Staff Profile
Dr Rosemary Norman
- Address: Marine, Offshore and Subsea Technology Group
School of Engineering
Stephenson Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Roles and Responsibilities
Reader in Marine Electrical Systems
BEng Leeds 1989
MSc Bradford 1990
PhD Bradford 1994
MSc Loughborough 2006
Previous Positions
Principal Engineer,
Switched Reluctance Drives Ltd, Harrogate, Nth Yorkshire
Member IET
Senior Member IEEE
Google Scholar:
PhD and MPhil Supervision:
Completed PhDs:
X. Yan 'Robust Control for Maximum Power Point Tracking of Tidal Current Turbines', PhD awarded Decembe 2024.
J. Chan 'Transition towards autonomous shipping: The behavioural and technical skills of the navigational officer of the watch', PhD awarded 2024.
M. Alremehi 'Application of Advanced Automation Systems in Dynamic Positioning (DP) Applied to Drilling Platform Operations', PhD awarded 2024.
B.H. Soares 'Experimental and Numerical Modelling of Vortex-Induced and WakeInduced Vibrations of Clusters of Subsea Cylindrica', PhD awarded 2023.
Y. Zhou 'An efficient hybrid propulsion system for an ice-capable ship', PhD awarded 2022.
T. Topic 'A ship emission estimation methodology with spatial mapping capability for assessing regulation effectiveness', PhD awarded 2022.
A.Dh.H.Sh.A. Almutairi 'The Potential for Carbon Capture and Utilization for the State of Kuwait', PhD awarded 2022.
O.L. Bebeteidoh 'A holistic study of the sustained impact of non-standard refined diesel fuel on the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria', PhD awarded 2022.
R. Wardle ‘Bond graph modelling of exergy in integrated energy systems’, PhD awarded 2022.
C. Fernandez ‘A decision-making tool for real-time prediction of dynamic positioning reliability index’ PhD awarded 2021.
Z. Xu ‘Control and Visual Navigation for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles’, PhD awarded 2021.
A. Giampieri ‘Low-grade Heat Recovery for Sustainable Automotive Manufacturing’, PhD awarded 2021.
C. Li ‘An investigation of marine biofilm effects on the roughness and drag characteristics of surfaces coated with different sized cuprous oxide particles’, PhD awarded 2019.
R. Rosli ‘Development of a Novel Marine Turbine: Hydro Spinna’, PhD awarded 2018.
W. Shi ‘Biomimetic Improvement of Hydrodynamic Performance of Horizontal Axis Tidal Turbines’, PhD awarded 2017.
I. Emovon ‘Multi-Criteria Decision Making Support Tools for Maintenance of Marine Machinery Systems’, PhD awarded 2016.
M.H. Abbas ’Modelling pipeline CO2 corrosion for CO2 partial pressures of up to 150bar’, PhD awarded 2016.
C.J. Lyons ‘Development of Quantitative Risk Assessment Methods for Dense Phase CO2 Pipelines’, PhD awarded 2015.
M.R. Zoolfakar ‘Holistic Modelling of LNG Carrier Systems’, PhD awarded 2012.
N. Tunwattana ‘Design and Development of an Optical Dead Reckoning System for Robotics Surface Navigation’, PhD awarded 2009.
R. Mikalsen ‘An Investigation into the Free-Piston Engine Concept and its Potential for High Efficiency and Low Emissions Power Generation’, PhD awarded 2008.
Current PhD students:
M.I. Zaman started December 2014.
M.T. Ameen started September 2017.
F. Xing started September 2019.
I. Polymenis started October 2019.
E. Land started September 2020.
Y.N. Aye started September 2021.
S. Zhao started September 2022.
I joined the School of Marine Science and Technology in 2004 as a Lecturer in Marine Electrical Systems following 10 years working in industry. My work in industry covered many aspects of motor drive systems, including power electronic converter design, integrated circuit design, system modelling and simulation, embedded software and control system design. The work on control systems, particularly sensorless control of switched reluctance machines led to patents granted in both Europe and the USA. Applications for the drive systems included hybrid-electric vehicles, industrial servo systems and domestic appliances.
