Staff Profile
Professor Margaret Carol Bell CBE
Science City Professor of Transport and the Environment
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 7936
- Fax: +44 (0) 191 208 6502
- Address: School of Engineering
Cassie Building (Room 2.25)
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Professor Bell was named Commander of the Order of the British Empire for services to sustainable transport in the Queen’s 80th Birthday Honours List in 2006. Her main contribution to knowledge rests with a realistic queueing model for TRANSYT, ageing of traffic signal plans and pioneering research assessing the impacts and management of traffic related pollutant emissions, their effects on exposure and health and win-win solutions for improving air quality and reducing carbon in the provision of sustainable transport. She was instrumental in working with Siemens to deliver the first roadside air pollution monitors in 1997 and supported the Electrical Engineering School in Newcastle to develop the pervasive air pollution and noise monitoring system commercialised by the spin-out company Envirowatch. Prof Bell, also was instrumental in creating the integrated research facility, the instrumented City, iC, which boasts over two decades of historic data (1987- 2011). More recently, through knowledge transfer partnership funding, she has transferred the Newcastle University Integrated Database and Analysis Platform, NUIDAP for real-time analysis of continuous measurements of traffic, pollution and meteorological conditions and air pollution model prediction, developed in research mainly funded by the EPSRC, into the commercial product AQATANE in collaboration with Amey plc.
Prof Bell is a member of the Research Council UK Peer Review College, and carried out reviews for the British Council, Hong Kong, Belgium, Canada and a member of the Prioritising Panel member for Hong Kong University Grants Council (2014-2018). In 2000 set-up and since, Chaired the Smart Environment Forum of the ITS (UK) and has given evidence at the Transport Select Committee on occasions. Prof Bell is Honorary Editor in Chief of the IET-ITS Journal (2016-present).
Other areas of research include: development of congestion measures, forecasting air quality and duration of incidents with neural networks and fuzzy logic, evaluation of demand management strategies and traffic control policy on the environment. In-depth studies of the effect of driver behaviour on tailpipe emissions, evaluation of the impact of fatal accidents on network delay, of illegal parking on vehicle emissions, the role of ITS in reducing carbon emissions, real time monitoring and estimating pollution in networks, application of hazard models to understand changes in trip duration and air pollution events, logit modelling for assessment of the quality drivers of bus service satisfaction, impact of mobile technologies on perception of rail travel time and development of decision support system for public transport interchange, tactical and strategic traffic management, application of low cost pervasive noise monitors in monitoring and modelling urban noise, exploring the potential of mode shift to cycles, geometric design parameters influencing cyclist safety at roundabouts.
Roles and Responsibilities
Transfer Knowledge to local authorities, industries and stakeholders to increase the impact of research outputs, Supervision of PhD students and mentoring of staff and students.
University of Durham: BSc. Hons Physics II-i (1970); PhD. Pure Science (1974), Hon FIHE, Hon FICE, FCIHT, CMILT
Previous Positions
January 1997 –April 2007: Director of the Instrumented City Facility since 1992, Director of LANTERN since October 1999, Appointed to Personal Chair: Professor of Traffic and Environmental Pollution, August 2001, Director of Knowledge Transfer for ITS, since August 2003, Member of the Management Team of the University Interdisciplinary Institute in Earth, Energy and the Environment since August 2004, Research Director of the Institute for Transport Studies ITS, University of Leeds, until January 2000,
1987-1996 Senior Research Fellow, promoted to Senior Lecturer, Transport Research Group, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nottingham
1983-1987 Research Fellow and Director of Advanced Vehicle and Traffic Systems, AVTS, Group, and Development Officer at the University of Durham Industrial Research Laboratory, UDIRL Department of Engineering Science, University of Durham
1974-1983 Research Associate, promoted to Senior Research Associate, in the Transport Operations Research Group, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
1973-1974 Research Assistant. Department of Physics and Physical Electronics. University of Northumbria
Research: Member of the EPSRC: General Engineering/Built Environment Programme College (1995-present); NERC Natural Environmental Research Council College (2005-present), ESRC, Economic and Social Research Council College (2005-present). UGC Hong Kong (2014 -present) and NCBR Poland (2019-present) Honorary Editor in Chief of the IET Intelligent Transport Systems Journal (2020- present); Editor in Chief of the IET Intelligent Transport Systems Journal (2016-2020)
Professional: National Committees: Chairperson of the ITS(UK) Smart Environment Forum (previously Smart Environment Interest Group) (May 2001- present), Member of the APRIL, Air Pollution Research In London Committee and Chairperson of the APRIL Noise Interest Group (2004- 2011);
Regional Committees: North East Climate Change Partnership Transport Work Stream November 2007 - 2008
Academic Committees: Chairperson of the UTSG (January 2004- December 2006); Chairperson Elect of the UTSG (January 2003 – December 2003); Elected Member of the UTSG Committee (January 1987-December 1990); (January 2000 – December 2002); Member of the IEE:C12 Committee (January 1988-May 1991); Editorial Board of the IET (since its inception)
Conference Organising Committees: the IEE RTIC Conference (2000, 2002, 2004, 2008); International Conference and Exhibition Intelligent Transport Systems in London, UK (2006). Smart Environment Interest Group Conferences November 2007, November 2009, November 2011. Carbon Working Group workshop July 2010, June 2011.
Honours and Awards
2019: Rees-Hills Award for Outstanding Personal Contribution, 2016: TRL Academy Symposium Personal Award, June 2015: Honorary Fellow of the Institution of Highways Engineers, June 2012: Honorary Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineering, June 2006: Named Commander of the Order of the British Empire for services to Sustainable Transport in the Queen’s 80th Birthday Honours List. Investiture 2nd November 2006; 1987: Runner up of Annual Transportation Award organised by the Institute of Civil Engineers;1985: Joint winner of the Croda Award Best technical paper in the journal of the Institute of Highways and Transportation.
Research Interests
Professor Bell's research has been mainly in the field of traffic and environment monitoring, modelling management and control. Professor Bell's research work, in chronological order, has included queuing of traffic at signal controlled junctions, plan change algorithms, ageing of traffic signal plans, statistical analyses of traffic data, development of congestion measures and demand management strategies, traffic control policy, state estimation to establish turning movements from detector flows, traffic modelling including assignment, signal optimisation. Air and noise pollution measurement and prediction, development of on-line traffic noise and air emissions models, forecasting air quality with novel statistical methods, the use of neural networks and fuzzy logic to forecasting duration of incidents, evaluation of the impact of fatal accidents, quantifying the impact on vehicle emissions of illegal car parking, development of strategies to manage event traffic and avoid ‘hotspot’ emissions, measurement of emissions from petrol and diesel engines to study the effect of driver behaviour, study of pollutant concentrations in street Canyons, investigation of traffic activity as a proxy measure for assessing health risk, the impact of traffic measures to reduce the exposure of school children to traffic related pollution, measurement of pedestrian exposure and the development of probability density functions for input to personal exposure models. Validation of pervasive monitoring systems for carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and noise and use of this data to estimate levels of roadside pollution using a canyon model, through integration of real-time traffic measurement use of pervasive sensors to characterise the microenvironments for air quality and noise in urban streets, evaluation of quality bus partnerships as a mechanism for increasing patronaga, decision support system for delivering transport sustainabiltiy through public transport interchange services; understanding travel behaviour and patterns on the carbon emissions from transport across congested urban environments. Underpinning the research activity is the role of Intelligent Transport Systems as technologies for delivering solutions and provider, in real time, spatially and temporally changing data sets.
Other Expertise
Act as an advisor to Local Authorities and Consultants. Knowledge transfer and engagement with Stakeholders, including school children, engineers, transport planners, air quality managers, traffic control engineers, consultants, information providers, health authorities etc. Supporting the commercialising of the mote technology, engaging in the setting up of a spin out company to deliver integration of mote with legacy system data.
Current Work
With colleagues management of the EPSRC:SUE3 4M project the TSB funded EVADINE project and the UKIERI project, funded by the British Council, to set up collaborative research with IIT Delhi and IIT Madras in India. PhD research support in the areas of the effect of driver behaviour on tailpipe emisisons, use of pervasive sensors to automatically create traffic management schemes to manage air quality. Win-win traffic management scenarios for air quality and carbon emissions. Public perceptions of quality delivered by Quality Bus Partnerships. Decision support systems for public transport interchange, Value of productive travel time in the use of ICT on trains and exposure and health impacts of traffic related air pollution.
Future Research
Research in the future will explore funding in parallel streams, acknowledging that the competition for funding will increase with the deterioration of the economic situation. Fundamental to the delivery of sustainability is conservation of energy and resources and transport provision underpins the processes that sustain life, movement of goods, travel to work, leisure, supply of energy etc. In the future there is a need to manage the demand to travel with the supply of energy. However, a balance needs to be achieved with zero impact on the environment and climate mindful that the population is increasing, in the UK from 60m to 80m by 2050. Therefore research in the future will look for systems equilibria which optimises networks to maximise people movements rather than minimising delay to single occupancy cars. There will be a need to understand the barriers to the use of public transport. In the future modelling of traffic networks cannot be carried out in isolation of other networks such as rail and public transport but instead through co-ordination of model outputs to create tools that can explore opportunities for public transport interchange. Challenges include understanding the changing needs of society to capture flexibility into the modelling framework. There is a need to understanding of the role of transport in supporting life, namely the provision of food, providing shelter, energy for heating, lighting and supporting activity (both in-house, leisure, work) at a micro scale in order to inform models at a strategic level. Sustainability has to be delivered at different spatial and temporal scales, managing schemes and systems that maximise returns at a local scale (every school a good school) whilst at the same time capitalising on the fact that some aspects of sustainability requiring strategic management across regions (for example offshore wind farms, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, investment in high speed rail) Research of importance is understanding the public response to change, how to deliver changes in attitudes, creating the research tools that are sufficiently sensitive and yet robust to model sustainability as well as the changing impacts that will result from the introduction of change. Future research will acknowledge the importance of delivering engineering solutions and creating the science base for informing policies that will make a difference. Such policies and schemes need to be created with due concern for their acceptability to the public and their impact, not only on carbon emission, but also on air quality, noise, exposure and health.
Research Roles
My research roles are as a supervisor of undergraduate, MSc and PhD research students. As a pure researcher making substantial contribution to the research methods, data quality, analysis and interprettaion. I am taking a proactive role in supporting colleagues in raising standards in the quality of the research undertaken, mentoring on research methods, proposal writing and in the management of projects. Supporting colleagues in publication of research outputs. Profile raising for TORG Nationally and Internationally.
Postgraduate Supervision
Prof Margaret Bell is currently supervising 6 PhD students namely:
Glyn Rhys-Tyler - earmarked studentship associated with the FUTURES project. Start date October 2007 end date September 2010.
Visalakshmi Suresh of the north-east regional e-Science Centre in the School of Computer Science start date October 2007 – end date September 2012 Information Management for Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Adil Mohammed: Investigating the use of low-cost wireless sensors for pervasive environmental monitoring of traffic emissions.Start Date October 2008
Norhayati Yahya: Evaluating the effects of travel time as an indication for bus reliability. Start date Feb 2005.
Brendan Finn: Best Practices for procuring Sustainable Efficient Bus services in urban areas Start Date August 2000 - December 2010
Patrizia Franco, PhD guest student form the University of Palermo, Decision Support System for public transport Start October 2009 - October 2010
Justin Cairns Start date Feb 2009
Yosritzal Yosritzal The effect of information and communication Technologies to the value of time start October 2009
Hamad Matar ‘Investigating the relationship between indoor and outdoor air pollution near busy, quiet and congested streets’ Start Date March 2010
Esteem Indicators
Commander of the Order of the British Empire for services to Sustainable Transport. Nominated in the Queen’s 80th Birthday Honour’s list 16th June 2006 services to sustainable transport.
Gave Evidence to the TRansport Select Committee on behalf of the IET July 2009
Learned society engagements
Expert on the Foresight Intelligent Infrastructure attended workshops and produced a state of art review.
Chair of the ITS(UK) Smart Environment Interest Group 2000 to present
Chair Sessions
Smart Environment Interest Group (SEIG) and Freight Interest Group (FIG) of the ITS(UK) on the 23rd April 2006. The theme of the seminar was ‘HGV and their effect on the environment’. Margaret Bell was the chairperson and Anil Namdeo was the honorary secretary of SEIG 18th Annual TRICS Conference in London 2006.
Leadership of consortia
Instrumental in creating the LANTERN Leeds health, Air quality, Noise, Traffic, Emissions Research Network and launching in October 2000 the multidisciplinary research programme which addresses the health impact of transport policy.
