Staff Profile
Professor Kamelia Boodhoo
Professor of Intensified Chemical Processing, Director of Chemical Engineering
- Email:
- Telephone: +44(0)1912087264
- Address: Room C310b
School of Engineering
Merz Court
Claremont Road
Newcastle University
Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 7RU
Roles and Responsibilities
Director of Chemical Engineering
Executive Editor, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification (Elsevier)
MEng (1st Class Hons) (University of Newcastle)
PhD (University of Newcastle)
Honours and Awards
Teaching Excellence Award- Outstanding Contributions to Student Employability (2018)
ExxonMobil Engineering Teaching Fellowship (2004-2007)
Award of ExxonMobil Higher Education Support Scheme (EHESS)(2004)
SAgE Faculty Certificate of Appreciation for Best Lecturer (2004)
ORS Award (1995-1999)
English and French (Fluent)
Undergraduate Teaching
Stage 2: CME2022: Separation Processes 1
Stage 3: CME3039: Plant Design Project
Stage 3 (MEng Ind): CME3028: Industrial Design Project
Stage 3 (MEng Ind): CME8110: Chemical Engineering Knowledge
Stage 4: CME8107: Process Intensification
Stage 4: MEng Research Project
Postgraduate Teaching
CME8125: Process Intensification (MSc Sustainable Engineering)
Guest Lecturer on MSc programme in Green Chemistry and Sustainable Industrial Technology at University of York (2007-Present)
Main expertise/research interests
My research activities in the area of Process Intensification have focused over the last 10 years on the development of the spinning disc reactor (SDR) and its application to polymerisation reactions including free-radical styrene polymerisation, photopolymerisation of styrene and n-butyl acrylate as well as co-monomers, cationic polymerisation of styrene using immobilised Lewis acid catalysts and surfactant-free emulsion polymerisation.
More recently, a number of fundamental studies on residence time distribution, micromixing and hydrodynamics of thin film flow have been undertaken in order to better understand the characteristics of thin film flow in the SDR and how to optimise these in better designing such systems for applications to a range of processes.
Recently, I have also been investigating the application of intensified reactor technologies to bioprocesses such as fermentation reactions. In particular, I have worked on the intensification of the fermentation of P. Putida using rotating mesh agitators in order to increase cell growth rate and PHA yield.
I also have a keen interest in intensification applications involving green chemistry and engineering such as ionic liquid processing and renewable resources such as the use of biomass for biofuels and biopolymers.
A wide selection of publications relevant to the above research areas can be downloaded from Newcastle University's E-prints service.
Kamelia Boodhoo's profile can be viewed at Google Scholar
Current Work
PhD projects as well as short-term e.g summer projects are available in the following areas:
(1) Intensification of processes involving solids
(1) Crystallisation in the spinning disc reactor involving experimental and modelling work
(2) Micromixing studies in the SDR- Experimental and modelling
(3) Energy efficiency characterisation of SDRs
(4) Spinning disc reactor applications to polymerisation, dehydration processes etc.
(5) Gas-liquid and liquid-liquid mass transfer enhancements in rotating disc contactors
(6) Intensification of fermentation and enzymatic processes
*****PhD studentships are currently available for UK, EU and overseas students, starting in October and January of each academic year. If you are interested in pursuing a PhD project in any of the above areas, and expect to achieve at least a 2.1 degree (or equivalent), please come and speak to me about putting an application forward*****
Postgraduate Supervision
PhD students
- Emike Omoayena (Feb 2023-Present): "Photocatalytic CO2 valorisation using process intensification and additive manufacturing technologies", funded by PTDF, Nigeria
- Thomas Carr (Oct 2021- Present): "Process Intensification of Hemicellulose Purification and Polymerisation into Bio-renewable Resins", funded by EPSRC DTA
- Olatunde Akinbuja (Jan 2018- Present): "Algal-based Bioelectrochemical Systems for Pollution Monitoring and Conversion" (co-supervisor), funded by PTDF, Nigeria
- Abdullahi Adamu (2022) "Intensification of Photocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide: A Study of Catalyst Development and Reactor Design", funded by PTDF, Nigeria
- Sahr Sana (2020) "Experimental and modelling studies of process intensification for the solvent-antisolvent precipitation of nanoparticles in a spinning disc reactor"
- Ruili Feng (2018) "Synthesis and evaluation of pharmaceutical and fine chemicals process for intensification and sustainability benefits", funded by EBD-GSK (Singapore) as part of Green and Sustainable Manufacturing Programme
- Antony Prince (2016) "Design and development of biologically inspired materials based ultrafiltration membranes with enhanced antifouling property", funded under PhD scholarship scheme supported by NUIS/SIT (Singapore)