Since joining Newcastle University my research has included:
Thermal treatment systems for ballast water, including simulation models and optimisation tools based on artificial neural networks;
- Non-contact measurement sensors based on optical computer mouse technology;
Marine robotic systems for ship hull maintenance which reduces the environmental impact of a ship through cleaning processes which avoid the spread of non-indigenous marine species and reduce hull resistance and therefore fuel consumption and emissions. (HISMAR project funded under the EU FP6 programme)
Marine renewable systems, particularly tidal current turbines and the associated electrical power converters.
Marine electrical systems including shore supplies and hybrid marine propulsion.
Fuel and emission monitoring for marine engines (two KTP project with Royston, funded by Innovate UK)
Undergraduate Teaching
MAR2018 Marine Engineering II
MAR3033 Marine Engineering Design
MAR3038 Dynamic Modelling and Simulation
Postgraduate Teaching
MAR8065 Marine Power Systems
MAR8071 Fundamentals of Marine Engineering
SPG8003 Renewable Energy: Electrical Generation Systems
SPG8014 Introduction to Hydro, Wind, Wave & Tidal Energy
- Hardan F, Norman R, Tricoli P. Virtual Inertia Methods for Supporting Frequency Stabilisation in Autonomous AC/DC Microgrids. Electronics 2025, 14(1), 91.
- Zhou Y, Pazouki K, Norman R. A grey-box deep learning modelling strategy for fuel oil consumption prediction: A case study of tuna purse seiner. Ocean Engineering 2025, 324, 120733.
- Zhou Y, Pazouki K, Norman R. The Modeling and Optimal Control of a Hybrid Propulsion System for an Ice-Capable Tanker. Journal of Ship Research 2023, 67(1), 13-31.
- Terziev M, Mosse J, Norman R, Pazouki K, Lord R, Tezdogan T, Thompson C, Konovessis D, Incecik A. Review of UK Inland Waterways Transportation From the Hydrodynamics Point of View. Urban Planning 2023, 8(3).
- Chan J, Golightly D, Norman R, Pazouki K. Perception of Autonomy and the Role of Experience within the Maritime Industry. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2023, 11(2), 258.
- Topic T, Murphy AJ, Pazouki K, Norman R. NOx Emissions Control Area (NECA) scenario for ports in the North Adriatic Sea. Journal of Environmental Management 2023, 344, 118712.
- Ameen MT, Ma Z, Smallbone A, Norman R, Roskilly AP. Experimental study and analysis of a novel layered packed-bed for thermal energy storage applications: A proof of concept. Energy Conversion and Management 2023, 277, 116648.
- Ameen MT, Ma Z, Smallbone A, Norman R, Roskilly AP. Demonstration system of pumped heat energy storage (PHES) and its round-trip efficiency. Applied Energy 2023, 333, 120580.
- Turkmen S, Wang L, Raftopoulos S, Li C, Norman R. Analysis of the Hydrodynamic Performance of a Gate Rudder System. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2023, 1288, 012059.
- Zhou Y, Pazouki K, Norman R, Gao H, Lin Z. An Experimental Investigation into the Feasibility of a DC Hybrid Power Plant for a Northern Sea Route Ship. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2023, 11(9), 1653.
- Polymenis I, Haroutunian M, Norman RA, Trodden DG. Virtual Underwater Datasets for Autonomous Inspections. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2022, 10(9), 1289.
- Hardan F, Norman R, Tricoli P. Control and operation of a ship AC/DC microgrid under transient propulsion and manoeuvring load conditions. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 2022, 139, 107823.
- Chan J, Norman R, Pazouki K, Golightly D. Autonomous Maritime Operations and the Influence of Situational Awareness Within Maritime Navigation. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs 2022, 21, 121-140.
- Xu Z, Haroutunian M, Murphy AJ, Neasham J, Norman RA. An Integrated Visual Odometry System With Stereo Camera for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles. IEEE Access 2022, 10, 71329-71343.
- Zhou Y, Pazouki K, Norman R. The modelling and three-level control of a hybrid propulsion system for a green ice-capable ship. Journal of Cleaner Production 2021, 296, 126577.
- Alremeihi M, Norman R, Pazouki K, Dev A, Bashir M. Performance of an Advanced Intelligent Control Strategy in a Dynamic Positioning (DP) System Applied to a Semisubmersible Drilling Platform. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2021, 9(4), 399.