Participation in advisory, review, funding or standard setting bodies
CFIT, Commission for Integrated Transport-advisory member (2007-2009)
Chaired the EPSRC Responsive Mode Advisory Systems Prioritising Panel Meeting February 2005, February 2006 and June 2006
NERC Natural Environmental Research Council College (2005-2007)
ESRC, Economic and Social Research Council College (2005-present)
EPSRC: General Engineering/Built Environment Programme College (1995-present)
International External Reviewer
Member of the Appointing Committee for a Professorial Appointment at the KTH, Stockholm, Sweden (2006). Annually review Grant Proposals for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences, (2006), for IWT Flanders for the SBO programme, (2005 to present), Canadian Foundation, for the Belgium Government, (1996 to present), for the University Research Grants Council, Hong Kong Government, (1995 – present). Performance Review of the Centre of Research and Technology HELLAS (C.E.R.T.H) HELLENIC Institute of Transport (HIT) on behalf of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the Ministry of Development, GSRT, Greece, (2005).
Academic Publications Reviewer
Transportation, Research Record D and E, Journal of Environmental Management, Institute of Electrical Engineers, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Environment Modelling and Software, Environment and Planning, International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, ITS World Congress (2006, 2005)
Contribution to government committees, national/international
advisory councils and boards for industry
International Congress and Exhibition ITS in London, UK (2006); Member of the APRIL Air Pollution in London, Committee (2005 – present); Chairperson of the APRIL Noise Interest Group (2005-present); Member of the ITS(UK) Interest Group Chairpersons Committee (2004 – present); Chairperson of the ITS(UK) Smart Environment Interest Group (May 2001-present); Member of the Organising Committee IEE RTIC Conference (2004, 2002, 2000, 1992, 1989);
National Local Government Co-operation agreements: Set up with Leicester City Council, York City Council and Leeds City
Collaborative research
Instrumented City research Facility celebrates its 20 years Anniversary in 2007. Collaboration with York City Council since 1998, Nottingham City Council since 1994 and Leicester City Council since 1987. Substantial support in kind to provide direct computer links with traffic management computers to down load traffic, air quality and meteorological conditions data in real-time for storage in a comprehensive database.
Collaborative research with the Universities:
MESSAGE: Led by Imperial College in collaboration with the Universities of Newcastle, Cambridge, Southampton of Cambridge, Surrey, Bristol and Westminster, Imperial College London, Met Office. Joint Department for Transport and EPSRC an e-Science Application. Total £3.2m
£477,000 ITS (£382,805 fEc) Oct 2006 – Sept 2009
DAPPLE: Dispersion of Air Pollution and Penetration into the Local Environment. In collaboration with the School of Civil Engineering University of Leeds, Universities, EPSRC, £106,000, (share of a total budget of ~£1.5m)
FUTURES project. Joint with ERRI, University of Leeds, the University of Southampton and the University of West of England EPSRC: Sustainable Urban Environment £15,000
Apr 2002 – Mar 2003 then Core project ENTICE, Environment assessment of New Technology with Improved Confidence. EPSRC: Sustainable Urban Environment £236,417, Apr 2004 – Mar 2009
CORI: Travel for annual visits to give lectures and set up collaborative research, University of Palermo £2000
Consultancies, company directorships
Knowledge Transfer Projects Funded whilst at the University of Leeds, total in the recent decade almost £200k
Independent Assessment of Airviro modelling of Scenarios. Leicester City Council
£20,000 Oct 2006 – Mar 2007
INTELCITIES: RETTIS installation and evaluation in Leicester. Phase 1 Leicester City Council
Sept 2006-Mar 2007
WebCOMIS: Web version of the congestion Management Information System Project LCC , £19,073
Extension of WebCOMIS network in Leicester Leicester City Council
Sept 2006-Mar 2007
Automatic Assessment of building height data for 3-D modelling in Leicester- LIDAR2 Leicester City Council
Aug 2006 – Dec 2006
Automatic Assessment of building height data for 3-D modelling in Leicester- LIDAR1 Leicester City Council
Aug 2006 – Dec 2006
Installation of WebCOMIS in Medway SERCO
Sept 2006-Mar 2007
e-Safety review of current knowledge DfT
Nov 2005 – Dec 2006
CIVITAS Advisor on assessment of the environment benefits of Intelligent Transport System Implementation. EU subcontracted to University of Southampton.
€1050 to date
M42 Vehicle Emissions Measurement In collaboration with Imperial College London. This project used the Instrumented City Instrumented Car to carry out an evaluation of the MODEM model to predict vehicle emissions. Highways Agency as Sub-contract to TRL
Market Research activities on eight potential products resulting from ITS research over the recent decade. HEFCE
INTELCITIES: Evaluation of the journey times modelled in COMIT by SCOOT and COMIS compared with those measured with ANPR Phase2 Leicester City Council
Jun 2005 – Mar 2007
Capacity Build Award won in open competition across the University of Leeds.
£18,000 plus 55 days Knowledge Transfer Assistant time
January 2005 – February 2006
Evaluation of the Environmental Impact of the Automatic Traffic Management on the M42. Expert Advisor. Highways Agency sub contracted to Mott Macdonald
£5,000 to date
(Total to ITS in excess of £100,000)
ECAM, Evaluation of Congestion Assessment Models in Surrey. Joint Award Holder with colleague Dr Haibo Chen (50%) Surrey County Council
Completed 2005
TATM_NG, Transferability of Traffic Models A Case Study Nottingham Funded by Nottingham City Council. Joint Award holder with Dr. Haibo Chen (50%) Nottingham City Council
June 2003 – May 2004
DoTED, Design of Traffic Equipment Database, Joint Award Holder with Dr. Haibo Chen. (50%) Leicester City Council
Completed 2004
Jan 02- Dec 02
Origin and Destination measurements in Melton Mowbray. In collaboration with MVA MMDC
Sept 00 - Feb 01
Air Quality Data Analysis Belfast City Council
Jan – Feb 2000
Focus Groups and setting up SATURN. In collaboration with MVAMelton Mowbray
Jan 00 - Jul 00
Instrumented City Activities
Pell Frishman
Jan 98 - Oct 98
Thailand Database Project JMP Consultants
£12,375, Jan 97 - Dec 97
Personal Consultancy activity advisor to Mott MacDonald’s and peer review of the evaluation of the environmental impacts of the implementation of the Automatic Traffic Management Strategies on the M42 funded by the Highways Agency.
Research exploitation in the industry
Outputs from EPSRC funded research include WebCOMIS and the AVTUNE noise model. The WebCOMIS has been implemented as a demonstrator in the Medway Towns and negotiations are taking place with SERCO (funded by Medway Towns) to integrate the congestion algorithms as an API nested in their own proprietary software. The Noise model has been developed with funding from Europe in collaboration with the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute and currently entering discussions on how the software will be licensed given that the Leeds City Council have provided funds to beta test the software to map noise across the whole of West Yorkshire. (This should be confirmed by the due date for the RAE)
EU collaborative research
IMAGINE: Improved Method for the Assessment of the Generic Impact in the Environment. EU: Sixth Framework, 83,640, £57,000, ec 2003 – Nov 2006. HEARTS: Health Effects And Risk of Transport Systems. As subcontractor to Imperial College London in collaboration with WHO, Rome office, KTL, Division of Environmental Health in Kuopio, Finland, ENEA, the Italian Government Agency, INRETS, the French National Institute for Transport and Safety Research, Istituto di Studi per I’Integrazione dei Sistemi ISIS Rome, The PRISM Laboratory, University of Versailles Saint Quentin and involves the cities of Leicester, Lille, Athens and Florence. EU: Fifth Framework Project.
€ 53,982. HEAVEN. In collaboration with LCC,UK and partners in Sweden, Italy, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Netherlands, EU: Fifth Framework, £103,278, Feb 00 – Feb 04. EQUAL, Electronic services for a better QUAlity of Life. In collaboration with Finsiel Consulenza e Applicazioni Infor SpA (Italy), Ayuntamiento de Bilbao (Spain), Azienda Servizi Municipalizzati del Comune di Brescia (Italy), Cete de l'EST (France), County Council of Bornholm (Denmark), District de l'Agglomeration Messine (France), Etnoteam SpA (Italy), Forschungsinstitut fuer Anwendungsorientierte Wissensverarbeitung (Austria), Gruppo Impresa Finance Srl (Italy), Jasmin Simtec Ltd. (UK), Leicester City Council (UK), Magistrat Linz (Austria), Ronneby Kommun (Sweden), Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), Sociedad de Construction Iberica (Spain), Softec (Italy), Telecom Italia SpA (Italy), Télédiffusion de France (France), Institute for transport Studies (UK), Ville de Metz (France). EU: Fourth Framework, £77,988, Jan 98 – Mar 01
At the invitation of, and funded by the Asociacion y Colegio de Ingeniero Industriales in March 2007 delivered tailored presentations to experts and Government officials in Madrid and Vallodolid on separate occasions on the implementation of the instrumented city concept to resolve air quality problems.
4M Monitoring, Modelling, Mapping and Management - EP/E038425/1. Led by the University of De Montfort in collaboration with the University collaboration of Newcastle, Loughborugh, De Montfort, Sheffield and Leeds. Funded by the EPSRC. A Sustainable Urban Environment second call project total £2.5m of which ~£500k to Newcastle University. January 2008 – December 2010.
UKEIRI funded by the British Council PhD Student Exchange on Air Quality Modelling Start Date March 2009.
SWITCH-EV funded by the TSB in collaboration with Newcastle City Council, tnei-Future Transport Systems, OneNE, Nissan. Start Date March 2010
LAMPPOST - In collaboration with Kings College London start date June 2010
MESSAGE: Mobile Environmental Sensing System Across Grid Environments – EP/E002013/01. Led by Imperial College in collaboration with the Universities of Newcastle, Cambridge, Leeds and Southampton. Jointly funded by the Department for Transport and EPSRC. An e-Science Application. Total £3.2m, £477,000 ITS (£382,805 fEc) Of which ~ £90k Transferred to Newcastle University. Oct 2006 – Sept 2009 - Final Report January 2010
FUTURES project (Future Urban Technology Undertaking Research to Enhance Sustainability) - GR/S90881/01. Joint with ERRI and in collaboration with the University of Southampton and the University of West of England. Core project ENTICE, Environment assessment of New Technology with Improved Confidence. EPSRC: Sustainable Urban Environment Call 1, £236,417, Apr 2004 – Mar 2009 - Final Report July 2009. FUTURES PhD studentship. Glyn Rhys-Tyler October 2007 – September 2010
RETEMM: Real world Traffic Emissions Monitoring and Modelling. Joint with ERRI and in collaboration with the cities of York, Leeds and Leicester and Ford. EPSRC -GR/S31136/0, £678,000 to Leeds University and £860 to Newcastle University, Apr 2004 – Final Report January 2008
Platform Grant Renewal LANTERN, Leeds health, Air pollution, Noise, Traffic, Emissions Research Network - GR/T26610/01. Joint with Alison Tomlin Energy Research Resource Institute ERRI, University of Leeds. EPSRC, £440,357 to Leeds University, Jan 04 - Dec 08, £1,632 to Newcastle University, Completed.
Industrial Relevance
The nature of the research carried requires access to the traffic and pollution monitoring and modelling infrastructures and thus relies on the support from local authorities and national governmant agencies. Research is delivered in partnership with local authorities, industries and consultants to mutuak benefit and therefore relevant to a wide range of stakeholders.
Undergraduate Teaching
Contributed Workshop for the Group Projects DSES1: Transport
Supervision of Undergraduate Dissertations for the BSc and MEng undergraduate degrees
Postgraduate Teaching
Contribute to MSc Taught Modules as follows
CIV8004 Quantitative Methods, CIV 8109 Air Pollution and CIV8414 TEMS: Transport and Environment Management for Sustainability
Dissertation Supervisor for MSc projects
- Marouf SS, Bell MC, Goodman PS, Neasham J, Neasham J, Namdeo AK. Comprehensive study of the response of inexpensive low energy wireless sensors for traffic noise monitoring. Applied Acoustics 2020, 169, 107451.
- Akgün N, Daniels S, Bell MC, Nuyttens N, Thorpe N, Dissanayake D. Exploring regional differences in cyclist safety at roundabouts: A comparative study between the UK (based on Northumbria data) and Belgium. Accident Analysis & Prevention 2021, 150, 105902.