- Somaieh Mohammadi (2014) "Nano-TiO2 precipitation in SDRs: Experimental and Modelling Studies", partly funded by a CEAM Teaching Scholarship
- Dena Ghiasy (2013) “Modelling and Control of a Rotating Disk Contactor” funded by EPSRC DTA Award
- Salah Al-Hengari (2012) "Micromixing Characteristics and Residence Time Distribution in the Spinning Disc Reactor" funded by Libyan Petroleum Institute
- Craig Cartwright (2011) "Bioprocess Intensfication: A study of rotating porous mesh impellers for enhancement of aerobic fermentation processes" funded by an EPSRC DTA
- Christopher Dobie (2010)"A study of bulk free-radical co-polymerisation and surfactant-free emulsion polymerisation using intensified processing methods" funded by EPSRC DTA
- Edward Mc Carthy (2007) "The Production of Polymer Nanocomposites using Intensified Modules" funded by Crystal Faraday/Protensive CASE Award
- Paul Hetherington (2006) "Process intensification : a study of calcium carbonate precipitation methods on a spinning disc reactor" funded by an EPSRC Doctoral Training Award
Research Associates
- Addullahi Adamu (March 2023-Present), BioSPRINT project funded by BBI-JU- EU Horizon 2020 (GA No 887226)
- Zongyuan Zhu (Dec 2020-March 2023), BioSPRINT project funded by BBI-JU- EU Horizon 2020 (GA No 887226)
- Thea Coward (Jan 2018- Aug 2018) "Scalable engineering approaches for exploiting a novel biocomposite material applied to light-driven CO2 absorption and utilization" funded by BBSRC NIBB (Networks in Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy) via C1Net
- Laura Diaz Silvarrey (May 2018- Aug 2018), IbD project funded by EU Horizon2020 SPIRE-08-2015 call on “Solids handling for intensified process technology”
- Valentine Eze (Sept 2017-Feb 2018), IbD project funded by EU Horizon2020 SPIRE-08-2015 call on “Solids handling for intensified process technology”
- Ahmad Mustaffar (2015-2018), IbD project funded by EU Horizon2020 SPIRE-08-2015 call on “Solids handling for intensified process technology”
- Haoyu Wang (2015-2017) IbD project funded by EU Horizon2020 SPIRE-08-2015 call on “Solids handling for intensified process technology”
- Somaieh Mohammadi (2014-2015) "Micromixing studies in the spinning disk reactor" funded by ISPT (NL)
- Stephane Vallois (2007-2008) "Feasibility study of producing polymers in SDR", Industry funded project
- Marija Vicevic (2007-2008) “Design and development of centrifugal field bioreactor”, EU funded Integrated Project on Bioproduction
- Marija Vicevic (2006- 2007) “Feasibility study for multi-functional acrylate process in SDR”, Industry funded project
- Marija Vicevic (2004-2005) "Kinetics and Mechanisms of Rapid Radical Polymerisations in SDR", EPSRC funded project
Key Achievements and Esteem Indicators
- Executive Editor of Elsevier’s Chemical Engineering and Processing (2023-Present)
- Co-Editor of a Special Issue on "Women in PI" published by Elsevier's Chemical Engineering and Processing Journal (CEP:PI) (2024-Present)
- External Examiner for MEng Programmes at Imperial College, London (2019-2023)
- Lead Guest Editor of a Special Issue on “Advances in Bioprocess Intensification” for Elsevier’s Chemical Engineering and Processing (2022). Twelve peer reviewed papers from authors in academia and industry in France, Belgium, Germany, India, Columbia, USA, UK, have now been published in this SI, highlighting the most recent developments in bioprocess intensification.
- Associate Editor of Frontiers in Chemical Engineering (2020-2023); Editorial Board Member of Chemical Engineering and Processing (2019-2023), Springer Nature’s BMC Chemical Engineering (2018-2020), Chinese Journal of Engineering (2013-2018);
- Member of Scientific Committee of 5th European Process Intensification Conference (EPIC5) held in Nice, France, 26th Sept-1st Oct 2015; Invited Session Chair at international conferences: GPE2018 (Toulouse, France, 3-6 June 2018), EPIC5 (Nice, France, 26 Sept-01 Oct 2015); GLS 10 (Braga, Portugal, June 2011); HEFAT2011 (Mauritius, July 2011)
- Invited talks at prestigious international organisations and events, at relevant national institutional meetings and departmental seminars including:
- Invited Keynote Lecture at International Symposium of Chemical Reaction Engineering- ISCRE27, Quebec City, June 2023.
- Invited talk on “Perspective in Chemical Engineering: Process Intensification” to mark 100th Anniversary of Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, October 2021.
- Invited talk at “Reactors, Scale-Up and Separations: Process intensification, integration and multifunctionality” conference organized by Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) Fine Chemicals Group and IChemE’s Catalysis Special Interest Group (September 2019)
- Invited lecture at 2nd Europic Advanced Workshop, Dortmund, Germany (January 2017)
- Invited Keynote at Process Intensification for Greener Industry Workshop aimed at Eyde group of Norwegian metallurgical/hydrometallurgical industries, Grimstad, Norway (2015).
- Invited keynote at the Innovative Processing for Specialities and Pharma (iPSP) seminar, Singapore (2014).
