Staff Profile
Professor Oliver Heidrich
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 6563
- Address: School of Engineering
Room 3.10, Cassie Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
I teach and research Civil and Environmental Engineering. I investigate urban climate change strategies to implement mitigation and adaptation technologies and determine the impact these strategies have on natural resources across the globe.
My vision is to make this world an even better place. My mission is that Government, Industry and Society will appreciate the environmental and resource consequences of their actions (or indeed inaction). For this, my team develops and applies engineering and management methodologies to increase the profitability and understanding of industrial and urban processes. My projects have been assessed independently and received the highest possible ratings for the transfer of technical and management knowledge. I have designed and delivered training courses and consulted local and multinational companies from the construction to the banking sector. My work enhances the research and training of science, engineering, and managerial knowledge as they are directly relevant to businesses and governmental organisations.
Having worked in the construction industry and graduated as a fully qualified Civil Engineer in Germany I completed a PhD in Environmental Management and Business Psychology (School of Engineering and the School of Biology and Psychology) at Newcastle University in 2006. After working for more than 8 years as a company director, consultant, and trainer of business leaders worldwide I re-joined Newcastle University in 2011 as a researcher and became an Academic member of staff in 2017.
I now develop new approaches to model and manage climate change adaptation, mitigation interventions, and the impact these have on natural resources. My team provides researchers and decision-makers with a system of systems understanding of the inter-relationships between strategies and resource use. I consider climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies and technologies in the built environment.
My research, consultancy, and publications feed directly into my teaching bringing expertise into the classroom. I lead modules and teach and conduct the associated administration of Higher Education (HE) Programs for UG, PG, and doctoral students. My leadership, lecturing, and administration in HE has been assessed by colleagues and students as being “very effective” and “excellent”.
My research team quantifies the intended and indeed unintended consequences of climate change interventions. Ultimately I develop new theories for urban areas (cities) and climate change adaptation and mitigation by considering resource models, life cycle assessment and costing, material flows, industrial ecology principles, and standardised management systems to make this world an even better place, everywhere for everyone!
Roles and Responsibilities
Researcher of Resource Models and Urban Areas;
teaching Civil Engineering, Waste Management, Business and the Environment, Supply Chain Management and Life Cycle Assessment
-Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Engineering and Business Psychology (School of Psychology and School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences), Newcastle University (2004-2006)
-Master of Science in Clean Technologies (Chemical Engineering), Newcastle University (1998-99)
-Diplom Ingenieur (Master of Engineering) in Civil Engineering HTWd Saarlandes, Germany (1993- 97)
-Fully qualified and practiced steel construction fitter, Fredenhagen, Offenbach, Germany (1985-88)
Previous Positions
Foreman in the construction industry (1988-1993)
Consultant, Plocher GmbH, Meersburg, Germany and Hsinchu, Taiwan (1997-1998)
Consultant, University (HTW) Saarland, Saarbrucken, Germany (1998-1999)
Project manager; United Chemicals Belgium (1999-2000)
Business and Research Manager; Newcastle University (2000-2004)
Director of Econoplas Ltd. (2004-2011)
Environmental Engineering Lecturer and School Business Developer (CEG); Newcastle University (2006-2008)
Associate Director of Safety, Environment and Quality Management- SEQM Ltd. (2008-2010)
Director of Biscuit Management and Training (2010-2019)
International Solid Waste Management Association (ISWA)
International Society of Industrial Ecology (ISIE)
Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research
Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE)
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
German (mother tongue)
Google scholar: Click here.
SCOPUS: Click here.
My vision is that Government, Industry and Society will appreciate the environmental and resource consequences of their actions (or indeed inaction). We develop assessment methods and decision-making tools to quantify the intended and indeed unintended consequences of climate change interventions.
Research Interests
• Climate change adaptation and mitigation,
• Urban planning and infrastructure systems,
• Environmental, resource and waste management,
• Life cycle assessment and costing,
• Standardised management systems.
I always welcome enquiries from potential PhD students, industry and governmental organisations
Current Work
Climate change, resource models and cities
Esteem Indicators
- Researcher with the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research
- Editor for Resources, Conservation and Recycling
- Invited speaker at many national and international institutes
- Proposal reviewer for EU, Kuwait, German, Netherlands and UK research funding bodies.
- Journal reviewer (Climatic Change, International Journal of Production Economics, Water, Sustainability, Journal of Cleaner Production, Institution of Civil Engineers and many others)
- External and internal PhD examiner
- I welcome well-thought through PhD enquiries
Since becoming an academic member of staff in 2017, I have worked on various research projects as a collaborator or director that had significant impacts on cities, society, industry and academia. I published a range of peer-reviewed journal papers, with a Google Scholar H-Index of 41 with over 9,000 citations (November 2023).
I have initiated and conducted internationally leading research in environmental engineering and management. I co-developed patents e.g. recycling technology (Patent number WO2004082912), green infrastructure (WO2000073593) and products from waste (WO2006123111). The following research contracts were awarded:
- PD (Project Director) Stephen Blenkinsop Greening the NHS EPSRC Newcastle CDT and Northumbria NHS Oct 23- Sep 27
- CoI (Co-Investigator) PD- Louise Kempton Insights North East Research England Oct 22- Sep 26
- CoI PD Volker Pickert Eco-friendly materials for industrial drives & machines EPSRC Oct 23- Sep 27
- Project Director (PD) Integrated Model of Recycling and Disposal of lithium-ion batteries (IMRAD) EPSRC Sustainable Electric Propulsion CDT and TES AMM Oct 22- Sep 26
- CoI PD- H. Fowler CONVINCE- CO-creation aNd eValuatIon Novel reCruitment processes of minoritized ethnic groups recruitment NERC Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) CDT/DTP Flexible Funding Award Apr 22- May 23
- CoI, PD- H. Fowler ONE Planet DTP NERC Oct 24- Sep 28
- PD ViTAL Living Lab; Defence Innovation Fund Oct 21- Oct 24
- CoI PD- John Kamara Use of FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) for Green Buildings in Egypt Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia Sep 20- Sep 24
- PD Minimising whole life carbon emissions in a multi-site utility EPSRC CDT and Northumbria Water Oct 21-Oct 25
- PD Integration BIM and MFA to assess the Lifecycle impacts of Construction Materials Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia Oct 19- Oct 22
- PD Newcastle (PD is Urban Foresight) IEA Task 42- Scaling Up EV Markets and EV City Casebook International Energy Agency Jan 19- Oct 22
- PD FUSE Studentship Faraday Institution, EPSRC May 20- Sep 20
- PD FUSE Studentship Faraday Institution, EPSRC May 20- Sep 20
- PD Newcastle (Bert Witkamp) IEA Task 40- CRM4EV – Critical Raw Materials for Electric Vehicles International Energy Agency May 19- Sep 19
- PD Proposal reviews EU- Research Executive Agency May 18 Sep 18
- CoI PD- Ben Bridgens ALIVE- Rhythmic Buildings Research England Oct 19- Oct 23
- PD Project reviews- EU- Executive Agency for Small & Medium-sized Enterprises May 19-May 20
- CoI PD- H. Fowler ONE Planet DTP NERC Oct 19- Oct 27
- PD Integrated models for LiB EPSRC Oct 18-Oct 21
- Collaborator; Project Director (PD) P.Anderson (Birmingham University) and S. Lambert (NU) Recycling of Li-Ion Batteries ReLIB; Faraday Institution, EPSRC Feb 18- Mar 21
- PD (Newcastle); PL U.Kral (Vienna University) Mining the European Anthroposphere (MINEA)~ £10k to Newcastle EU COST Action Feb 18- Dec 20
- PD Project reviews- Executive Agency for Small & Medium-sized Enterprises Feb 18-Feb 19
- PD, Global and Urban Metabolism of Potassium to Feed the City (GUMP City), Sep 16- Mar 17, IfS
- CoI; PD P.Anderson (Birmingham University) and Simon Lambert (Newcastle) Recycling of Li-Ion Batteries ReLIB, Mar 18- Feb 2021, Faraday Institution, EPSRC.