- Dheeraj Alshettya V, Kuppilia SK, Shiva Nagendra SM, Ramadurai G, Sethi V, Kumar R, Sharma N, Namdeo A, Bell MC, Goodman PS, Chatterton T, Barnes J, De Vito L, Longhurst J. Characteristics of tail pipe (Nitric oxide) and resuspended dust emissions from urban roads – A case study in Delhi city. Journal of Transport and Health 2020, 17, 100653.
- Sykes P, Bell MC, Dissanayake D. Identifying the Factors Driving the Uncertainty in Transport Infrastructure Project by Application of Structural Dynamic Analysis to a Backcast Scenario. Futures 2019, 111, 26-41.
- Sykes P, Bell MC, Dissanayake D. Using Scenario-Based Elicitation in Analysis of Uncertainty in a Transport Infrastructure Project. Transportation Research Procedia 2020, 45, 963-970.
- Vito LDE, Chatterton T, Namdeo A, Nagendra S, Gulia S, Goyal S, Bell M, Goodman P, Longhurst J, Hayes E, Kumar R, Sethi V, Gitakrishnan Ramadurai SB, Majumder S, Menon JS, Turamari MN, Barnes J. Air pollution in Delhi: A review of past and current policy approaches. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 2018, 230, 441-451.
- Sykes P, Bell MC, Dissanayake D. Combined use of a backcast scenario and cross-impact matrix analysis to identify causes of uncertainty in a nascent transport infrastructure project. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 2018, 116, 124-140.
- Akgun N, Dissanayake D, Thorpe N, Bell MC. Cyclist Casualty Severity at Roundabouts – To What Extent Do the Geometric Characteristics of Roundabouts Play a Part?. Journal of Safety Research 2018, 67, 83-91.
- Ali F, Dissanayake D, Bell MC, Farrow M. Investigating Car Users’ Attitudes to Climate Change Using Multiple Correspondence Analysis. Journal of Transport Geography 2018, 72, 237-247.
- Marouf S, Bell M, Goodman P, Namdeo A, Neasham J. Pervasive wireless sensors: A new monitoring tool for road traffic noise evaluation. Applied Acoustics 2018, 135, 48-59.
- Sykes P, Bell MC, Dissanayake D. A Method to Identify Uncertainty in Transport Planning. In: 49th Annual UTSG Conference. 2017, Dublin, Ireland: Universities' Transport Study Group.
- Ali F, Dissanayake D, Bell MC. Investigating Transport User Attitudes to Climate Change Using Multiple Correspondence Analysis. In: UTSG Annual Conference. 2017, Dublin, Irleand.
- Narh AT, Thorpe N, Bell MC, Hill GA. Do New Sources of Traffic Data Make the Application of Chaos Theory to Traffic Management a Realistic Possibility?. Transport Reviews 2016, 36(5), 635-658.
- Aditjandra PT, Galatioto F, Bell MC, Zunder TH. Evaluating the impacts of urban freight traffic: application of micro-simulation at a large establishment. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 2016, 16(1), 4-22.
- Marouf S, Namdeo A, Bell M, Goodman P. Evaluation of Pervasive Wireless Sensors to Monitor and Model Road Traffic Noise. In: 48th Annual UTSG Conference. 2016, Bristol, UK: University of West of England.
- Catalano M, Galatioto F, Bell M, Namdeo A, Bergantino AS. Improving the prediction of air pollution peak episodes generated by urban transport networks. Environmental Science and Policy 2016, 60, 69-83.
- Kumar P, Martani C, Morawska L, Norford L, Choudhary R, Bell M, Leach M. Indoor air quality and energy management through real-time sensing in commercial buildings. Energy and Buildings 2016, 111, 145-153.
- Allinson A, Irvine KN, Edmondson JL, Tiwary A, Hill G, Morris J, Bell M, Davies ZG, Firth SK, Fisher J, Gaston KJ, Leake JR, McHugh N, Namdeo A, Rylatt M, Lomas K. Measurement and analysis of household carbon: the case of a UK city. Applied Energy 2016, 164, 871–881.
- Kumar P, Skouloudis AN, Bell M, Viana M, Carotta MC, Biskos G, Morawska L. Real-time sensors for indoor air monitoring and challenges ahead in deploying them to urban buildings. Science of the Total Environment 2016, 560-561, 150-159.
- Wen P, Zhao PJ, Bell MC. The Effects of Infill Developments on Residents' Travel Behaviors. In: Bridging the East and West: Theories and Practices of Transportation in the Asia Pacific. 2016, Hsinchu, Taiwan: American Society of Civil Engineers.
- Wen P, Zhao P, Bell MC. The Effects of Infill Developments on Residents' Travel Behaviors. In: Bridging the East and West: Theories and Practices of Transportation in the Asia Pacific - Selected Papers from the Proceedings of the 11th Asia Pacific Transportation Development Conference and the 29th ICTPA Annual Conference. 2016, Hsinchu, Taiwan: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
- Bell M, Sarkar PK, Dissanayake D, Namdeo A. A Methodological Framework to Estimate GHG from Travel Pattern of Tyne & Wear of Newcastle, UK with Various Policy Options using Fuzzy Logic Modal Split Model. International Journal of Engineering Science Invention 2015, 4(10), 1-12.
- Bell M, Sarkar PK, Dissanayake D, Namdeo A. A Methodological Framework to Estimate GHG from Travel Pattern of Tyne and Wear of Newcastle, UK with Various Policy Options using Fuzzy Logic Modal Split Model. In: 25th World Road Congress World Road Association (PIARC). 2015, Seoul, South Korea.
- Galatioto F, Franco P, Bell MC, Christgen B. Can food waste feed UK waste collection fleets? A sustainable approach to waste Management. In: 47th Annual UTSG Conference. 2015, London, UK.
- Franco P, Galatioto F, Bell MCB. Can food waste feed UK waste collection fleets? A sustainable approach to waste Management. In: 47th Annual UTSG Conference. 2015, City University London.
- Gulliver J, Morley D, Vienneau D, Fabbri F, Bell MC, Goodman P, Beevers S, Dajnak D, Kelly FJ, Fecht D. Development of an open-source road traffic noise model for exposure assessment. Environmental Modelling & Software 2015, 74, 183-193.
- Franco P, Galatioto F, Bhouri N, Bell M. Development of Self Awareness Principles for a Public Transport Decision Support System. In: TU1102 "Autonomic Road Transport Systems" Final Conference. 2015, Bordeaux, France.
- Wen P, Goodman P, Namdeo A, Bell MC, Zhao P. Effect of land use planning on transport sustainability. In: 47th Annual UTSG Conference. 2015, City University London, UK.
- Clarkson J, Thorpe N, Bell M, Goodman P. Examining pedestrian attitudes and behaviour: Implications for the design of shared space. In: 47th Annual UTSG Conference. 2015, London, UK.
- Morley DW, de Hoogh K, Fecht D, Fabbri F, Bell M, Goodman PS, Elliott P, Hodgson S, Hansell AL, Gulliver J. International scale implementation of the CNOSSOS-EU road traffic noise prediction model for epidemiological studies. Environmental Pollution 2015, 206, 332-341.
- O'Hare J, Thorpe N, Namdeo A, Bell M. Piloting methods to explore the influence of hard and soft environmental factors on cycling behaviour across social groups. In: 47th Annual UTSG Conference. 2015, City University London.
- Bell MC, Bergantino AS, Catalano M, Galatioto F. Prediction of air pollution peaks generated by urban transport networks. Working papers SIET 2015 2015.
- Bell MC, Galatioto F, Hoogendoorn RG. Quantifying the impact of autonomic system control motorway traffic using a micro modelling approach. In: 47th Annual UTSG Conference. 2015, London, UK.
- Kumar P, Morawska L, Martani C, Biskos G, Neophytou M, Di Sabatino S, Bell M, Norford L, Britter R. The rise of low-cost sensing for managing air pollution in cities. Environment International 2015, 75, 199-205.
- Atmani D, Galatioto F, Bhouri N, Franco P, Bell M, Lebacque JP, Haj-Salem H. Towards autonomic transport systems in a multi-modal environment. In: 22nd ITS World Congress, 5-9 October 2015. 2015, Bordeaux, France.
- Atmani D, Galatioto F, Bhouri N, Franco P, Lebacque JP, Bell MC, Salem HH. Towards the introduction of an autonomous transportation line in a multimodal transportation system. In: Autonomic Road Transport Support systems Early Career Researcher Conference. 2015, La Valletta, Malta.
- Galatioto F, Huang Y, Parry T, Bird R, Bell MC. Traffic modelling in system boundary expansion of road pavement life cycle assessment. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 2015, 36, 65-75.
- O'Brien J, Namdeo A, Bell MC, Goodman P. A congestion sensitive approach to modelling road network for air quality management. International Journal of Environment and Pollution 2014, 54(2/3/4), 213-221.
- Catalano M, Galatioto F, Bell MC, Bergantino AS, Migliore M. Air Quality forecast associated to traffic and traffic management. In: XVI Scientific Meeting of the Società Italiana di Economia dei Trasporti e della Logistica. 2014, Florence, Italy: Regional Institute for Economic Planning of Tuscany.
- Bell MC, Hoogendoorn KG, Galatioto F. Autonomic decision support system for traffic and environment management. In: Road Transport Information and Control Conference 2014 (RTIC 2014). 2014, London, UK: IET.
- Bell MC, Galatioto F, Hoogendoorn R. Autonomic Decision Support System for Traffic and Environment Management. In: Road Transport Information and Control (RTIC) Conference 2014. 2014, London, UK: IET.
- Yosritzal Y, Dissanayake D, Bell M. Important-Satisfaction Analysis of Rail Services in the UK with respect to Travel Time Use. In: The 17th FSTPT International Symposium. 2014, Jember, Indonesia.
- Aditjandra P, Galatioto F, Bell MC, Zunder T. Investigating the Impact of Local Attractors and Generators of Freight Traffic: The Case Study of Newcastle University. In: 46th Annual UTSG Conference. 2014, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
- Franco P, Galatioto F, Bell MC. Investigation of alternative and more sustainable regional transport waste collection strategies using macro and micro scale level approaches. In: 46th Universities Transport Study Group Annual conference - UTSG 2014. 2014, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
- Goodman P, Namdeo A, Galatioto F, Bell MC, Foster E, Shield C. Investigation of the emission and air quality impacts of Low Emission Zone (LEZ) scenarios in Newcastle and Gateshead, UK. In: 16th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes. 2014, Varna, Bulgaria.
- Clarkson J, Thorpe N, Goodman P, Bell MC, Galatioto F. Modelling the Interactions Between Pedestrians and Vehicles in Shared Spaces. In: 46th Annual UTSG Conference. 2014, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
- Hill GA, Bell MC, Blythe PT. Quantifying a cellular automata simulation of electric vehicles. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 2014, 416, 421–429.
- Huang Y, Galatioto F, Parry T, Bird R, Bell MC. Road Pavement Maintenance Life Cycle Assessment – A UK Case Study. In: International Symposium on Pavement LCA 2014. 2014, Davis, California, USA.
- AYODELE E, BELL MC, THORPE N, GALATIOTO F. The Role of Bluetooth in Autonomic Decision Support Systems. In: 46th Annual UTSG Conference. 2014, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Newcastle University.
- Galatioto F, Bell MC, Hill G. Understanding the characteristics of the microenvironments in urban street canyons through analysis of pollution measured using a novel pervasive sensor array. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2014, 186(11), 7443-7460.
- Narh A, Hill G, Thorpe N, Bell M. Using Chaos Theory to Identify the Dynamical States of Road Traffic in Signalised Urban Networks. In: 46th Annual UTSG Conference. 2014, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: UTSG.
- Bell MC, Galatioto F, Chakravartty A, Namdeo A. A novel approach for investigating the trends in nitrogen dioxide levels in UK cities. Environmental Pollution 2013, 183, 184-194.
- Ayodele E, Bell MC, Galatioto F, Thorpe N. A Study of the Potential Use of Bluetooth Sensor Data in Delivering Sustainable Transport Networks. In: 45th Annual Universities' Transport Study Group Conference (UTSG 2013). 2013, Oxford, UK: UTSG.
- Bell MC, Galatioto F, Migliore M, Ristagno SS. Air quality model validation in urban area: a new approach using a wireless pervasive sensor system. In: Crisalli, U; Cipriani, E; Fusco, G, ed. External costs of transport systems: Theory and applications. Franco Angeli, 2013, pp.336.
- Robinson AP, Blythe PT, Bell MC, Hübner Y, Hill GA. Analysis of electric vehicle driver recharging demand profiles and subsequent impacts on the carbon content of electric vehicle trips. Energy Policy 2013, 61, 337-348.
