Staff Profile
Dr Vassilis Glenis
Senior Lecturer
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 6413
- Address: School of Engineering
Room 3.03
Cassie Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
- Iliadis C, Glenis V, Kilsby C. Representing buildings and urban features in hydrodynamic flood models. Journal of Flood Risk Management 2024, 17(1), e12950.
- Ur Rehman A, Glenis V, Lewis E, Kilsby C. Multi-objective optimisation framework for Blue-Green Infrastructure placement using detailed flood model. Journal of Hydrology 2024, 638, 131571.
- Mckenna J, Glenis V, Kilsby C. A local multi-layer approach to modelling interactions between shallow water flows and obstructions. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2024, 427, 117003.
- Iliadis C, Glenis V, Kilsby C. A cost-benefit 'source-receptor' framework for implementation of Blue-Green flood risk management. Journal of Hydrology 2024, 634, 131113.
- Iliadis C, Galiatsatou P, Glenis V, Prinos P, Kilsby C. Urban Flood Modelling under Extreme Rainfall Conditions for Building-Level Flood Exposure Analysis. Hydrology 2023, 10(8), 172.
- Iliadis C, Glenis V, Kilsby C. Cloud Modelling of Property-Level Flood Exposure in Megacities. Water 2023, 15(19), 3395.
- Mckenna J, Glenis V, Kilsby C. A new riemann solver for modelling bridges in flood flows - Development and experimental validation. Applied Mathematics and Computation 2023, 447, 127870.
- Bertsch R, Glenis V, Kilsby C. Building level flood exposure analysis using a hydrodynamic model. Environmental Modelling and Software 2022, 156, 105490.
- Leakey S, Glenis V, Hewett CJMH. Artificial Compressibility with Riemann Solvers: Convergence of Limiters on Unstructured Meshes. OpenFOAM Journal 2022, 2, 31-47.
- Leakey S, Glenis V, Hewett CJM. A novel Godunov-type scheme for free-surface flows with artificial compressibility. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2022, 393, 114763.
- Birkinshaw SJ, O'Donnell G, Glenis V, Kilsby C. Improved hydrological modelling of urban catchments using runoff coefficients. Journal of Hydrology 2021, 594, 125884.
- Leakey S, Hewett CJM, Glenis V, Quinn PF. Modelling the Impact of Leaky Barriers with a 1D Godunov-Type Scheme for the Shallow Water Equations. Water 2020, 12(2), 371.
- O'Donnell E, Thorne C, Ahilan S, Arthur S, Birkinshaw S, Butler D, Dawson D, Everett G, Fenner R, Glenis V, Kapetas L, Kilsby C, Krivtsov V, Lamond J, Maskrey S, O'Donnell G, Potter K, Vercruysse K, Vilcan T, Wright N. The Blue-Green Path to Urban Flood Resilience. Blue-Green Systems 2019, 1(1), 172-189.
- Vercruysse K, Dawson DA, Glenis V, Bertsch R, Wright N, Kilsby C. Developing spatial prioritization criteria for integrated urban flood management based on a source-to-impact flood analysis. Journal of Hydrology 2019, 578, 124038.
- Jenkins KL, Hall JW, Glenis V, Kilsby C. A Probabilistic Analysis of Surface Water Flood Risk in London. Risk Analysis 2018, 38(6), 1169-1182.
- Glenis V, Kutija V, Kilsby CG. A fully hydrodynamic urban flood modelling system representing buildings, green space and interventions. Environmental Modelling & Software 2018, 109, 272-292.
- Bertsch R, Glenis V, Kilsby C. Urban Flood Simulation Using Synthetic Storm Drain Networks. Water 2017, 9(12), 925.
- Guerreiro SB, Glenis V, Dawson RJ, Kilsby C. Pluvial flooding in European cities - A continental approach to urban flood modelling. Water 2017, 9(4), 296.
- Pregnolato M, Ford A, Glenis V, Wilkinson S, Dawson R. Impact of climate change on disruption to urban transport networks from pluvial flooding. Journal of Infrastructure Systems 2017, 23(4), 04017015.
- Pregnolato M, Ford A, Robson C, Glenis V, Barr S, Dawson RJ. Assessing urban strategies for reducing the impacts of extreme weather on infrastructure networks. Royal Society Open Science 2016, 3(5), 160023.
- Walsh CL, Blenkinsop S, Fowler HJ, Burton A, Dawson RJ, Glenis V, Manning LJ, Jahanshahi G, Kilsby CG. Adaptation of water resource systems to an uncertain future. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 2016, 20, 1869-1884.
- Glenis V, Pinamonti V, Hall J, Kilsby C. A transient stochastic weather generator incorporating climate model uncertainty. Advances in Water Resources 2015, 85, 14-26.
- Jenkins K, Hall J, Glenis V, Kilsby C, McCarthy M, Goodess C, Smith D, Malleson N, Birkin M. Probabilistic spatial risk assessment of heat impacts and adaptations for London. Climatic Change 2014, 124(1-2), 105-117.
