Staff Profile
Dr Mohamed Dahidah
Reader in Power Electronics Systems
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 7310
- Address: School of Engineering
Merz Court
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Mohamed is a member of the Electrical Power research group and his profile can be viewed on Google Scholar
- PhD in Electrical Engineering, 2008
- Master of Applied Science, 2002
- Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Hons), 1998
- Newcastle Teaching Award, 2014
Roles and Responsibilities
- Director of Postgraduate Taught Programmes (EEE)
- Degree Programme Director: MSc Electrical Power.
Membership of Professional Organisations
- Senior Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (SMIEEE) Inc., (USA).
- Associate Fellow of Higher Education Academy (HEA), UK
- Deputy Editor-in-Chief, IET Power Electronics
Mohamed is a member of the Electrical Power research group.
Research interests
- Advanced Power Electronics Conversion Systems
- Solid State Transformers (SST)
- Multilevel converters
- Selective Harmonic Elimination (SHE)
- HVDC and FACTS based Converters
- DC Fast chargers
- EV Battery chargers
PhD Supervision
- Abdo Mnider (completed)
- Osama Abushafa (completed)
- He Liu Liu (completed)
- JianKai Ma (completed)
- Yara Khawaja (completed)
- Chenming Zhang (completed)
- Hamidreza Gashtil (completed)
- Van-Binh Vu (completed)
- Nasiru Kadandani (completed)
- Xiang Wang (completed)
- Mohammed Alharbi (completed)
- Bowen Gu (completed)
- Fatima A Fayrouz (completed)
- Kexin Di (completed)
- Ze Shan (January, 2020 - present)
- Ben Stainthorpe (September, 2020 - present)
- Fajer Alelaj (January, 2021 - present)
- Mustafa Fadel (July, 2021 - present)
- Kyle Kergon (September, 2021 - present)
Research Funding
- 2024 - 2027, Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) with Flexible Power Systems, (Funding Source: InnovateUK)
- 2023 - 2026, Grid-forming hybrid transformer for future distribution grids (GIFhT-4-eGrids), £1.1 Million (Funding Source: EPSRC, EP/X027384/1 and EP/X027384/1 )
- 2021 - 2025, EPSRC DTP
- 2020 - 2024, CDT Studentship with Tridonic UK Ltd.
- 2018 - 2021, Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) with FlexiSolar, (Funding Source: InnovateUK)
- 2018 - 2020, Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) with Turbo Power Systems, (Funding Source: InnovateUK)
- 2017- 2020, Realibility, condition monitoring and health management technologies for WBG power modules, (Funding Source: EPSRC, EP/R004366/1)
- 2016-2020, Dynamic Charging for Electric Vehicles (EV) by Wireless Power Transfer, (Funding Source: Newcastle University)
- 2016-2020, Changan UK R&D Centre Limited, PhD Studentship.
- 2014-2017, Network Innovation Allowance (Funding Source: Scottish power).
- 2010-2012, Improved power electronic reactive power compensator for the future transmission lines, (Funding Source: Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Malaysia)
- 2009-2012, SHE-PWM controlled multilevel converter for utility applications, (Funding Source: University of Nottingham).
- 2008-2009, Research/teaching prototyping platform for power electronics conversion systems, (Funding Source: University of Nottingham).
National and International recognition or indicators of esteem
- Deputy Editor-in-Chief, IET Power Electronics Journal.
- Chair of IEEE Industry Application Society chapter, UK and Ireland section.
- IET Outstanding Deputy Editor-in-Chief Award, Sep. 2019.
- World’s Top 2% Scientists List of Stanford University, 2021, 2022 and 2023.
- Conference Co-Chair 2024 International Conference on Smart Grid Technology, Industrial Electrical and Electronics, Incheon, South Korea, May 13-15, 2024.
- Track Chair - The 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2023, October 16-20, 2023, Singapore.
- Keynote speaker, International Conference on Energy, Power & Environment (ICEPE 2021), Gujrat, Pakistan, 11-12 November, 2021.