- PD for Newcastle University (NU); PL U.Kral (Vienna University), Mining the European Anthroposphere (MINEA), Mar 16- Feb 2020, EU COST Action.
- PD Newcastle, PD: M. Rubinato (Sheffield), OPTIMISTIC- floOd PredicTIon and Management In STeep urbanIsing Catchments, Sichuan, China, Sep-16, Newton Fund
- CoI PD: P. Blythe, Low Carbon Transitions of Fleet Operations in Metropolitan Sites (LC TRANSFORMS), Jan 16-Dec 18, EPSRC
- CoI PD John Kamara; Towards a Standardised Assessment of Building Adaptability-TOBY; Newcastle, Milano, Dec 15-Nov 16, Institute for Sustainability
- CoI PD: D. Manning (CEG, NU), LAYERS of material flows for E-tech elements, 09/13-05/14, NERC Catalyst grant
- CoI PD: R. Dawson (CEG), IBUILD- Infrastructure BUsiness models, valuation and Innovation for Local Delivery; 06/13- 05/17; EPSRC and ESRC
- CoI PD: Graham Farmer (Architecture NU); U-Tec (Up-cycle to Engage Communities); 11/12-05/13; EPSRC Sandpit and SURE
- CoI PDs: J. Kropp (PIK Berlin) and R. Dawson (CEG, NU); RAMSES (Reconciling Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development for Cities); 01/13-12/16; EC FP7
- CoI PD: R. Dawson (CEG NU); Resource implications of adaptation of infrastructure to global change; 07/11-03/14; EPSRC
- CoI PD: W. Weileder (Fine Art NU); Green House Singapore: Hub-to-Hub Sustainable Singapore; collaboration and interdisciplinary interventions in architecture and housing; 04/11-11/11; Urban Redevelopment Agency Singapore
- PD writing and presenting: “Stewardship tools for production and operations management” at the 21stInternational Conference on Production Research, Stuttgart (Germany), 02/11-08/11; Newcastle University Business School (NUBS), Newcastle
- PD reviewer of book proposal; 03/11; CAB International Publishing, Wallingford
- CoI PD: T. Roskilly (NIRES NU); Inomanship-Energy management for conventional and renewable energy recovery and generation systems on ships; 05/11/04/14; EC FP 7
- PD supervisor of MBA and MSc projects; 01/11-09/11; Newcastle University Business School (NUBS)
- PD report to AEA Technology for the Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) with North Tyneside Council; 09/10-12/10; School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG) Newcastle University, Newcastle
- CoI PD: R. Dawson (CEG NU); Integrated assessment technologies to support the sustainable development of urban areas; 10/09-10/13, EU Corporation in Science and Technology
- PD design and delivery of undergraduate lecture of Sustainability Codes in Civil Engineering; 08/10-11/10; CEG, Newcastle University
- PD design and deliver a MSc module and Continual Professional Development (CPD) course in Environmental Engineering; 08/10-02/11; CEG, Newcastle University
- PD deliver a 5 day EMS Associate course for Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA); 09/10; SEQM, Newcastle
- PD design and deliver a 5 day waste management and resource efficiency in the Oil Industry course; 07/10 CPT Training; Newcastle
- PD co-supervisor of the KTP with North Tyneside Council; 05/10-08/10; CEG, Newcastle University
- PD design and deliver a 5 day waste management and resource efficiency in the Oil Industry course, 05/10 CPT Training, Newcastle
- PD Business Development and Knowledge Transfer; 10/06-08/08; Higher Education Innovation Fund
- Proejct manager PD Prof. Blythe; YorCard, Smart card payment for public transport; 04/07-04/09; Scheidt Bachman and Yorkshire Forward
- Project manager PD: Prof. Blythe; Transport Issues in Cambridge; 05/07-01/08; Cambridge Council
- Project director; New PD: Dr. Sallis; Waste management in North Tyneside; 04/08-04/00; North Tyneside Council and KTP;
- Project manager; PD: Prof. Bell; Demand responsive signal control for roadworks; 11/07-06/08; Hatton Traffic Management; North Tyneside
- Project manager; PD: Prof. Hall; Predicting uncertainty and flooding; 08/07-04/08; Thames Estuary 2100 and EA; London
- CoI STaR City-Science, Technology and Research for Sustainable Cities (01/05-05/08) funded by EU Marie Curie; University of Essen (Germany)
- CoI DIM SUM, Decision Making in Water Management (11/04-10/07) funded by EU FP 6; University of Natural Resources, Vienna (Austria)
- Project manager; BIONICS-Biological and Engineering Impacts of Climate Change on Slopes (06/04-05/08) funded by EPSRC (UK).