- Xiong L, Gao H, Norman R, Pazouki K, Lin Z, Lim S. Optimal Design of Propulsion System Configuration for Electric Propelled Unmanned Surface Vehicle. Journal of Ship Research 2021, 65(01), 15-24.
- Topic T, Murphy AJ, Pazouki K, Norman R. Assessment of ship emissions in coastal waters using spatial projections of ship tracks, ship voyage and engine specification data. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 2021, 2, 100089.
- Xu Z, Haroutunian M, Murphy AJ, Neasham J, Norman R. An Underwater Visual Navigation Method Based on Multiple ArUco Markers. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE) 2021, 9(12), 1432.
- Xu Z, Haroutunian M, Murphy AJ, Neasham J, Norman RA. An Integrated Visual Odometry System for Underwater Vehicles. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 2021, 46(3), 848-863.
- Rosli R, Norman R, Atlar M. The Influence of the Pitch to Diameter Ratio (P/D) on a Novel Tidal Turbine Performance. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2020, 893, 012008.
- Bebeteidoh OL, Kometa S, Pazouki K, Norman R. Sustained impact of the activities of local crude oil refiners on their host communities in Nigeria. Heliyon 2020, 6(6), e04000.
- Hardan F, Norman R, Leithead W. Model-based control of a VSC-based power generator with synthetic inertia provision in an isolated micro-grid. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 2020, 14(22), 5037–5046.
- Rosli R, Shi W, Aktas B, Norman R, Atlar M. Cavitation observations, underwater radiated noise measurements and full-scale predictions of the Hydro-Spinna turbine. Ocean Engineering 2020, 210, 107536.
- Hardan F, Norman R. Balancing loads of rotating generators utilizing VSC direct power controllers in a ship AC/DC smartgrid. Electrical Power Systems Research 2020, 182, 106200.
- Bebeteidoh OL, Pazouki K, Norman R. An experimental investigation of the physio-chemical properties of locally refined diesel oil. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy 2020, 15, 100200.
- Xu Z, Haroutunian M, Murphy AJ, Neasham J, Norman R. A Comparison of Functional Control Strategies for Underwater Vehicles: Theories, Simulations and Experiments. Ocean Engineering 2020, 215, 107822.
- Rosli R, Shi W, Aktas B, Norman R, Atlar M. Underwater radiated noise characteristic of the hydro-spinna tidal turbine under induced cavitation. International Journal of Smart Grid and Clean Energy 2019, 8(4), 415-421.
- Emovon I, Norman RA. Risk analysis of engineering systems for sustainable industrial development using the Taguchi approach. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering 2019, 26(4), 611-624.
- Shi W, Atlar M, Norman R, Day S, Aktas B. Effect of Waves on the leading-edge undulated tidal turbines. Renewable Energy 2019, 131, 435-447.
- Coraddu A, Lim S, Oneto L, Pazouki K, Norman R, Murphy AJ. A novelty detection approach to diagnosing hull and propeller fouling. Ocean Engineering 2019, 176, 65-73.
- Abbas MH, Norman R, Charles A. Neural Network Modelling of High Pressure CO2 Corrosion in Pipeline Steels. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 2018, 119, 36-45.
- Pazouki K, Forbes N, Norman RA, Woodward MD. Investigation on the impact of human-automation interaction in maritime operations. Ocean Engineering 2018, 153, 297–304.
- Emovon I, Norman RA, Murphy AJ. Hybrid MCDM based methodology for selecting the optimum maintenance strategy for ship machinery systems. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 2018, 29(3), 519-531.
- Emovon I, Norman RA, Murphy AJ, Okwu MO. Application of WASPAS in enhancing reliability centred maintenance for ship system maintenance. Journal of Engineering and Technology 2018, 9(1).
- Li C, Atlar M, Haroutunian M, Norman R, Anderson C. An investigation into the effects of marine biofilm on the roughness and drag characteristics of surfaces coated with different sized cuprous oxide (Cu2O) particles. Biofouling 2018, 35(1), 15-33.
- Emovon I, Norman RA, Murphy AJ. The development of a model for determining scheduled replacement Intervals for marine machinery systems. Proceedings of IMechE, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment 2017, 231(3), 723-739.
- Zaman I, Pazouki K, Norman R, Younessi S, Coleman S. Development of automatic mode detection system by implementing the statistical analysis of ship data to monitor the performance. International Journal of Maritime Engineering 2017, 159(Part A3), A225-A235.