- Galatioto F, Bell MC. Exploring the processes governing roadside pollutant concentrations in urban street canyon. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2013, 20(7), 4750-4765.
- Franco P, Bell MC, Galatioto F. Investigating sustainable transport policies for solid household waste disposal: Case study in the North East of England. In: 45th UTSG Annual Conference. 2013, Oxford, UK.
- Franco P, Bell MC, Galatioto F. Investigating sustainable transport policies for solid household waste disposal: Case study in the North East of England. In: 45th Universities' Transport Study Group Conference (UTSG 2013). 2013, Oxford, UK.
- Aditjandra PT, Galatioto F, Bell MC, Zunder TH, Woroniuk C, Carnaby B. Investigating the impact of local attractors and generators of Heavy Goods Vehicle traffic: The case study of Newcastle University. 2013.
- Bell MC, Chakravarttya A, Galatioto F, Namdeo A. Investigating the Underlying Trends in NO2 Levels in UK Cities. In: 45th Universities' Transport Study Group Conference (UTSG 2013). 2013, Oxford, UK.
- Bell MC, Galatioto F. Novel wireless pervasive sensor network to improve the understanding of noise in street canyons. Applied Acoustics 2013, 74(1), 169-180.
- Bell MC, Galatioto F, Franco P, Benson R. Role of bus hubs with electric vehicles and smartcards technologies in reaching 2050 emissions targets. In: 9th ITS European Congress. 2013, Dublin, Ireland: ERTICO.
- Franco P, Galatioto F, Bell MC. Sustainable transport for waste collection: Case of North East of England. In: 9th ITS European Congress 2013. 2013, Dublin.
- Tiwary A, Namdeo A, Fuentes J, Dore A, Hu X, Bell M. Systems scale assessment of the sustainability implications of emerging green initiatives. Environmental Pollution 2013, 183, 213-223.
- Galatioto F, Giuffrè T, Bell MC, Tesoriere G. Analysis and modelling of effects of traffic light operations variability to violation rates at junction. Modern Applied Science 2012, 6(10), 53.
- Robinson AP, Blythe PT, Bell MC, Hübner Y, Hill GA. Analysis of Electric Vehicle Driver Charging Behaviour and Use of Charging Infrastructure. In: 18th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems. 2012, Vienna, Austria.
- Bell MC, Ayodele E, Galatioto F. Creating an evaluation platform to deliver sustainable urban networks using Bluetooth technology. In: 19TH ITS World Congress. 2012, Vienna, Austria.
- Bell MC, Galatioto F, Hill G, James P. Decision support system monitoring and modelling platform to inform policy and management strategies to reduce environmental impacts of traffic. In: Road Transport Information and Control (RTIC) Conference. 2012, London.
- Galatioto F, Bell MC, Hill G, Rose P, Hodges N. Evaluation of carbon reduction traffic measures employing a novel approach to micro-simulation modelling of real-world emissions. In: 19TH ITS World Congress. 2012, Vienna, Austria.
- Franco P, Bell MC, Salvo G. Il processo di riordino del sistema di trasporto pubblico locale: l’esperienza inglese a confronto con la realtà italiana. In: G. Fancello, ed. Metodi e modelli per l'ingegneria dei trasporti nelle scuole di dottorato. SIDT giovani 2009, Cagliari. Cagliari, Italy: Padova University Press, 2012.
- Tiwary A, Namdeo A, Bell M, Fuentes JD, Hu X, Dore CJ. Implications for air quality in green cities: Case study for urban energy demand in North East England. In: Urban Environmental Pollution Conference - Creating healthy, liveable cities. 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Huebner Y, Robinson A, Blythe PT, Hill G, Bell M. Investigating the Potential to Influence the Behaviour of Electric Vehicle Users’ Recharging Behaviour to Reduce Well to Wheel Carbon Emissions. In: 26th Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS26). 2012, Los Angeles, USA: Curran Associates.
- Bell MC, Galatioto F, Giuffrè T, Tesoriere G. Novel application of red-light runner proneness theory within traffic microsimulation to an actual signal junction. Accident Analysis & Prevention 2012, 46, 26-36.
- Namdeo A, Sohel I, Cairns J, Bell MC, Khare M, Nagendra S. Performance evaluation of air quality dispersion models in Delhi, India. In: Rauch, S and Morrison, GM, ed. Urban Environment: Proceedings of the 10th Urban Environment Symposium. Dordrecht: Springer, 2012, pp.121-132.
- Bell MC, Franco P, Galatioto F, Rhys-Tyler G, Namdeo A, Tiwary A, Goodman P, Namdeo D. SECURE (SElf Conserving URban Environments) project: The route to delivering transport sustainability. In: 1st International Conference on Urban Sustainability and resilience. 2012, London.
- Franco P, Bell MC, Galatioto F. The role of electronic vehicle and fare data for carbon accounting in the delivery of sustainable bus operation. In: 19th ITS World Congress. 2012, Vienna, Austria.
- Rhys-Tyler GA, Bell MC. Toward reconciling instantaneous roadside measurements of light duty vehicle exhaust emissions with type approval driving cycles. Environmental Science & Technology 2012, 46(19), 10532-10538.
- Galatioto F, Giuffrè T, Bell MC, Tesoriere G, Campisi T. Traffic microsimulation model to predict variability of red-light running influenced by traffic light operations in urban area. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences 2012, 53, 872-880.
- Rose P, Bell MC, Galatioto F, Hodges N. Using integrated air quality data through utmc to better inform traffic operators and other stakeholders. In: 19th ITS World Congress. 2012, Vienna, Austria.
- Tiwary A, Namdeo AK, Dore A, Bell MC. Aerosol loading in an urban environment from a biofuel based CHPplant: assessment and mitigation. Procedia Environmental Sciences 2011, 4, 71-75.
- Tiwary A, Robins A, Namdeo AK, Bell MC. Air flow and concentration fields at urban road intersections for improved understanding of personal exposure. Environment International 2011, 37(5), 1005-1018.
- Bell MC, Galatioto F, Hill G, Hodges N, Neasham J. Application of low cost pervasive monitoring to validate models and assess performance of ITS technology implemented to improve the environment. In: 8th ITS European Congress. 2011, Lyon, France.
- Bell MC, Galatioto F, Hill G. Comprehensive analysis of traffic congestion over a decade to evaluate carbon emissions impacts of transport policy. In: 43rd Annual UTSG Conference. 2011, Milton Keynes: Universities' Transport Study Group (UTSG).
- Rhys-Tyler GA, Bell MC. Informing air quality management strategies using vehicle exhaust emissions data from remote sensing: A case study of London. In: Proceedings of the 43rd Universities Transport Studies Group Conference. 2011, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
- Galatioto F, Bell MC, Hodges N, James P, Hill G. Integration of low-cost sensors with utmc for assessing environmental impacts of traffic in urban area. In: 18th ITS World Congress. 2011, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- Franco P, Galatioto F, Bell MC, Salvo G. Role of interaction between public transport and non-motorised mobility in the sustainability of transport. In: XVIII International Conference: Living and Walking in Cities - Sustainable Mobility and Road Safety. 2011, Brescia: Egaf.
- Rhys-Tyler GA, Legassick W, Bell MC. The significance of vehicle emissions standards for levels of exhaust pollution from light vehicles in an urban area. Atmospheric Environment 2011, 45(19), 3286-3293.
- Bell MC, Galatioto F, Hill G, Rose P. Using an integrated data platform to evaluate the environmental impact of events and ITS interventions. In: 18th ITS World Congress. 2011, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- Rhys-Tyler GA, Bell MC. Derivation of predictive models of vehicle exhaust emissions from instrumented vehicle measurements: Analytical and statistical challenges. In: Proceedings of the 42nd Universities Transport Studies Group Conference. 2010, University of Plymouth, UK.
- Tiwary A, Namdeo AK, Bell MC. Secondary aerosol generation potential in an urban environment from a biofuel based decentralised electricity production plant: assessment and mitigation. In: Urban Environmental Pollution. 2010, Boston, USA.
- Suresh V, Hill G, Blythe P, Bell M. Smart infrastructure for carbon foot print analysis of electric vehicles. In: IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC. 2010, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal: IEEE.
- Suresh V, Hill G, Blythe PT, Bell M. Smart infrastructure for carbon foot print analysis of Electric Vehicles. In: 13th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2010, Madeira Island, Portugal: IEEE.
- Lomas KJ, Bell MC, Firth SK, Gaston KJ, Goodman P, Leake JR, Namdeo A, Rylatt M, Allinson D, Davies ZG, Edmondson J, Galatioto F, Guo L, Hill G, Irvine K, Taylor SC, Tiwary A. The carbon footprint of UK cities : 4M: Measurement, modelling, mapping and management. In: Gossop,C, ed. Sustainable city / developing world. The Hague, Netherlands: ISOCARP, 2010, pp.168-191.
- Franco P, Bell MC, LoPresti M. The public transport role in the development of new dwelling in linear metropolis: the case study of Tyne and Wear (UK). In: XVII International Conference on Living and walking in cities, Linear metropolis. 2010, Brescia, Italy: Egaf.
- Bell MC, Galatioto F, Hill G. Using real-time aggregated data sets to continually improve prediction by neural networks. In: 42nd Annual UTSG Conference. 2010, University of Plymouth.
- Huang Y, Bird R, Bell M. A comparative study of the emissions by road maintenance works and the disrupted traffic using life cycle assessment and micro-simulation. Transportation Research. Part D: Transport & Environment 2009, 14(3), 197-204.
- Blythe PT, Neesham J, Sharif B, Watson P, Bell MC, Edwards S, Suresh V. A low cost wireless environmental sensor system for road networks. In: 16th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services. 2009, Stockholm, Sweden: ERTICO - ITS Europe.
- Bell MC, Galatioto F, Hill G, Mohammad A. Automatic evaluation of environmental impacts of Traffic Demand Management Strategies. In: 41st Annual UTSG Conference. 2009, UCL, London: Universities' Transport Study Group.
- Cohen J, North RJ, Wilkins S, Richards M, Hoose N, Polak JW, Bell MC, Blythe PT, Sharif B, Neasham J, Galatioto F, Suresh V, Hill G. Creating the Message Infrastructure. Traffic Engineering and Control 2009, 50(11), 480-483.
- Suresh V, Watson P, Bell MC, Neasham J. Decision Support for Intelligent Traffic and Environment Management. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2009. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1133.
- Bell M, Suresh V, Galatioto F, Watson P. Decision Support for Intelligent Traffic and Environment Management. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2009. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1168.
- Bell MC, Suresh V, Galatioto F, Watson P. Decision Support For Intelligent Traffic And Environment Management. In: The Future in Clean Transport: 16TH ITS World Congress. 2009, Stockholm, Sweden: Intelligent Transport Systems.
- North RJ, Cohen J, Wilkins S, Richards M, Hoose N, Polak JW, Bell MC, Blythe P, Sharif B, Neasham J, Suresh V, Galatioto F, Hill G. Field deployments of the MESSAGE System for environmental monitoring. Traffic Engineering & Control 2009, 50(11), 484-488.
- Rhys-Tyler GA, Bell MC. Influencing driver behaviour for environmental benefit: The role of ITS technologies. In: Proceedings of the 16th ITS World Congress. 2009, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Bell MC, Galatioto F, Hill G, Namdeo A. Modelling environmental impacts of traffic using a new generation of pervasive sensors. In: 16th World Congress for ITS Systems and Services. 2009, Stockholm, Sweden: Intelligent Transport Systems.
- Bell MC, Galatioto F. Novel wireless pervasive sensors network to improve the understanding of noise across urban areas”, proceeding. In: EURONOISE: 8th European Conference on Noise Control. 2009, Edinburgh: Institute of Acoustics.
- Ropkins K, Beebe J, Li H, Daham B, Tate J, Bell MC. Real-world vehicle exhaust emissions: review and critical discussion. Critical Review in Environmental Science and Technology 2009, 39(2), 79-152.
- Hodges N, Bell MC, Galatioto F, Hill G, Neasham JA, Suresh V. Sustainable Network Management – The Integration Of Intelligent Transport Systems And “Grid Enabled” Pervasive Sensors. In: 16th World Congress for Intelligent Transport Systems and Services. 2009, Stockholm: Intelligent Transport Systems.
- Rhys-Tyler GA, Bell MC. Understanding the significance of variability in driver behaviour on tailpipe emissions of a Euro IV spark ignition passenger car. In: Proceedings of the 41st Universities Transport Studies Group Conference. 2009, University College London, UK.
