the Marine and Treasury departments), and then embarked upon an academic career. He has a doctorate in logistics from Cardiff University, masters degrees from both Cranfield and Lancaster Universities, and a bachelors degree in Science from University College Cork; in addition he has completed a Fulbright scholarship at Boston College and spent a sabbatical at the Centre for Transportation and Logistics at MIT. John is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (FCILT).
Areas of expertise
- Marine Transport and Ports
- Logistics
- Supply Chain Management
- Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management (4th ed)
Research Interests
Global logistics – changing structure of international trade flows; maritime logistics and containerisation; network design and connectivity; ports.
Supply chain management - impact of technology; measurement of environmental impact.
I also have a keen research interest in both management skills development, and in research philosophy and methodological triangulation, with highly cited papers on both topics.
Recent Research Grants
Innovate UK Clean Maritime Demonstrator (2023): Clean Tyne Green Shipping Corridor
EPSRC Network Plus (2018-2023): Decarbonising UK Freight Transport.
Innovate UK Clean Maritime Demonstrator (2022): Clean Tyne Port Decarbonisation
The Research Council of Norway (2019): SeaConAZ
Postgraduate Supervision
As per the above Research Interests.
To date I have supervised or examined 42 PhDs.
Esteem Indicators
Lead author on the best-selling textbook Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management (4th edition published by Wiley in 2021).
Regular media commentary e.g. opinion pieces / quoted in: El Mercurio (Chile), NBC News, New Zealand Herald, The Conversation and The Irish Times.
Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (FCILT).
Visiting Professor at Trinity College Dublin.
Member of the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Interdisciplinary Assessment College.
Expert Evaluator for the EU H2020 Transport Programme.
Completed (2017, 2019, 2019) three evidence reviews for the UK Government Office of Science Foresight Programme.
Vice-Chair (2006/2007) of the High Level Expert Panel reviewing the EU’s COST programme (European Cooperation in Scientific and Technical Research).
Chaired, at the request of Ireland’s Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources, the Task Force on Transport Logistics in Relation to Ports (2002).
- Tsantis A, Mangan J. What’s inside the box? Approximating containerised trade flows based on trade commodity values. Maritime Policy & Management 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Yue Z, Mustakim A, Mangan J, Yalcin E. Carbon footprint impacts arising from disruptions to container shipping networks. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 2024, 134, 104335.
- Sarantakos I, Nikkhah S, Peker M, Bowkett A, Sayfutdinov T, Alahyari A, Patsios C, Mangan J, Allahham A, Bougioukou E, Murphy A, Pazouki K. A robust Logistics-Electric framework for optimal power management of electrified ports under uncertain vessel arrival time. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 2024, 10, 100144.
- Yue Z, Mangan J. A framework for understanding reliability in container shipping networks. Maritime Economics and Logistics 2024, 26, 523-544.
- Sarantakos I, Bowkett AG, Allahham A, Sayfutdinov T, Murphy A, Pazouki K, Mangan J, Liu G, Chang E, Bougioukou E, Patsios C. Digitalization for Port Decarbonization: Decarbonization of key energy processes at the Port of Tyne. IEEE Electrification Magazine 2023, 11(1), 61-72.
- Tsantis A, Mangan J, Calatayud A, Palacin R. Container shipping: a systematic literature review of themes and factors that influence the establishment of direct connections between countries. Maritime Economics and Logistics 2023, 25, 667-697.
- Shaw S, Grant D, Mangan J. A supply chain practice-based view of enablers, inhibitors and benefits for environmental supply chain performance measurement. Production Planning and Control 2021, 32(5), 382-396.
- Calatayud A, Monsreal M, Mangan J, Villa J. Benefits of Technology Adoption for Enhanced Integration of Port–Hinterland Operations. Transportation Research Record 2020, 2674(11), 606-615.
- Calatayud A, Mangan J, Christopher M. The self-thinking supply chain. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal 2019, 24(1), 22-38.
- Sweeney E, Grant DB, Mangan DJ. Strategic adoption of logistics and supply chain management. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 2018, 38(3), 852-873.
- Calatayud MA, Mangan J, Palacin R. Vulnerability of international freight flows to shipping network disruptions: A multiplex network perspective. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transport Review 2017, 108, 195-208.
- Feng M, Yu W, Chavez R, Mangan J, Zhang X. Guanxi and operational performance: The mediating role of supply chain integration. Industrial Management & Data Systems 2017, 117(8), 1650-1668.
- Calatayud A, Mangan J, Palacin R. Connectivity to international markets: A multi-layered network approach. Journal of Transport Geography 2017, 61, 61-71.
- Calatayud A, Palacin R, Mangan J, Jackson E, Ruiz-Rua A. Understanding connectivity to international markets: a systematic review. Transport Reviews 2016, 36(6), 713-736.
- Mangan J. To service global trade, today's ships and cargo are smarter than ever. Logistics and Transport Focus 2016, 18(2).
- Sweeney E, Grant D, Mangan J. The implementation of supply chain management theory in practice: an empirical investigation. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 2015, 20(1), 56-70.