- Jenkins K, Gilbey M, Hall J, Glenis V, Kilsby C. Implications of climate change for thermal discomfort on underground railways. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 2014, 30, 1-9.
- Lawson E, Thorne C, Ahilan S, Allen D, Arthur S, Everett G, Fenner R, Glenis V, Guan D, Hoang L, Kilsby C, Lamond J, Mant J, Maskrey S, Mount N, Sleigh A, Smith L, Wright N. Delivering and evaluating the multiple flood risk benefits in Blue-Green cities: An interdisciplinary approach. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 2014, 184, 113-124.
- Burton A, Glenis V, Jones MR, Kilsby CG. Models of daily rainfall cross-correlation for the United Kingdom. Environmental Modelling & Software 2013, 49, 22-33.
- Glenis V, McGough AS, Kutija V, Kilsby C, Woodman S. Flood modelling for cities using Cloud computing. Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications 2013, 2(1), 7.
- Walsh CL, Glendinning S, Dawson RJ, England K, Martin M, Watkins CL, Wilson R, Glenis V, McLoughlin A, Parker D. Collaborative platform to facilitate engineering decision-making. Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering Sustainability 2013, 166(2), 98-107.
- Coulthard TJ, Ramirez J, Fowler HJ, Glenis V. Using the UKCP09 probabilistic scenarios to model the amplified impact of climate change on drainage basin sediment yield. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 2012, 16(11), 4401-4416.
- Jenkins K, Glenis V, Ford A, Hall J. A Probabilistic Risk-Based Approach to Addressing Impacts of Climate Change on Cities: The Tyndall Centre’s Urban Integrated Assessment Framework. UGEC Viewpoints 2012, 8, 8-11.
Authored Books
- Jones PD, Kilsby CG, Harpham C, Glenis V, Burton A. UK Climate Projections science report: Projections of future daily climate for the UK from the Weather Generator. London, UK: UK Climate Impacts Programme, 2010.
- Jones PD, Kilsby CG, Harpham C, Glenis V, Burton A. UK Climate Projections science report: Projections of future daily climate for the UK from the Weather Generator. London, UK: UK Climate Impacts Programme, 2009.
Book Chapter
- Leakey S, Hewett CJM, Glenis V, Quinn PF. Investigating the Behaviour of Leaky Barriers with Flume Experiments and 3D Modelling. In: Philippe Gourbesville and Guy Caignaert, ed. Advances in Hydroinformatics: Models for Complex and Global Water Issues - Practices and Expectations. Singapore: Springer, 2022, pp.965-978.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Galatioto F, Roberts R, Glenis V. Assessment of major weather event impacts using traffic microsimulation techniques. In: 47th Annual UTSG Conference. 2015, London, UK.
- Wilkinson SJ, Rose C, Glenis V, Lamond J. Modelling a Green Roof Retrofit in the Melbourne Central Business District. In: International Conference on Flood Recovery, Innovation and Response (FRIAR) IV. 2014, Poznan, Poland: WIT Press.
- Kutija Vedrana, Bertsch Robert, Glenis Vassilis, Alderson David, Walsh Claire, Robinson John, Kilsby C. Model Validation Using Crowd-Sourced Data From A Large Pluvial Flood. In: 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics. 2014, New York. Submitted.
- Ahilan S, Wright N, Sleigh A, Too S, Glenis V, Kilsby C, Kutija V. Flood Risk Management in Small Urban River Using a Sustainable Urban Drainage System: Wortley Beck, Leeds, UK. In: 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics. 2014, New York, USA: Duraspace.
- Galatioto F, Glenis V, Roberts R, Kilsby C. Exploring and Modelling the Impacts of Rainfall and Flooding on Transport Network. The case study of Newcastle upon Tyne. In: 2nd International Conference on Urban Sustainability and Resilience. 2014, University College London, UK.
- Glenis V, Kutija V, Kilsby C, McGough AS, Woodman S. Urban flood modelling using cloud computing. In: International Conference on Flood Resilience Experiences in Asia and Europe (ICFR 2013). 2013, Exeter, UK.
- Burton A, Glenis V, Bovolo CI, Blenkinsop S, Fowler HJ, Chen AS, Djordjevic S, Kilsby CG. Stochastic rainfall modelling for the assessment of urban flood hazard in a changing climate. In: BHS Third International Symposium:Role of Hydrology in Managing Consequences of a Changing Global Environment. 2010, Newcastle upon Tyne.
- Hall JW, Dawson RJ, Walsh CL, Barker T, Barr SL, Batty M, Bristow AL, Burton A, Carney S, Dagoumas A, Evans S, Ford AC, Glenis V, Goodess CG, Harpham C, Harwatt H, Kilsby CG, Kohler J, Jones P, Manning L, McCarthy M, Sanderson M, Tight MR, Timms PM, Zanni A. Engineering Cities: How can cities grow whilst reducing emissions and vulnerability?. The Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, 2009.