- Safour A, Dissanayake D, Bell MC, Thorpe N. Using hazard-based models to explain changes in the duration of journey-to-work trips. In: 41st Annual UTSG Conference. 2009, London: Universities' Transport Studies Group.
- Blythe PT, Sharif B, Watson P, Bell MC, Edwards S, Neasham J, Suresh V, Wagner J, Bryan H. An environmental sensor system for pervasively monitoring road networks. In: IET - Road Transport Information and Control. 2008, Manchester: IEEE.
- Chen H, Namdeo A, Bell M. Classification of road traffic and roadside pollution concentrations for assessment of personal exposure. Environmental Modelling & Software 2008, 23(3), 282-287.
- Bell MC. Environmental factors in future transport. Foresight Intelligent Infrastructure Systems Project, 2008. Proceedings of the 40th University Transport Studies Group Conference Southampton.
- Zito P, Chen H, Bell MC. Predicting real-time roadside CO and NO2 concentrations using neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2008, 9(3), 514-522.
- Bell MC. Presentation on the "The Role of ITS in Delivering Sustainability". In: STaR (Science Technology and Research) City Training Course. 2008, Obidos, Portugal.
- Ropkins K, Li H, Hawley G, Chen H, Tate JE, Andrews G, Bell MC. Robust surrogate measurement correction using generalised additive model. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 2008, 95(2), 164-169.
- Hodges NJM, Bell MC. The integration of Air Quality Monitoring & Modelling and Intelligent Transport Sytems - Leicester (UK). In: 17th International Symposium - Transport and Air Pollution. 2008, Graz, Austria.
- Bell MC. The use of the speed-flow curve to demonstrate the effect of new technologies. In: Proceedings of the 40th University Transport Studies Group Conference. 2008, Southampton: UTSG.
- Bell MC, Rhys-Tyler GA. Understanding the effects on tailpipe emissions of integrated vehicle and systems technologies. In: Proceedings of the 15th ITS World Congress. 2008, New York, USA.
- Bell MC, Suresh V, Blythe PT, Watson P. UTMC Compliant Database to Support Technologies of the Future. In: IET Road Traffic Information and Control Conference. 2008, Manchester, UK: IEEE.
- Bell M, Suresh V, Watson P, Blythe P. UTMC Compliant Database to Support Technologies of the Future. Newcastle upon Tyne: School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2008. School of Computing Science Technical Report Series 1085.
- Neasham JA, Sharif BS, Blythe PT, Bell MC. A pervasive sensor network for environmental and traffic monitoring. In: 1st Smart Environment Interest Group Conference. 2007, London.
- Li H, Andrews GE, Khan AA, Savvidis D, Daham BK, Bell MC, Tate JE, Ropkins K. Analysis of Driving Parameters and Emissions for Real World Urban Driving Cycles using an on-board Measurement Method for a EURO 2 SI car. SAE International: University of Leeds, 2007. SAE Technical Paper Series 2007-01-2066.
- Li H, Andrews GE, Khan AA, Daham BK, Bell MC, Tate JE, Ropkins K. Driving Parameters and Emissions for Two Real World Urban Driving cycles using a EURO 2 SI car. In: Fuels and Lubricants Conference. 2007, Kyoto, Japan.
- Li H, Andrews GE, Daham BK, Bell MC, Tate JE, Ropkins K. Impact of traffic conditions and road geometry on real world urban emissions using a SI car. In: SAE Technical Paper Series World Congress. 2007, Detroit, Michigan: SAE International.
- Carslaw DC, Beevers SD, Bell MC. Risks of exceeding the hourly EU limit value for nitrogen dioxide resulting from increased road transport emissions of primary nitrogen dioxide. Atmospheric Environment 2007, 41(10), 2073-2082.
- Li H, Andrews GE, Savvidis D, Daham BK, Bell MC, Tate JE, Ropkins K. Study of thermal characteristics, fuel consumption and emissions during cold start using an on-board measurement system for SI car real world urban driving. In: JSAE Technical Paper Series; Fuels and Lubricants Conference. 2007, Kyoto, Japan: SAE.
- Li H, Andrews GE, Savvidis D, Daham B, Ropkins K, Bell M, Tate J. Study of thermal characteristics, fuel consumption and emissions during cold start using an on-board measuring method for SI car real world urban driving. Civil Engineering and Geosciences, 2007. SAE Technical Paper Series 2007-01-2065.
- Andrews GE, Ounzain AM, Li H, Bell MC, Tate JE, Ropkins K. The use of a water/lube oil heat exchanger and enhanced cooling water heating to increase water and lube oil heating rates in passenger cars for reduced fuel consumption and CO2 emissions during cold start. In: SAE Technical Paper Series: Fuels and Lubricants Conference. 2007, Kyoto, Japan: SAE.
- Bell MC. Transportation: Movement of people and goods. In: 46th Dornbirn Man-Made Fibres Congress. 2007, Austria.
- Bell MC, Chen H, Wang W. Analysis of vehicle breakdown incident duration. In: 13th International Congress and Exhibition in Intelligent Transport Systems. 2006, Excel Conference Centre, London.
- Carslaw DC, Ropkins K, Bell MC. Change-point detection of gaseous and particulate traffic-related pollutants at a roadside location. Environmental Science & Technology 2006, 40(22), 6912-6918.
- Carslaw DC, Beever SD, Ropkins K, Bell MC. Detecting and quantifying aircraft and other on-airport contributions to ambient nitrogen oxide in the vicinity of a large international airport. Atmospheric Environment 2006, 40(28), 5424-5434.
- Bell MC. Environmental Factors in Intelligent Transport Systems. IEE Proceedings: Intelligent Transport Systems 2006, 153(2), 113-128.
- Li H, Ropkins K, Andrews GE, Daham B, Bell MC, Tate J, Hawley G. Evaluation of a FTIR emission measurement system for legislated emissions using a SI car. In: SAE Proceedings: Powertrain & Fluid Systems Conference & Exhibition. 2006, Toronto, Canada: SAE.
- Andrews GA, Bell MC, Daham B, Li H, Ropkins K, Tate JE. Evaluation of a wide area traffic management strategy in the City of Leeds (UK) using a probe vehicle equipped with on-board emission monitoring instrumentation. In: Proceedings of Transport and Air Pollution Conference,15th International Conference on Transport and Air Pollution. 2006, Reims, France: EMISIA.
- Beecroft M, McDonald M, Bell MC, Lyons G. Futures, future urban technologies – undertaking research to enhance sustainability. In: 13th International Congress and Exhibition in Intelligent Transport Systems. 2006, Excel Conference Centre, London.
- Hodges N, Chen H, Bell MC. Intelligent transport systems and the intelligent city in Leicester. In: 13th International Congress and Exhibition in Intelligent Transport Systems. 2006, Excel Conference Centre, London.
- Blythe PT, Bell MC, Sharif B, Watson P. Pervasive Environmental Monitoring using Smartdust: The MESSAGE Project. In: Proceedings of IET Seminar on RFID and Electronic Vehicle Identification, The Institution of Engineering and Technology. 2006, Newcastle, UK: IET.
- Ropkins K, Quinn R, Beebe JF, Li H, Daham B, Tate J, Bell MC, Andrews GE. Real-world Comparison of Probe Vehicle Emissions and Fuel Consumption using Diesel and 5% Biodiesel (B5) blend. Science of the Total Environment 2006, 376(1-3), 267–284.
- Li H, Andrews GE, Daham BK, Bell MC, Tate JE, Ropkins K. Study of the emissions generated at intersections for a SI car under real world urban driving conditions. In: SAE World Congress: Emission: Measurement, Testing and Modeling. 2006, USA: SAE.
- Li H, Andrews GE, Daham B, Bell MC, Tate JE, Ropkins K. Study of the Emissions Generated at Intersections for a SI Car under Real World Urban Driving Conditions. In: SAE 2006 World Congress & Exhibition. 2006, Detroit, MI, USA: SAE.
- Goodman PS, Bell MC, Skelton P. Understanding the effects of uncertainties in the HARMONOISE road source model. In: Euronoise 2006, The 6th European Conference on Noise Control. 2006, Tampere, Finland.
- Goodman PS, Bell MC, Skelton P, Gray P. Use of remote sensing data in noise mapping – A case study for Leicester, UK. In: The 13th International Congress on Sound and Vibration. 2006, Vienna, Austria: ICSV.
- Tate JE, Bell MC, Papatzikou E. Utilizing floating vehicle data to improve calibration and validation of traffic micro simulation models. In: 13th International Congress and Exhibition in Intelligent Transport Systems. 2006, Excel Conference Centre, London.
- Wang W, Chen H, Bell MC. A Review of Traffic Incident Duration Analysis. Journal of Transportation systems Engineering and Information Technology 2005, 5(3), 127-140.
- Chen H, Namdeo AK, Bell MC. A study of road traffic classifications and roadside pollution concentrations. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Urban Air Quality: Measuring, Monitoring and Modelling. 2005, Valencia, Spain: Hatfield, Hertfordshire.
- Namdeo AK, Bell MC. Air quality modelling of a park and ride scheme in Leicester. In: A&WMA's 98th Annual Conference and Exhibition. 2005, Minneapolis, USA.
- Tate JE, Bell MC, Tomlin AS, Smalley RJ, Boddy JW. An experimental investigation of the variations in traffic flow characteristics and ambient air pollutant concentrations at the local-scale. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Urban Air Quality: Measuring, Monitoring and Modelling. 2005, Valencia, Spain: Hatfield, Hertfordshire.
- Daham BK, Andrews GE, Li H, Ballesteros R, Bell MC, Tate JE, Ropkins K. Application of a portable FTIR for measuring on-road emissions. In: SAE World Congress and Exhibition: Emissions Measurement and Testing 2005. 2005, Detroit, Michigan, USA: SAE.
- Daham B, Andrews GE, Li H, Ballesteros R, Bell MC, Tate J, Ropkins K. Application of a Portable FTIR for Measuring On-road Emissions. SAE, 2005. SAE Technical Paper Series 2005-01-0676.
- Bell M, Tate J, Ropkins K, Li H, Andrews GE, Zhu G, Daham B. Impact of Ambient Temperatures on Exhaust Thermal Characteristics during Cold Start for Real World SI Car Urban Driving Tests. 2005. SAE Paper Series 2005-01-3896.
- Li H, Andrews GE, Zhu G, Daham BK, Bell MC, Tate JE, Ropkins K. Impact of ambient temperatures on exhaust thermal characteristics during cold start for real-world SI car urban driving test. In: SAE Proceedings: Powertrain and Fluid Systems Conference and Exhibition. 2005, San Antonio, Texas, USA: SAE.
- Andrews GE, Li H, Wylie JA, Zhu G, Bell MC, Tate JE. Influence of ambient temperature on cold start emissions for EURO1 SI car using in-vehicle emissions measurement in an urban traffic jam test cycle. In: SAE World Congress and Exhibition. 2005, Detroit, Michigan, USA: SAE.
- Andrews GE, Li H, Wylie JA, Zhu G, Bell MC, Tate J. Influence of Ambient Temperature on Cold-start Emissions for a Euro 1 SI Car Using In-vehicle Emissions Measurement in an Urban Traffic Jam Test Cycle. SAE International, 2005. SAE Technical Paper Series 2005-01-1617.
- Ashmore MR, Bell MC, Chen H, Dimitroulopoulou S, Namdeo AK, Terry AC. Modelling Human Exposure to Air Pollution in Urban Populations. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Urban Air Quality: Measuring, Monitoring and Modelling. 2005, Valencia, Spain: Hatfield, Hertfordshire.
- Daham B, Andrews GE, Li H, Partridge M, Bell MC, Tate J. Quantifying the Effects of Traffic Calming on Emissions Using On-road Measurements. SAE International, 2005. SAE Technical paper Series 2005-01-1620.
- Daham BK, Andrews GE, Li H, Partridge M, Bell MC, Tate JE. Quantitying the effects of traffic calming on emissions using on-road measurement. In: SAE World Congress and Exhibition. 2005, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
- Tate JE, Bell MC, Liu R. The application of an integrated traffic microsimulation and instantaneous emission model to study the temporal and spatial variations in vehicular emissions at the local-scale. In: 14th International Conference on Transport and Air Pollution. 2005, Graz, Austria.
- Tomlin AS, Smalley RJ, Redmore J, Tate JE, Bell MC, Arnold S, Dobre AV, Barlow JF, Belcher SE. The influence of air flow regimes on the concentration of a traffic related pollutant in the vicinity of a complex urban junction. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Urban Air Quality: Measuring, Monitoring and Modelling. 2005, Valencia, Spain: Hatfield, Hertfordshire.