- Project manager; Mecoprop-Leachate Management (04/04-10/04); funded by Alco Waste Management Ltd
- Consultant; Life Cycle Assessment and its Strategic Importance to the Construction Industry (01/04-04/04); funded by Aggregate Industries (UK)
- Project manager; Socrates Erasmus-Teaching and Student Mobility Grant (09/03-09/05); funded by EU FP 6
- CoI SEDIS Sewage Sludge Treatment (09/03-08/06); funded by EU FP 6; IZES, Saarbruecken (Germany)
- Consultant; Plastic Waste Management, Treatment Technologies and its Supply Chain (07/03-04/05); funded by Econoplas Ltd (UK)
- Project manager; The Development of Pilot-plant Methodologies and Procedures for the Assessment of the Treatability for Hazardous Liquid Wastes (10/02-10/04); funded by EPT Ltd, DTI and EPSRC (UK)
- Consultant; Waste Management Techniques and Scenarios for Tehran (08/02-02/03); funded by the Municipality of Tehran (Iran)
- Project manager; Life Cycle Inventory of a Thermal Treatment Facility for Municipal Solid Waste (01/02-06/02); funded by Tyneside City Council (UK)
- Project manager; Develop and Implement an Integrated Solid Waste Management System Incorporating Waste Reduction and Recycling Methodologies and Working Procedures (08/01-08/04); funded by United Chemicals Belgium, DTI and EPSRC (UK)
Industrial Relevance
In industry, I led the implementation teams, developed new technologies and introduced management systems and engineering applications. I successfully tendered and conducted senior management training courses in environmental engineering in the UK, Vietnam, Kazakhstan and South Africa as well as auditing programmes in the UK, Japan and Italy for e.g. Barratt Housing, Unilever, City Group and Thompsons of Prudhoe Construction and Demolition. Here are some of the projects:
- Project collaborator PD: J. Ringer; Review of environmental legislation across 27 countries; 05/10-08/10; Inspectorate; Witham
- Project director; Design and deliver three 3 day training for data collectors and verifiers of Corporate Social Responsibility; 05/10-07/10; Kuwait National Petroleum Company; Kuwait
- Project director; Design and implement ten 3 day courses to communicate SHE (Safety, Health and Environment); 05/10-10/11; United Utilities; Leeds
- Project director; Design and implement Integrated Management System (ISO 9001, 14001 and 18001); 02/10-06/10; Koru Property Services; Gateshead
- Project director; Design and deliver Contractor Safety and Engagement policy training, 02/10-08/10; E.ON and PMMS Consulting; Nottingham
- Project director, Conduct an environmental review, 12/09-02/10, Arcon Housing; Manchester
- Project director; Design and deliver three 3 days Behaviour Based Health and Safety courses; 08/09-03/10; Kuwait Petroleum Company, Kuwait
- Project director; Design and implement Environmental Management System 14001 (EMS); 11/09-02/10; P F Burridge Construction, North Tyneside
- Project director; Environmental Best Practice Group for Registered Social Landlords, 08/09-08/12; SEQM, Newcastle
- Project director; Supply chain assessment and Country of Origin study; 10/09-12/09; Made In Nations; Gateshead
- Project director; 3 Quality Management System courses International Register of Certified Auditors (IRCA); 11/09-12/09; Nigeria LNG
- Project director; Introduction of Environmental Management System; 11/09-06/10; South Tyneside Homes, Gateshead
- Project director; taught a 5 day MSc module in Environmental Engineering; 08/09-11/09; CEG, Newcastle University
- Project director; Develop legal register for an Environmental Management System (EMS); 09/09; P F Burridge Construction, North Tyneside
- Project director; 5 day safety, health and environment framework standard course (IEMA and IRCA); 09/09-10/09; Unilever Europe, Greece
- Project director; deliver a 5 day Associate course for Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA); 09/09; SEQM, Newcastle
- Project director; deliver a 5 day Advanced environmental management system course for Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA); 08/09; SEQM Newcastle
- Project director; Develop and implement Integrated Management System (IMS) ISO 9001; ISO 14001 and OSHAS 18001; 08/09-11/09; Manor House Development; York
- Project director; deliver a 3 day IMS course;02/09; JPD; Plumely
- Project director; design and deliver a 3 day in-house internal auditor course; 08/09; Encore Envelops; Gateshead
- Project director; Design and implement Quality Management System 9001 (QMS); 07/09-12/09; P F Burridge Construction, North Tyneside
- Project director; Increase staff awareness on World Environment Day; 05/09-07/09, Duco, Newcastle
- Project director; Develop and implement Integrated Management System (IMS) ISO 9001; ISO 14001 and OSHAS 18001; 06/09-10/09; Newton Architects; Newcastle
- Project director; design and deliver a 5 day safety, health and environment framework standard course; 04/09-05/09; Unilever Worldwide, Vietnam
- Project director; deliver a 3 day environmental auditor course for Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA); 03/09; SEQM; Newcastle
- Project collaborator PD: J. Ringer (SEQM); Environmental assessment of a site in Germany; 09/09-10/09; Kellogg’s; Schwartau Germany
- Project director; design and deliver a 1 day course Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for businesses; MSc Clean Technology; 04/09; School of Chemical Engineering, Newcastle University
- Project director; deliver a 3 day Integrated Management System (IMS) course of International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA) and IEMA; 04/09; JPD; Dunstable
- Project director; design and deliver 7x1 day course for the operation and management of an incinerator; 12/08-02/09; UPM Kymmene; Irvine
- Project director; Gap analysis of ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001; 05/08-10/08; Citi Group (UK, Switzerland; Czech Republic and Germany)
- Project director; deliver a 2 day IEMA Resource Efficiency course; 04/08; SEQM; Newcastle
- Project director; IMS audits for 4 Japanese companies; 04/08; Ocean Cert. (Japan)
- Project collaborator PD: J. Ringer (SEQM); Initial environmental review; 10/08-04/09; Derwentside Homes; Derwentside
- Project director; Producer Responsibility Packaging Waste Packaging; 09/08-11/08; Epson printers; Telford
- Project manager; PD: J. Ringer (SEQM); successful submission to MIDAS; 05/08-06/08; Connect Physical Health; Ashington
- Project collaborator PD: C. Campbell (SEQM); several 1 day environmental awareness course; 03/08-05/08; Barratt Development Plc; Newcastle
- Project director; developed green tenancy guide; 04/08-08/08; The Gateshead Housing Company; Gateshead
- Project director; Healthcare Organisations in Italy and OSHAS 18001; 04/08-05/08; Orazio Piacenza; Italy
- Project collaborator PD: C. Campbell (SEQM); Developed sustainable purchasing strategy; 04/08-10/08; The Gateshead Housing Company
- Project collaborator PD: C. Campbell (SEQM); Developing Environmental Management System (EMAS); 04/08-08/09; The Gateshead Housing Company
- Project director; design and deliver a 5 day waste management and resource efficiency course; 03/08-04/08; Kararchaganak Petroleum Company; Kazakhstan, Newcastle
- Project director/manager; PD: J. Ringer (SEQM); Design and implement Corporate Social Responsibility; 08/08-07/10; Kuwait National Petroleum; Kuwait
- Project director; 5 day MSc module in Environmental Engineering; 08/08-11/08; CEG, Newcastle University
- Project collaborator; PD: J. Ringer; designing and implementing Quality Management System; 06/08-05/09; North Tyneside Council