- Reviewer for leading journals in chemical engineering, bioprocessing, polymer science including Chemical Engineering Science, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Chemical Engineering Journal, Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Applied Energy, Biochemical Engineering Journal, Tetrahedron Letters, Chemical Engineering and Technology, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, AIChE Journal
- External PhD examiner at Khalifa University (UAE) (2023), University of Bath (2022), University of Leeds (2021), IIT Guwahati (India) (2020), Toulouse University (France) (2019), Imperial College London (2018, 2019), University of Sheffield (2014, 2018, 2019), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) (2017), KU Leuven (Belgium) (2017), Technical University of Eindhoven (2013), University of Auckland (2013), external MPhil examiner at UMIST (2005) and several internal PhD examiner (2002-Present)
- Award of an ExxonMobil Engineering Teaching Fellowship (2004-2007)
Research Funding
(1) EU Horizon2020/BBI-JU: "BioSPRINT- Biorefining of Sugars via Process Intensification", Project value €5M (€860k to Newcastle University), 06/2020-05-2024 (Co-I at Newcastle)
(2) BBSRC NIBB (Networks in Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy) via C1Net: "Scaleable engineering approaches for exploiting a novel biocomposite material applied to light-driven CO2 absorption and utilization" January 2018 (PI)
(3) EU SPIRE8-2015: "IbD: Intensified by Design® for the intensification of processes involving solids handling", Project value:€8.4M (€639k to Newcastle University), 09/2015-08/2018 (PI at Newcastle)
Dutch Institute of Sustainable Process Technology: "Micromixing and power dissipation characterisation of SDR", Project value £97k, 09/2014-04/2016 (PI)
(4) Economic Development Board (Singapore) and GSK (Singapore): "Evaluation of Process Intensification on Early Development or Retrofitting Existing Processes for Green & Sustainability Benefits", Project value: SGD 884,000 (SGD 235,000 to Newcastle University), 09/2013-09/2016 (Principal Investigator at Newcastle)
(5) Industrial funding from various global petrochemicals and chemical companies, Total value of projects: over £100k, 2008-2012 (Principal Investigator)
(6) EU funded project: "Sustainable Microbial and Biocatalytic Production of Advanced Functional Materials (BIOPRODUCTION)", Project value €9,000,000 (£240,000 to Newcastle), 09/2006 - 08/2010 (Co-Investigator)
- Boodhoo K. Spinning Disc Technology for Intensified Continuous Flow Processing: An Overview of Recent Progress and Future Prospects. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 2025, 212, 110265.
- Boodhoo K, Russo Abegão F. HiGee Process Intensification in Biorefineries: Innovations, Challenges, and Outlook. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 2025. In Press.
- Carr T, Russo Abegão F, Boodhoo K. Purification of hemicellulose hydrolysates by antisolvent precipitation in a spinning disc reactor. Biofuels, Bioproducts & Biorefining 2024, 18(4), 952-967.
- Carr T, Russo Abegão F, Boodhoo K. Intensification of Evaporative Precipitation of Lignin in a Spinning Disc Evaporator. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification 2024, 199, 109734.
- Adamu A, Russo Abegão F, Boodhoo K. Solvent-Free Synthesis of Nanostructured TiO2 in a Continuous Flow Spinning Disc Reactor for Application to Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2. Tetrahedron Green Chem 2023, 1, 100007.
- Adamu A, Isaacs M, Boodhoo KV, Russo Abegão F. Investigation of Cu/TiO2 Synthesis Methods and Conditions for CO2 Photocatalytic Reduction via Conversion of Bicarbonate/Carbonate to Formate. Journal of CO2 Utilisation 2023, 70, 102428.
- Sana S, Manson J, Zivkovic V, Boodhoo K. Solvent-antisolvent precipitation in a spinning disc reactor: Precipitation kinetics and mathematical modelling of starch nanoparticles. Chemical Engineering and Processing- Process Intensification 2022, 176, 108962.
- Russo Abegão F, Boodhoo K. Process Intensification in Biorefining: Speeding up production of biorenewable chemicals. Speciality Chemicals Magazine 2022, May/June 2022.
- Vicevic M, Novakovic K, Boodhoo K. Free-Radical Polymerization of Styrene: Kinetic Study in a Spinning Disc Reactor (SDR). Frontiers in Chemical Engineering 2021, 3, 661498.
- Sana S, Zivkovic V, Boodhoo K. Shear-thinning effect of the spinning disc mixer on starch nanoparticle precipitation. Processes 2020, 8(12), 1622.
- Sana S, Zivkovic V, Boodhoo K. Empirical Modelling of Hydrodynamic Effects on Starch Nanoparticles Precipitation in a Spinning Disc Reactor. Nanomaterials 2020, 10(11), 2022.
- Sana S, Boodhoo KVK, Zivkovic V. Production of Starch Nanoparticles Through Solvent-Antisolvent Precipitation in a Spinning Disc Reactor. Green Processing and Synthesis 2019, 8(1), 507-515.
- Feng R, Ramchandani S, Salih NM, Lim X-YE, Tan SWB, Lee LY, Teoh SK, Sharratt PN, Boodhoo KVK. Process Intensification Strategies and Sustainability Analysis for Amidation Processing in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 2019, 58(11), 4656-4666.
- Vilardi G, Stoller M, Di Palma L, Boodhoo K, Verdone N. Metallic iron nanoparticles intensified production by Spinning Disk Reactor: optimization and fluid dynamics modelling. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 2019, 146, 107683.
- Mustaffar A, Phan A, Reay DA, Boodhoo K. Concentric annular heat pipe characterisation analysis for a drying application. Applied Thermal Engineering 2019, 149, 275-286.