- Wilmink I, Goodman PS, Bell MC, Versteegt E. The role of ITS in noise mapping and noise action planning. In: 5th European Congress and Exhibition on ITS. 2005, Hannover, Germany.
- Boddy JWD, Smalley RJ, Goodman PS, Tate JE, Bell MC, Tomlin AS. The spatial variability in concentrations of a traffic-related pollutant in two street canyons in York, UK—Part II: The influence of traffic characteristics. Atmospheric Environment 2005, 39(17), 3163-3176.
- Wang W, Chen H, Bell MC. Vehicle breakdown duration modelling. Journal of Transportation and Statistics 2005, 8(1), 75-84.
- Namdeo AK, Bell MC. Air quality at roadside and urban centre locations in Leicester. In: 13th World Clean Air & Environmental Protection Congress & Exhibition. 2004, London, UK.
- Namdeo AK, Bell MC. Air quality at roadside and urban centre locations in Leicester. In: 13th World Clean Air & Environmental Protection Congress & Exhibition. 2004, London.
- Namdeo AK, Bell MC. Air quality modelling of strategic traffic demand modelling strategies. In: 13th World Clean Air & Environmental Protection Congress & Exhibition. 2004, London, UK.
- Namdeo A, Bell MC. Air Quality Modelling of Strategic Traffic Demand Modelling Strategies. In: 13th World Clean Air & Environmental Protection Congress & Exhibition. 2004, London.
- Namdeo AK, Bell MC. Characteristics and health implications of fine and coarse particulates at roadside, urban background and rural sites in UK. Environment International 2004, 31(4), 565-573.
- Chen H, Bell MC. Congestion classification using flow detectors. In: 10th World Conference on Transport Research. 2004, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Arnold SJ, Barlow JF, Belcher SE, Bell MC, Britter R, Cheng H, Colvile R, Dobre AV, Kaur S, Martin D, Neophytou M, Nickless G, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Price C, Robins A, Shallcross D, Smalley RJ, Tate J, Tomlin AS. Experiments in London: Dispersion of Air Pollution and its Penetration into the Local Environment—DAPPLE. In: Proceedings of the 5th World Clean Air Congress on the Urban Environment. 2004, London, UK.
- Namdeo AK, Bell MC. Fine and coarse particulates at roadside, urban background and rural monitoring sites in UK. In: 12th International Conference on Air Pollution. 2004, Rhodes, Greece.
- Arnold S, ApSimon H, Barlow JF, Belcher SE, Bell MC, Boddy JW, Britter R, Cheng H, Clarke R, Dimitroulopoulou S, Greally B, Kaur S, Knights A, Lawton T, Makepeace A, Martin D, Neophytou M, Neville A, Nickless G, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Price C, Robins A, Shallcross D, Simmonds P, Smalley RJ, Tate J, Tomlin AS, Walsh P, Wang H. Introduction to the DAPPLE Air Pollution Project. Science of the Total Environment 2004, 332(1-3), 139-153.
- Bell MC, Tomlin AS, Seakins PW, Kale GM, Watson A, Andrews GE, Routledge MN, Tate JE, Goodman PS. LANTERN - Leeds health Air pollution, Noise, Traffic and Emissions Research Network. 2004. MRC - Institute for Environment and Health.
- Colvile R, Kaur S, Bell MC, Britter R, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Robins A, Tomlin AS, Shallcross D. Personal exposure to air pollution at a street canyon intersection: implications for air quality management in the context of sustainable development. In: Proceedings of the 13th World Clean Air Congress & Environmental Protection Congress. 2004, London, UK.
- Bell MC, Namdeo AK, Chen H, Ashmore M, Terry AC, Dimitroulopoulou S. Reducing Urban Pollution Exposure from Road Transport (RUPERT). In: Tenth International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st Century. 2004, Dresden, Germany: WIT Press: Southampton.
- Colvile R, Kaur S, Britter R, Robins A, Bell MC, Shallcross D, Belcher SE, Tate JE. Sustainable development of urban transport systems and human exposure to air pollution. Science of the Total Environment 2004, 334-335, 481-487.
- Andrews G, Zhu G, Li H, Simpson A, Wylie J, Bell MC, Tate JE. The effect of ambient temperature on cold start urban traffic emissions for a real world SI car. In: Reprinted From: Emissions Measurement and Testing, Advanced Catalystsand Substrates, and Diesel Gaseous Emissions; Powertrain & Fluid Systems Conference and Exhibition. 2004, Tampa, Florida, USA.
- Andrews GE, Zhu G, Li H, Simpson A, Wylie JA, Bell MC, Tate JE. The Effect of Ambient Temperature on Cold-Start Urban Traffic Emissions for a Real-World SI Car. In: Emissions Measurement and Testing, Advanced Catalysts and Substrates, and Diesel Gaseous Emissions. 2004, Cobo Center, Detroit, Michigan, USA: SAE.
- Beebe JF, Bell MC, Tate JE. Analysis of modal emissions - Implications for air quality modelling and management. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Urban Air Quality. 2003, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Tate J, Beebe JF, Bell MC. Fundamental understanding of exhaust emissions. In: The Fourth International Conference on Urban Air Quality: Measurement, Modelling and Management. 2003, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Wang W, Chen H, Bell MC. A study of characteristics of motorway vehicle breakdown duration. In: Eleventh International Conference on Road Transport Information and Control. 2002, London, UK: IEE.
- Wang W, Chen H, Bell MC. A study of the characteristics of traffic incident duration on motorways. In: Third International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies. 2002, Guilin, People's Republic of China.
- Bell MC, Hodges NJM, Tate JE. Demand Responsive Traffic Systems to Control Pollution - Results from the Projects EFFECT+ and UTMC03. In: Eleventh International Symposium on Transport and Air Pollution. 2002, Graz, Austria.
- Chen H, Bell MC. Instrumented city database analysts using multi-agents. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 2002, 10(5-6), 419-432.
- Tate JE, Bell MC. Network monitoring, modelling and management to aid mitigate the impact of "event" traffic. In: Eleventh International Conference on Road Traffic Monitoring and Control. 2002, London, UK: IEE.
- Goodman PS, Bell MC, Hodges NJM. The AVTUNE Noise Model. In: Eleventh International Symposium on Transport and Air Pollution. 2002, Graz, Austria.
- Marsden GR, Bell MC. Road traffic pollution monitoring and modelling tools and the UK national air quality strategy. Local Environment 2001, 6(2), 181-197.
- Marsden G, Bell MC, Reynolds SA. Towards a real-time microscopic emissions model. Transportation Research. Part D: Transport & Environment 2001, 6(1), 37-60.
- Bell MC, Paksarsawan S. An integrated traffic environment and health management system. In: System Tenth IEE International Conference and Exhibition on Road Transport Information and Control. 2000, London, UK: IEE.
- Bell MC, Goodman PG, Tate JE. Analysis of Roadside Pollution Monitoring (RPM) Data in Belfast. Belfast City Council, Area Traffic Control Centre, 2000. Confidential Report prepared for Belfast City Council.
- Bell MC, Dolphin RW. Bicycles and Motorcycles: Urban Road Usage. 2000. NUTRG Contractual Report to TRRL 7.
- Tate J, Bell MC. Designing, implementing and evaluating a gating strategy to reduce pollution levels in sensitive areas of the urban environment. In: 10th IEE International Scientific Symposium on Transport and Air Pollution. 2000, Avignon, France.
- Ashmore MR, Batty K, Machin F, Gulliver J, Grossinho A, Elliott P, Tate JE, Bell MC, Livesley E, Briggs D. Effect of traffic management and transport mode on the exposure of schoolchildren to carbon monoxide. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2000, 65(1/2), 49-57.
- Ashmore MR, Batty K, Machin F, Gulliver J, Grossinho A, Elliott P, Tate J, Bell MC, Livesley E, Briggs D. Effects of traffic management and transport mode on the exposure of schoolchildren to carbon monoxide. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Urban Air Quality, Measurement, Modeling and Management. 2000, Madrid, Spain: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Bell MC. Estimation and Prediction of Roadside Pollution Using SCOOT and ADMS (Urban). In: Model Air & Waste Management Association 93rd Annual Conference & Exhibition, 18-22 June. 2000, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Bell MC, Jalihal S. Estimation and Prediction of Roadside Pollution using SCOOT and RPM Dat. In: Proceedings of the Air and Waste Management Association’s 93rd Annual Conference and Exhibition, Air and Waste Management Association. 2000, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
- Tate J, Bell MC. Evaluation of a traffic demand management strategy to improve air quality in urban areas. In: IEE Tenth International Conference and Exhibition on Road Transport Information and Control. 2000, London, UK: IEE.
- Venn S, Lewis S, Cooper I, Hill R, Boddy R, Bell MC, Britton J. Local road traffic flow and the prevalence, severity and persistence of wheeze in schoolchildren: combined cross-sectional and longitudinal study. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2000, 57(3), 152-158.
- Bell MC. Air Quality Issues Phase 2. 1999.
- Bell MC. Do we really have the tools to do the job? Air quality management and assessment. In: Proceedings of the 32nd Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference. 1999, University of Liverpool.
- Bell MC, Boddy RE. Evaluation Results Deliverable 10.3. 1999. Report to European Commission on Fourth Framework EFFECT Project.
- Bell MC, Hodges NJM. Managing traffic to improve air quality. In: Eighth International Symposium Transport and Air Pollution, including COST 319 Final Conference. 1999, Graz, Austria.
- Zito P, Chen H, Bell MC. Predicting Roadside CO and NO2 Concentrations Using the Instrumented City Facility and Neural Networks. 1999.
- Bell MC, Tate JE. Technical Note 2 re: Air Quality Impact of Elland Road Development. 1999. Confidential Report prepared for Pell Frischmann Consultants Ltd.
- Bell MC. The role of intelligent transport systems in air quality management. In: The 6th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems. 1999, Toronto, Canada.
- Bell MC. Transport research at the University of Leeds: Report for 1998. Traffic Engineering & Control 1999, 40(3), 146.
- Bell MC, Boddy R, Tate JE, Davidson L, Goodman P. Air Quality Impact of Elland Road Development. 1998. Confidential Report prepared for Pell Frischmann Consultants Ltd.
- Bell MC, Boddy R. Analysis of roadside pollution levels in Leicestershire. 1998. Report produced for Leicester City Council.
- Briggs D, Ashmore M, Bell MC, Elliott P. Coming up for Air. In: Surveyor. 1998.
- Bell MC, Boddy RE. Final Validation Plan Deliverable 10.2. 1998. Report to European Commission on Fourth Framework EFFECT Project.
- Venn A, Lewis S, Cooper M, Britton J, Boddy R, Bell MC. Local Road Traffic Flow and the Prevalence, Severity and Persistence of Wheeze in School Children: combined cross sectional and longitudinal study. In: Joint Research Programmes in Outdoor and Indoor pollution: Second Review meeting. 1998, University of Leicester.
- Bell MC, Reynolds S. Quantifying Changes in Carbon Monoxide Levels following the Installation of SCOOT. In: Ninth International Conference on Road Transport Information and Control, Institution of Electrical Engineers Publication, London, 21-24. 1998, London, UK: IEE.
- Fox KA, Clark SD, Boddy RE, Montgomery FO, Bell MC. Some Benefits of a SCOOT Urban Traffic Control System: an independent assessment by micro-simulation. Traffic Engineering and Control 1998, 39(9), 484-489.
- Bell MC, Boddy R. Technical Note Re Air Quality Impact of Elland Road Development. 1998. Confidential Response to Leeds City Council’s comments on the above report.
- Jha, A., Srikanth, S., Kale, G.M., Payne, N., Clowe, S. The importance of the M-Ca-S-O phase equilibria in the extraction of non-ferrous metals. IV Int. Conf. on Clean Technology for Mining Industry edited by M. Sanchez, F. Vergara and S.H. Castro , pp.677-690 1998.
- Bell MC, Tate JE. A traffic demand management strategy generator to improve air quality in urban areas. In: Proceedings of the 25th European Transport Forum. Seminar F, Transportation Planning Methods. 1997, Brunel University, London: PTRC Education and Research Services Limited.
- Bell MC, Boddy RE. Draft Validation Plan Deliverable. 1997. Report to European Commission on Fourth Framework EFFECT Project 10.1.