- Project collaborator; PD: J. Ringer; Effluent review and assessment of treatment techniques; 04/08-05/08; Rosewood Packaging; North Shields
- Project director; Supply chain assessment and Country of Origin study; 10/09-12/09; Made In Nations; Newcastle
- Project director; Design and implement Quality Management System 9001 (QMS); 07/09-12/09; P F Burridge Construction, North Tyneside
- Project director; Develop and implement Integrated Management System (IMS) ISO 9001; ISO 14001 and OSHAS 18001; 06/09-10/09; Newton Architects; Newcastle
- Project director; 5 day safety, health and environment framework standard course; 04/09-05/09; Unilever Worldwide, Vietnam
- Project director; 5 day course business and supply chain management; 08/06-10/06; CPT Training; Newcastle
- Project director; 5 day course in health and safety and environmental standards; 05/08-07/08; Unilever; South Africa
- Project director; Develop and implement IMS; 06/08-05/09; Southern Green
- Project director; design and deliver a 5 day course in health and safety and environmental standards; 05/08-07/08; Unilever; South Africa
- Consultant; Environmental Management in Asia and Europe (05/00-04/03); funded by Sinolog Project Services GmbH (Germany and China|)
- Director; Strategic Guidance and Direct Support for Attracting Investment; Raw Materials; Manufacturing; Marketing and Sales (01/04-present); funded by Econoplas Ltd. (UK)
- Consultant; The Management of Waste Tyres (01/04-03/04); funded by AEA Technologies (UK)
- Project manager; The Development of Pilot-plant Methodologies and Procedures for the Assessment of the Treatability for Hazardous Liquid Wastes (10/02-10/04); funded by EPT Ltd, DTI and EPSRC (UK)
- Consultant; Waste Management Techniques and Scenarios for Tehran (08/02-02/03); funded by the Municipality of Tehran (Iran)
- Project manager; Analysis of Groundwater and Landfill Leachate (04/03-05/05); funded by C.F. Harris Ltd (UK
- Project manager; Life Cycle Inventory on the Introduction of On-board Weighing for Charging in Municipal Waste Management and its Support for Decision Making (01/03-06/03); funded by PM on Board (Uk)
- Consultant; Life Cycle Assessment and its Strategic Importance to the Construction Industry (01/04-04/04); funded by Aggregate Industries (UK)
- Consultant; The Management of Waste Tyres (01/04-03/04); funded by AEA Technologies (UK)
- Consultant; Plastic Waste Management, Treatment Technologies and its Supply Chain (07/03-04/05); funded by Econoplas Ltd (UK)
- Project manager; The Feasibility of Detecting PVdC on Polypropylene Film (6/00-12/00); funded by Mercantile Taiwan Enterprise Ltd. (Taiwan)
Undergraduate (UG) Teaching
I lead and teach the following modules:
- Sustainable Solutions in Civil Engineering (2nd and 3rd year in BEng and MEng Civil Engineering)
- Water and Waste Management (2nd year BEng and MEng Civil Engineering)
- Introduction to Resource and Solid Waste Management (3rd and 4th year BEng and MEng Civil Engineering)
- Ethics and Sustainability (4th Year BEng and MEng Civil Engineering)
- Final year Individual Project (BEng Civil Engineering)
I supervise a wide range of BEng or MEng final-year student projects
Postgraduate (PG) Teaching
I lead and teach the following modules:
- Recycling and LCA for Sustainable Materials (MEng Chemical Engineering and MEng Mechanical Engineering)
- Resource and Solid Waste Management (MSc Environmental Engineering and MEng Civil Engineering)
- Climate Change: Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation (MSc in Water Resource Management and MSc in Hydrology and Climate Change)
- Public policy and infrastructure (MEng Civil Engineering)
And I
- Supervise or co-supervise MSc and MBA student projects (from Engineering to Business Studies)
- Supervise or co-supervise PhD projects
- Act as internal or external PhD Examiner
I very much welcome inquiries from potential students
- Wang P, Yang Y-Y, Heidrich O, Chen L-Y, Chen L-H, Fishman T, Chen W-Q. Regional rare-earth element supply and demand balanced with circular economy strategies. Nature Geoscience 2024, 17, 94–102.
- Buzasi A, Simoes SG, Salvia M, Eckersley P, Geneletti D, Pietrapertosa F, Olazabal M, Wejs A, De Gregorio Hurtado S, Spyridaki N-A, Szalmane Csete M, Torres EF, Riznar K, Heidrich O, Grafakos S, Reckien D. European patterns of local adaptation planning—a regional analysis. Regional Environmental Change 2024, 24(2), 59.
- Bozeman JF, Hollauer C, Ramshankar AT, Nakkasunchi S, Jambeck J, Hicks A, Bilec M, McCauley D, Heidrich O. Embed systemic equity throughout industrial ecology applications: How to address machine learning unfairness and bias. Journal of Industrial Ecology 2024, 28(6), 1362-1376.
- Christy A, Elnahass M, Amezaga J, Browne A, Heidrich O. A dynamic framework to align company climate reporting and action with global climate targets. Business Strategy and The Environment 2024, 33(4), 3103-3128.
- Bozeman JF, Chopra SS, James P, Muhammad S, Cai H, Tong K, Carrasquillo M, Rickenbacker H, Nock D, Ashton W, Heidrich O, Derrible S, Bilec M. Three research priorities for just and sustainable urban systems: Now is the time to refocus. Journal of Industrial Ecology 2023, 27(2), 382-394.
- Harper G, Anderson PA, Kendrick E, Mrozik W, Christensen P, Lambert S, Greenwood D, Das PK, Ahmeid M, Milojevic Z, Du W, Brett DJL, Shearing PR, Rastegarpanah A, Solkin R, Sommerville R, Zorin A, Durham JL, Abbott A, Thompson D, Browning N, Mehdi L, Bahri M, Schnaider-Tontini F, Nicholls D, Stallmeister C, Friedrich B, Sommerfeld M, Driscoll LL, Jarvis A, Giles EC, Slater PR, Echavarri-Bravo V, Maddalena G, Horsfall L, Gaines L, Dai Q, Jethwa SJ, Lipson AL, Leeke GA, Cowell TD, Farthing JG, Mariani G, Smith A, Iqbal Z, Golmohammadzadeh R, Sweeney L, Goodship V, Li Z, Edge JS, Lander L, Nguyen-Tien V, Elliott RJR, Heidrich O, Slattery M, Reed D, Ahuja J, Cavoski A, Lee R, Driscoll E, Baker J, Littlewood PB, Styles I, Mahanty S, Boons F. Roadmap for a sustainable circular economy in lithium-ion and future battery technologies. Journal of Physics: Energy 2023, 5(2), 021501.
- Bradley T, Rajaeifar MA, Kenny A, Hainsworth C, del Pino V, del Valle Inclan Y, Povoa I, Mendonca P, Brown L, Smallbone A, Roskilly AP, Joyce S, Heidrich O. Life cycle assessment of microalgae-derived biodiesel. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 2023, 28, 590–609.
- Baars J, Cerdas F, Heidrich O. An Integrated Model to Conduct Multi-Criteria Technology Assessments: The Case of Electric Vehicle Batteries. Environmental Science and Technology 2023, 57(12), 5056-5067.
- Pietrapertosa F, Olazabal M, Simoes SG, Salvia M, Fokaides PA, Ioannou BI, Viguie V, Spyridaki N-A, De Gregorio Hurtado S, Geneletti D, Heidrich O, Tardieu L, Feliu E, Riznar K, Matosovic M, Balzan MV, Flamos A, Sel NB, Reckien D. Adaptation to climate change in cities of Mediterranean Europe. Cities 2023, 140, 104452.
- van Ellen L, Bridgens B, Burford N, Crown M, Heidrich O. Adaptability of space habitats using the Rhythmic Buildings strategy. Acta Astronautica 2023, 211, 764-780.
- Heidrich O, Ford A, Dawson RJ, Manning D, Mohareb E, Raugei M, Baars J, Rajaeifar MA. LAYERS: A Decision-Support Tool to Illustrate and Assess the Supply and Value Chain for the Energy Transition. Sustainability 2022, 14(12), 7120.
- Rajaeifar MA, Belcher O, Parkinson S, Neimark B, Weir D, Ashworth K, Larbi R, Heidrich O. Decarbonize the military - mandate emissions reporting. Nature 2022, 611(7934), 29-32.