- Frist Prize paper a ward at IEEE Conference on SusTainable Utilization and Development in EngiNeering and Technology
- Girling Watson Fellowship as Visiting Scholar to the School of Electrical and Information Engineering, the University of Sydney for the period 1 June 2009 to 31 August 2009.
- Invited seminar talk, “VSCs-based STATCOM technology: topologies, control and applications” Center of Excellence in Power Engineering, The University of Sydney, August, 07 2009.
- Invited seminar talk, “Multilevel Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM: An Overview”, School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen, May, 22nd 2016.
- External examiner for PhD and research degrees dissertations.
- Member of technical international committee, ACPEE 2017 conference.
- Regular referee for a number of IEEE/IET Journals and conferences.
Undergraduate Teaching
ENG 1003- Electrical and Magnetic Systems
Postgraduate Teaching
EEE 8147- Advanced Power Electronics and Applications (Module Leader)
- Wang W, Deng J, Li M, Dahidah MSA, Wang Z. Arbitrary power distribution and efficiency optimization for dual-receiver inductive power transfer system with variable coupling. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 2024, 11(1), 302-313.
- Alharbi MA, Marquez A, Dahidah MSA, Montero-Robina P, Ethni S, Pickert V, Leon J-I. Rotating Phase-Shedding for Interleaved DC-DC Converter-Based EVs Fast DC Chargers. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2023, 38(2), 1901-1909.
- Vu VB, Ramezani A, Triviño A, González JM, Kadandani NB, Dahidah MSA, Pickert V, Narimani M, Aguado J. Operation of Inductive Charging Systems under Misalignment Conditions: A Review for Electric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 2023, 9(1), 1857-1887.
- Naderi Y, Hossein SH, Zadeh SG, Savaghebi M, Dahidah MSA, Guerrero JM. Multi-Objective Model Predictive Control Method for Microgrid Applications. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 2023, 154, 109441.
- Marangalu MG, Kurdkandi NV, Hosseini SH, Tarzamni H, Dahidah MSA, Sarhangzadeh M. A Modified Switched-Capacitor Based Seventeen-Level Inverter with Reduced Capacitor Charging Spike for RES Applications. IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics 2023, 4, 579-602.
- Alharbi MA, Dahidah MSA, Ali SA, Ethni S, Pickert V. Ripple-free Multiphase Interleaved Stacked Converter for High-power Applications. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2022, 37(12), 14770-14780.
- Salem M, Jusoh A, Dahidah MSA, Ishak D, Richelli A, Alhamroni I, Kamarol M. Improved topology of three-phase series resonant DC-DC boost converter with variable frequency control. Alexandria Engineering Journal 2022, 61(2), 1701-1713.
- Montero RP, Marquez AA, Dahidah MSA, Vazquez S, Leon JI, Konstantinou G, Garcia FL. Feedforward Modulation Technique for More Accurate Operation of Modular Multilevel Converters. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2022, 37(2), 1700-1710.
- Vu V-B, Dahidah MSA, Pickert V. Efficiency-Cost Parametric-Analysis of a Three-Phase Wireless Dynamic Charging System for Electric Vehicles. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics 2022, 3(3), 482-491.
- Gashtil H, Pickert V, Atkinson DJ, Dahidah MSA, Giaouris D. Closed-Loop Voltage Control for Maximizing Inverter Output Voltage in the Field Weakening Region of Induction Machines. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics 2022, 10(6), 7514-7526.
- Kadandani NB, Dahidah MSA, Ethni S. Review of Circulating Current Control Methods in Modular Multilevel Converter. Bayero Journal of Engineering and Technology 2021, 16(1), 62-75.
- Kadandani NB, Dahidah MSA, Ethni S, Muhammad M. Lifetime and Reliability Improvements in Modular Multilevel Converters Using Controlled Circulating Current. Journal of Power Electronics 2021, 21, 1611-1620.