- Bell MC, Davidson LA, Boddy RE. Draft Validation Plan Deliverable. 1997. Report to European Commission on Fourth Framework EQUAL Project 5.1.
- Bell MC, University of NottinghamTransport Research Group. Final Report: Traffic Impact Assessment: Manton Colliery Development. Nottingham University Consultants Ltd, 1997. Consultancy Project Report to William Saunders Partnership 10.
- Bell MC, Davidson LA, Boddy RE. Final Validation Plan Deliverable. 1997. Report to European Commission on Fourth Framework EQUAL Project 5.2.
- Reynolds SA, Bell MC. Quantifying changes in carbon monoxide levels following the installation of SCOOT. In: Proceedings of the 29th Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference. 1997, Bournemouth University, UK.
- Bell MC, Kirby HR. Transport Research at the University of Leeds: Report for 1996. Traffic Engineering & Control 1997, 38(3), 149.
- Bell MC, Boddy RE. User Requirements Contribution to Deliverable. 1997. Report to European Commission on Fourth Framework EMMA Project D1.1.
- Bell MC, Evans RG, Reynolds SA, Boddy RE, Hill. An introductory guide to the instrument city facility. Nottingham University Transport Research Group in collaboration with Leicestershire County Council, Dept No TR96045, 1996. Prepared to support the operation of the SERC-funded Instrumented City facility.
- Fox KA, Kirby HR, Scemama G, Bell MC, Tate JE, Walker A. Avoiding high fuel consumption in congested cities. An evaluation of the benefits of an intelligent supervisor for an urban traffic control system. 1996. Final Report to European Commission on SAVE Project 4.1031/93-048.
- Bell MC, University of Nottingham Transport Research Group. Consultancy Project Report. 1996. To William Saunders Partnership 3.
- Bell MC, University of Nottingham Transport Research Group. Effect of Proposed Superstore at the Government Skills Centre on Doncaster Road, Wakefield. University of Nottingham Transport Research Group, 1996. Consultancy Project Report to William Saunders Partnership 8.
- Bell MC, University of Nottingham Transport Research Group. Environmental issues survey report for the proposed development of the Stourton Site, Leeds. University of Nottingham Transport Research Group, 1996. Consultancy Project Report to William Saunders Partnership 5.
- Bell MC, Reynolds SA, Gillam WJ, Berry R, Baywaters I. Integration of traffic and environmental monitoring and management systems. In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Road Traffic Monitoring and Control. 1996, Savoy Place, London, UK: IEE.
- Bell MC, Marsden GR, Evans RG. Pollution Modelling with SCOOT. In: Proceedings of the 28th Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference. 1996, University of Huddersfield.
- Bell MC, University of Nottingham Transport Research Group. Proposed Junction Assessment at Manton Wood, Near Worksop. University of Nottingham Transport Research Group, 1996. Consultancy Project Report to William Saunders Partnership 6.
- Bell MC, University of Nottingham Transport Research Group. Roundabout assessment at Manton Wood, near Worksop. 1996. Consultancy Project Report to William Saunders Partnership 7.
- Bell MC, Reynolds SA, Hodges NJM, Jeffcote M. The Design, Execution and Analysis of the “Travel to Leicester” Survey EMMA (Integrated Environmental Monitoring, Forecasting and Warning Systems in Metropolitan Areas). University of Nottingham Transport Group, 1996. Technical Report for the EU Fourth Framework Programme, Dept No TR96019 TR96019.
- Bell MC, University of Nottingham Transport Research Group. The feasibility of short-term classified traffic surveys using portable microprocessor equipment. University of Nottingham Transport Research Group, 1996. A report to the Rees Jeffreys Road Fund.
- Evans RG, Bell MC. The identification of recurrent urban traffic congestion. In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Road Traffic Control, Institution of Electrical Engineers Publication. 1996, Savoy Place, London, UK: IEE.
- Bell MC. Traffic Control to Reduce Pollution in Bangkok. 1996. Confidential Report prepared for JMP consultants Ltd.
- Bell MC, University of Nottingham Transport Research Group. Traffic impact assessment: Manton Enterprise Zone roundabout – impacts of proposed colliery development. University of Nottingham Transport Research Group, 1996. Consultancy Project Report to William Saunders Partnership 9.
- Bell MC, Reynolds SA. Traffic, Air Pollution and Meteorological Monitoring for Sustainability using the ‘Instrumented City’ Facility. In: 75th Annual Meeting of The Transportation Research Board. 1996, Washington, DC, USA.
- Bell MC, University of Nottingham Transport Research Group. TRANSYT Output Files. University of Nottingham Transport Research Group, 1996. Appendix to Consultancy Project Report (Working Note) to William Saunders Partnership 4.
- Bell MC, University of Nottingham Transport Research Group. TRANSYT output files - Effect of proposed duperstore at new junction on Doncaster Road, Wakefield. University of Nottingham Transport Research Group, 1996. Appendix to Consultancy Project Report to William Saunders Partnership 8.
- Scemama G, Fox K, Walker A, Bell MC. Using artificial intelligence to reduce high fuel consumption in congested cities. In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Road Traffic Monitoring and Control, Institution of Electrical Engineers Publication. 1996, London, UK: IEE.
- Bell MC, University of Nottingham Transport Research Group. Wakefield canal-side development traffic impact study TRANSYT. University of Nottingham Transport Research Group, 1996. Consultancy Project Report (Working Note) to William Saunders Partnership 4.
- Bell MC, University of Nottingham Transport Research Group. Consultancy Project Report. 1995. To William Saunders Partnership 1.
- Bell MC, Reynolds SA. ITEMMS – Integration of traffic and environmental monitoring and management systems. In: Proceedings of the 27th Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference. 1995, Cranfield University.
- Kerridge JM, Lu KH, Jones J, Bell MC. Modelling vehicle behaviour in congested networks using highly parallel systems. In: 74th Transportation Research Board Conference. 1995, Washington DC, USA.
- Bell MC, University of Nottingham Transport Research Group. Proposed junction on Doncaster Road, Wakefield. 1995. Consultancy Project Report to William Saunders Partnership 2.
- Bell MC, Evans RG. The identification of recurrent urban congestion. In: Proceedings of the 27th Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference. 1995, Cranfield University.
- Reynolds SA, Bell MC. Analysis of survey questionnaires for the A47 bus priority scheme in Leicester. 1994. Report submitted to Leicestershire County Council.
- Bell MC, Bennett LD, Reynolds SA. Calibration of SCOOT link flow data. In: Proceedings of the 26th Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference. 1994, University of Leeds, UK.
- Bell MC, Bennett LD. Instrumented city provides data for traffic management. Research Focus 1994, 16, 4.
- Reynolds SA, Bell MC. Integration of traffic and environmental monitoring and management systems. 1994. Interim Report to the County Surveyors’ Society TR94024.
- Bell MC, Reynolds SA. Interim Report to the County Surveyors’ Society. Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nottingham, 1994.
- Bell MC, Bennett LD, Gillam WJ. The ‘Instrumented City’: Data provision for traffic management and research. In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Road Traffic Monitoring and Control. 1994, London: IEE.
- Boddy RE, Bell MC. The existence and characteristics of state of equilibrium in traffic assignment. 1994. Technical Report to the EPSRC on Grant GR/J11737 TR95005.
- Bell MC. Transport Committee Report: Transport related atmospheric pollution. London, 1994. Transport Select Committee; House of Commons Session 1993-94 Volume 1, Ev.506iii, HMSO 506-I.
- Bell MC. Transport-related atmospheric pollution. 1994. Confidential written evidence to the House of Commons Select Committee on Transport TR94010.
- Bell MC, Bennett LD, Boddy RE. Understanding states of equilibrium on road traffic networks. In: Proceedings of the EURO XIII/OR 36th Conference. 1994, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
- Evans R, Martin PT, Bell MC. A method for analysing registration-plate data. Traffic Engineering and Control 1993, 34(2), 76-79.
- Bell MC. A Study of Changes in Traffic Patterns following Traffic Management Schemes. In: Proceedings of the SERC-sponsored conference “Informing Technologies for Construction, Civil Engineering and Transport”. 1993, Brunel University, Surrey.
- Bell MC, Bennett LD. An Introductory Guide to the Instrumented City Facility (1993 Revision). Nottingham University Transport Research Group in collaboration with Leicestershire County Council, Dept No TR93035, 1993. Prepared to support the operation of the SERC-funded Instrumented City facility.
- Evans RG, Enoch MP, Bell MC. Defining urban traffic congestion using SCOOT data. In: Proceedings of the 25th Universities Transport Studies Group Annual Conference. 1993, University of Southampton.
- Bell MC, Bennett LD. Investigating states of equilibrium in traffic assignment. In: Proceedings of the Second Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Urban Traffic and Transportation. 1993, Paris, France.
- Martin PT, Bell MC. Origin-Destination Matrices from Registration-Plate Matching. Traffic Engineering and Control 1993, 34(3), 130-134.
- Bell MC, Bennett LD, Evans RG. The ‘Instrumented City’ Project: a status report and forward look. In: Proceedings of the 25th Universities Transport Studies Group Annual Conference. 1993, University of Southampton.
- Bell MC, Bennett LD, Evans RG. The ‘Instrumented City’: a Database for Road Transport Information Systems. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International IEEE-IEE Vehicle Navigation and Information Systems Conference. 1993, Ottawa, Canada: IEEE.
- Bell MC, Bennett LD. The existence of equivalent mathematical programs for certain mixed equilibrium traffic assignment problems. In: Proceedings of the Seventh EURO Summer Institute on Urban Traffic Management. 1993, Centraro, Calabria, Italy.
- Bell MC, Bennett LD. The Instrumented City Level One Funding. 1993. Technical Report to the SERC on Grant GR/HI7879, Dept No TR93006.
- Bell MC. Today’s traffic control is tomorrow’s intelligence for a fully integrated transport management system. In: Proceedings on the 26th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation on “Advanced Transport Telematics/Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems: Towards Development and Implementation”. 1993, Aachen, Germany.
- Bell MC. Traffic Pollution Modelling in Congested Urban Environments. In: Proceedings of the IEE colloquium on “Systems Modelling relative to Automobile and Traffic Engineering”. 1993, London: Institution of Electrical Engineers.
- Martin PT, Bell MC. Vehicle Tracking Through Un-sampled Registration-Plate Observation. Traffic Engineering and Control 1993, 34(1), 8-12.
- Bell MC, Martin PT. A Study of Changes in Traffic Patterns following Traffic Schemes. 1992. Technical Report to the SERC on Grant GR/F91773, Depart No TR92046.
- Jones J, Kerridge J, Bell MC. A Transputer Based System to Control Congested Traffic Flow. In: Parallel Computing and Transputer Applications: Proceedings of the PACTA Conference. 1992, Barcelona, Spain: IOS Press.
- Reynolds SA, Bell MC. Carbon Monoxide and Traffic in Congested Urban Areas. 1992. Technical Report to the SERC on Grant GR/HI7893, Dept No TR93001.
- Reynolds SA, Bell MC. Carbon Monoxide Monitoring in Urban Areas. In: Proceedings of the of the 24th Universities Transport Studies Group Annual Conference. 1992, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne.
- Bell MC, Kerridge J. Congestion Management Information System. In: Proceedings of the 24th Universities Transport Studies Group Annual Conference. 1992, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne.
- Bell MC, Bennett LD, Gillam WJ, Wright DA. Instrumented City Album: (1992, revised 1993). Nottingham University Transport Research Group with Leicestershire County Council, 1992. Prepared to support the operation of the SEC - funded Instrumented City facility.
- Martin P, Bell MC. Linear Programming Applied to Flow Prediction from Detector Flows. In: Proceedings of the 24th Universities Transport Studies Group Annual Conference. 1992, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne.
- Martin PT, Bell MC. Network Programming to Derive Turning Movements from Link Flows. In: Transportation Research Record 1356. 1992.
- Bell MC. Teaching Company Scheme to Transfer Technology in Transportation Engineering. 1992. Technical Report to the SERC, Dept No TR92009.
- Bell MC, Bennett LD, Evans RG. The ‘Instrumented City’ Project: Towards an Integrated Transport Database. In: Proceedings of the first meeting of the EURO Working Group on Urban Traffic and Transportation. 1992, Landshut, Germany.
- Bell MC, May AD. The Civilised City. SERC Bulletin: Transportation Systems and the Urban Environment 1992, 4(9), 14-15.
- Bell MC. The Evolution of Traffic Control Systems: A Way Forward?. In: Proceedings of the Transportation and Land Use Planning Symposium. 1992, Trinity College, Dublin.