- Butt T, Mohareb E, Egbor K, Hashemi A, Heidrich O. Analysis of greenhouse gas mitigation performance in UK urban areas. Carbon Management 2022, 13(1), 463-481.
- Walsh CL, Glendinning S, Dawson RJ, O'Brien P, Heidrich O, Rogers CDF, Bryson JR, Purnell P. A Systems Framework for Infrastructure Business Models for Resilient and Sustainable Urban Areas. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 2022, 4, 825801.
- Baars J, Rajaeifar MA, Heidrich O. Quo vadis MFA? Integrated material flow analysis to support material efficiency. Journal of Industrial Ecology 2022, 26(4), 1487-1503.
- Salvia M, Reckien D, Pietrapertosa F, Eckersley P, Spyridaki N-A, Krook-Riekkola A, Olazabal M, De Gregorio Hurtado S, Simoes SG, Geneletti D, Viguie V, Fokaides PA, Ioannou BI, Flamos A, Csete MS, Buzasi A, Orru H, de Boer C, Foley A, Riznar K, Matosovic M, Balzan MV, Smigaj M, Bastakova V, Streberova E, Sel NB, Coste L, Tardieu L, Altenburg C, Lorencova EK, Orru K, Wejs A, Feliu E, Church JM, Grafakos S, Vasilie S, Paspaldzhiev I, Heidrich O. Will climate mitigation ambitions lead to carbon neutrality? An analysis of the local-level plans of 327 cities in the EU. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2021, 135, 110253.
- Christensen PA, Anderson PA, Harper GDJ, Lambert SM, Mrozik W, Rajaeifar MA, Wise MS, Heidrich O. Risk management over the life cycle of lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2021, 148, 111240.
- van Ellen LA, Bridgens BN, Burford N, Heidrich O. Rhythmic Buildings - a framework for sustainable adaptable architecture. Building and Environment 2021, 203, 108068.
- Rajaeifar MA, Raugei M, Steubing B, Hartwell A, Anderson PA, Heidrich O. Life cycle assessment of lithium-ion battery recycling using pyrometallurgical technologies. Journal of Industrial Ecology 2021, 25(6), 1560-1571.
- Melin HE, Rajaeifar MA, Ku AY, Kendall A, Harper G, Heidrich O. Global implications of the EU battery regulation. Science 2021, 373(6553), 384-387.
- Lander L, Cleaver T, Rajaeifar MA, Nguyen-Tien V, Elliott RJR, Heidrich O, Kendrick E, Edge JS, Offer G. Financial viability of electric vehicle lithium-ion battery recycling. iScience 2021, 24(7), 102787.
- Salvia M, Olazabal M, Fokaides PA, Tardieu L, Simoes SG, Geneletti D, De Gregorio Hurtado S, Viguie V, Spyridaki N-A, Pietrapertosa F, Ioannou BI, Matosovic M, Flamos A, Balzan MV, Feliu E, Riznar K, Sel NB, Heidrich O, Reckien D. Climate mitigation in the Mediterranean Europe: An assessment of regional and city-level plans. Journal of Environmental Management 2021, 295, 113146.
- Baars J, Domenech T, Bleischwitz R, Melin HE, Heidrich O. Circular economy strategies for electric vehicle batteries reduce reliance on raw materials. Nature Sustainability 2021, 4, 71-79.
- Yakovleva N, Chiwona AG, Manning DAC, Heidrich O. Circular economy and six approaches to improve potassium life cycle for global crop production. Resources Policy 2021, 74, 102426.
- Sommerville R, Zhu P, Rajaeifar MA, Heidrich O, Goodship V, Kendrick E. A qualitative assessment of lithium ion battery recycling processes. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 2021, 165, 105219.
- Rajaeifar MA, Heidrich O, Ghadimi P, Raugei M, Wu Y. Sustainable supply and value chains of electric vehicle batteries. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2020, 161, 104905.
- Heidrich O, Khadem M, Cherry B. Staying in the loop: How can circular economy principles be applied to the water industry?. TRANSFORM 2020.
- Grafakos S, Viero G, Reckien D, Trigg K, Viguie V, Sudmant A, Graves C, Foley A, Heidrich O, Mirailles JM, Carter J, Chang LH, Nador C, Liseri M, Chelleri L, Orru H, Orru K, Aelenei R, Bilska A, Pfeiffer B, Lepetit Q, Church JM, Landauer M, Gouldson A, Dawson R. Integration of mitigation and adaptation in urban climate change action plans in Europe: A systematic assessment. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2020, 121, 109623.
- Zheng T, Wang B, Rajaeifar MA, Heidrich O, Zheng J, Liang Y, Zhang H. How government policies can make waste cooking oil-to-biodiesel supply chains more efficient and sustainable. Journal of Cleaner Production 2020, 263, 121494.
- Crilly M, Vemury C, Humphrey R, Rodriguez S, Crosbie T, Johnson K, Wilson A, Heidrich O. Common Language of Sustainability for Built Environment Professionals—The Quintuple Helix Model for Higher Education. Energies 2020, 13(22), 5860.
- Kamara JM, Heidrich O, Tafaro VE, Maltese S, Dejaco MC, Re Cecconi F. Change Factors and the Adaptability of Buildings. Sustainability 2020, 12(16), 6585.
- Hill G, Heidrich O, Creutzig F, Blythe P. The role of electric vehicles in near-term mitigation pathways and achieving the UK's carbon budget. Applied Energy 2019, 251, 113111.
- Tangtinthai N, Heidrich O, Manning DAC. Role of policy in managing mined resources for construction in Europe and emerging economies. Journal of Environmental Management 2019, 236, 613-621.
- Manning DAC, Tangtinthai N, Heidrich O. Evaluation of raw material extraction, processivng, construction and disposal of cement and concrete products: datasets and calculations. Data in Brief 2019, 24, 103929.
- Velasquez-Orta SB, Heidrich O, Graham DW. Energy use and carbon emissions across a English wastewater network. Institute of Water Journal 2019, 3, 17-23.
- Rajaeifar MA, Tabatabaei M, Aghbashlo M, Nizami A-S, Heidrich O. Emissions from urban bus fleets running on biodiesel blends under real-world operating conditions: Implications for designing future case studies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2019, 111, 276-292.
- Reckien D, Salvia M, Pietrapertosa F, Simoes SG, Olazabal M, De Gregorio Hurtado S, Geneletti D, Krkoska Lorencova E, D'Alonzo V, Krook-Riekkola A, Fokaides PA, Ioannou BI, Foley A, Orru H, Orru K, Wejs A, Flacke J, Church JM, Feliu E, Vasilie S, Nador C, Matosovic M, Flamos A, Spyridaki N-A, Balzan MV, Fulop O, Grafakos S, Paspaldzhiev I, Heidrich O. Dedicated versus mainstreaming approaches in local climate plans in Europe. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2019, 112, 948-959.
- Heidrich O, Cherry B, Yakovleva N, Manning D, Ford A. Special K: potassium production. TRANSFORM 2018, December 2018.