- Gashtil H, Pickert V, Atkinson DJ, Dahidah MSA, Giaouris D. Improved Voltage Boundary with Model-Based Control Algorithm for Increased Torque in the Field Weakening Region of Induction Machines. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 2021, 7(3), 1600-1614.
- Kadandani NB, Dahidah MSA, Ethni S. Design and Development of Modular Multilevel Converter for Solid State Transformer Application. Bayero Journal of Engineering and Technology 2021, 16(1), 31-41.
- Vu VB, González-González JM, Pickert V, Dahidah MSA, Triviño A. A hybrid charger of conductive and inductive modes for Electric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2021, 68(12), 12021-12033.
- Ma J, Dahidah MSA, Pickert V, Yu J. Hierarchical Energy Balance Control Method for M3C based on Injecting Output Frequency Circulating Currents. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2020, 35(3), 2424-2435.
- Zhang W, Wang X, Dahidah MSA, Thompson GN, Pickert V, Elgendy MA. An Investigation of Gate Voltage Oscillation and Its Suppression for SiC MOSFET. IEEE Access 2020, 8, 127781-127788.
- Vu V-B, Dahidah MSA, Pickert V, Phan V-T. An improved LCL-L Compensation Topology for Capacitive Power Transfer in Electric Vehicle Charging. IEEE Access 2020, 8, 27757-27768.
- Vu V-B, Dahidah MSA, Pickert V, Phan V-T. A High-Power Multiphase Wireless Dynamic Charging System with Low Output Power Pulsation for Electric Vehicles. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 2020, 8(4), 3592-3608.
- Liu H, Dahidah MSA, Naayagi RT, Armstrong M, Yu J. Unidirectional DC/DC Modular Multilevel Converter for Offshore Windfarm with the Control Strategy Based on Stationary Frame. IET Journal of Engineering 2019, 2019(17), 4309-4314.
- Liu H, Dahidah MSA, Yu J, Ramasamy NT, Armstrong M. Design and Control of Unidirectional DC/DCModular Multilevel Converter for Offshore DC Collection Point: Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Validation. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2019, 34(6), 5191-5208.
- Abushafa O SH M, Dahidah MSA, Gadoue S, Atkinson D. Submodule Voltage Estimation Scheme in Modular Multilevel Converters with Reduced Voltage Sensors Based on Kalman Filter Approach. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2018, 65(9), 7025-7035.
- Vu V-B, Phan V-T, Dahidah MSA, Pickert V. Multiple Output Inductive Charger for Electric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2018, 34(8), 7350-7368.
- Yong SK, Law KH, Ng WPQ, Dahidah MSA. Lead Compensator Design for Single-Phase Quasi Z-Source Inverter. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC) 2018, 10(1-12), 39-44.
- Abushafa O, Gadoue S, Dahidah MSA, Atkinson D, Missailidis P. Capacitor Voltage Estimation Scheme with Reduced Number of Sensors for Modular Multilevel Converters. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 2018, 6(4), 2086-2097.
- Md Mubashwar Hasan, Abu-Siada A, Dahidah MSA. A Three-Phase Symmetrical DC-Link Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Number of DC Sources. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2018, 33(10), 8331-8340.
- Hasan MM, Abu-Siada A, Islam SM, Dahidah MSA. A New Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Topology with Galvanic Isolation. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 2018, 54(4), 3463-3472.
- Dahidah MSA, Konstantinou G, Agelidis V. A Review of Multilevel Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM: Formulations, Solving Algorithms, Implementation and Applications. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2015, 30(8), 4091-4106.
- Haw LK, Dahidah MSA, Almurib HAF. SHE–PWM Cascaded Multilevel Inverter With Adjustable DC Voltage Levels Control for STATCOM Applications. IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics 2014, 29(12), 6433-6444.
- Huzam M, Dahidah M. Electricity in the Republic of Maldives: an Analysis on the Demand, Supply and Prediction of the Future Growth in Male. International Journal on Energy Conversion 2014, 2(3), 82-88.
- Haw LK, Dahidah MSA, Almurib HAF. A New Reactive Current Reference Algorithm for STATCOM System Based on Cascaded Multilevel Inverters. IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics 2014, PP(99).