- Ekins-Coward T, Boodhoo K, Velasquez-Orta S, Caldwell G, Wallace A, Barton R, Flickinger MC. A microalgae biocomposite integrated Spinning Disc Bioreactor (SDBR): Towards a scalable engineering approach for bioprocess intensification in light-driven CO2 absorption applications. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2019, 58(15), 5936-5949.
- Ahoba-Sam C, Boodhoo KVK, Olsbye U, Jens KJ. Tailoring Cu Nanoparticle Catalyst for Methanol Synthesis Using the Spinning Disk Reactor. Materials 2018, 11(1), 154.
- Ohenoja M, Boodhoo K, Reay D, Paavola M, Leiviskä K. Process control in intensified continuous solids handling. Chemical Engineering and Processing 2018, 131, 59-69.
- Mustaffar A, Phan AN, Boodhoo K. Hybrid heat pipe screw dryer: A novel, continuous and highly energy-efficient drying technology. Chemical Engineering & Processing-Process Intensification 2018, 128, 199-215.
- Prince A, Bhuvana S, Anbharasi V, Boodhoo K, Singh G. Highly hydrophilic copolymer based PES hollow fibre ultrafiltration membranes. Advanced Materials Letters 2018, 9(1), 25-30.
- Feng R, Ramchandani S, Ramalingam B, Tan SWB, Li C, Teoh SK, Boodhoo K, Sharratt PN. Intensification of Continuous Ortholithiation at Ambient Conditions– Process Understanding and Assessment of Sustainability Benefits. Organic Process Research & Development 2017, 21(9), 1259-1271.
- Wang H, Mustaffar A, Phan A, Zivkovic V, Reay D, Law R, Boodhoo K. A review of process intensification applied to solids handling. Chemical Engineering and Processing 2017, 118, 78-107.
- Prince JA, Bhuvana S, Anbharasi V, Ayyanar N, Boodhoo KVK, Singh G. Ultra-wetting graphene-based PES ultrafiltration membrane – A novel approach for successful oil-water separation. Water Research 2016, 130, 311-318.
- Prince JA, Bhuvana S, Anbharasi V, Ayyanar N, Boodhoo KVK, Singh G. Ultra-wetting graphene-based membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2016, 500, 76-85.
- Mohammadi S, Harvey A, Boodhoo KVK. Synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles in a spinning disc reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal 2014, 258, 171–184.
- Prince JA, Bhuvana S, Anbharasi V, Ayyanar N, Boodhoo KVK, Singh G. Self-cleaning Metal Organic Framework (MOF) based ultra filtration membranes - A solution to bio-fouling in membrane separation processes. Scientific Reports 2014, 4, 6555.
- Mohammadi Y, Pakdel AS, Saeb MR, Boodhoo K. Monte Carlo simulation of free radical polymerization of styrene in a spinning disc reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal 2014, 247, 231-240.
- Boodhoo KVK, Smith L, Solano JP, Gronnow M, Clark J. Continuous flow characterization of solid biomass in a reciprocating/rotating scraper tube: An experimental study. AIChE Journal 2014, 60(11), 3732-3738.
- Prince JA, Bhuvana S, Boodhoo KVK, Anbharasi V, Singh G. Synthesis and characterization of PEG-Ag immobilized PES hollow fiber ultrafiltration membranes with long lasting antifouling properties. Journal of Membrane Science 2014, 454, 538-548.
- Ghiasy D, Tham MT, Boodhoo KVK. Control of a Spinning Disc Reactor: An Experimental Study. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2013, 52(47), 16832–16841.
- Dobie CG, Vicevic M, Boodhoo KVK. An evaluation of the effectiveness of continuous thin film processing in a spinning disc reactor for bulk free-radical photo-copolymerisation. Chemical Engineering and Processing 2013, 71, 97-106.
- Ghiasy D, Boodhoo KVK, Tham MT. Thermographic analysis of thin liquid flims on a rotating disc: approach and challenges. Applied Thermal Engineering 2012, 44, 39-49.
- Mohammadi S, Boodhoo KVK. Online conductivity measurement of residence time distribution of thin film flow in the spinning disc reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal 2012, 207-208, 885-894.
- Boodhoo KVK, Al-Hengari S. Micromixing characteristics in a small-scale spinning disk reactor. Chemical Engineering & Technology 2012, 35(7), 1229-1237.
- Ghiasy D, Boodhoo KVK, Tham MT. Control of Intensified Equipment: A simulation study for pH Control in a Spinning Disc Reactor. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 2012, 55, 1-7.
- Dobie CG, Boodhoo KVK. Surfactant-free emulsion polymerisation of methyl methacrylate and methylacrylate using intensified processing methods. Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 2010, 49(9), 901-911.
- Boodhoo KVK, Cartwright CD, Vicevic M, Prieto MA, Tortejada M. Development of a Higee Bioreactor (HBR) for production of PHA: hydrodynamics, gas-liquid mass transfer and fermentation studies. Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 2010, 49(7), 748-758.
- Vicevic M, Novakovic K, Boodhoo KVK, Morris AJ. Kinetics of styrene free radical polymerisation in the spinning disc reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal 2008, 135(1-2), 78-82.