- Shi W, Atlar M, Norman R. Detailed flow measurement of the field around tidal turbines with and without biomimetic leading-edge tubercles. Renewable Energy 2017, 111, 688-707.
- Zaman I, Pazouki K, Norman R, Younessi S, Coleman S. Challenges and Opportunities of Big Data Analytics for Upcoming Regulations and Future Transformation of the Shipping Industry. Procedia Engineering 2017, 194, 537-544.
- Shi W, Atlar M, Norman R, Aktas B, Turkmen S. Numerical optimization and experimental validation for a tidal turbine blade with leading-edge tubercles. Renewable Energy 2016, 96(Part A), 42-55.
- Emovon I, Norman RA, Murphy AJ. Methodology of using an integrated averaging technique and MAUT method for failure mode and effects analysis. Journal of Engineering and Technology 2016, 7(1), 140-155.
- Shi W, Rosli R, Atlar M, Norman R, Wang D, Yang W. Hydrodynamic performance evaluation of a tidal turbine with leading-edge tubercles. Ocean Engineering 2016, 117, 246-253.
- Rosli R, Norman R, Atlar M. Experimental investigations of the Hydro-Spinna turbine performance. Renewable Energy 2016, 99, 1227-1234.
- Emovon I, Norman RA, Murphy AJ. Elements of maintenance systems and tools for implementation within the framework of reliability centred maintenance - a review. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 2016, 8(2), 1-34.
- Shi W, Atlar M, Rosli R, Aktas B, Norman R. Cavitation observations and noise measurements of horizontal axis tidal turbines with biomimetic blade leading-edge designs. Ocean Engineering 2016, 121, 143-155.
- Emovon I, Norman RA, Murphy AJ. An integration of multi-criteria decision making techniques with a delay time model for determination of inspection intervals for marine machinery system. Applied Ocean Research 2016, 59, 65-82.
- Emovon I, Norman RA, Murphy AJ, Pazouki K. An integrated multicriteria decision making methodology using compromise solution methods for prioritising risk of marine machinery systems. Ocean Engineering 2015, 105, 92-103.
- Sciberras EA, Norman RA. Multi-objective design of a hybrid propulsion system for marine vessels. IET Electrical Systems in Transportation 2012, 2(3), 148-157.
- Ammar Y, Joyce S, Norman R, Wang YD, Roskilly AP. Low grade thermal energy sources and uses from the process industry in the UK. Applied Energy 2012, 89(1), 3-20.
- Tunwattana N, Norman R, Roskilly AP. Design of an underwater positioning sensor for crawling ship hull maintenance robots. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment 2010, 224(2), 115-125.
- Tunwattana N, Roskilly AP, Norman RA. Investigations into the effects of illumination and acceleration on optical mouse sensors as contact-free 2D measurement devices. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 2009, 149(1), 87-92.
- Mesbahi E, Norman RA, Vourdachas A, Quilez-Badia G. Design of a high-temperature thermal ballast water treatment system. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment 2007, 221(1), 31-42.
- Mesbahi E, Norman R, Peng MWC. An intelligent simulation model for design and costing of high temperature ballast water treatment systems. Marine Technology 2007, 44(3), 194-202.
- Mesbahi E, Norman RA. Development of a cost optimisation tool for the design of onboard ballast water treatment systems. Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering 2006, 8(4), 319-336.
- L.Zhang, R.Norman, W.Shepherd. Long-Range Predicitive Control of Current Regulated PWM for Induction Motor Drives Using the Synchronous Reference Frame. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 1997, 5(1), 119-126.
Book Chapter
- Shi W, Atlar M, Norman R. Learning from Humpback Whales for Improving the Energy Capturing Performance of Tidal Turbine Blades. In: Ölçer AI; Kitada M; Dalaklis D; Ballini F, ed. Trends and Challenges in Maritime Energy Management. Springer International Publishing AG, 2018, pp.479-497.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Turkmen S, Wang L, Raftopoulos S, Li C, Norman R. Analysis of the Hydrodynamic Performance of a Gate Rudder System. In: The 12th International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics (IWSH 2023). 2023, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland: Institute of Physics.