- Bell MC, Bennett LD. The Instrumented City Guide. Nottingham University Transport Research group in collaboration with Leicestershire County Council, Dept No TR92062, 1992. Prepared to support the operation of the SERC-funded Instrumented City facility.
- Martin PT, Bell MC. Towards an Intelligent Traffic Control System. In: Transportation Research Board Conference. 1992, Washington DC, USA.
- Bell MC, Dolphin RW, Evans RG, Bettison M. A ‘Scoping’ Study for an Instrumented City. 1991. Technical Report to the SERC on Grant GR/G25474, Dept No TR91025.
- Bell MC, Dolphin RW. A ‘Scoping’ Study for an Instrumented City. In: Proceedings of the 23rd Universities Transport Studies Group Annual Conference. 1991, University of Nottingham.
- Bell MC, Scemama G, Ibbetson LJ. CLAIRE: An Expert System for Congestion Management. In: Advanced Telematics in Road Transport: Proceedings of the EC: DRIVE Conference. 1991, Brussels, Belgium: Elsevier.
- Bell MC, Evans RG, Dolphin RW. Develop Expert System Prototype, contribution to Deliverable 9. University of Nottingham: Department of Civil Engineering, 1991. Internal Contractual Report NUTRG 9.
- Bell MC. Future Concepts Congestion Forecasting. In: Paper presented to the IHIE Traffic Control Course: NUTRG Report TR91017. 1991, Nottingham University.
- Bell MC. The architecture of traffic control systems in Papageorgiou. In: Papageorgiou M, ed. Concise Encyclopedia of Traffic and Transportation Systems. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1991, pp.531-536.
- Bell MC. The Evolution of Traffic Control Schemes. Proceedings of the CONTRAF 1. In: The First International Conference on the Traffic Issue in Metropolitan Areas. 1991, Opporto, Portugal.
- Martin PT, Bell MC. Turning Movements from Detector Flows Using State Estimation Theory: Some Early Findings. In: Proceedings of the 23rd Universities Transport Studies Group Annual Conference. 1991, University of Nottingham.
- Bell MC, Dolphin RW. UTC Contingency Plans using SATURN and TRANSYT. City of London in collaboration with Halcrow Fox and Associates and TCSU London, Dept No TR91002, 1991. NUTRG Contractual report.
- Bell MC. UTC: Lessons From Leicester. In: Proceedings of the TRAFFEX 91 Conference, PTRC. 1991, Birmingham Exhibition Centre.
- Bell MC, Martin PT. A study of traffic route patterns in a City with demand-responsive traffic signal control. London: TR 90049, 1990. NUTRG Report.
- Bell MC, Dolphin RW. Bicycles and Motorcycles: Urban Road Usage. TRL, 1990. TRRL Contractual Report CR222.
- Bell MC. Environmental Impact of Traffic. In: Proceedings of the 22nd Universities Transport Studies Group Annual Conference. 1990, Hatfield Polytechnic.
- Bell MC, Dolphin RW. Fundamental Parameters for Expert System Control. In: Proceedings of the 22nd Universities Transport Studies Group Annual Conference. 1990, Hatfield Polytechnic.
- Reid DA, Bell MC. Junction Design and Congested Route Choice. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Road Traffic Control, Institution of Electrical Engineers Publication. 1990, London.
- Bell MC. Problems to Address in the Design of Future Signal Control Systems. Presented at the SERC seminar on 'Traffic Modelling: Future Research Directions'. 1990. NUTRG Research Report 5.
- Bell MC, Martin PT. Use of Detector Data for Traffic Control Strategies. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Road Traffic Control, Institution of electrical Engineers Publication. 1990, London.
- Bell MC, Lear DW. A Study of Air Pollution Levels in Athens. 1989. NUTRG Contractual Report 1 to Castle Rock Consultants 1.
- Bell MC. A Study of Noise from Low Flow Traffic. 1989. NUTRG Research Report 2.
- Bell MC. A Study of Noise from Traffic at a Signal Controlled Roundabout. 1989. NUTRG Research Report 3.
- Lear DW, Bell MC. An Investigation of the Differences between British and German Traffic Control Policies. University of Nottingham: Department of Civil Engineering, 1989. NUTRG Summary Report.
- Bell MC, Evans RG, Dolphin RW. Congestion Knowledge Base, Contribution to Deliverable 3. University of Nottingham: Department of Civil Engineering, 1989. Internal Contractual Report NUTRG 3.
- Bell MC, Evans RG. Contribution to Data Processing, Manipulation and Cleaning Software TRAFPRO. University of Nottingham: NUTRG Department of Civil Engineering, 1989. Software Specification EC Deliverable 3 Internal contractual Report.
- Bell MC, Dolphin RW. Delineate System Indicators. 1989. NUTRG Contractual Report, EC:DRIVE 1 CLAIRE project Deliverable 5, 61 pages 5.
- Bell MC, Evans RG, Dolphin RW. Demonstration Proposals, Contribution to Deliverable 18. University of Nottingham: Department of Civil Engineering, 1989. Internal Contractual Report NUTRG 18.
- Bell MC, Evans RG, Dolphin RW. Develop Expert System Prototype, contribution to Deliverable 9. University of Nottingham: Department of Civil Engineering, 1989. Internal Contractual Report NUTRG 9.
- Bell MC, Evans RG, Dolphin RW. Evaluation of the Prototype, Contribution to Deliverable 16. University of Nottingham: Department of Civil Engineering, 1989. Internal Contractual Report NUTRG 16.
- Bell MC. Further Investigations into the Benefits of the Co-ordination of Fixed- time and Demand-responsive Signal Systems. 1989. NUTRG Contractual Report to Castle Rock Consultants 1.
- Bell MC, Lear DW. Lichtsignal Steurung in Netzen Vergleich der Stenerungsgrundsatze in der Bundesrepublik und in Gross Britannien. 1989.
- Bell MC. Off-line Modelling Capability. 1989. NUTRG Contractual Report EC:DRIVE 1 CLAIRE Project Deliverable 13, 42 pages 6.
- Bell MC, Evans RG. Performance Monitoring Software, TRAFMONT Software Specification, EC Deliverable 4. University of Nottingham: Department of Civil Engineering, 1989. Internal Contractual Report NUTRG 4.
- Bell MC, Dolphin RW, Martin PT. Standard Definition of System Monitoring and Control Parameters. 1989. NUTRG Contractual Report, EC: DRIVE 1 CLAIRE project Deliverable 2 4.
- Bell MC, Dolphin RW. Strategies for Treating Congestion, Contribution to EC Deliverable 8. University of Nottingham: Department of Civil Engineering, 1989. Internal Contractual Report NUTRG 8.
- Bell MC, Evans RG, Dolphin RW. Traffic Control Software Engineering, Contribution to Deliverable 11. University of Nottingham: Department of Civil Engineering, 1989. Internal Contractual Report NUTRG 11.
- Bell MC. Traffic Noise Definition, Measurement, Prediction and Control. 1989. Contribution for the State of Art Review for the EC: DRIVE 1 project PREDICT NUTRG Research Report 4.
- Bell MC. Traffic noise definition, measurement, prediction and control. University of Nottingham: Department of Civil Engineering, 1989. NUTRG Research Report for Castle Rock Consultants 4.
- Bell MC, Evans RG , Dolphin RW. Traffic Route Assignment and Signal Optimisation, Contribution to Deliverable 14. Nottingham: University of Nottingham, 1989. Internal Contractual Report NUTRG Department of Civil Engineering 14.
- Bell MC. Air Quality Issues Phase 1. Confidential Report prepared for JMP Consultants Ltd 1988.
- Lear DW, Bell MC. An Investigation of the Differences Between German and British Urban Traffic Control Policies. In: Proceedings of the 20th Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference. 1988, University College London.
- Bell MC. The Fundamental Issues of an Expert System for Urban Traffic Control (invitation). In: Proceedings of the IEE Colloquium on “Applications of Expert Systems in Road Transportation”. 1988, London: Institution of Electrical Engineers.
- Bell MC, Grant A, Geary GM. Making Better Use of Vehicle Detection Data. In: Proceedings of the 19th Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference. 1987, University of Sheffield.
- Bell MC, Taylor IG, Geary G. On-line Measures of Congestion. In: Proceedings of the 19th Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference. 1987, University of Sheffield.
- Taylor IG, Bell MC, Geary GM. Queue Volume: a Measure of Congestion. Traffic Engineering and Control 1987, 28(11), 582-585.
- Bell MC, Irving M, Geary G. The Use of Automatic Control Algorithms to Define Urban Traffic Routes. In: Proceedings of the 19th Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference. 1987, University of Sheffield.
- Bell MC, Bretherton D. The Ageing of Fixed-time Traffic Signal Plans. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Traffic Control. 1986, Institution of Electrical Engineers.
- Bell MC. Ageing of Traffic Signal Plans. Full Report. University of Durham: Department of Civil Engineering, 1985. AVTS Group Report. Submitted to the TRRL for Publication in the Special Report Series, . Permission refused because of the political sensitivity of the results presented for each city study.
- Bell MC, Wilson TK. Transport Co-ordination and Integration in West Germany. Journal of the Institution of Highways and Transportation. Croda Award Winner 1985.
- Bell MC. Ageing of Traffic Signal Plans. In: Proceedings of the 16th Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference. 1984, University of Aston.
- Bell MC, Wilson TK. Disaggregate Modelling of Travel Involving Interchange. In: PTRC Summer Annual Meeting. 1984.
- Bell MC. A Study of the methods used to define and change traffic signal plans in the UK. University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1983. Transport Operations Research Group Research Report 50.
- Bell MC, Gault HE, Taylor IG. Plan Change Algorithms for Traffic Control Systems. University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1983. Transport Operations Research Group Research Report 51.
- Bell MC, Gault HE. An empirical study of plan change algorithms for area traffic control systems. In: Proceedings of the IEE International Conference on Road Traffic Signaling. 1982, London.
- Bell MC. A Queuing Model and Performance Indicator for TRANSYT7. Traffic Engineering and Control 1981, 22(6), 349-254.
- Bell MC, Gault HE. A report on the Eighth International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory. In: Traffic Engineering and Control. 1981, Toronto, Canada: Hemming Information Services Ltd.
- Bell MC. A queuing model for TRANSYT7. University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1980. Transport Operations Research Group Research Report 34.
- Bell MC. Measures of Queuing Performance for a Traffic Network. University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1980. Transport Operations Research Report 33.
- Bell MC. Eldon Square Shopping Centre – A Study of Pedestrian Movements. University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1978. Transport Operations Research Group: Technical Report 23.
- Bell MC. Passenger Transport Interchange – car, bus, train. In: Proceedings of the International Conference and Exhibition on the Integration of Traffic and Transportation Engineering in Urban Planning. 1978, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Bell MC. A report on the Eighth Annual Symposium ‘Integrating Public Transport. Traffic Engineering and Control 1977, 18(6), 222-232.
- Bell MC, Leung CN. A Study of Noise from the Tyne and Wear Metro Car. University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1977. Transport Operations Research Group Report 27.
- Bell MC. Noise Levels in Buses. University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1977. Transport Operations Research Group: Technical Report 20.
- Bell MC. Queues at Junctions Controlled by Traffic Signals. University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1977. Transport Operations Research Group Research Report 26.
- Bell MC. A study of noise, temperature and lighting levels on urban buses. University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1976. Transport Operations Research Group Report 16.
- Bell MC. Possibilities for Dial-a-Ride serving two Housing Estates. In: Proceedings of the 8th Universities Transport Study Group Annual Conference. 1976, University of Aston.
- Bell MC, Wolfendale AW. Origin of energetic cosmic rays 1 – galactic diffusion in the energy range 1014 – 1017eV. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical, Nuclear and General 1974, 7(3), 420-436.
- Bell MC. PhD Thesis: Interpretation of the Spectrum of Energetic Cosmic Rays. PhD Thesis, University of Durham 1974.
- Bell MC. Possibilities for Dial-a-ride Serving two Housing Estates in Cleveland. University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne: Cleveland Transit, Transport Operations Research Group, 1974. 7.
- Bell MC. State of art Review of Public Transport Interchange. University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1974. TORG Direct Report 10.
- Bell MC, Wdowczyk J. The attenuation length for high energy rays in the relict radiation. 1972. II Nuevo Cimento 9B N2.
- Bell MC, Osborne JL, Wolfendale AW. The Size Spectrum of Extensive air Showers in the Region of 1016 Particles. In: Proceedings of the Third European Symposium on Cosmic Rays. 1972, Paris.