Staff Profile
Professor Marc Secanell Gallart
Professor of Electrochemical Energy Technologies
- Email:
- Address: School of Engineering
Room C3.21, Merz Court
University of Newcastle
Newcastle upon Tyne
Electrochemical energy technologies are critical to enable the deployment of intermittent renewable energy. These technologies can convert excess renewable energy to chemical fuels, such as green hydrogen production via proton exchange membrane water electrolysers. These fuels can later be efficiently utilized in electrochemical devices, such as fuel cells for zero-emission mobility, heating or combined heat and power. The aim of my research is to develop computational design tools and experimental techniques to enable the computer-aided design of electrochemical systems. For example, my research team has developed an open-source software for fuel cell simulation, and pioneered the use of inkjet printing for regenerative unitized fuel cells.
2004- 2008: Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Victoria, Canada (Thesis title: Computational modeling and optimization of proton exchange membrane fuel cells).
2002-2004: M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Victoria, Canada (Thesis title: Development of a design tool for aerodynamic shape optimization of airfoils).
1997-2002: B.Eng., Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain. (Thesis title: Differential-algebraic equation implementation of a three-phase transformer model).
2025 - Present: Professor of Electrochemical Energy Technologies, Newcastle University, UK
2019 - Present: Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta, AB, Canada (presently on leave)
2022 - 2023: Sabbatical Research Visitor, Johnson Matthey Technology Centre (Fuel Cell Research Group), Sonning Common, UK
2015 - 2016: Sabbatical Research Visitor, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Energy Storage and Conversion for Transportation and Renewables (BESTAR)), CA, United States 2013 - 2019: Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta, AB, Canada
2009 - 2013: Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta, AB, Canada
2008 - 2009: Assistant Research Officer, National Research Council, Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation, Vancouver, BC, Canada
2001 - 2001: Engineer, AZM Engineering, Barcelona, Spain
Research interests:
Electrochemistry; Hydrogen fuel cells; Electrolysers; Electrode fabrication; Finite element methods; Multidisciplinary design optimization.
- Developed computer-aided design tools for electrochemical energy technologies, flywheels and cooling towers
- Developed an open-source software for fuel cell simulation and design (OpenFCST)
- Pioneered the use of inkjet printing for the manufacture of fuel cell, electrolyser and unitized reversible fuel cell electrodes
- Developed novel experimental techniques to measure Knudsen and molecular diffusion, gas permeability, proton conductivity of electrodes and water transport in fuel cells
- Introduced the use of pore formers to the fabrication of electrolyser electrodes
Software development:
I am the lead developer of OpenFCST, an open-source software for the numerical analysis and design of electrochemical energy systems at cell and pore-scale level. The software has been focused on the simulation of hydrogen fuel cells and electrolysers, even though in recent years, my research team has expanded the software to also study lithium-ion battery micro-structures.
PhD Supervision:
- Dr. Luis Padilla-Urbina (2014-2025), currently postdoctoral fellow at University of Alberta (Canada)
- Dr. Ambuj Punia (2018-2024), currently postdoctoral fellow at University of Alberta (Canada)
- Dr. Michael Moore, currently research scientist at Johnson Matthey (UK)
- Dr. Himanshi Dhawan (2019-2023), currently research scientist at Accelera by Cummins (Canada)
- Dr. Wei Fei (2017-2022), currently postdoctoral fellow at Shanghai Jiao tong University (China)
- Prof. Vaishnavi Kale (2017-2022), currently assistant professor at University of Calgary (Canada)
- Dr. Manas Mandal (2015-2022), currently research scientist at Accelera by Cummins (Canada)
- Prof. Elaf Mahrous (2016-2021), current assistant professor at Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu (KSA)
- Dr. Aslan Kosakian (2014-2021), currently postdoctoral fellow at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (US)
- Dr. Baltej Rupal (2017-2021), currently engineer at Rapid 3D Ltd (Canada)
- Prof. Mayank Sabharwal (2014-2019), currently assistant professor at University of Calgary (Canada)
- Dr. Jie Zhou (2014-2018), currently staff machine learning engineer at AirBnB (US)
- Prof. Lalit Pant (2011-2015), currently assistant professor at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (India)
- Dr. Shantanu Shukla (2010-2015), currently senior researcher and R&D team lead at Zinc8 Energy Solutions (Canada)
Academic collaborators: Prof. Mohamed Mamlouk (UK), Prof. Steven Holdcroft (Canada), Prof. Jason Olfert (Canada), Prof. Iryna Zenyuk (USA), Prof. Jeff Gostick (Canada), Dr. Adam Weber (USA)
Industrial collaborators: Johnson Matthey, Accelera, Ballard Power Systems, Ionomr Innovations, Sunfire, Fraunhofer IFAM, DLR (Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt)
ORCID: 0000-0002-7549-0863
Marc Secanell (0000-0002-7549-0863) - ORCID
Web of science researcher ID: GBM-7534-2022
Secanell, Marc - Web of Science Researcher Profile
Google scholar
Marc Secanell - Google Scholar
Courses @ Newcastle University
- SPG8007, Renewable Energy: Technology for Circular and Hydrogen Economies (Spring/S2 2025)
- CME8417, Light Activated Process Technologies - Photovoltaics and Photocatalytic Reactors (Fall/S1 2025)
Courses taught @ University of Alberta, Canada
- Liu J, Secanell M. Exploring the impact of ionomer content and distribution on inkjet printed cathodes for anion exchange membrane fuel cells. Electrochimica Acta 2025, 509, 145293.
- Weber AZ, Borup RL, Darling RM, Das PK, Dursch TJ, Gu W, Harvey D, Kusoglu A, Litster S, Mench M, Mukundan R, Owejan JP, Pharoah J, Secanell M, Zenyuk IV. A Critical Review of Modeling Transport Phenomena in Polymer-Electrolyte Fuel Cells. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2014, 161(12), F1254-F1299.