- Polymenis I, Haroutunian M, Norman R, Trodden D. Artificial Underwater Dataset: Generating Custom Images using Deep Learning Models. In: 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering; OMAE2022. 2022, Hamburg, Germany: ASME.
- Xing F, Pazouki K, Murphy AJ, Norman R. A comparison of NOx mitigating technologies for ships using fleet-wide continuous emissions monitoring . In: 15th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures PRADS 2022 Dubrovnik, Croatia. 2022, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- Alremeihi M, Norman R, Pazouki K, Dev A, Bashir M. Advanced Intelligent Control Strategy in Dynamic Positioning (DP) System Applied to a Semi-Submersible Drilling Platform in the North SEA. In: 40th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2021). 2021, Virtual: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Fernandez C, Kumar SB, Woo WL, Norman R, Dev AK. Real-time prediction of reliability of Dynamic Positioning sub-systems for computationof Dynamic Positioning Reliability Index (DP-RI) using Long Short Term Memory (LSTM). In: 39th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. 2020, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA (online): ASME.
- Hardan F, Norman R. Provision of Synthetic Inertia via Energy Storage VSC for a Ship AC/DC Microgrid. In: 10th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD2020). 2020, Nottingham (Online): IET.
- Yan X, Norman R, Elgendy MA. Investigations into tidal current turbine system faults and fault tolerant control strategies. In: 39th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. 2020, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA (online): ASME.
- Yan X, Norman R, Elgendy M. Fault Tolerant Control Design for a Tidal Current Turbine Generation System. In: Thirtieth (2020) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference ISOPE. 2020, Shanghai, China (online): International Society of Ocean and Polar Engineers.
- Topić T, Murphy AJ, Pazouki K, Norman R. Assessment of Ship Emissions in Coastal Waters using Spatial Projections of Ship Moves (Ship Density) and Port Congestion Data. In: 2nd Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. 2020, Buenos Aires, Argentina: SDEWES.
- Zhou Y, Pazouki K, Norman R. The Modelling and Optimal Control of a Hybrid Propulsion System for an Ice-Capable Ship. In: 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2019. 2019, Glasgow, Scotland: ASME.
- Russo Abegão F, Venn-Wycherley M, Vasilchenko A, Dyson M, O'Malley C, Law R, Adamson H, Joyce S, Norman R, Goss J, Devlin M. Teaching Students How to Code Using Physical Computing Tools. In: ChemEngDay 2019. 2019, Edinburgh, UK.
- Zhou Y, Pazouki K, Norman R. Modelling and Control of a Hybrid Propulsion, Ice-Capable Cargo Ship. In: 2nd International Conference on Modelling and Opimisation of Ship Energy Systems (MOSES2019). 2019, Glasgow, Scotland.
- Li C, Atlar M, Haroutunian M, Norman RA, Anderson C. Experimental Assessments for the Effect of CU2O on the Roughness and Drag Characteristics of Marine Coatings. In: The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for The Maritime Industry (AMT'19). 2019, Rome, Italy.
- Fernandez C, Dev AK, Norman R, Woo WL. Dynamic Positioning System: Systematic Weight Assignment for DP Sub‑systems using Multi‑criteria Evaluation Technique Analytic Hierarchy Process and Validation using DP‑RI Tool with Deep Learning. In: 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2019). 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, UK: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
- Fernandez C, Kumar SB, Norman R, Woo WL, Dev AK. Dynamic positioning reliability index (DP-RI) and offline forecasting of DP-RI during complex marine operations. In: ASME 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2018). 2018, Madrid, Spain: ASME.
- Kanellopoulos D, Norman RA, Dev AK. Investigation into the application of a hybrid propulsion system in an offshore support vessel. In: 5th International Maritime-Port Technology and Development Conference, MTEC 2017. 2017, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.
- Zaman I, Pazouki K, Norman RA, Younessi S, Coleman S. Utilising real-time ship data to save fuel consumption and reduce carbon emission. In: Shipping in Changing Climates Conference. 2016, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
- Tsougranis EL, Pazouki K, Norman RA, Almutairi A. Pressurised SOFC-GT Electric Propulsion Power Plant for LNG Vessels. In: Energy Efficient Ships. 2016, London, UK: Royal Institution of Naval Architects.