- Velasquez-Orta SB, Heidrich O, Black K, Graham D. Retrofitting options for wastewater networks to achieve climate change reduction targets. Applied Energy 2018, 218, 430-441.
- Reckien D, Salvia M, Heidrich O, Church JM, Pietrapertosa F, De Gregorio-Hurtado S, D'Alonzo V, Foley A, Simoes SG, Krkoska Lorencova E, Orru H, Orru K, Wejs A, Flacke J, Olazabal M, Geneletti D, Feliu E, Vasilie S, Nador C, Krook-Riekkola A, Matosovic M, Fokaides PA, Ioannou BI, Flamos A, Spyridaki N-A, Balzan MV, Fulop O, Paspaldzhiev I, Grafakos S, Dawson R. How are cities planning to respond to climate change? Assessment of local climate plans from 885 cities in the EU-28. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018, 191, 207-219.
- Bridgens B, Powell M, Farmer G, Walsh CL, Reed E, Royapoor M, Gosling P, Hall J, Heidrich O. Creative upcycling: reconnecting people, materials and place through making. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018, 189, 145-154.
- Heidrich O, Harvey J. An examination into recycling and waste management attitudes and behaviors by UK employees. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 2018, 17(1), 71-81.
- Re Cecconi F, Moretti N, Maltese S, Dejaco MC, Kamara JM, Heidrich O. A rating system for building resilience Un rating system per la resilienza degli edifici. TECHNE 2018, 15, 358-365.
- Re Cecconi F, Moretti N, Maltese S, Dejaco MC, Kamara JM, Heidrich O. A Rating System for Building Resilience. Techne: Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment 2018, 15, 358-365.
- Vemury CM, Heidrich O, Thorpe N, Crosbie T. A Holistic Approach to Delivering Sustainable Design Education in Civil Engineering. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 2018, 19(1), 197-216.
- Villarroel Walker R, Beck MB, Hall JW, Dawson RJ, Heidrich O. Identifying key technology and policy strategies for sustainable cities: A case study of London. Environmental Development 2017, 21, 1-18.
- Heidrich O, Hill GA, Neaimeh M, Huebner Y, Blythe PT, Dawson RJ. How do cities support electric vehicles and what difference does it make?. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 2017, 123, 17-23.
- Nanaki EA, Koroneos CJ, Roset J, Susca T, Christensen TH, Hurtado SDG, Rybka A, Kopitovic J, Heidrich O, Lopez-Jimenez PA. Environmental assessment of 9 European public bus transportation systems. Sustainable Cities and Society 2017, 28, 42-52.
- Lenk S, Rybski D, Heidrich O, Dawson RJ, Kropp JP. Costs of sea dikes – regressions and uncertainty estimates. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 2017, 17(5), 765-779.
- Heidrich O, Kamara JM, Maltese S, Re Cecconi F, Dejaco MC. A critical review of developments in building adaptability. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation 2017, 35(4), 284-303.
- Heidrich O, Reckien D, Olazabal M, Foley A, Salvia M, de Gregorio Hurtado S, Orru H, Flacke J, Geneletti D, Pietrapertosa F, Hamann JP, Tiwary A, Feliu E, Dawson RJ. National climate policies across Europe and their impacts on cities strategies. Journal of Environmental Management 2016, 168, 36-45.
- Sandberg N, Sartori I, Heidrich O, Dawson R, Dascalaki E, Dimitriou S, Vimmr T, Filippidou F, Stegnar G, Zavrl M, Brattebø H. Dynamic Building Stock Modelling: Application to 11 European countries to support the energy efficiency and retrofit ambitions of the EU. Energy and Buildings 2016, 132, 26-38.
- Tiwary A, Williams ID, Heidrich O, Namdeo A, Bandaru V, Calfapietra C. Development of multi-functional streetscape green infrastructure using a performance index approach. Environmental Pollution 2016, 208(Part A), 209-220.
- Reckien D, Flacke J, Olazabal M, Heidrich O. The Influence of Drivers and Barriers on Urban Adaptation and Mitigation Plans—An Empirical Analysis of European Cities. PLoS ONE 2015, 10(8), e0135597.
- Bramald T, Heidrich O, Hall J. Teaching sustainability to first year civil engineering students. Proceedings of the ICE: Engineering Sustainability 2015, 168(2), 93-101.
- Vemury C, Heidrich O, Thorpe N. Sustainable Design Education to Meet the Ever-Changing Worlds of Civil Engineering and Urban Infrastructure Systems. Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2015, 8(28), 1-6.
- Guy S, Henshaw V, Heidrich O. Climate change, adaptation and Eco-Art in Singapore. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 2015, 58(1), 39-54.
- Walker RV, Beck MB, Hall JW, Dawson RJ, Heidrich O. The energy-water-food nexus: Strategic analysis of technologies for transforming the urban metabolism. Journal of Environmental Management 2014, 141, 104-115.
- Harvey J, Heidrich O, Cairns K. Psychological factors to motivate sustainable behaviours. Proceedings of the ICE- Urban Design and Planning 2014, 167(4), 165-174.
- Demuzere M, Orru K, Heidrich O, Olazabal E, Geneletti D, Orru H, Bhave A, Mittal N, Feliu E, Faehnle M. Mitigating and adapting to climate change: multi-functional and multi-scale assessment of green urban infrastructures. Journal of Environmental Management 2014, 146, 107–115.
- Heidrich O, Dawson RJ, Reckien D, Walsh CL. How prepared are UK cities for addressing climate change adaptation and mitigation?. Urbanization and Global Environmental Change Viewpoints 2014, 10, 17-21.
- Heidrich O, Tiwary A. Environmental appraisal of green production systems: Challenges faced by small companies using life cycle assessment. International Journal of Production Research 2013, 51(19), 5884-5896.
- Heidrich O, Dawson RJ, Reckien D, Walsh CL. Assessment of the climate preparedness of 30 urban areas in the UK. Climatic Change 2013, 120(4), 771-784.
- Keuning JA, Heidrich O, Eikelboom E. Schone Kunst. KM Materiaaltechnische Informatie over Kunst en Vormgeving (Technical Information on Material Art and Design) 2011, 80(4), 36-39.
- Williams TGJL, Heidrich O, Sallis PJ. A case study of the open-loop recycling of mixed plastic waste for use in a sports-field drainage system. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 2010, 55(2), 118-128.
- Heidrich O, Harvey J, Tollin N. Stakeholder analysis for industrial waste management systems. Waste Management 2009, 29(2), 965-973.
- Huang Y, Bird RN, Heidrich O. Development of a Life Cycle Assessment Tool for Construction and Maintenance of Asphalt Pavements. Journal of Cleaner Production 2009, 17(2), 283-296.
- Huang Y, Bird RN, Heidrich O. A review of the use of recycled solid waste materials in asphalt pavements. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 2007, 52(1), 58-73.
- Hicks C, Heidrich O, McGovern T, Donnelly T. A functional model of supply chains and waste. International Journal of Production Economics 2004, 89(2), 165-174.
- Heidrich O, Donnelly T. Weighing up the costs of waste. Wastes Management 2001, 12(1), 42-44.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Albasyouni W, Heidrich O, Kamara J. The Adoption of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) to Assess Environmental Risks in Construction. In: 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023) of the International Society for Industrial Ecology. 2023, Leiden: International Society for Industrial Ecology.