- Boodhoo KVK, Vicevic M, Cartwright CD, Ndlovu T, Toogood EC. Intensification of gas-liquid mass transfer using a rotating bed of porous packings for application to an E. coli batch fermentation process. Chemical Engineering Journal 2008, 135(1-2), 141-150.
- Vicevic M, Boodhoo KVK, Scott K. Catalytic isomerisation of α-pinene oxide to campholenic aldehyde using silica-supported zinc triflate catalysts. II. Performance of immobilised catalysts in a continuous spinning disc reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal 2007, 133(1-3), 43-57.
- Vicevic M, Boodhoo KVK, Scott K. Catalytic isomerisation of α-pinene oxide to campholenic aldehyde using silica-supported zinc triflate catalysts. I. Kinetic and thermodynamic studies. Chemical Engineering Journal 2007, 133(1-3), 31-41.
- McCarthy ED, Dunk WAE, Boodhoo KVK. Application of an intensified narrow channel reactor to the aqueous phase precipitation of barium sulphate. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2007, 305(1), 72-87.
- Boodhoo KVK, Dunk WAE, Vicevic M, Jachuck RJ, Sage V, Macquarrie DJ, Clark JH. Classical cationic polymerization of styrene in a spinning disc reactor using silica-supported BF3 catalyst. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2006, 101(1), 8-19.
- Boodhoo KVK, Dunk WAE, Jassim MS, Jachuck RJ. Thin film solvent-free photopolymerization of n-butyl acrylate. I. Static film studies. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2004, 91(4), 2079-2095.
- Boodhoo KVK, Dunk WAE, Jachuck RJ. Influence of centrifugal field on free-radical polymerization kinetics. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2002, 85(11), 2283-2286.
- Boodhoo KVK, Jachuck RJ. Process intensification: Spinning disk reactor for styrene polymerization. Applied Thermal Engineering 2000, 20(12), 1127-1146.
- Boodhoo KVK, Jachuck RJ. Process intensification: Spinning disc reactor for condensation polymerisation. Green Chemistry 2000, 2(5), 235-244.
Authored Book
- Boodhoo K, Harvey A. Process Intensification for Green Chemistry: Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Chemical Processing. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2013.
Book Chapters
- Olatunde Akinbuja, Boodhoo Kamelia, Velasquez-Orta Sharon. Algae-based bioelectrochemical systems. In: Eduardo Jacob-Lopes, Rosangela Rodrigues Dias and Leila Queiroz Zepka, ed. Microalgae-based systems. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2023, pp.425-440.
- Boodhoo KVK. Rotating bioreactors for the intensification of bioprocesses. In: A. Gorak and A. Stankiewicz, ed. Intensification of Bio-Based Processes. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2018, pp.42-61.
- Boodhoo KVK. Higee Technologies and Their Applications to Green Intensified Processing. In: Stefanidis, G; Stankiewicz, A, ed. Alternative Energy Sources for Green Chemistry. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016, pp.339-359.
- Boodhoo KVK. Spinning Disc Reactor for Green Processing and Synthesis. In: KVK Boodhoo and AP Harvey, ed. Process Intensification for Green Chemistry: Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Chemical Processing. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2013, pp.59-90.
- Boodhoo KVK, Harvey AP. Process Intensification: An Overview of Principles and Practice. In: KVK Boodhoo; AP Harvey, ed. Process Intensification for Green Chemistry: Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Chemical Processing. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, 2013, pp.3-30.
- Ghiasy D, Boodhoo KVK. Opportunities for Energy Saving from Intensified Process Technologies in the Chemical and Processing Industries. In: KVK Boodhoo and AP Harvey, ed. Process Intensification for Green Chemistry: Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Chemical Processing. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, 2013, pp.379-392.
- Boodhoo KVK, Jachuck RJJ. Application of the spinning-disc technology for process Intensification in the chemical process industry. In: Regel & Wilcox, ed. Processing by Centrifugation. New York: Kluwer Academic, 2001, pp.7-17.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Adamu A, Boodhoo K, Russo Abegão F. Towards Scale Up of Furan Platform Molecules: Development of a Continuous Intensified Process for Dehydration of Industrial Hemicellulose in an Agitated Cell Reactor. In: 32nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. 2024, Marseille, France.
- Adamu A, Boodhoo K, Russo Abegão F. Scaling Up Dehydration of Sugars to Furan with Agitated Cell Reactor Technology. In: 3d BBNEt Conference. 2024, Sheffield, UK: University of York.
- Adamu A, Boodhoo K, Russo Abegão F. Intensification of C5 and C6 Sugars Dehydration in an Agitated Cell Reactor. In: 10th UK Catalysis Conference. 2024, Loughborough, UK: UKCC.
- Carr T, Boodhoo K, Russo Abegão F. Valorisation Of Hemicellulose By-products Via Antisolvent Precipitation in a Spinning Disc Reactor. In: 31st European Biomass Conference & Exhibit (EUBCE). 2023, Bologna, Italy: ETA-Florence Renewable Energies.
- Carr T, Russo Abegão F, Boodhoo K. Process Intensification of Upstream Purification of Biorefinery Streams: Lignin Precipitation on a Spinning Disc. In: ISCRE 27 - 27th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering. 2023, Quebec City, Canada.