- Konstantinou G, Dahidah MSA, Agelidis VG. Solution trajectories for selective harmonic elimination pulse-width modulation for seven-level waveforms: analysis and implementation. IET Power Electronics 2012, 5(1), 22-30.
- Dahidah MSA, Konstantinou G, Agelidis VG. Selective harmonic elimination pulse-width modulation seven-level cascaded H-bridge converter with optimised DC voltage levels. IET Power Electronics 2012, 5(6), 852-862.
- Jin PK, Dahidah MSA. Nine-level SHE-PWM VSC based STATCOM for VAR compensation. International Review on Simulation and Modelling 2012, 5(4A), 1375-1381.
- Pulikanti SR, Dahidah MSA, Agelidis VG. Voltage Balancing Control of Three-Level Active NPC Converter Using SHE-PWM. IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery 2011, 26(1), 258-267.
- Dahidah MSA. Selective Harmonic Elimination Non-symmetry Bipolar Pulse Width Modulation Technique: Analysis And Experimental Verification. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 2010, 19(3), 719-731.
- Dahidah MSA, Konstantinou G, Flourentzou N, Agelidis VG. On comparing the symmetrical and non-symmetrical selective harmonic elimination pulse-width modulation technique for two-level three-phase voltage source converters. IET Power Electronics 2010, 3(6), 829-842.
- Jin PK, Dahidah MSA. Recent Advances in Multilevel converters based STATCOM technology. International Review of Electrical Engineering 2009, 4(6A), 1164-1181.
- Dahidah MSA, Agelidis VG. Single-carrier sinusoidal PWM-equivalent selective harmonic elimination for a five-level voltage source control. Electric Power Systems Research 2008, 78(11), 1826- 1836.
- Dahidah MSA, Agelidis VG. Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM Control for Cascaded Multilevel Voltage Source Converters: A Generalized Formula. IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics 2008, 23(4), 1620-1630.
- Dahidah MSA, Agelidis VG. Optimal SHE-PWM Technique for Three-Level Voltage Source Converter Control. International Review of Electrical Engineering 2008, 3(5), 874-880.
- Dahidah MSA, Agelidis VG, Rao MVC. Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Approach for Selective Harmonic Control. Energy Conversion and Management 2008, 49(2), 131-142.
- Agelidis VG, Balouktsis AI, Dahidah MSA. A Five-Level Symmetrically Defined Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM Strategy: Analysis and Experimental Validation. IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics 2008, 23(1), 19-26.
- Dahidah MSA, Rao MVC. A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM AC/AC Converter Control. Electrical Engineering 2007, 89(4), 285-291.
- Dahidah MSA, Agelidis VG, Rao MVC. On Abolishing Symmetry Requirements in the Formulation of a Five-Level Selective Harmonic Elimination Pulse-Width Modulation Technique. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 2006, 21(6), 1833-1837.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Stainthorpe B, Dahidah M, Pickert V. A Dual Output Discontinuous Conduction Mode SEPIC with Integrated Boost DC-DC Converter. In: PCIM Europe. 2023, Nuremburg, Germany: PCIM Europe.
- Kadandani N, Dahidah MSA, Ethni S. An Overview of the Role of Solid State Transformer in Smart Grid. In: The 12th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC 2021). 2021, Hammamet, Tunisia: IEEE.
- Kadandani N, Dahidah MSA, Ethni S. An Overview of the Role of Solid State Transformer in Grid Connected Wind Farms. In: The 12th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC). 2021, Hammamet, Tunisia: IEEE.
- Alharbi M, Dahidah MSA, Ali S, Ethni S, Kadandani N, Pickert V. A Phase Shedding Control Technique for Ripple Minimisation for EV Fast DC Charging Applications. In: 23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'21 ECCE Europe). 2021, Ghent, Belgium: IEEE.
- Kadandani N, Dahidah MSA, Ethni S, Alharbi MA. Overloading Scenario in Solid State Transformer. In: The 11th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC). 2020, Hammamet. Tunisia: IEEE.