- Oruc S, Puttick B, Palmer M, deBlaquiere G, Fowler H, Heidrich O. Racial Inequalities in Undertaking Doctoral Study in the UK: A Qualitative Analysis. In: 11th International Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023). 2023, Leiden University, The Netherlands.
- Rajaeifar MA, Heidrich O. Prospective life cycle assessment to avoid unintended consequences of net-zero solutions and its challenges. In: The 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023). 2023.
- Nakkasunchi S, Heidrich O. Identifying research diversity of the Living Labs across different sectors. In: 11th International Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023). 2023, Leiden University, The Netherlands: International Society for Industrial Ecology.
- Edwards S, Blythe P, Heidrich O. Decarbonising vehicle fleets: the case for hydrogen. In: 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology. 2023, Leiden, The Netherlands.
- Christy A, Heidrich O, Elnahass M, Amezaga J, Browne A, Moore A. Avoiding turmoil. Achieving targets. Attempting NetZero: Perspectives from the Water Sector. In: The 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology. 2023, Leiden, the Netherlands: The International Society of Industrial Ecology.
- Heidrich O, Hayley J, Salzmann U. Transdisciplinary teaching - How can we educate scientists of the future?. In: 10th International Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE2019). 2019, Beijing, China: International Society for Industrial Ecology.
- Rajaeifar M, Heidrich O, Creutzig F, Blythe P, Hill G. The limited impact electro mobility will have on reaching climate change mitigation targets. In: 10th International Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE2019). 2019, Beijing, China: International Society for Industrial Ecology.
- Baars J, Heidrich O. Electric vehicles and a circular economy: the case of cobalt in lithium-ion batteries in the EU. In: 10th International Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE2019). 2019, Beijing, China: International Society for Industrial Ecology.
- Skeete JP, Heidrich O, Rajaeifar M, Hill G, Wells P. Cars, EVs and battery recycling forecasts and economic models. In: 10th International Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE2019). 2019, Beijing, China: International Society for Industrial Ecology.
- Heidrich O, Bridgens B. Cafe Waste and Upcycling to reconnect people, materials and places. In: 10th International Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE2019). 2019, Beijing, China: International Society for Industrial Ecology.
- Heidrich O, Manning D, Ford A, Panzone L, Yakovleva N, Fernandez J, Ciceri D, Allanore A, Villarroel-Walker R. The potassium cycle to feed the city. In: 9th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE)- Science in Support of Sustainable and Resilient Communities. 2017, Chicago, IL, USA: ISIE.
- Heidrich O, Reckien D, Salvia M. The influences by international and national climate change policies on city strategies to provide infrastructure systems. In: Cities and Climate Conference 2017. 2017, Potsdam, Germany.
- Heidrich O, Pregnolato M, Dawson R. The costs of adaptation- a Life cycle costing framework to assess sea dikes. In: 7th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM7). 2017, Leeds, UK.
- Reckien D, Salvia M, Heidrich O, Church J. Second Assessment of Local Climate Plans in European Cities –State and progress of adaptation and mitigation planning across EU‐28 urban areas. In: Cities and Climate Conference 2017. 2017, Potsdam, Germany.
- Heidrich O, Thrower G, Pike A, Gibbon J. Infrastructure investments and multiple benefits to climate change efforts. In: Cities and Climate Conference 2017. 2017, Potsdam, Germany.
- Pregnolato M, Ford A, Heidrich O, Dawson R. Impact of pluvial flooding and adaptation in urban transport systems. In: 7th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM7). 2017, Leeds, UK.
- Heidrich O, Hill G, Dawson R, Blythe P. Electric Vehicles- the magic bullet to meet carbon reduction targets in UK cities. In: 9th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE)- Science in Support of Sustainable and Resilient Communities. 2017, Chicago, IL, USA.
- Heidrich O, Rybski D, Pregnolato M, Dawson R, Kropp J. A Life Cycle Costing framework to assess the costs of climate change adaptation options. In: Cities and Climate Conference 2017. 2017, Potsdam, Germany.
- Heidrich O, Alim S, Tiwary A. A bottom-up approach to enhance environmental sustainability reporting-evidence from the UK and USA construction sector. In: 9th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE)- Science in Support of Sustainable and Resilient Communities. 2017, Chicago, IL, USA.
- Jonczyk J, Quinn P, Heidrich O, Dawson R, Birkinshaw S, James P, Harris N, Pearson D. Demonstration of a green-blue approach for a strategic management of urban runoff. In: AGU Fall Meeting. 2016, San Francisco, USA: American Geophysical Union (AGU).
- Heidrich O, Ford A, Alderson D, Dawson R, Manning D. UK climate change strategies in cities and the LAYERS of cobalt supplies. In: International Society of Industrial Ecology-Taking Stock. 2015, Surrey, UK.
- Vemurya CM, Heidrich O, Thorpe N. Sustainable Design Education to Meet the Ever-Changing Worlds of Civil Engineering. In: The International Conference on Sustainable Technologies in Buildings and Environment. 2015, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Tangtinthai N, Manning D, Heidrich O. Extraction, Use and Disposal of Construction Materials in Great Britain and Thailand. In: International Concrete Sustainability Conference. 2015, Miami, FL, USA.
- Tangtinthai N, Manning D, Heidrich O. Concrete Use in the Housing Sectors of Great Britain and Thailand. In: International Society of Industrial Ecology-Taking Stock. 2015, Surrey, UK.
- Heidrich O, Villarroel-Walker R, Dawson R, Hall J, Beck MB. Assessing technology and innovation interventions in the metabolism of Greater London. In: International Society of Industrial Ecology-Taking Stock. 2015, Surrey, UK.
- Heidrich O, Wall F, Manning D, Glass H. Corporate Social Responsibility and the mining industry. In: Stewardship for Planet Earth- Sustainable Resources & Governance. 2014, UCL, London, UK.
- Heidrich O. Industrial Ecology- Understanding the synergies of climate change responses and business opportunities and the implications for urban designers. In: National Conference on Urban Design 2013- The Pursuit of Growth. 2013, Newcastle, UK: Urban Design Group (UDG).
- Bramald T, Heidrich O, Hall JA. Exploring first year undergraduates’ perceptions of conflicting parameters and complexity in civil engineering through three different learning experiences. In: Engineering Education for Sustainable Development (EESD13). 2013, Cambridge, UK.
- Vemury CM, Thorpe N, Heidrich O. An Integrated Approach to Teaching Multidisciplinary Design for Sustainability. In: Engineering Education for Sustainable Development (EESD13). 2013, Cambridge, UK.
- Heidrich O, Dawson R, Manning D. A framework for reporting sustainability in the mining industry. In: Minerals for Life: Overcoming Resource Constraints. 2013, Edinburgh: Mineralogical Society.
- Heidrich O, Dawson R. The natural resource needed to implement adaptation and mitigation strategies. In: Planet under Pressure: New Knowledge Towards Solutions. 2012, London.