- Shi W, Atlar M, Seo KC, Norman RA, Rosli R. Numerical Simulation of a Tidal Turbine Based Hydrofoil with Leading-edge Tubercles. In: 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 2016. 2016, Busan, South Korea: ASME.
- Zaman IM, Pazouki K, Coleman S, Norman RA, Younessi S. Performance Monitoring and Automatic Operating Mode Detection Based on the Statistical Analysis of Ship Data. In: International Conference on Energy Efficient Ships. 2015, Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Royal Institution of Naval Architects.
- Shi W, Rosli R, Atlar M, Norman R, Wang D, Yang W. Hydrodynamic Performance of a Biomimetically Improved Tidal turbine Blade. In: The 4th International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for the Maritime Industry (AMT’15). 2015, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Rosli R, Shi W, Atlar M, Norman R. Cavitation Tunnel Investigation on the Performance, Cavitation, Pressure Pulses and Noise Generation of Marine Current Turbine Hydro-Spinna. In: The 4th International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for the Maritime Industry (AMT’15). 2015, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Shi W, Atlar M, Norman R, Aktas B, Turkmen S. Biomimetic improvement for a tidal turbine blade. In: 11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC 2015). 2015, Nantes, France.
- Emovon I, Norman RA, Murphy AJ, Kareem B. Delphi-AHP based methodology for selecting the optimum maintenance strategy for ship machinery systems. In: 15th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management (APIEMS 2014). 2014, Jeju, Korea: Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Society.
- Rosli R, Norman R, Atlar M. Computational Investigation using a Simple RANS Model on the Performance of a Novel Marine Turbine: Hydro Spinna. In: Grand Renewable Energy 2014. 2014, Tokyo, Japan.
- Shi W, Atlar M, Norman R, Seo K-C. CFD Investigations on Leading-Edge Tubercles as Applied on a Tidal Turbine Blade. In: Grand Renewable Energy 2014. 2014, Tokyo, Japan.
- Emovon I, Norman RA, Murphy AJ. A New Tool for Prioritising the Risk of Failure Modes for Marine Machinery Systems. In: ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE 2014. 2014, San Francisco, California, USA: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
- Zoolfakar MR, Norman R, Mesbahi E. A Study of the Effect of Ship Size on Components Selection for an LNG Carrier. In: International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Materials (ICMEM 2012). 2012, Melbourne, Australia.
- Zoolfakar MR, Norman R, Mesbahi E. A Study of the Effect of Ship Size on Components Selection for an LNG Carrier. In: Mechanical Engineering and Materials. 2012, Melbourne, Australia: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
- Knos MAR, Dubois-Marshall J, Norman RA, Downie MJ, Politis N. Torque Measurement and Friction Elimination in Tidal Turbine Model Tests. In: 1st International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for the EU Maritime Industry. 2009, Nantes, France: European Union.
- R.A.Norman, L.Zhang. High Performance Adaptive Current Control for Induction Motor Drives. In: 29th Universities Power Engineering Conference. 1994, University College Galway.
- R.A.Norman, L.Zhang. The Application of Generalized Predictive Control to CRPWM Inverters for Induction Motor Drives. In: 28th Universities Power Engineering Conference. 1993, Staffordshire University.
- H.J.Slater, R.A.Norman. Method and System for Determining Rotor Position in a Switched Reluctance Machine. US Patent 6608462B2 2003. .
- Norman RA. Operation of an Electrical Machine. EP1530283B1, 19 March 2008.
- Slater HJ, Norman RA. A Method and System for Determining Rotot Position in a Switched Reluctance Machine. EP 1 221 764 B1, 2008.
- Norman RA, McClelland ML. Rotor Position Detection of an Electrical Machine. US, US7288915B2, 30 October 2007.
- Norman RA. Operation of an Electrical Machine. USA, 7057362, 06-06-2006.
- Jack AG. Stator of an electrical machine. International, WO2004086589, 2004, 27-05-2003.
- Norman RA, Sugden DM. Matrix Interpolation. Paris, France: European Patent Office, EP0817365B1, 16-05-2001.
- Jack AG, Mecrow BC, Dickinson P. A stator for an electrical machine. Great Britain, USA, World, GB2379337/WO0195459/US2004074079, 6 June 2001.
- R.A.Norman, D.M.Sugden. Matrix Interpolation. April 1999.