- Vu V-B, Dahidah MSA, Pickert V, Phan V-T. Comparison of Single and Three phase Dynamic Charging Systems for Electric Vehicles. In: IEEE PELS Workshop on Emerging Technologies: Wireless Power (WoW). 2020, London, United Kingdom: IEEE.
- Fayrouz FA, Elgendy MA, Dahidah M, Muhammad M. Analysis of DCM interleaved boost converter for PV AC-module application. In: 10th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2020). 2020, Online: IET.
- Alharbi M, Dahidah M, Ethni S, Ali S, Kadandani N, Pickert V. A Fast DC Charger for Electric Vehicles with Minimised Ripple through Phase-Shedding of Multiphase Interleaved Converters. In: The 11th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC). 2020, IEEE. Submitted.
- Vu V-B, Dahidah MSA, Pickert V, Phan V-T. A Concept of Multiphase Dynamic Charging System with Constant Output Power for Electric Vehicles. In: IEEE PELS Workshop on Emerging Technologies: Wireless Power (WoW). 2020, London, United Kingdom: IEEE.
- Kadandani N, Dahidah M, Ethni S, Yu J. Solid State Transformer: An Overview of Circuit Configurations and Applications. In: 15th IET International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission. 2019, Coventry, UK: IEEE.
- Zhang C, Zhang W, Ethni S, Dahidah M, Pickert V, Khalfalla H. Online Condition Monitoring of Sub-module Capacitors in MMC Enabled by Reduced Switching Frequency Sorting Scheme. In: The 10th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC). 2019, Sousse, Tunisia: IEEE.
- Zhang W, Dahidah MSA, Thompson G, Pickert V, Elgendy M. On Investigating EMC Filter Solutions in Soft Open Points Under Large Unbalanced Current. In: 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2019). 2019, Lisbon, Portugal: IEEE.
- Kadandani N, Dahidah M, Ethni S. On Extending the Overloading Capability of Modular Multilevel Converter. In: 13th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IEEE PEDS 2019). 2019, Toulouse - France: IEEE.
- Kadandani N, Ethni S, Dahidah M, Khalfalla H. Modelling, Design and Control of Cascaded H-bridge Single Phase Rectifier. In: The 10th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC). 2019, Sousse, Tunisia: IEEE.
- Alharbi M, Dahidah M, Ali S, Ethni S, Pickert V. Current Ripple Minimisation Based on Phase-Shedding of DC-DC Interleaved Converters for EV Charging System. In: IECON 2019 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. 2019, Lisbon, Portugal: IEEE.
- Alharbi M, Dahidah MSA, Ali S, Ethni S, Pickert V. Current Ripple Minimisation Based on Phase-Shedding of DC-DC Interleaved Converters for EV Charging System. In: 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2019). 2019, Lisbon, Portugal: IEEE.
- Alharbi M, Dahidah M, Pickert V, Yu J. Comparison of SiC-Based DC-DC Modular Converters for EV Fast DC Chargers. In: The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology. 2019, Melbourne, Australia: IEEE.
- Liu H, Dahidah M, Naayagi RT, Armstrong M, Yu J. Unidirectional DC/DC Modular Multilevel Converter for Offshore Windfarm with the Control Strategy Based on Stationary Frame. In: 9th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2018). 2018, Liverpool, UK: IET.
- Khawaja Y, Allahham A, Giaouris D, Patsios C, Dahidah M. Supervision Control and Energy Management Strategies for Grid-Connected Microgrids using Finite Automata. In: UK Energy Storage 2018 (UKES2018). 2018, Newcastle upon Tyne.
- Dahidah MSA, Liu H, Agelidis VG. Reconfigurable Converter with Multiple-Voltage Multiple-Power for E-Mobility Charging. In: International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-Niigata 2018 -ECCE Asia). 2018, Niigata, Japan: IEEE.
