Staff Profile
Vasileios Angelidakis
Visiting Researcher
- Email:
- Address: School of Engineering, Newcastle University
Room 3.04, Drummond Building
Devonshire Terrace, Newcastle upon Tyne
NE1 7RU, United Kingdom
Vasileios is a Visiting Researcher in the School of Engineering, with a background in civil engineering. His research is focused on micromechanics, micro-to-macro behaviour of granular systems, coupling of numerical modelling with digital imaging and code development in discrete element codes for both spherical and non-spherical particles. He completed his PhD in 2021, where he specialised in image-informed modelling of particulate systems, employing realistic particle shapes. Vasileios is an avid advocate of open-source code development, authoring two open-source codes for the shape characterisation of three-dimensional particles and for the generation of multi-sphere particles, while he is involved in the YADE project, where he maintains two codes for non-spherical particles. He recently worked on the development of novel imaging instruments for particle engineering applications, within the EPSRC IAA OCULAR project.
Academic Qualifications
Vasileios holds a Diploma in Civil Engineering (5-year degree equivalent to MEng), conferred by the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece (2014). During the last four semesters of his studies he specialised in Structural Engineering and undertook a thesis on the "Effect of Near-Fault Directivity on the Inelastic Response of RC Frames", which he completed in the Laboratory for Earthquake Engineering of NTUA.
Subsequently, he earned a Master of Science Degree (MSc) in the Analysis and Design of Structures from NTUA (2016), specialising in the Structural and Geotechnical aspects concerning the analysis and retrofitting of existing structures and the design of new, focusing especially on seismic conditions. For his thesis, he carried out an "Investigation of the Near-Fault Directivity Pulses’ Effect on the Inelastic Behavior of a Curved RC Bridge", which he completed in the Laboratory for Earthquake Engineering of NTUA.
Vasileios completed his doctoral studies at the School of Engineering of Newcastle University (2021), and produced a thesis entitled "Image-informed numerical modelling of particulate systems with irregular grains".
Vasileios is a Chartered Civil Engineer in Greece and a member of the following learned societies:
Graduate Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers (GMICE)
Student Member of the British Geotechnical Association (BGA)
Member of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE)
Member of the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM)
Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE-TCG)
Research interests
My research interests span a range of topics involving the micro-to-macro study of particulate materials, including:
- Discrete Element Modelling of granular materials using multi-sphere, polyhedral and potential particles
- Effects of particle-shape on the mechanical response of granular systems
- Image-informed numerical modelling for materials with irregular grains
- Creating seamless algorithmic workflows between digital imaging and numerical modelling
- Understanding the meso and macro response of soils using observations from the micro-scale
- Advanced constitutive relationships of contact laws for rough surfaces, irregular contact regions, friction
- Development of novel formulations to characterise particle shape
- Efficient processing of imaging data of various types
Participation in research projects
I have been involved in the following projects:
- Research Assistant in Particle Imaging in the Impact Accelerator Account project: EPSRC IAA OCULAR: autOmated aCqUisition and cLassificAtion of paRticles. PI: Dr Sadegh Nadimi.
- Participation in a joint JSPS - Royal Society International Exchanges 2018 Cost Share grant - IEC\R3\183026 (JPJSBP120195701) in collaboration with the University of Tokyo - Entitled: The role of particle shape and surface friction on interlocking phenomenon for granular materials. In collaboration with Drs Sadegh Nadimi and Masahide Otsubo.
- Participation in GEO-RAMP: GEOhazards: Risk Assessment, Mitigation and Prevention (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014, project ID: 645665), a Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie, Research and Innovation Staff Exchange Evaluations (RISE) grant. PI: Prof. Stefano Utili.
Research profiles
ResearchGate: Vasileios-Angelidakis
Google Scholar: Author profile
Scopus ID: 57195837785
ORCID: 0000-0002-0788-115X
Github: vsangelidakis
Gitlab: vsangelidakis
Twitter: VAngelidakis
- Ostanin I, Angelidakis V, Plath T, Pourandi S, Thornton A, Weinhart T. Rigid clumps in the MercuryDPM particle dynamics code. Computer Physics Communications 2024, 296, 109034.
- Duverger S, Angelidakis V, Nadimi S, Utili S, Bonelli S, Philippe P, Duriez J. Investigation techniques and physical aspects of the angle of repose of granular matter. Granular Matter 2024. In Press.
- Dosta M, Andre D, Angelidakis V, Caulk RA, Celigueta MA, Chareyre B, Dietiker JF, Girardot J, Govender N, Hubert C, Kobylka R, Moura AF, Skorych V, Weatherley DK, Weinhart T. Comparing open-source DEM frameworks for simulations of common bulk processes. Computer Physics Communications 2024, 296, 109066.