- Zhu Z, Boodhoo K, Russo Abegão F. Optimisation of catalytic production of 5-HMF and furfural using Phosphotungstic-derived heteropoly acids. In: 31st European Biomass Conference & Exhibit (EUBCE). 2023, Bologna, Italy: ETA-Florence Renewable Energies.
- Boodhoo K. Nature-Inspired Engineering: Exploiting Thin Film Flow Processing for Chemical and Bioprocess Intensification. In: 27th International Symposium for Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE 27). 2023, Québec City, Canada.
- Adamu A, Russo Abegão F, Boodhoo K. Integrating Catalyst and Reactor Design for CO2 Photocatalytic Reduction via Process Intensification. In: 14th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 7th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology. 2023, Berlin, Germany.
- Russo Abegão F, Adams-Waite A, Boodhoo K. High-Speed Imaging Studies of Mixing Mechanisms in Agitated Cell Reactors. In: 14th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 7th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology. 2023, Berlin, Germany.
- Russo Abegão F, Boodhoo K. BioSPRINT – Biorefining of Sugars via Process Intensification. In: 2nd Biomass Biorefinery Network Conference. 2023, Harrogate, UK.
- Triquet T, Adamu A, Aubina J, Cid E, Cabassud M, Raimondi N, Russo Abegão F, Boodhoo K. Analysis of flow characteristics in photocatalytic meso-structured reactors using numerical and experimental methods. In: 8th European Process Intensification Conference. 2023, Warsaw, Poland.
- Jakob A, Grilc M, Likozar B, Valkama H, Rathnayake B, Ohenoja M, Uusitalo P, Sorsa A, Keiski R, Carr T, Zu Z, Boodhoo K, Russo Abegão F, Neocleous K. Upstream purification, Catalyst Development and Kinetic Modeling for the Production of Lignocellulosic Bio-based Furanics. In: ACHEMA Congress. 2022, Frankfurt am Main, Germany: ACHEMA.
- Adamu A, Russo Abegão F, Boodhoo KV. Process Intensification of Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction Using 3D Printed Microreactors. In: 13th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 6th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology. 2021, Virtual Event: EFCE.
- Rathnayake B, Valkama H, Ohenoja M, Keiski R, Carr T, Russo Abegão F, Boodhoo K, Gebauer I. Process Intensification of Hemicellulose Recovery from Biorefinery Process Streams by Precipitation and Membrane Separation. In: 13th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 6th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology. 2021, Virtual Event: Dechema.
- Boodhoo K. Exploiting thin film flow on spinning discs for chemical and bioprocess intensification: perspectives and challenges. In: CCEC 2021 71st Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference. 2021, Montreal, Canada: Chemical Institute of Canada.
- Boodhoo K, Ekins-Coward T, Velasquez-Orta S, Flickinger MC. Development of a microalgae biocomposite-integrated spinning disk bioreactor (SDBR) for bioprocess intensification of light-driven CO2 absorption. In: AIChE Spring Meeting 2021. 2021, Virtual conference: American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
- Uusitalo P, Ohenoja M, Sorsa M, Zhu Z, Boodhoo K, Russo Abegão F, Jakob A, Grilc M, Likozar B, Neocleous K. Catalyst Development for Production of Biorenewable Chemicals Using Machine Learning and High-Throughput Experiments. In: 13th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 6th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology. 2021, Virtual Event: EFCE.
- Sana S, Zivkovic V, Boodhoo K. Anti-solvent precipitation in a continuous flow spinning disk reactor: A route to nanoparticles via high intensity micromixing. In: AIChE Spring Meeting 2021. 2021, Virtual conference: American Institute of Chemical Engineer.
- Adamu A, Low X, Highsted G, Boodhoo K, Russo Abegão FJ. Synthesis Studies of Cu-TiO2 for Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction. In: 17th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilisation. 2019, Aachen, Germany.
- Adamu A, Russo-Abegão F, Boodhoo K. Process Intensification of CO2 Photocatalytic Reduction. In: The Second International Process Intensification Conference (IPIC2). 2019, Leuven, Belgium.
- Boodhoo K. Nature-inspired engineering: Exploiting thin film flow processing for chemical and bioprocess intensification. In: Reactors, Scale-Up and Separations: Process intensification, integration and multifunctionality. 2019, London: SCI's Fine Chemicals Group and IChemE Catalysis Special Interest Group.
- Boodhoo KVK, Ekins-Coward T, Velasquez-Orta S, Flickinger MC. Development of a microalgae biocomposite‐integrated Spinning Disc Bioreactor (SDBR) for bioprocess intensification of light‐driven CO2 absorption. In: Second International Process Intensification Conference (IPIC2). 2019, Leuven, Belgium.
- Boodhoo KVK, Phan A, Zivkovic V, Eze V, Mustaffar A. Intensified-By-Design (IbD): Creating a Platform for Facilitating Process Intensification in Solids Handling Applications. In: AIChE 2018 Spring Meeting and 14th Global Congress on Process Safety. 2018, Orlando, Florida: AIChE.
- Mustaffar A, Phan A, Boodhoo KVK. Hybrid Heat Pipe Screw Dryer: A Novel, Continuous and Highly Energy-Efficient Drying Technology. In: AIChE 2018 Spring Meeting and 14th Global Congress on Process Safety. 2018, Orlando, Florida: AIChE.