- Khawaja Yara, Giaouris Damian, Patsios Haris, Dahidah MSA. Optimal cost-based model for sizing grid-connected PV and battery energy system. In: 2017 IEEE Jordan Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (AEECT). 2018, Aqaba, Jordan: IEEE.
- Law KH, Dahidah MSA, Sim SY, Ng WPN, Masaoud A, Abu-Siada A. An Effective Dual Closed-Loop Scheme Based on Lead Compensator and Proportional Controller for Quasi Z-Source Inverter. In: TENCON 2018. 2018, Jeju, South Korea: IEEE.
- Ma J, Dahidah M, Pickert V, Yu J. Modular multilevel matrix converter for offshore low frequency AC transmission system. In: IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. 2017, Edinburgh, UK: IEEE.
- Xuan JOS, Khan KYS, Haw LK, Qin WNP, Dahidah MSA. CCM and DCM Analysis of quasi-Z-Source Inverter. In: 2017 IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion (CENCON). 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: IEEE.
- Liu H, Dahidah M, Naayagi RT, Armstrong M, Yu J. A novel modular multilevel step-up DC/DC converter for offshore systems. In: IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. 2017, Edinburgh, UK: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Vu V-B, Kamal LBM, Tay J, Pickert V, Dahidah M, Logenthiran T, Phan V-T. A multi-output capacitive charger for electric vehicles. In: IEEE 26th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE). 2017, Edinburgh, UK: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Liu H, Dahidah M, Armstrong M, Naayagi RT. High Voltage High Power Modular Multilevel DC/DC Converter for Off-shore Wind Farm DC Collection Point. In: Proceedings of 8th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives. 2016, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
- Liu H, Dahidah M, Armstrong M, Naayagi RT. High voltage high power DC/DC modular multilevel converter for offshore windfarm DC collection point. In: 8th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machine and Drives. 2016, Glasgow, UK: Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Abushafa O, Gadoue S, Dahidah M, Atkinson D, Ethni S. Control Strategies for Capacitor Voltage Balancing in Modular Multilevel Converters. In: 7th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC). 2016, Hammamet, Tunisia: IEEE.
- Mnider AM, Atkinson DJ, Dahidah M, Armstrong M. A simplified DQ Controller for Single-Phase Grid-Connected PV Inverters. In: 2016 7th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC). 2016, Hammamet, Tunisia: IEEE.
- Mnider AM, Atkinson DJ, Dahidah M, Armstrong M. A simplified DQ controller for single-phase grid-connected PV inverters. In: 2016 7th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC). 2016, Hammamet, Tunisia: IEEE.
- Mnider AM, Atkinson DJ, Dahidah M, Zbede YB, Armstrong M. A Programmable Cascaded LPF Based PLL Scheme for Single-Phase Grid-Connected Inverters. In: 2016 7th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC). 2016, Hammamet, Tunisia: IEEE.
- Abushafa O, Gadoue S, Dahidah M, Atkinson D. A New Scheme for Monitoring Submodule Capacitance in Modular Multilevel Converter. In: 8th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2016). 2016, Glasgow, UK: IET.
- Abushafa O, Gadoue S, Dahidah M, Atkinson D. Capacitor voltage estimation in Modular Multilevel Converters using a Kalman filter algorithm. In: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology. 2015, Seville, Spain: IEEE.
- Haw LK, Dahidah MSA. New current control algorithm incorporating multilevel SHE-PWM approach for STATCOM operation under unbalanced condition. In: IEEE 5th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG2014). 2014, Galway, Ireland: IEEE.
- Haw LK, Dahidah MSA. DC-DC boost converter based MSHE-PWM cascaded multilevel inverter control for STATCOM systems. In: International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-Hiroshima 2014- ECCE-Asia). 2014, Hiroshima, Japan: IEEE.
- Haw LK, Dahidah MSA, Konstantinou G, Agelidis VG. SHE-PWM Cascaded Multilevel Converter with Adjustable DC Sources Control for STATCOM Applications. In: IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference. 2012, Harbin, China: IEEE.