- Gibbs D, Rigot-Muller P, Mangan J, Lalwani C. The role of sea ports in end-to-end maritime transport chain emissions. Energy Policy 2014, 64, 337-348.
- Feng M, Mangan J, Wong C, Xu M, Lalwani C. Investigating Different Approaches to Importance-Performance Analysis. Service Industries Journal 2014, 34(12), 1021-1041.
- Karamperidis S, Jackson E, Mangan J. The use of indices in the maritime transport sector. Maritime Policy & Management 2013, 40(4), 339-350.
- Rigot-Muller P, Lalwani C, Mangan J, Gregory O, Gibbs D. Optimizing end-to-end maritime supply chains: a carbon footprint perspective. International Journal of Logistics Management 2013, 24(3), 407-425.
- Feng M, Lalwani C, Mangan J. Comparing port performance: Western European vs Eastern Asian ports. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 2012, 42(5), 490-512.
- Xie Y, Bruce G, Mangan J. Role of professional reverse logistics in China's shipping sector and shipyards: a case study of shipyards in Zhejiang China. Logistics and Sustainable Transport 2010, 2(1), 3-15.
- Shaw S, Grant D, Mangan J. Developing environmental supply chain performance measures. Benchmarking: an International Journal 2010, 17(3), 320-339.
- Fynes B, de Burca S, Mangan J. The effect of relationship characteristics on relationship quality and performance. International Journal of Production Economics 2008, 111(1), 56-69.
- Mangan J, Lalwani C, Fynes B. Port-centric logistics. International Journal of Logistics Management 2008, 19(1), 29-41.
- O'Connor M, Mangan DJ, Cullen J. Management development in Ireland: justifying the investment. Journal of Management Development 2006, 25(4), 325-349.
- McDermott E, Mangan DJ, O'Connor M. Graduate development programmes and satisfaction levels. Journal of European Industrial Training 2006, 30(6), 456-471.
- Mangan D, Christopher M. Management development and the supply chain manager of the future. International Journal of Logistics Management 2005, 16(2), 178-191.
- Cullen J, O'Connor M, Mangan J. Matching management tools and techniques with management challenges. Strategy & Leadership 2004, 32(3), 27-30.
- Mangan DJ, Lalwani C, Gardner B. Combining quantitative and qualitative methodologies in logistics research. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 2004, 34(7), 565-578.
- Mangan J, Lalwani C, Gardner B. Modelling port/ferry choice in RoRo freight transportation. International Journal of Transport Management 2002, 1(1), 15-28.
- Hannigan K, Mangan DJ. The role of logistics and supply chain management in determining the competitiveness of a peripheral economy. Irish Marketing Review 2001, 14(1), 35-42.
- Mangan DJ, Lalwani CS, Gardner B. Identifying relevant variables and modelling the choice process in freight transportation. International Journal of Maritime Economics 2001, 3(3), 278-297.
- Mangan J, Gregory O, Lalwani C. Education, training and the role of logistics managers in Ireland. International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications 2001, 4(3), 313-327.
- Mangan DJ, Cunningham J. Irish Ports: commercialisation and strategic change. Business Strategy Review 2000, 11(3), 51-60.
- Mangan and Furlong. Strategies for developing port administration in Ireland. Maritime Policy and Management 1998, 25, 349-360.
Authored Books
- Mangan J, Lalwani C, Calatayud A. Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management (4th edition). Chichester: Wiley, 2021.
- Mangan J, Lalwani C. Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management (3rd edition). John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2016.
- Mangan J, Lalwani C, Butcher T, Javadpour R. Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Chichester: Wiley, 2012.
- Mangan J, Lalwani C, Butcher T. Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management. New Jersey and Chichester: Wiley, 2008.
- O'Connor M, Mangan J, Cullen J. IMI Handbook of Management. Cork, Ireland: Oak Tree Press, 2004.
- Mangan DJ. Logistics and Transport in a Fast-Growing Economy. United Kingdom: Blackhall Publishing, 2000.
Book Chapters
- Mangan J. Global logistics and the maritime transport system. In: Kutz,M, ed. Handbook of Transportation Engineering: Volume 1 Systems and Operations. New York: McGraw Hill, 2011, pp.18.1-18.11.
- Mangan J, Proctor A, Gibbs D. External influences on the Humber Estuary ports, the largest concentration of activity in the UK. In: Notteboom, T; Ducret, C; de Langen, P, ed. Ports in Proximity: Competition and Coordination among Adjacent Seaports. Surrey: Ashgate, 2009, pp.225-233.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Yue Z, Mangan J. Assessing the reliability of container ports on the China-Europe network. In: International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME 2023). 2023, Long Beach, California.
- Mangan J, Bougioukou E, Murphy A, Patsios H. The contribution of ports to reducing container shipping’s role in climate precarity. In: Annual Conference of the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers). 2022, Newcastle upon Tyne.
- Mustakim A, Mangan J, Birmingham R. Comparing approaches to measurement of carbon footprint in maritime freight transportation. In: Logistics Research Network (LRN) Conference. 2022, Aston University, Birmingham: Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport.