- Mustaffar A, Phan A, Boodhoo KVK. Bi-Directional Thermal Control of Twin Screw Granulation Process Via a Specialised Annular Heat Pipe. In: AIChE 2018 Spring Meeting and 14th Global Congress on Process Safety. 2018, Orlando, Florida: AIChE.
- Boodhoo KVK, von Stosch M, Beard MT, Richmond E, Flickinger MC. Enhancement of CO2 gas-liquid mass transfer in thin wavy film flow on a spinning disk. In: 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE10/IPIC1/EPIC6/APSPIS3). 2017, Barcelona.
- Feng R, Ramchandani SR, Ramalingam B, Tan SWB, Teoh SK, Sharratt P, Li CZ, Boodhoo KVK. Continuous flow intensification of ortho-lithiation at ambient conditions. In: 5th International Congress on Green Process Engineering (GPE 2016). 2016, Mont Tremblant, Quebec, Canada.
- Mohammadi S, Harvey A, Boodhoo KVK. Population Balance Modelling of TiO2 precipitation in the Spinning Disc Reactor. In: 5th European Process Intensification Conference (EPIC). 2015, Nice, France.
- Feng R, Ramchandani SR, Ramalingam B, Tan B, Cadou RF, Li CZ, Teoh SK, Boodhoo KVK, Sharratt P. Intensification of ortho‐lithiation reaction using continuous flow microreactor, T‐joint reactor and spinning disc reactor. In: 5th European Process Intensification Conference (EPIC). 2015, Nice, France.
- Mohammadi S, Turetta L, Boodhoo KVK. Characterisation of liquid/liquid micromixing in spinning disc reactors. In: 5th European Process Intensification Conference (EPIC). 2015, Nice, France.
- Teoh SK, Feng R, Tan B, Ramchandani SR, Boodhoo KVK, Sharratt P. A methodology to evaluate pharmaceutical and fine chemicals processes for intensification and sustainability benefits. In: 5th European Process Intensification Conference (EPIC). 2015, Nice, France.
- Mohammadi S, Harvey A, Boodhoo KVK. Process Intensification: Synthesis of TiO2 Nanoparticle in a Spinning Disc Reactor. In: 4th International Congress on Green Process Engineering (GPE 2014). 2014, Seville, Spain.
- Prince JA, Bhuvana S, Boodhoo KVK, Anbharasi V, Ayyanar N, Singh G. Hydrophilization of polyethersulfone (PES) hollow fiber ultrafiltration membranes with PEI-Ag grafted PANCMA to enhance the antifouling properties. In: 10th International Congress on Membrane and Membrane Processes (ICOM 2014). 2014, Suzhou, China.
- Boodhoo KVK. Towards a better understanding of mixing characteristics of thin film flow in spinning disk reactors. In: AIChE Annual Meeting. 2013, San Francisco.
- Mohammadi S, Boodhoo KVK, Harvey AP. Process Intensification: Spinning Disc Reactor Technology for TiO2 Nanoparticles Production. In: 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting. 2013, San Francisco.
- Mohammadi S, Boodhoo KVK, Harvey AP. Process intensification: Spinning disc reactor technology for TiO2 nanoparticles production. In: Process Development Division 2013 - Core Programming Area at the 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting: Global Challenges for Engineering a Sustainable Future. 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA: AIChE.
- Prince JA, Bhuvana S, Boodhoo KVK, Anbharasi V, Singh G. Polyethersulfone (PES) Hollow Fiber UF Membranes with Long-lasting Antifouling Properties. In: International Membrane Science and Technology Conference (IMSTC 2013). 2013, Melbourne, Australia.
- Mohammadi S, Boodhoo KVK. Nano-TiO2 precipitation in spinning disc reactors. In: 9th European Congree of Chemical Engineering (ECCE). 2013, The Hague, The Netherlands.
- Ghiasy D, Tham MT, Boodhoo KVK. Control Strategies for the Spinning Disk Reactor. In: AIChE Annual Meeting. 2013, San Francisco: American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
- Mohammadi S, Boodhoo KVK. Nano-TiO2 Sol-Gel Synthesis in the Spinning Disc Reactor. In: AIChE Annual Meeting. 2012, Pittsburgh.
- Ghiasy D, Boodhoo KVK, Tham MT. Thermographic analysis of thin liquid films on a rotating disc: Approach and Challenges. In: HEFAT2011. 2011, Mauritius.
- Boodhoo KVK. Process Intensification for Sustainable Chemical and Bioprocessing: Opportunities and Challenges. In: British Council sponsored Workshop on Sustainable Chemistry. 2011, Avila, Spain.
- Boodhoo KVK. Process Intensification for Enhanced Productivity in Bioprocesses. In: 4th Franco-British Workshop on Biomass Based Chemistry. 2011, York, UK.
- Ghiasy D, Boodhoo KVK, Tham MT. Control of Process Intensified Equipment: pH control in a SDR. In: EPIC2011. 2011, Manchester, UK.
- Cartwright CD, Lee YL, Boodhoo KVK, Cooper J. Bioprocess Intensification: Enhanced PHA production using porous mesh impellers. In: GLS10. 2011, Braga, Portugal.