- Saomoto H, Kikkawa N, Moriguchi S, Nakata Y, Otsubo M, Angelidakis V, Cheng YP, Chew K, Chiaro G, Duriez J, Duverger S, Irazabal Gonzalez J, Jiang M, Karasaki Y, Kono A, Li X, Lin Z, Liu A, Nadimi S, Nakase H, Nishiura D, Rashique U, Shimizu H, Tsuji K, Watanabe T, Xu X, Zeghal M. Round robin test on angle of repose: DEM simulation results collected from 16 groups around the world. Soils and Foundation 2023, 63(1), 101272.
- Angelidakis V, Nadimi S, Garum M, Hassanpour A. Nano-Scale Characterisation of Particulate Iron Pyrite Morphology in Shale. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 2022, 39(12), 2200120.
- Kemp N, Angelidakis V, Luli S, Nadimi S. How Do Roots Interact with Layered Soils?. Journal of Imaging 2022, 8(1), 5.
- Nadimi S, Angelidakis V, Otsubo M, Ghanbarzadeh A. How can the effect of particle surface roughness on the contact area be predicted?. Computers and Geotechnics 2022, 150, 104890.
- Angelidakis V, Nadimi S, Utili S. Elongation, flatness and compactness indices to characterise particle form. Powder Technology 2022, 396(Part B), 689-695.
- Orosz Á, Angelidakis V, Bagi K. Surface orientation tensor to predict preferred contact orientation and characterise the form of individual particles. Powder Technology 2021, 394, 312-325.
- Angelidakis V, Nadimi S, Utili S. SHape Analyser for Particle Engineering (SHAPE): Seamless characterisation and simplification of particle morphology from imaging data. Computer Physics Communications 2021, 265, 107983.
- Lascurain T, Angelidakis V, Luli S, Nadimi S. Imaging the root–rhizosphere interface using micro computed tomography: quantifying void ratio and root volume ratio profiles. EPJ Web of Conferences 2021, 249, 11005.
- Li Y, Otsubo M, Kuwano R, Nadimi S, Angelidakis V. DEM modelling of granular materials with real shape morphology. Seisan Kenkyu 2021, 73(5), 355-358.
- Angelidakis V, Nadimi S, Otsubo M, Utili S. CLUMP: A Code Library to generate Universal Multi-sphere Particles. SoftwareX 2021, 15, 100735.
- Kardoutsou V, Angelidakis V, Psycharis I, Taflampas I. Investigation of the Effect of Directivity Pulses on the Seismic Response of a Curved RC Bridge. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2019, 14(14), 3123-3132.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Nadimi S, Kemp N, Angelidakis V, Luli S. Observations of root growth in stratified soils at the microscopic scale: Insights from micro-computed tomography. In: European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2022. 2022, Vienna, Austria: EGU.
- Angelidakis V, Nadimi S, Otsubo M, Utili S. Open-source codes for particle-shape characterisation, simplification and generation in numerical models: From imaging data to polyhedra and multi-sphere particles. In: PARTICLES 2021. 2021, Hamburg, Germany.
- Angelidakis V, Nadimi S, Utili S. Grain-shape characterisation of railway ballast for various levels of simulation fidelity. In: ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute International Conference 2021. 2021, Durham: ASCE.
- Angelidakis V, Otsubo M, Nadimi S. Discrete Element Modelling of Triaxial Compression using Multi-spherical Particles: Influence of Clump-Generation Method. In: ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute International Conference 2021. 2021, Durham: ASCE.
- Dosta M, Andre D, Angelidakis V, Caulk R, Celigueta M, Chareyre B, Dietiker J, Girardot J, Govender N, Hubert C, Kobylka R, Moura A, Skorych V, Weatherley D, Weinhart T. Comparing open-source DEM frameworks for simulations of common bulk processes. In: VII International Conference on Particle-Based Methods (PARTICLES 2021). 2021, Hamburg, Germany.
- Orosz Á, Angelidakis V, Bagi K. Characterisation of grain form and orientation of railway ballast assemblies with two fabric tensor-based methods. In: VII International Conference on Particle-Based Methods (PARTICLES 2021). 2021, Hamburg, Germany.
- Angelidakis V, Utili S, Sarhosis V. Load distribution within railway ballast: A DEM study considering realistic particle shapes. In: DEM8: 8th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods. 2019, Enschede, The Netherlands.
- Angelidakis V, Utili S, Sarhosis V. Load distribution within railway ballast: A DEM study considering realistic particle shapes. In: COMPDYN 2019: 7th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2019, Crete, Greece: European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences.
- Angelidakis V, Utili S, Sarhosis V. Polyhedral Discrete Element Method modelling of natural sand under uniaxial compression. In: 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6) and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7). 2018, Glasgow, UK.
- Angelidakis V, Kardoutsou V, Psycharis IN, Taflampas I. Investigation of the effect of directivity pulses on the seismic response of a curved RC bridge. In: Procedia Engineering 199: X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2017. 2017, Rome, Italy: Elsevier.
- Nadimi S, Angelidakis V. Three-dimensional Object Shape Acquisition Characterisation and Classification. UK Patent Office, 2204100.8, 2022. Submitted.