- Walsh L, Dawson R, Heidrich O. Progress and assessment of climate change adaptation and mitigation plans. In: 1st International Conference for Urban Sustainability & Resilience. 2012, London, UK.
- Heidrich O, Dawson RJ, Walsh CL. Progress and assessment of climate change adaptation and mitigation plans. In: 1st International Conference on Urban Resilience and Sustainability. 2012, London, UK.
- Reckien D, Flacke J, Heidrich O, Dawson R. Plans and Realisation - How European Urban Regions Proceed in Adaptation and Mitigation Planning. In: Planet under Pressure: New Knowledge Towards Solutions. 2012, London.
- Heidrich O, Hicks C. Stewardship tools for production and operations management. In: 21st International Conference on Production Research: Innovation in Product and Production. 2011, Stuttgart, Germany: Fraunhofer IRB Verlag.
- Heidrich O, Harvey J. Factors and influences by the workforce for sustainable management systems. In: 21st International Conference on Production Research. 2011, Stuttgart, Germany: Fraunhofer IRB Verlag.
- Heidrich O. Environmental sustainability and life cycle assessment for small businesses. In: 21st International Conference on Production Research (ICPR), Innovation in Product and Production. 2011, Stuttgart, Germany: Fraunhofer IRB Verlag.
- Heidrich O, Ringer J, Donnelly A. Corporate Social Responsibility: Are you prepared for the challenge. In: 5th International Health, Safety, Environment and Loss Prevention. 2009, Kuwait: The American Society of Safety Engineers.
- Heidrich O, Serio O. OHSAS 18001:2007 for the Italian Healthcare Sectors. In: EXPOSANTIA’ 16a Mostra internazionale al servizio della sanita e della salute. 2008, Bologna, Italy: SENAF.
- Huang Y, Bird RN, Heidrich O, Phillips P, Allen R. Development Of A Life Cycle Assessment Tool For Sustainable Construction Of Asphalt Pavements. In: 4th EAPA & Eurobitume Congress. 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Heidrich O, Harvey J, Tollin N. A new approach to stakeholder assessment. In: International Association for Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (PSAM). 2008, Hong Kong: International Association for Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management.
- Heidrich O, Sallis PJ, Quinn PF, Gaskarth J. The designs, installations and applications of drainage material manufactured from recycled mixed polymers. In: ISWA/NVRD World Congress 2007: Challenging the Future. 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: ISWA/NVRD.
- Heidrich O, Bird RN, Huang Y. The Application Of Recycled Waste Materials In The Construction Of Asphalt Pavements. In: ISWA/NVRD World Congress 2007: Challenging the Future. 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: ISWA/NVRD.
- Heidrich O, Quinn PF. Mixed Plastic Waste Recycling and Sustainable Land Drainage Systems. In: 4th Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) Annual Conference: Emerging Environmental Issues and Future Challenges. 2006, St. James' Park, Newcastle upon Tyne: CIWEM: Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management.
- Heidrich O, Beeton DA. The Influence of Data Quality in Selecting a Sustainable Waste Management Strategy. In: Design and Manufacture for Sustainable Development. 2005.
- Hicks C, Heidrich O, McGovern T, Donnelly T. Waste management: a strategic supply chain issue. In: 12th International Working Seminar on Production Economics. 2002, Innsbruck, Austria.
- Heidrich O. On Board Weighing of Individual Waste Bins. In: Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management. 2001, Leeds: CIWEM.
- Heidrich O, Donnelly T. Industrial Management Barriers Against Recycling. In: Chartered Institution of Wastes Management. 2001, South Tyneside: CIWM.
- Heidrich O, Donnelly T. Experiences of On-Board Weighing of Individual Waste Bins. In: North-East Conference. 2001, Newcastle: CIWM.
- Donnelly T, Heidrich O, Anderson GK. The application of statistical techniques to determine waste management practices in industry. In: Proceedings of the Industrial Statistics in Action 2000 International Conference. 2000, University of Newcastle upon Tyne: University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
Edited Book
- Dawson RJ, Wyckmans A, Heidrich O, Köhler J, Dobson S, Feliu E, ed. Understanding Cities: Advances in integrated assessment of urban sustainability. Newcastle, UK: Centre for Earth Systems Engineering Research (CESER), 2014.
- Rajaeifar MA, Ghadimi P, Raugei M, Wu Y, Heidrich O. Challenges and recent developments in supply and value chains of electric vehicle batteries: A sustainability perspective. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 2022, 180, 106144.
- Weileder W, Guy S, Heidrich O. 'Stilt House', part of Hub to Hub, Singapore ArchiFest. 2011. Singapore: Dhoby Ghaut Green, 1.
- Reckien D, Flacke J, Dawson RJ, Heidrich O, Olazabal M, Foley A, Hamann JJP, Orru H, Salvia M, De Gregorio Hurtado S, Genelett D, Pietrapertosa F. Climate change response in Europe: What's the reality? Analysis of adaptation and mitigation plans from 200 urban areas in 11 countries. Climatic Change 2014, 122(1-2), 331-340.
- Heidrich O, Dissanayake D, Lambert S, Hector G. How cities can drive the electric vehicle revolution. Nature Electronics 2022, 5(1), 11-13.
- Bird RN, Clarke B, Donnelly T, Heidrich O, Huang Y. Life Cycle and Sustainability Indices for Road Paving Materials. 2004.
- Tarroja B, Schoenung JM, Ogunseitan O, Kendall A, Qiu Y, Malloy T, Peters J, Cha JM, Mulvaney D, Heidrich O, Baumann M. Overcoming barriers to improved decision-making for battery deployment in the clean energy transition. iScience 2024, 27(6), 109898.
- Torkayesh AE, Rajaeifar MA, Rostom M, Malmir B, Yazdani M, Suh S, Heidrich O. Integrating life cycle assessment and multi criteria decision making for sustainable waste management: Key issues and recommendations for future studies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2022, 168, 112819.
- Mrozik W, Rajaeifar MA, Heidrich O, Christensen P. Environmental impacts, pollution sources and pathways of spent lithium-ion batteries. Energy and Environmental Science 2021, 14(12), 6099-6121.
- Skeete J-P, Wells P, Dong X, Heidrich O, Harper G. Beyond the EVent horizon: Battery waste, recycling, and sustainability in the United Kingdom electric vehicle transition. Energy Research and Social Science 2020, 69, 101581.
- Harper G, Sommerville R, Kendrick E, Driscoll L, Slater P, Stolkin R, Walton A, Christensen P, Heidrich O, Lambert S, Abbott A, Ryder K, Gaines L, Anderson P. Recycling lithium-ion batteries from electric vehicles. Nature 2019, 575(7781), 75-86.
- Mendizabal M, Heidrich O, Feliu E, Garcia-Blanco G, Mendizabal A. Stimulating urban transition and transformation to achieve sustainable and resilient cities. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2018, 94, 410-418.
- Ling-Chin J, Heidrich O, Roskilly AP. Life cycle assessment (LCA) – from analysing methodology development to introducing an LCA framework for marine photovoltaic (PV) systems. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 2016, 59, 352-378.
- Heidrich O. Strategies for Sustainable Technologies and Innovations. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014, 15(1), 60-61.