Staff Profile
Dr Ramakrishnan Shanmugam
Research Associate
- Telephone: 07464241462
- Personal Website:
- Address: Electrochemical science and engineering
School of Engineering, Merz Court, Newcastle University, NE1 7RU, United Kingdom
Dr. Ramakrishnan Shanmugam is a Research Associate at Electrochemical Engineering Science at the School of Engineering at Newcastle University.
Ph.D. Materials Science: Synthesis and characterization and functionalization of Carbon based- nanomaterials and applications, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, India, September 2015.
M. Tech., Polymer Science and Engineering (2007-2009): College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India.
M. Sc., Chemistry (2005-2007); Chemistry, Periyar University Salem, India.
B. Sc., Chemistry (2002-2005); Chemistry, Periyar University Salem, India.
Research Area
My research focusses on the development of efficient and durable electrocatalyst and membrane (Anion/PEM) materials for energy conversion and storage devices, especially for water electrolyser, fuel cells and metal-air batteries.
Research Experience:
Postdoctoral Fellow (March 2018 – July 2022): Brain Korea 21 Four Program, Jeonbuk National University, Republic of Korea
National Postdoctoral Fellow (March 2016 – February 2018): Funded by SERB, Government of India, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India
Senior Research Fellow (June 2006 – May 2012): Funded by DRDO, Government of India, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, Coimbatore, India.
Completed Grants as PI:
1. Project Title: Development of Efficient and Durable Electrocatalysts for Metal-Air Cells: Tracking Reaction Intermediates and Catalyst Active Sites Using Operando Technology for 2 year.
Funding Agency: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2022R1A2C1012300)
2. Project Title: Bioinspired core-shell electrocatalyst for integrated energy system (metal-air battery and fuel cell) for 4 months.
Funding Agency: Brain Korea 21 Four with 2021 GEONJI Research Support Project Application
3. Project Title: Synthesis and characterisation of metal oxide nanoparticles decorated reduced graphene oxide with-polyaniline nanowire for heavy metal ions sensor for 2 years.
Funding Agency: Science Engineering & Research Board (SERB; PDF/2015/000071), Government of India.
Teaching Assistant(October 2012– April 2013): Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, Coimbatore, India.
Class: Undergraduate engineering chemistry and chemistry lab modules.-
- Ramakrishnan S, Delpisheh M, Convery C, Niblett D, Vinothkannan M, Mamlouk M. Offshore green hydrogen production from wind energy: Critical review and perspective. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2024, 195, 114320.
- Subramaniam MR, Ramakrishnan S, Sidra S, Karthikeyan SC, Vijayapradeep S, Huang J, Mamlouk M, Hwan Kim D, Jin Yoo D. Carbon core–shell Pt nanoparticle embedded porphyrin Co-MOF derived N-doped porous carbon for the alkaline AEM water electrolyzer application. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2024, 12(10), 5967-5979.
- Ramakrishnan S, Vijayapradeep S, Selvaraj SC, Huang J, Karthikeyan SC, Gutru R, Logeshwaran N, Miyazaki T, Mamlouk M, Yoo DJ. An efficient cathode electrocatalyst for anion exchange membrane water electrolyzer. Carbon 2024, 220, 118816.
- Niblett D, Delpisheh M, Ramakrishnan S, Mamlouk M. Review of next generation hydrogen production from offshore wind using water electrolysis. Journal of Power Sources 2024, 592, 233904.