- Dahidah MSA, Konstantinou G, Agelidis VG. Single-phase Nine-level SHE-PWM Inverter with Single DC Source suitable for Renewable Energy Systems. In: The 7th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC). 2011, Chicago, Illinois, USA: IEEE.
- Dahidah MSA, Konstantinou G, Agelidis VG. SHE-PWM control for asymmetrical hybrid multilevel flying capacitor and H-bridge converter. In: IEEE Ninth International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS). 2011, Singapore: IEEE.
- Haw LK, Dahidah MSA, Mariun N. Cascaded multilevel inverter based STATCOM with power factor correction feature. In: IEEE Conference on Sustainable Utilization and Development in Engineering and Technology. 2011, Semenyih, Malaysia: IEEE.
- Dahidah MSA, Konstantinou G, Agelidis VG. SHE-PWM and optimized DC voltage levels for cascaded multilevel inverters control. In: IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications (ISIEA). 2010, Penang, Malaysia.
- Pilly K, Dahidah MSA, Mariun N. On Comparing the performance of Voltage Source Converters based D-STATCOM for Voltage Sag Mitigation . In: IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy. 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: IEEE.
- Jin PK, Dahidah MSA, Klumpner C. Nine-level SHE-PWM Cascaded Converter Based STATCOM System. In: IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy. 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Dahidah MSA, Agelidis VG. Selective Harmonic Elimination Multilevel Inverter Control with Variant DC Sources. In: the 4th International IEEE on Industrial Electronics and Applications. 2009, Xia`n, China.
- Dahidah MSA, Agelidis VG. SHE-PWM Technique for single-phase AC-AC Matrix Converter. In: Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC '08). 2008, Sydney, Australia: IEEE.
- Pulikanti SR, Dahidah MSA, Agelidis VG. SHE-PWM Switching Strategies for Active Neutral Point Clamped Multilevel Converters. In: Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC '08). 2008, Sydney, Australia: IEEE.
- Flourentzou N, Dahidah MSA, Agelidis VG. Optimal SHE-PWM Switching Patterns for an HVDC System Built with Eight Conventional Three-Phase VSC Modules. In: Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC '08). 2008, Sydney, Australia: IEEE.
- Flourentzou N, Dahidah MSA, Agelidis VG. On distributing multilevel SHE-PWM waveforms in HVDC systems built with conventional three-phase VSC modules. In: 39th Power Electronics Specialists Conference: IEEE-PESC 2008. 2008, Rhodes, Greece: IEEE.
- Dahidah MSA, Agelidis VG. Non-Symmetrical SHE-PWM Technique for Five-Level Cascaded Converter with Non-Equal DC Sources. In: 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon 2008). 2008, Johor Baharu, Malaysia: IEEE.
- Dahidah MSA, Agelidis VG. Comparative Evaluation of Symmetrical and Non-Symmetrical Bipolar SHE-PWM Techniques. In: 39th Power Electronics Specialists Conference: IEEE-PESC 2008. 2008, Rhodes, Greece: IEEE.
- Dahidah MSA, Agelidis VG. Non-symmetrical Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM Techniques: The Unipolar Waveform. In: 38th Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC 2007). 2007, Orlando, Florida: IEEE.
- Dahidah MSA, Agelidis VG. Generalized Formulation of Multilevel Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM: Case I- Non-Equal DC Sources. In: 37th Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC 2006). 2006, Jeju, Korea: IEEE.
- Dahidah MSA, Agelidis VG. A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Selective Harmonic Elimination Control of a Multilevel Inverter with Non-Equal DC Sources. In: 6th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drives Systems (PEDS 2005). 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Dahidah MSA, Mariun N. Single-Phase Active Power Filter for Mitigating Selected Order of Harmonics. In: the 46th IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. 2003, Cairo, Egypt: IEEE.
- Dahidah MSA, Mariun N, Mahmod S, Khan N. Single-Phase Active Power Filter for Harmonic Mitigation in Distribution Power Lines. In: IEEE-PES National Power and Energy conference. 2003, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: IEEE.