Staff Profile
Dr Shahana Avathkattil
Lecturer in Transport
- Personal Website:
- Address: Lecturer in Transport
Room 4.009, Stephenson Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU
Dr. Shahana Avathkattil is a Lecturer in Transport within the Future Mobility Group at Newcastle University, UK, specializing in real-time traffic safety through computer vision, big data analytics, and mathematical modelling. With a Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, her research advances proactive micro-level traffic safety for assessing signalized intersections in disordered traffic. Her research interests are traffic safety, pedestrian behaviour modelling, driver behaviour modelling, simulation, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), and future mobility. Dr Avathkattil’s ambition is to advance further knowledge and skills in transport engineering and data analysis to discover innovative solutions to make our transportation systems safer and more sustainable.
Research Interest:
Traffic Safety and Accident Analysis
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Naturalistic Driving Study and Human Factors
Traffic Flow Modeling and Simulation
Modules Taught:
Academic Year 2024/2025
- CEG8410 Road Safety [Module Leader]
- CEG8496 MSc Project and Dissertation in Transport Engineering [Module Leader]
- CEG8423 Transport Research Methods [Lecturer]
- Avathkattil Shahana, Perumal Vedagiri. Developing rear-end and side-swipe conflict prediction models for urban signalized intersections under disordered traffic conditions. IATSS Research 2024, 48(1), 1-13.
- Avathkattil S, Vedagiri P. Spatiotemporal Variation of Traffic Conflict at Signalized Intersections under Non-Lane-Based Traffic Condition. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2023, 2677(1), 326-340.
- Avathkattil S, Vedagiri P. Rear-End Conflict Variation at Signalized Intersections Under Non-lane-Based Traffic Condition. Transportation in Developing Economies 2022, 8, 32.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Avathkattil S, Perumal V. Safety Modelling for Signalized Intersection at Approach-level Using Mixed Traffic Trajectory Data. In: 102nd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board. 2023, Washington DC, United States: Transportation Research Board.
- Fukui C, Avathkattil S, SMP S, Perumal V. Impact of Implementing Exclusive Motorized Two Wheeler Lanes at a Signalized Intersection in an Urban Area Using Microscopic Simulation. In: 2023 IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE). 2023, Nara, Japan: IEEE.
- Avathkattil S, Vedagiri P. Proactive Traffic Safety Evaluation of Signalized Intersections In Heterogeneous Disordered Traffic Conditions. In: 14th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (Safety 2022). 2022, Adelaide, Australia: BMJ Publishing Group.
- Raj Pooja, Avathkattil Shahana, Asaithambi Gowri, Shankar AURavi. An Approach for Estimation of Passenger Car Unit Values of Vehicles Based on Influence of Neighboring Vehicles. 2018.