- Yue Z, Mangan J, Mustakim A. Analysing the impact of disrupted container shipping networks on climate precarity. In: Annual Conference of the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers). 2022, Newcastle upon Tyne.
- Yue Z, Mangan J. The impact of COVID-19 on container ports. In: E-LRN Special Web Conference. 2020.
- Bougioukou E, Tei A, Mangan J. Port efficiency and economic development: a systematic review. In: 27th annual conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists. 2019, Athens.
- Calatayud A, Mangan J, Palacin R. The impact of container line networks on port choice. In: Universities Transport Studies Group (UTSG). 2017, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
- Mangan J. Global supply chains: have they reached a limit?. In: 22nd Annual Conference of the Logistics Research Network. 2017, Southampton: Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, Logistics Research Network (LRN).
- Calatayud A, Palacin R, Mangan J. Freight Connectivity to International Markets: a Complex Systems Approach. In: 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. 2017, Washington, DC, USA.
- Rigot-Muller P, Mangan J, Gibbs D, Lalwani C. Measuring maritime transport carbon-footprint: a vessel rating approach. In: 21st International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2016). 2016, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Calatayud MA, Ruiz-Rua A, Palacin R, Mangan J, Jackson EL. A Novel Concept for Measuring Connectivity to International Markets applied to Transport in Selected Latin-American. In: 18th Pan-American Congress on Transport Engineering and logistics. 2014, Santander, Spain.
- Shaw S, Grant D, Mangan J. Investigating green supply chain performance measures. In: Logistics Research Network conference. 2013, Aston, Birmingham.
- Mangan J, Lalwani C, Gibbs D, Feng M, Karamperdis S. The relationship between transport logistics, future ship design and whole system efficiency. In: Low Carbon Shipping Conference. 2012, Newcastle upon Tyne.
- Jackson EL, Karamperidis S, Mangan J. Perceptions of risk in the UK maritime container sector. In: 17th Annual Logistics Reseach Network Conference. 2012, Cranfield University.
- Lalwani C, Mangan J, Gibbs D, Rigot-Muller P. Optimising end-to-end maritime supply chains: a carbon footprint perspective. In: 17th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL). 2012, Capetown, South Africa.
- Rigot-Muller P, Mangan J, Lalwani C, Dinwoodie J. Mapping UK international seaborne trade and traffic. In: Low Carbon Shipping Conference. 2012, Newcastle upon Tyne.
- Mangan J, Lalwani C, Rigot-Muller P, Gibbs D, Dinwoodie J. Improving the environmental performance of maritime transport in global supply chains. In: 9th Rencontres Internationales de la Recherche en Logistique (RIRL). 2012, Montreal, Canada.
- Rigot-Muller P, Mangan J, Lalwani C, Dinwoodie J. Assessing emissions of UK international maritime traffic. In: Low Carbon Shipping Conference. 2012, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
- Feng MY, Lalwani CS, Mangan DJ. Revisiting Importance-Performance Analysis: Factors Influencing Port Performance. In: International Logistics Symposium (ISL). 2011, Berlin, Germany.
- Feng MY, Lalwani CS, Mangan DJ. Port Performance Comparison: Analysis of The Humber Estuary UK and Xiamen China. In: 25th British Academy of Management (BAM). 2011, Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
- Dinwoodie J, Tuck S, Sanchez-Rodrigues V, Mangan J. Low carbon shipping: oil tanker movements involving the UK. In: International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) conference 2011. 2011, Santiago de Chile: IAME 2011 Conference.
- Feng MY, Mangan DJ, Lalwani CS. A Comparison of Factors Influencing Port Performance Between The Humber Estuary and Xiamen Ports. In: Logistics Research Network (LRN). 2011, Southampton, UK.
- Dinwoodie J, Tuck S, Landamore M, Mangan J. Slow steaming and low carbon shipping: revolution or recession?. In: 15th Annual Logistics Research Network Conference. 2010, Harrogate.
- Smith T, Bucknall R, Dinwoodie J, Gibbs D, Mangan D, Turan O. Low carbon shipping - A systems approach. In: Ship Design and Operation for Environmental Sustainability. 2010, London, UK: RINA.
- Karamperidis S, Mangan J, Jackson EL. Developing an index of maritime costs and connectivity for the UK. In: 15th Annual Logistics Research Network Conference. 2010, Harrogate, UK.
- Feng MY, Lalwani CS, Mangan DJ. Supply Chain Excellence and Its Impact on the Regional Economy. In: North American Research and Teaching Symposium 19th Annual NARTS Conference. 2008, Tempe, Arizona.
Online Publication
- Mangan J. The maritime freight transport system in the UK: how and why is it changing?. London: Government Office for Science, 2019. Future of Mobility.
- Mangan J, McKinnon A. Review of trends in manufacturing and global supply chains, and their impact on UK freight. London: Government Office for Science, 2019. Future of Mobility.
- Mangan J. Future of the sea: trends in the transport of goods by sea. London: Government Office for Science, 2017. Future of the Sea.