- Al-Hengari S, Boodhoo KVK. A study of intensified micromixing in the spinning disc reactor. In: European Process Intensification Conference (EPIC). 2011, Manchester, UK.
- Al-Hengari S, Boodhoo KVK. A study of micromixing characteristics in the spinning disc reactor. In: PrISM Symposium, 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE8). 2009, Montreal, Canada.
- Dobie CG, Boodhoo KVK. Surfactant Free Emulsion Polymerisation using Intensified Processing Routes. In: European Process Intensification Conference. 2009, Venice, Italy.
- Vicevic M, Novakovic K, Boodhoo KVK, Morris AJ. Kinetics of Styrene Free Radical Polymerisation in the Spinning Disc Reactor. In: Process Intensification and Innovation Process (PI)2 Conference II Cleaner, Sustainable, Efficient Technologies for the Future. 2006, Christchurch, New Zealand.
- Vicevic M, Novakovic K, Boodhoo KVK, Morris AJ. Kinetics of methyl methacrylate free radical polymerisation in the spinning disc reactor. In: 17th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA). 2006, Prague, Czech Republic: CSCHI.
- Boodhoo KVK, Glassey JG, Kalli L, Toogood EC. Oxygen transfer enhancement using a rotating bed of porous packing material for potential application to fermentation processes. In: 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering. 2005, Glasgow, UK.
- McCarthy ED, Boodhoo KVK, Dunk WAE, Jachuck R. The Production of Polymer Nanocomposites Using Intensified Technology. In: 8th International Workshop on Polymer Reaction Engineering. 2004, Hamburg, Germany.
- Boodhoo KVK, Dunk WAE, Jachuck RJJ. Spinning disc reactor for intensified polymerisation processes. In: AIChE Spring Meeting. 2003, New Orleans, USA.
- Novakovic K, Boodhoo KVK, Martin EB, Morris AJ. Data Analysis and Modelling of Spinning Disc Polymerisation from Minimal Data. In: First International Symposium on Process Intensification and Miniaturisation. 2003, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
- Boodhoo KVK, Dunk WAE, Jachuck RJ. Continuous photopolymerization in a novel thin film spinning disc reactor. In: Photoinitiated Polymerization. 2003, Chicago, Illinois, USA: Oxford University Press.
- Boodhoo KVK, Dunk WAE, Jachuck RJJ. Spinning disc reactor for photopolymerization. In: Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society. 2001, American Chemical Society.
- Boodhoo KVK, Dunk WAE, Jachuck RJJ. Spinning disc reactor for photopolymerisation. In: American Chemical Society (ACS) 222nd National Meeting. 2001, Chicago, USA.
- Boodhoo KVK, Jachuck RJJ, Ramshaw C. Spinning disc reactor for the intensification of styrene polymerisation. In: 2nd International Conference on Process Intensification in Practice. 1997, Antwerp, Belgium.
- Jachuck RJ, Ramshaw C, Boodhoo KVK, Dalgleish JC. Process intensification: The opportunity presented by the spinning disc reactor. In: IChemE Symposium Series. 1997.
- Boodhoo KVK, Jachuck RJJ, Ramshaw C. Process intensification: Spinning disc polymeriser for the manufacture of polystyrene. In: 1st International Conference on Process Intensification for the Chemical Industry. 1995, Antwerp, Belgium: Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.
Edited Book
- Boodhoo KVK, Harvey A, ed. Process Intensification Technologies for Green Chemistry: Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Chemical Processing. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
- Boodhoo KVK, Flickinger MC, Woodley JM, Emanuelsson EAC. Bioprocess intensification: A route to efficient and sustainable biocatalytic transformations for the future. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification 2022, 172, 108793.
- Adamu A, Russo-Abegão F, Boodhoo K. Process Intensification Technologies for CO2 Capture and Conversion - A Review. BMC Chemical Engineering 2020, 2, 2.
- Fernandez Rivas D, Boffito DC, Faria-Albanese J, Glassey J, Afraz N, Akse H, Boodhoo KVK, Bos R, Cantin J, Chiang YW, Commenge JM, Dubois JL, Galli F, de Mussy JPG, Harmsen J, Kalra S, Keil FJ, Morales-Menendez R, Navarro-Brull FJ, Noel T, Ogden K, Patience GS, Reay D, Santos RM, Smith-Schoettker A, Stankiewicz AI, van den Berg H, van Gerven T, van Gestel J, Weber RS. Process Intensification Education Contributes to Sustainable Development Goals. Part 2. Education for Chemical Engineers 2020, 32, 15-24.
- Fernandez Rivas D, Boffito DC, Faria-Albanese J, Glassey J, Afraz N, Akse H, Boodhoo KVK, Bos R, Cantin J, (Emily) Chiang YW, Commenge J-M, Dubois J-L, Galli F, de Mussy JPG, Harmsen J, Kalra S, Keil FJ, Morales-Menendez R, Navarro-Brull FJ, Noel T, Ogden K, Patience GS, Reay D, Santos RM, Smith-Schoettker A, Stankiewicz AI, van den Berg H, van Gerven T, van Gestel J, van der Stelt M, van de Ven M, Weber RS. Process intensification education contributes to sustainable development goals. Part 1. Education for Chemical Engineers 2020, 32, 1-14.